Rose Blood (10 page)

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Authors: Jessica Miles

BOOK: Rose Blood
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He finished the call and put down the phone.

“Rose, a minute please…”

“Yes Mike, what’s up” She said pleasantly through gritted teeth … God she hated this fucking man….

“Well it seems we have had an unusual request… sit down Ro.”

She sat, with the tension in her chest mounting. This was a Marcus request.

“It seems Marcus DeVere is setting you up a desk up in his Kensington apartment. I’m to take your other clients off you for the next three months or so.”

“NO! I won’t go… you can’t make me. I work here Mike”

“It’s all arranged and agreed with Clara… and you work wherever we tell you to Rose. The fund is already up 2.7% as per last night’s closing. You should easily hit your target within the year now. Knowing you it’ll be much, much sooner. Everything’s just perfect Rose, I am so pleased with you. You’ll have that triple bonus I promised you. And just think how many women would love to be in your position… “

“Tell me all the details Mike…” she was getting an even worse feeling of dread now…

“Well, DeVere is about to sign the client account contract today, which is great news as it’s three weeks earlier than we planned, but he has asked for a special arrangement to be added within the contract. You are to be relocated in his own private house for a minimum period of three months… this amendment will be renegotiable quarterly after that, on his terms. You’ve obviously made an impression there girl, I’m proud of you. The legal team are drawing up this sub contract right now… between you, DeVere and Polygon, we’re all going to sign today… understood?”

“No Mike – I’ll resign before I do this!”

“Rose, why would you do that?”

“Because…. I have someone else to consider now…”

“Who’s that?”

“It’s Harry… We’re together now and it’s really serious.”

“Well that’s just about the worst timing in history Ro… and what am I supposed to do about it?”

“Put him off for a week. Say you can’t let me go… an emergency… anything, just give me some time to figure something out!”

“No way, are you mad? The pen’s in his hand… look it’s up to you if you resign, I can’t stop you, but it would be a shame to lose all that bonus money wouldn’t it… if you stay you are going to go to DeVere and that’s final. If you do resign though, or if you two scheme something up together, Harry’s going to go too. I can get another couple of Fund Manager’s in here within a day, so don’t think either of you are indispensible Rose, because you’re fucking not!” Mike was suddenly very concerned about Rose rocking the boat at this stage. She was staying and signing that contract or else – DeVere was almost on board and she was the main reason, he wasn’t letting her get out, even if he had to play real dirty to keep her.

Rose was certainly not going to beg or burst into tears in his office, but that was exactly what she felt like doing. She turned and left the room and sat back down at her desk in the blackest mood of her life.

“Harry, you just won’t believe this…”

She told him what had just been said.

“I don’t fucking believe it!” Harry was livid. Actually that was a huge understatement.

He stomped off into Mike’s office and slammed the door. Rose and everyone else sat watching and listening as best they could as the two of them had the most enormous row ever.  It put one of Epic’s tantrums in the shade… He came out shortly afterwards and disappeared out of the door without speaking to her or looking her way.

She was worried, scared and overwhelmed. This was all her fault. She had agreed to this whole fucking dreadful thing over dinner in the Savoy. This was not Marcus’s fault – he was officially claiming what he saw to be his winnings…. Her.

She rushed off the ladies as a massive sob escaped her mouth and the tears began to flow.

A half hour later she had composed herself enough to return to her desk. Harry sat there looking grim. She looked at him and he looked at her.

“What we gonna do Rose? It seems like we have very little choice. We can both be jobless today and hope we find another job quick… or you move in with him. I vote for the jobless.”

“I can’t ruin your career Harry. I’ll just have to do it, won’t I?”

“But this is so much worse than before… to think I was getting crazy over you having a few dates with him… that actually sounds fine to me now. This could be for a whole fucking year I’m told!”

“Harry I don’t have to sleep there. I’m sure that’s not in the contract. He just wants me around for some reason. I don’t know exactly why…” yet another half truth … “I can come home to you in the evenings and at weekends”

“No you can’t Rose. Mike tells me that you have to give up prior relationships. There’s an exclusivity clause. You won’t be able to see me.
Not at all

“Oh my God Harry!…. he didn’t mention that part to me…” Rose was more than shocked.

