Romance: Two is Better Than One(A Menage MMF Bisexual Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter Romance) ((New Adult Menage Bisexual Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter Menage Short Stories))

BOOK: Romance: Two is Better Than One(A Menage MMF Bisexual Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter Romance) ((New Adult Menage Bisexual Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter Menage Short Stories))
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Two is Better than One

A Romance Novel






Emily Romance


Two is Better than One

Chapter 1


I was ten miles from home when my car’s engine started making really loud knocking sounds. It had been acting up all week and I had an appointment on Saturday to get it looked at. It figures that it would decide to act up on Friday night instead of having the decency to wait until the morning. I had to pull into the breakdown lane as I tried to go up the next hill because it didn’t have enough power to keep the speed limit.

Three quarters of the way up the hill, the car just quit. I hit the brake and put the car in park so I wouldn’t start going back down the hill. I slammed the steering wheel and yelled, “God damn it!” even though there wasn’t anyone around to hear me.

This was just one more in a string of shitty things that had happened to me since I moved back to California a couple of years ago. It seemed like a lifetime, but it was really only two years and two months since I moved closer to my family after my husband died. His death was a shock – no one expects a twenty five year old man to collapse with a heart attack – but that’s what happened to Dennis. I was crushed, my life felt like it had ended before it really even got a chance to begin, and I didn’t handle it as well as I could have. Nothing about my fancy East coast education had prepared me for this life.

I think that’s why I allowed my parents to talk me into moving closer to them. I needed a safety net then, but since I got here, there’s just been one mishap after another, making me feel like nothing is safe and that I should just resign myself to the life of a lonely widow.

I didn’t used to be like this. I used to take risks and have fun and enjoy life. Being a young widow sucked the joy out of me, even though I am sure Dennis would want me to be happy. We used to take off for a weekend with no plans and just see where the world took us. Now it was an exciting week if someone had a birthday at work and brought in cupcakes. What had my world shrunk down to?

I looked up at the moon. It would be full in the next night or two. It was so beautiful and bright that I decided right then and there to stop living in the shadow of my former life. It was time to start saying yes to the opportunities life had to offer me and see where that took me. It was time to go back to seeing where the world would take me.

But for now I had to see if I couldn’t get my car working. I flipped on my hazard lights and popped my hood. I got out of the car with the penlight I kept on my keychain and started to look at the engine. I’m not really good with engine repair, but if there was something really obvious, like a hose that didn’t connect to anything, I could figure that out.

I prodded around at the engine, but nothing seemed out of place to me. So much for that brilliant plan. I went back to the car and fished my cell phone from my purse. I looked at the screen, but I had no bars. So much for calling for help. I was about to get out and start walking toward the next town when lights pulled in behind me and person got out of the car.

My heart began to race and I locked the doors to my car. This person could just be here to help. Or not. Adventure was one thing, but danger was something completely different.

I remembered my pledge to start saying yes to opportunities and hoped this was someone here to help me.

I rolled my window down and waited.

“Car trouble?” asked a familiar man’s voice. It was Caleb, one of the farmers at the Blue Moon Ranch.

I looked up and smiled, relief coursing through my tense muscles. I unlocked the car doors and got out. “I am so glad it’s just you,” I said.

He looked at me, not quite sure who I was for a moment. “Oh, Julia, it’s you. I’m even happier that I stopped now. This isn’t the safest area for a break down. Kids come barreling down this hill without even bothering to pay attention to the lines, it’s insanely dangerous.”

“Thanks for stopping. I tried to call for help, but I’ve got no bars. I didn’t see anything wrong with the engine, but maybe you can figure out what’s wrong.”

Caleb laughed. “I’m not mechanically inclined at all. That’s more Eric’s thing. I’m better with the animals. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll bring you up to the farm and we’ll call for a tow truck there.”

I was so relieved that he wasn’t some sort of crazy axe murderer that I said yes without thinking. I’m glad I did, because my life has never been the same.

He opened the passenger door to his truck and helped me in. It may have been my imagination, but his hand seemed to linger a bit long on my back. This was definitely the kind of opportunity I really wanted to start saying yes to.

We spent the five minutes it took to get to the farm chatting about nothing in particular, but by the time we got there I realized that I felt closer to him than I had to anyone in these last two years.

We got out of the car and I put my hand on his arm. He stopped walking and said, “Julia?”

I stepped closer to him and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for rescuing me,” I said softly.

