Read Running Away From Love Online

Authors: Jessica Tamara

Running Away From Love (5 page)

BOOK: Running Away From Love
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“Are you okay? You almost had a really big fall, sweetheart.”

I attempted to hide my embarrassment with a forced smile “Wow, I am so sorry about that. I should have been paying more attention to where I was going.”

I bent down to pick up my phone, and I silently thanked God it had survived. As I stood up, I noticed him eyeing my frame kind of hard. He was being really bold about it, too because he didn’t hide the fact he was looking either. This didn’t faze me one bit, because I loved a confident man.

I broke his stare and smiled as I said “Well, like I said, I’m sorry about that, but thank you for saving me from a potentially super embarrassing fall. But I really have to go before I die of embarrassment.”

              As I began to walk away he gently grabbed my hand to make me stop, and he got me to face him again. “Damn,” he said, “so I save you, and you’re just gonna run away from me? At least give me a name to match such a beautiful face.” I smiled slightly as I said, “I guess that was pretty rude of me. My name is Jasmine.”

He flashed me a bright smile. “It’s very nice to meet you, Jasmine. My name is Quincy, but everyone calls me Q.” I said “Well it was really nice to meet you, Quincy, but I really do need to get going.”

“Why do you seem like you’re in such a big rush? I was hoping to at least get your number so maybe I can take you out for dinner or something. I mean from what I’ve seen so far I’m really interested in getting to know you a whole lot better.”

I thought about it for a minute. Was I ever really going to be ready to give another man a chance? Or at least give myself the chance of meeting a nice guy I could just kick it with? I mean no one said I had to get serious with him.

Finally I gave in, “Okay, I guess we can exchange numbers.” He handed me his iPhone, and I put all my info into it for him. As I gave him back his phone, I said “Well again it was nice meeting you, but I really do need to get going. Thank you for the save too!”

“Wait!” he called out. “Don’t you want my number?” I smiled as I said “Well if you’re as interested in me as you say you are then you will call. I will get your number eventually right?”

My mother taught me to never be the chaser, but always keep them chasing. Plus I could tell he was used to women always chasing him. But I definitely wanted him to know I am far from being pressed for his time and attention. As I walked away I made sure to put an extra switch in my hips, because I knew he would be watching. When I glanced back, I saw that he definitely was still watching me. I waved goodbye as I exited the airport. As I walked to find a cab I smiled to myself trying to figure out where my new found confidence was coming from. Normally I am never flirtatious with a man, but he was just too damn sexy for me to resist.

              I had a cute little apartment in Queens with a gorgeous view. As I looked around my apartment it didn’t really feel like me just yet. I still had a whole lot of organizing and decorating to do. And I suddenly started to feel homesick. As I unpacked some of my pictures I came across a picture of me and Trey. In the picture he was holding onto me from behind, and resting his head on my shoulder. It was on my 17th birthday when we took that picture. We were so happy and in love, and when I looked into his eyes I could see all the love he had for me in them. I thought I threw away every memory of Trey, but I guess this picture somehow escaped my rage. I put the picture back into the box, and turned it over. I picked up my phone and scanned my phone book looking for Trey’s number. I thought about calling him to see what he had been up too. I will admit that being in the same city with him has certainly begun to peak my curiosity. I wanted to tell him about my job. He knew it was a dream of mine to work at a magazine. I’ve missed him not only as my lover, but also as one of my best friends. But shit I have pride and it’s painfully obvious he really isn’t thinking about me. So I put my phone down and decided against calling him. I turned on my stereo which played my Jagged Edge playlist on my iPad. I really needed to relax so I lit some lavender and vanilla scented candles throughout my apartment, and decided to take a nice hot bubble bath. Music and a bath always seemed to ease, and calm my nerves. I pinned my hair up off my shoulders peeled off my clothes, and sunk into my hot bubble bath attempting to relax myself.