“What about the full medical, the non disclosure agreement and other stuff… did he tell you about that?”

“No Harry he didn’t… Now I
worried. Why would Marcus need all this legal stuff? I don’t understand.”

“Well this is how it all sounds to me… You’ll basically be his slave. You won’t be able to go out without asking. You’ll be tied to your desk for him. You won’t be able to talk about him ever, not even to me… And, I assume he’ll expect you to stay there full time weekends included and you’ll have dish up hot sex whenever he fancies it. I vote for the jobless and see how it goes.”

“Look Harry… you won’t understand this and I can’t explain it… but I’m going to sign that contract. I’ll do what he wants for 3 months and I’ll make sure I get out of it at the end. From what I have seen I don’t feel he’s a bad person, I’m sure I won’t be his slave or unable to see you at all. Let’s look upon it as an investment. You’ll keep your job. We’ll both be paid well out of it. I can take my time looking for another job after the three month period as we’ll have some money behind us. There’s not much I can’t handle. I can handle him… it’ll be fine.” Being around Marcus for three months was not such a problem for her, it was the not seeing Harry that was…

She was duty bound to do this. She had agreed to it. She wouldn’t ruin other people’s lives because of it.

It was time for her to step up to the plate.

“Rose… please don’t”

“Harry… Yes”

Chapter 19

Marcus sat in his office reading the report sent by Jack on his computer. Rose’s family lived in Dorset, teacher parents, one younger brother Carl … She was 25 had a degree in Finance from Bristol University, she was healthy and generally there was nothing negative in them. She was on the contraceptive pill – that would have to stop…

He looked at the photos sent by email from Lila Mishra the female P.I. Jeff and he always used. He studied the close up of a young looking man. Then he looked at the other photo… the one with the same man holding hands with Rose as they left the Cabot Square office the night before. He read the short activity summary from Lila.

“Left office at Cabot square at 6pm. Travelled by DLR to Bank station. Meal at Rooftop Restaurant, Bank. At 8 pm took underground to Camden Town, walked to apartment at 19 Highland Street (let to Harrison Taylor, age 27, Trader at Polygon Investments) spent the night, leaving at 7 am to return together to Cabot Square office.”

Such dedication, thought Marcus, Lila had hung around all night… he’d send her a little bonus money for that.  Rose was obviously sleeping with this other trader Taylor. This needed more thought and consideration and a little technical intervention on his part. She had said she was single. She certainly acted like it the other evening. Maybe it was casual… He’d put something in place and find out about that later. Not that it mattered much anyway. Once she’d been with him for a while, she wouldn’t want anyone else. He knew he was like a drug.

So, nothing much to worry about. She was his perfect partner-to-be in his opinion.

As he read the Rose detail reports an email arrived from her.

“Marcus, when we made our propositions, I did not expect I was to sign my life away to you. What is all this legal stuff about? I assumed you would call for me personally from time to time, when it suited you. This situation sounds like I am your slave, or am I wrong?”

He replied carefully, he didn’t want to alarm her any more…

“Of course you aren’t my slave Rose. You can come and go as you please as long as you keep to the main terms. The legal documents are necessary as people may take advantage of me, my wealth and my position. It’s mainly for my protection. I should have explained this before now. I’m sorry. There are some things we need to discuss though. I am coming into your office at 1pm this afternoon. We could have a few private minutes together before the contracts are signed, does that sound ok?”

“I need to be sure about all this Marcus, you understand that, don’t you?”

“I do. I am already very sure about you though, I am so looking forward to having you around Rose.”

There he goes being all charming again, Rose thought. She wondered if this was the real him.

She’d surely find out soon enough.

Chapter 20

Marcus arrived at the Cabot Square building at five minutes to 1. He liked to be punctual. He made his way to reception and asked for Clara Moore. The receptionist made a call and in less than a minute Clara arrived in the lift beaming at him.