Tentatively, he put one hand on my waist and brought me closer to him. “You’re welcome,” he said. He barely touched his lips to mine, waiting for me to kiss him first. This was definitely an opportunity not to be missed.

I pressed my lips to his and pulled his hips to mine. His eyes widened and then closed as he kissed me back. I flicked my tongue out to lick his lip and he moaned softly. Abruptly, he broke off the kiss and stepped back.

“Sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” he said. “Let’s go inside and get you to the phone.”

I was confused. It was a kiss that held a lot of promise and he certainly was enjoying it, if the bulge in his pants was any indication. He turned and strode into the house, leaving me to catch up with him.

“Eric,” he called as he opened the door a crack. “We have a guest, so I hope you’re decent.”

I heard a voice calling from another room. Eric said, “I’m hardly ever decent, but I am mostly dressed.”

Caleb’s shoulders relaxed and he opened the door for me. “After you, Julia,” he said.

I walked into the farmhouse’s kitchen and was amazed by its clean, open look. For two bachelors living alone, they certainly kept a tidy kitchen.

Eric came walking down a hallway toward us. “Uh, it’s Julia, isn’t it?” he asked.

I nodded, unable to stop staring at his naked torso. I bit my lip as I imagined my hand running down his chest, feeling his abs and lingering at his waistband.

I forced my eyes back up to his face. “I had car trouble and Caleb was kind enough to rescue me.” I sounded like an idiot.

Eric took two steps closer to me, making him close enough to touch. What was wrong with me? Just outside I was kissing Caleb and now it was all I could do to keep my hand from going to Eric.

Eric arched an eyebrow at Caleb. Caleb nodded. I had no idea what was going on between the two of them, but I wasn’t worried. Standing in between the two men, I felt as though I was safe and, oddly enough, at home. Some part of me realized that I belonged here.

I looked back at Caleb and caught a flash of yellow in his eyes. I had never noticed that before. I was pretty certain his eyes were brown. He turned away and stepped back from me.

Eric took my hand and put it on his chest. I could feel the strong, slow beat of his heart and as he pulled me into an embrace, I distantly wondered if Caleb had left the room.

I turned my head up to meet Eric’s gaze and he crushed my lips with his. I melted into his embrace and returned his kiss. His tongue tasted mine as his hand found its way under my shirt. He slipped a finger into my bra and ran it along my already hard nipple. A low moan escaped my lips. I hadn’t wanted another man in over two years, except for tonight, and it seemed like I wanted both Eric and Caleb. My body was pulsating and my pussy was dripping already. There was nothing I wanted more than these two men, but how often did men really share a woman?

Eric lifted my skirt up and pushed my panties aside. He began to circle my clit but never touched it. I shivered with need and tried to move my hips to his hand.

“Not yet, Julia.”

I whimpered. “Please Eric, it’s been so long.”

I smiled down at her. “Soon, I promise. But first the three of us need to move this to the bedroom.”

Chapter 2


The minute I said bedroom, she froze. I looked into Julia’s eyes and saw uncertainty. The poor woman had no idea what was going on, or why she was so drawn to us. There would be time to explain everything, but if we stopped now, she’d run out and we’d never see her again.

It wasn’t an accident that we both knew her name. The minute she first stepped foot in our booth at the Farmer’s Market, we knew she was our intended mate. All we had to do was wait for fate to bring her to us. Tonight was our reward for waiting nearly two years for her.

I held my hand out for her to take. “Are you all right with this?” I asked.

She nodded and took my hand. She turned back and looked at Caleb. She held her hand out for him as well. I brought us to the bedroom and kissed her gently before stepping back.

She looked confused. “I thought we were going to –“ she started.

“We are, but we have to include Caleb.”

She smiled. “Good. I didn’t know how I was going to choose between you.” She turned to Caleb and kissed him, leaving me to watch for a moment. She molded her body to his began to rock her hips. I finished taking off my clothes and sat in a chair, watching.



The moment Eric said I didn’t have to choose between them, I knew I was in the right place. When I was married, I had never considered anything like this, but I had also never had the absolute certainty that I was in the right place, with the right man. Or men. Tonight I had found my home.

I pulled Caleb’s tee shirt off and nipped at his neck. I swear he began to howl, but turned it into a moan. As I unzipped Caleb’s pants, I turned to look at Eric. He was naked, slowly stroking his cock. I’d felt the hardness of him through his pants, but I hadn’t realized how large he was. Involuntarily, I licked my lips and grinned. I returned to Caleb, pulling his pants off while sinking down to my knees.