              Just as I was beginning to relax my phone rang. As I looked at the caller id I didn’t recognize the number at all. I answered with a reluctant hello. The male voice on the other end I didn’t recognize at all either. So I was pretty sure they must have had the wrong number.

“Is this Jasmine?” a man’s voice on the other end said.

“Yes, this is she. Who is this?”

The man laughed as he said “This is the man who saved you from your big fall earlier today.” I sat up straight in the bathtub at the realization of who I was talking to. I didn’t expect him to call this soon, or even call at all.

Laughing I said, “I already said thank you for that earlier today. So what do I owe the pleasure of receiving a phone call from you so soon?”

“Believe me sweetheart,” he said flirtatiously, “the pleasure was all mine. To be honest, I can’t get your beautiful face out of my mind. I can still smell your perfume on my clothes from when I caught you in my arms. I’m calling because I was wondering if you would want to go out with me tonight.”

“Well, this actually is my first official day as a New Yorker, and I was looking to see the city a little bit.”

“Well, seeing as how this is your first official day in the city, you have to let me take you out. I can be your tour guide for the night.”

              I haven’t been in the company of a man in a while, and it has been even longer since I had one sexing me. I mean I had my little flings with guys I dated, but it was never the memorable sex my body was craving. I could most definitely go for someone who could scratch this sex itch that has been driving me insane. And if I remembered Q’s sexy ass right, he was most definitely a good man to start with. But I wasn’t going to give in that easily. I was curious to see if he was willing to work a little bit for my company tonight.

“I have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, so I don’t know if I can do anything tonight,” I said hesitantly.

“Come on, beautiful,” he purred. “I’ve been thinking about you all day. Are you really going to shut me down like that?”

I sat silent for a moment. Before I could say anything else he said, “Okay, what if I promise you that if you come out with me tonight, I will help you with anything you need tomorrow.”

I paused for a minute not sure if I really wanted to accept his invitation or not.

He broke the silence. “So, Jasmine, is that a yes? I really don’t want to hear you say no.”

I laughed and caved. “Okay, I accept your invitation, but you better help me unpack my stuff tomorrow.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry I’m a man of my word, sweetheart. So how about I pick you up at about eight o’clock tonight.”

I agreed and gave him my address. After we hung up, I called London and told her who I was going out with, and gave her all his info just in case he turned out to be a damn psycho. I’m lonely, not stupid!

              London was excited that I had a date. She had been nagging me over my dating situation. She still thinks I’m not over Trey. So I promised her my date with Q would not be about my past relationship, but the potential for a new one. Tonight will only be about me having a good time, I decided. I wasn’t sure where we were going and what outfit would be the best to wear. So I decided to wear something sexy.

I wore a short black Herv Ledger spaghetti strapped bondage mini dress that hugged all my curves tight. I matched it with a pair of florescent pink strappy stiletto sandals and a clutch bag to match. I combed out my wrap and bumped the ends to make it lay flat. For my jewelry, I wore a diamond heart pendant, and a pair of big silver and diamond hoops. I sprayed on my perfume. I wore a shade of pink lipstick, and made up my eyes with a dark, smoky look. This look always made my almond shaped eyes look mysterious and piercing.

              I glanced at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked my best. As soon as I finished checking myself out my doorbell rang. I grabbed my keys, turned off the lights, and opened the door. As I opened the door he stood there even sexier than I remembered.

“Damn,”he said, “you in my thoughts didn’t really do your true beauty any justice. You are definitely more beautiful in person.” I blushed and this time I couldn’t hide said it. “Thank you. Are you ready to go?” He nodded his head in agreement grabbed me by the hand, and we walked out to his truck. He was the perfect gentleman opened my door for me, and closed it behind me as I was seated inside. I was curious to know what kind of job he had, because he pushed a fully quipped black on black Range Rover. As he got in on the driver side he turned the car on, and his stereo played Jay- Z’s Blueprint album.