“My dear Marcus, how are you… we are so pleased you have decided to sign with Polygon Investments so soon. I gather Rose Porter has provided you with an excellent start to managing your fund. Do come with me, to my office… would you like something to drink?” Marcus DeVere always gave her a bit of a hot buzz… he was just so damned attractive! Lucky Rose, Clara thought…

He followed her back into the lift to the third floor executive suite.

“No, I’m fine I don’t need a drink… thank you anyway Clara. I’d like Miss Porter to join us soon if that’s possible, I want to have a small private word with her before we sign… could I use a meeting room for that please?”

“Of course. I’ll call Rose now and have her come down.”

She made the call.

“She’s on her way. So Marcus, hopefully you are happy with all the details? Our legal team has read everything through and we are ready to sign when you are.” Clara was rather bemused over his strange little exclusive arrangement with Rose Porter, but still, if that’s what he needed to be content with the contract, that was fine with her.

Rose entered the office and stood before him. Her smart grey short skirt suit and high heels were nothing like his first impression of her. She had obviously been playing a game with him. How strange that was…  But she certainly set his pulse racing whatever she wore and she looked more than beautiful today.

“Hello Marcus, how are you?”

“Just wonderful Rose… you?”

“Slightly nervous at this moment”

“Shall we go to the meeting room. I want to talk to you as I mentioned before.”

“Yes Rose, off you go, use any of the rooms on the first floor. I’ll see you both in fifteen minutes in here. I have our independent witness arriving then.” Clara announced.

They made their way along the corridor and down the stairs at the end, finally arriving in a small meeting room. Rose sat at the table looking very nervous. Marcus pulled up a chair next to her and took her hand.

“So, tell me what’s worrying you about our arrangement?”

“A few things… What is this exclusivity clause about?”

“I can’t have you seeing anyone else Rose, not whilst you’re with me. That’s not such a lot to ask, is it? You told me you are single anyway.” He thought that was a good point to make.

“Well I was single
… I am seeing someone now though”

“I’m sorry but that part of the arrangement is not negotiable Rose. You can meet up with friends and family whenever you like, but no dating other men. As it is a very new relationship you seem to be having, it can’t be that big a deal to you anyway…” He wasn’t so sure about that as she didn’t look at all happy right now.

“Why do I need to sign this NDA, what kind of things are you hiding Marcus? I’m already under legal contract to be silent about client activities here…”

“This is a much more personal one Rose. You cannot talk about me or us to anyone at all and you can’t sell your story to the highest bidder…” he smiled at her. She didn’t look amused.

“The full medical I had this morning was a bit thorough … and the doctor mentioned coming off the pill right away… why all that…?”

“Just to make sure you are fit for me and the job, that’s all, that there’s no terminal illness about to strike… or any sexual disease… oral contraceptives are not needed. I have taken care of that, I had a little op years ago. I also have an allergy to the pill…”

“I see…”

“Anything else?”

“Why do you want me to live with you, I could have managed everything from my current home and office”

“I told you I am demanding. I may want to see you often. It is too much to expect my driver to be running back and forth to Docklands and Highgate all day and night in London traffic. He has other things to do. Even if I had another driver just for you, you must see it is unmanageable and rather a pointless waste of time. I thought it was a good idea, that you would really enjoy living with me. You said you loved my place, that if you lived there you would never go out… Well now’s your chance Rose.”

“Hmmm… and at the end of the three months what will happen?”

“If we get on well, we can do another three, if not, you can go, back to your life as it was…”

“Right… okay then, let’s get it over with…” She stood up. He followed suit.

“Rose, thank you. For everything you have done so far and everything you are about to do. I am so pleased and so very grateful.” Kind words usually worked very well with women. He wanted her to be happy, as pleased as he was about this. It didn’t appear she was yet, but he would give her time to get used to it. He pulled her gently to him and placed a very sweet and grateful kiss on her lips.

He smiled and took hold of her hand as they made their way back to Clara’s office to sign the contracts that would be in force from midnight tonight.

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