Ronnie and Nancy (78 page)

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Authors: Bob Colacello

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The Reagans with their children, Ron and Patti, moving into the old Governor’s Mansion, January 1967.

(A.P. Wide World Photos)

Alfred and Betsy Bloomingdale greeting guests at a 1967 dinner they gave for Governor and Mrs. Reagan.

(Bob Willoughby/MPTV)

Ronnie and Nancy

with former president

Dwight Eisenhower and

Lee Annenberg at

Sunnylands, the Annenbergs’

Palm Springs estate, 1967.

(Reagan Family Photo


Nancy with her New York

confidant Jerry Zipkin

in the 1970s.

(Reagan Family Photo


Ladies of the Group in 1980: from left, Marion Jorgensen, Betty Wilson, Erlenne Sprague, Bunny Wrather, Harriet Deutsch, and Betty Adams.

(Reagan Family Photo Collection)

Oilman Henry Salvatori, one of the

original members of the Kitchen Cabinet,

with his wife, Grace, in Los Angeles, 1979.

(George Rose/Los Angeles Times)

Drugstore tycoon Justin Dart,

another prominent Reagan backer,

with an assortment of his company’s

products, 1966.

(Steve Fontanini/Los Angeles Times)

Car dealer Holmes Tuttle,

the leader of the Kitchen Cabinet,

at home in Hancock Park, 1973.

(Fitzgerald Whitney/Los Angeles Times)

Reagan’s 1976 and 1980

campaign manager,

John Sears III, center,

with his lieutenants,

Charles Black and

James Lake.

(The New York Times)

Reagan with his long-

time press secretary,

Lyn Nofziger, 1967.


Stuart Spencer, who ran Reagan’s

gubernatorial campaigns but worked

for Gerald Ford in 1976.

(The New York Times)

Michael Deaver, the aide

closest to the Reagans personally,

in Sacramento and afterward.

(John Barr)

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