Read Room at the Edge Online

Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Room at the Edge (42 page)

BOOK: Room at the Edge
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“When I fist Jay, I want your arse filled too,” Liam told Austin, working his fingers in time with his steady, deep strokes into Jay. “There’s a plug in the bedside table. The blue one. Get it out and slick it up. Oh, and pass me some tissues.”

The blue plug was
. Jay expected Austin to protest, but his murmured, “Yes, Sir,” came at once and sounded eager.

Liam withdrew his fingers, wiped them on the tissues Austin presented to him, then settled more comfortably between Jay’s thighs. Jay tilted his ass up, enjoying himself now, forcing himself to stay in the moment. “I got a manicure this afternoon,” Liam said. “Not my first one by any means, but it’s the first time I’ve had one with an erection.” He held his right hand up for Jay to see, the nails trimmed short, scrupulously clean. “I couldn’t stop thinking about why I was doing it. What I was going to do to you.”

“I’ve been thinking about it too.” Jay wet his lips. “I want it, Sir.”

“I know. Are you looking forward to watching it, Austin?”

Austin was lubing up the plug, his eyes downcast. At Liam’s question he glanced up. “Yes, but even if I wasn’t, I’d still ask to be here, Sir. It’s important to him.”

“For me too,” Liam told him, his expression tender as he glanced at Austin. “Don’t think you’re just here to watch. You’re part of this too, love. It’s going to take a long time to do it safely, and Jay’s going to need your encouragement and support.” He withdrew from Jay, a slow, gradual slide out, and sat back on his heels. “Let’s get some towels on the bed and that plug in you, Austin.”

The practicalities allowed Jay to distance himself from what was to come, but he was glad when they were over and the room lights had been turned off, apart from a bedside lamp that cast a soft light over the bed. In position, with Austin holding him, Jay felt ready for whatever was to come. He was peaceful, his breathing deep and even, though he could feel the faint hint of excitement underneath that.

“We’ll start slowly,” Liam said. He’d washed his hands with hot water, so when he rested one on Jay’s thigh, it was still residually warm and felt soothing. “But if at any point it’s too much, too fast, you’re to say so at once. Are we clear on that? I know you can do this, but I don’t want to risk damaging you by not knowing when something’s crossed the line between pain and—well, between good pain and bad pain, I suppose. You know what I mean.”

Jay did. “Yes, Sir. We’re clear. I just… I really want this. I do.”

“I know. And you know that whatever you need, I’ll find a way to give it to you. It might not always be immediately, but in the long run.” Liam looked at him with a patient, steady gaze that would have taken away any lingering doubt Jay might have had.

He didn’t have any, though. They were going to do this, the three of them. Together.

“All right. Here we go.” Liam started with two fingers, which felt good enough that they had Jay moaning right away. Liam had big hands and thick, solid fingers. Two weren’t as wide as Liam’s cock, but then Liam’s cock couldn’t curve the way his fingers did. Liam knew exactly how to rub over Jay’s prostate, the perfect amount of pressure so Jay’s dick was like stone in only a few heartbeats. “You do like that, don’t you?” Liam didn’t touch Jay’s cock, but the way he looked at it, admiringly, made it
like he had. “We all know you can take three without much trouble.”

The third finger was a stretch, though; Jay had to breathe slowly through his nostrils until his body adjusted, which didn’t take more than a minute or two. “Feels good,” he said. “God, so good.”

“Mm.” Liam’s eyes were shining, and he was as hard as Jay. He moved his fingers, fucking Jay with them, keeping them close together. “Four now.”

It wasn’t a question, but Jay knew if he chose to treat it as one and ask for more time, he’d get it. Instead he asked, “Sir? Can Austin kiss me?”

“Oh yes,” Liam said. “Whenever you like, Austin. Touch him, kiss him, talk to him.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Jay tilted his head back and let his lips touch Austin’s as Liam eased a fourth finger into what had to be a crowded space.

It burned, his hole stretched as it’d never been before, but Liam pulled out an inch or two and added more lube, which helped.

Jay closed his eyes, focusing on Liam’s hand and the sound of Austin breathing. He was acutely aware of them both, cradled, held by the two people he loved most. His arousal beat at him, but it was a distant drum, the sensations racing through him too overwhelming to leave room for desire.

“Sir…” Was that his voice, drowsy, languid?

“I’m right here. We both are.”

Time spun by, his body suspended between a vast pleasure and a vague, easily ignored discomfort.

Then Liam’s hand moved deeper still, and Jay caught his breath, feeling his body give way to that slow, inexorable push, knowing without looking that Liam’s hand was inside him to the wrist now, fingers that had been arrowed, straight, closing slowly into a fist.

His breath left him in a rush, his hands clutching Austin’s arm as his eyes opened. He needed to see Liam. Had to not be alone in this.

Liam wasn’t moving, not at all. Probably because he was waiting for Jay to do something, say something, but opening his eyes and remembering to breathe were pretty much the extent of Jay’s capabilities. He was overwhelmed, all of his insides feeling like they were pushed out of the way to make room for Liam’s fist, which still shouldn’t fit. It was so big—bigger than his cock by a mile. It made taking Liam’s cock and a dildo seem easy. It even felt bigger, or maybe just different, than having Liam’s cock and the dildo in him had.