It had been a long time since I had smelled the musky scent of a man and I breathed deeply before I ran my tongue down the length of Caleb’s cock. His hips jerked toward me as I swirled my tongue over his tip, tasting the salty precum. I made a small o with my lips and began to take him all in. I loosened my throat and let his cock slide down. I moaned with the thought of this cock being inside my pussy soon.

“Jesus, Julia, stop that,” Caleb cried. He may have thought he wanted me to stop, but his hips were telling a different story. I did stop moaning, though, just to be sure. “Oh baby, yes. It’s been so long,” he said.

I could hear Eric softly panting in the corner. It didn’t seem fair that he was all alone now. I backed off Caleb’s cock and turned to Eric. His eyes were heavy as he was working furiously at himself. Once he realized I had finished with Caleb, he stood, picked me up and set me on the bed. He pushed me down and began to slowly kiss down my body. When he reached my nipples, he stopped kissing and began sucking and gently biting. As he did this, I could feel Caleb’s fingers on my clit, slowly circling. My body bucked up off the bed, desperate for both men, desperate for release, desperate to claim them for my own. Eric continued teasing my breasts as Caleb slid two fingers inside me. Involuntarily I clenched around his fingers as I cried out.

Caleb sucked on my already over sensitized clit and I let out a howl as the orgasm crashed through me. With it, I released all the pain and grief and doubt I had been carrying for the past two years.

I didn’t realize it, but I was silently crying in the bed.

I let out a sob and immediately, both men were holding me. “Julia, what’s wrong?” asked Eric. “Did we move too fast for you?”

Caleb brushed my tears away and kissed my forehead. “We never want to bring you pain,” he said.

I sat up and hugged my knees. “It’s not that. It’s just that I never thought I’d be happy again. I’m a widow, used goods, who would want me?”

Both men stared at me, disbelief in their eyes. “Who has been feeding you these horrible thoughts?”

I sniffled and rested my forehead on my knees. My parents had let me know in subtle and not so subtle ways that I was not nearly as desirable as “other” women, meaning single women. I couldn’t say a word, so I just sat there.

“Julia, look up,” commanded Eric.

My head whipped up in response to his tone. He kissed me. Slowly, passionately, with every ounce of emotion he had, he kissed me. When he was done, Caleb kissed me. His kiss was more urgent, more full of lust.

By the time Caleb was done kissing me, I was convinced. “You mean-?”

Caleb nodded. “We knew the moment we met that you were the woman for us. All we had to do was wait until you were ready and fate brought you to us.

He kissed my tears away and then let Eric kiss me. When Eric was done kissing me, he turned and kissed Caleb. I hadn’t quite been expecting that, but then again, I had expected to go home and spend a quiet, lonely weekend with my parents.

I sat back and watched them kiss. Caleb’s hand dropped to caress Eric’s bulging cock, and Eric growled. Not moaned, but growled, like an animal. They broke apart and looked at me. “Join us?” Caleb asked.

My body ached to be touched by them again. One orgasm in two years, no matter how great it was, wasn’t enough. “Yes,” I whispered.

Eric turned me over so I was on my hands and knees. He slipped his cock between my thighs and teased me with it. I leaned back into him, desperate to feel him inside me. Caleb moved out of my field of vision, so I tried to turn around.

Eric stopped me. “Caleb will take care of me, and I’ll take care of you. Okay?”

I licked my lips, “Yes.”

Eric began to tease me more with his cock and I’d never wanted anything more than him right then. “Please, Eric, fuck me. I need to feel you inside me.”

Eric, however, wasn’t listening to me. He was too busy paying attention to Caleb. “Oh baby, yes,” Eric said.

Caleb began to thrust harder into Eric and without warning, Eric slammed his cock inside me. I could feel myself stretching to accommodate his girth. I wailed as he buried his cock into me. Caleb set the pace for all of us, slowly at first and then faster until I thought I could take no more. A low, guttural moan escaped my lips as I came for the second time. Eric grabbed my hips and slammed himself into me with wild abandon as he howled. His cock quivered as he shot his load inside me. Unable to hold off any longer, Caleb pulled Eric toward him and out of me. I collapsed on the bed, listening to the last of their passion.

Once they were done, one lay on either side of me. I looked at Eric and saw a yellow light fade out of his eyes.

BOOK: Romance: Two is Better Than One(A Menage MMF Bisexual Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter Romance) ((New Adult Menage Bisexual Paranormal Werewolf Shapeshifter Menage Short Stories))
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