He said “I have a surprise for you,” he teased. He reached into his back seat and pulled out some beautiful red roses and handed them to me. I smiled and tried to refrain from hugging him.

“Wow! Thank you so much. That is really sweet of you. These flowers are beautiful! So can I ask where are you taking me tonight? I didn’t know where we were going so I kind of feel overdressed looking at you.”

He smiled at me as he said “Beautiful roses for a beautiful lady. And what you have on looks great! Don’t worry I’m taking you somewhere nice, just relax it’s a surprise. But first I thought that we would get something to eat. Do you like Italian food?”

I smiled and shook my head. “Yes, I love Italian food. So I guess I’m going to have to trust you tonight huh?”

He said, “Yes, you will have to trust me, but I promise you I won’t disappoint. I promise I don’t bite, at least tonight I won’t.”

I rolled my eyes at him, and that made him start laughing as he said, “I see you have a little bit of attitude. I like it, it’s cute on you.”

I smiled and said “You have no idea how smart my mouth can be really be.” We both shared a laugh as we drove off to our destination.

              He took me to a very nice Italian restaurant in little Italy that was very elegant but comfortable. We decided to dine outside on the patio. It was a beautiful summer night, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. You could see every single star in the sky tonight. It was beginning to feel like the perfect date. As I sipped my glass of wine he kept staring at me. I don’t know why but it was making me nervous.

I finally spoke up asking, “Why do you keep staring at me like that; your making me nervous.”

“I can’t stop staring because you really are beautiful. Why can’t you just take my compliments? You don’t think you’re beautiful?”

I said “I like compliments, don’t get me wrong, but the way you are looking at me right now is making me nervous. It’s not like I just go around complimenting myself all the time. So how about you stop making me nervous, and tell me a little bit about yourself?”

At that he smirked and obliged. “What do you want to know about me, Ms. Jasmine?”

“I want to know whatever you want to tell me.”

“Well,” he began,” I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’m 27 years old, and I currently play pro basketball for the Brooklyn Nets.”

I was intrigued. “Wow, a basketball player, huh? So that’s why you’re so tall.”

He smiled. Why do you say it like that? Is that a bad thing?”

I laughed. “No, it’s not a bad thing. I’m a huge basketball fan actually. But sorry to tell you this, but I’m a loyal Los Angeles Lakers fan. I hope your ego isn’t as big as lot of basketball players out here. And I really hope you aren’t a hoe.”

At that he laughed hard. “Whatever I’m a good man. Not all basketball players are hoes, despite what a lot of women may think. However, I will admit I do have a little bit of an ego, but I can tell you’re the type of girl who likes it. And in regards to your poor team selection you need tickets to come see my team play.”

I laughed and teased, “Naw, sweetie my team has multiple world championships under their belt, so I would say I’m doing just fine. Plus, my grandfather was a huge Lakers fan, so it runs in my blood. But good luck with trying to convert me! I have been riding with my team for years now, and I would never cheat on them with a net no matter how cute he may be.”

              He smiled as he said “So you think I’m cute, huh? Well I like that you’re loyal to your team! That tells me that you’re a loyal person in general. So how about you tell me a little bit about yourself. What brings you to NYC all by yourself? This city can be a lot to handle. Why isn’t your man here to protect you?”

“I really don’t need anyone to protect me. But that was a cute way of trying to see if I have a man. And by the way, I do not have a man in my life right now because if I did I wouldn’t be sitting here with you. But a little bit about myself is that I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY. I am 24 years old. What brought me here is that I just got a job over at
Vibe Magazine
as an associate music editor. Moving here by myself was kind of a hard decision for me because my family isn’t here. I‘m definitely not used to being alone this much. And from time to time, I do wish that I had a man around me just for the company. But I had a dream that I wanted to pursue, so when the chance presented itself, I took it.”

He looked intrigued by my words. He actually listened to what I was saying. I never had a man actually listen to what I had to say, and actually seem interested.

BOOK: Running Away From Love
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