He lost himself in staring at Liam’s face, gaze moving from Liam’s eyes to the thin set of his lips to the lines on his forehead.

“Jay,” Liam said softly. “Say something.”

He couldn’t. He knew his lungs were working, had to be, because he hadn’t passed out, which he definitely would have done by now without air. But all his air was needed for breathing—he couldn’t spare any for talking.

Liam’s arm muscles shifted, and Jay whimpered; okay, apparently he could make noise if it was involuntary. Liam froze again, and Jay managed with great effort to pant, “Don’t. Move.”

“I won’t,” Liam immediately assured him. “Not until you tell me to. But you have to tell me something.”

“It’s okay,” Austin crooned. Jay felt Austin’s lips pressed to his hair, his ear. “Everything’s fine. You’re okay. We’re both here. We’re right here with you.”

“Scary,” Jay gasped. God, it felt like a baseball bat inside him, not Liam’s hand and wrist. “Didn’t…know it would be.”

“You don’t have to be scared. Do you want Liam to stop?”

Jay didn’t see the look Austin gave Liam over his shoulder, but he saw Liam’s answering one. “No! No. Don’t.” At that point it was more because he was afraid what would happen if Liam moved.

“Do you want to know what it feels like for me?” Liam asked hesitantly.

It was a welcome distraction to remember he wasn’t the only one going through something new and staggeringly overwhelming. Jay wet his lips, suddenly thirsty, though the last thing he wanted was to swallow anything. “Tell me.”

Liam opened his mouth, gave a frustrated sigh, clearly searching for words, then tried again. “I can’t get past what I’m doing in some ways. My hand. In you. Jesus. I don’t want to hurt you, not like this, and I’m worried that I am, but there’s still something about it that’s one hell of a rush. I’m inside you, Jay. Part of you. Deep in you, where you’ve never been touched before. You’re so tight around me, like you don’t want to let me go.” His face twisted as if he were in pain. “When I pull out, I’m going to leave you empty, and I’m going to feel that I’ve lost something I can’t get back.”

“You won’t,” Austin said, an unexpected note of authority in his voice. “Either of you. Lost, empty, alone—we’re
going to feel that way. There are three of us. We’re always going to have someone close by, someone loving us. We’re the lucky ones.”

Liam’s wrist turned a little bit—not on purpose, Jay was sure, but one of his knuckles rubbed Jay’s prostate in a new and exciting way that made Jay’s mouth fall open in shock. “Oh God,” he said faintly. “I love you so much.”

Experimentally Liam turned his wrist again, deliberately this time, and Jay shuddered from head to toe. “We love you,” Liam said. “Both of us.”

“We do,” Austin echoed. “So much.” He slid his hands to the fronts of Jay’s shoulders, cupping them, holding him securely. “More, Sir. He needs more.”

Jay wouldn’t have asked; he was grateful Austin had done it for him. Liam rotated his fist, and the explosion of pleasure Jay felt was white-hot.

He came, the experience unlike any climax he’d had before, the interrupted, uneven spurts that left his stomach and chest patterned in white barely noticed by him. His body came, not just his cock, every muscle locking, every nerve on fire. He was consumed by the intensity, the endless running commentary of his thoughts closing down for a few moments, leaving him floating, adrift on a vast ocean of bliss shot through with a pain he welcomed because for him, no sexual pleasure was perfect without it.

“God,” Liam said, the single, awed word cutting through the seashell roar in Jay’s ears. “Jay. My Jay.”

Austin’s hands were warm against Jay’s chest, one over his heart, as if Austin needed to feel it beat. “Ours,” he said, correcting Liam. “We belong to each other. All of us.”

That was all that mattered, Jay knew. He was in a haze, surrounded and filled by the two people who made him whole. “Forever,” he said quietly. “Right? Forever?”

“Forever,” Austin agreed, and Liam somehow managed to lean in and kiss him.


As far as Jay was concerned, it was the perfect length of time.

Loose Id Titles by Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow

Accidentally in Love

Bound and Determined

Rock and a Hard Place

Room at the Edge

Room at the Top

Truthful Change

* * * *


Laying a Ghost

Giving Up the Ghost

Waking the Dead

Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow

Jane Davitt is English, and has been living in Canada with her husband, two children, and two cats, since 1997. Writing and reading are her main occupations but if she ever had any spare time she might spend it gardening, walking, or doing cross stitch.

Jane has been writing since 2005 and wishes she’d started earlier. She is a huge fan of SF, fantasy, erotica, and mystery novels and has a tendency to get addicted to TV shows that get cancelled all too soon.

She owns over 4,000 books, rarely gives any away (but is happy to loan them), and is of the firm opinion that there is no such thing as ‘too many books’.

Alexa Snow

Alexa Snow is an emotional person who appreciates practicality in others. She’s prone to crying at inconvenient times, drinking too much coffee, and staying up too late playing with words (either reading or writing.) A background of schooling she wasn’t all that interested in resulted in a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a vague sense of wasted time. Alexa lives in a tiny, ancient house in New England with her husband, young son, and two little-old-lady cats.

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Loose Id Titles by Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow

Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow

BOOK: Room at the Edge
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