Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (20 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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Things couldn’t be better between Troy and I. He is the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, I’m sorry am I gushing and making you sick? It’s been a pleasant surprise because he really has such a cocky frat boy attitude sometimes. But he is always so good to me and treats me with respect, it’s so refreshing after the way things were in the end between Luke and I. I will say that Luke left me with some trust issues that I have let carry over into my relationship with Troy, but I try and trust him despite the fact that those sorority girls seem to always flirt with him. That’s the price you pay when you have such a hot boyfriend I guess. But I feel confident enough about myself to not be intimidated by those girls and if he ever wanted to stray, how would I really stop him anyway. I’m so done with being the clinging girlfriend.

We had a great weekend hanging out with Clarissa and Jason at his house in Laguna Beach. Emerald Bay is an exclusive community right on the beach. It felt like we were vacationing in a resort, I loved the casual luxury of it all. Jason was a wonderful host and I love spending time with Troy. We had romantic walks along the beach, walking hand in hand. I have never been happier. Troy makes me feel so special, like he only has eyes for me.

“Isn’t it great down here,” Troy says while we’re walking along the beach hand in hand.

“Yes, I love it here. I feel like we are vacationing at an exclusive resort,” I reply taking in a deep breath of the wonderful ocean air and gazing out at the inviting ocean.  We venture into the water and we get far enough out so Troy is standing in the water and I have my arms and legs wrapped around him.

“You’re getting me hard wrapped so tightly around me you know,” Troy teases, brushing his lips softly along my lips.

“So I noticed,” I giggle.

“Lexi, do you know how crazy I am about you?” Troy says.

“I have an idea, I’m pretty crazy about you too,” I reply coyly, nuzzling my face into his neck.



I’m at a frat exchange tonight with the house the calendar guy Clay is in. I see him cruising around and he looks as good as ever, good enough to eat in fact.

“Hey Deena, how are you doing?” Clay says with that sexy grin of his that screams let’s go to bed.

“Oh hey Clay, I’ve been good. How about you?” I ask flirtatiously remembering the last time I saw him.

“I can’t complain. It’s good to see you. I’ve seen you from the sidelines at the football games looking good out there cheering for our team,” he says eyeing me from head to toe.

“Thanks, you look good too,” I say, glancing down at the bulge in his jeans.

“Want to dance?” he asks cocking an eyebrow at me. Hmm, what kind of dance does he mean?

“Sure,” I say and he takes my hand leading me to the dance floor, knowing this is just foreplay for us. We dance a few songs and he’s grinding on me and I just close my eyes and enjoy the attention. He pulls me in close.

“Let’s go up to my room,” he growls into my ear over the music. I have a weakness for this guy and I agree with a nod of my head. He takes my hand and we weave through the crowded dance floor and head up to his room through the back staircase. Once we get to the upstairs landing I see a sorority sister going into a room with another one of the guys.

“This way,” Clay says because he sees me watching them. We walk down another hallway and into his room where he closes the door. He immediately pulls me into him and plants a hard, urgent kiss on my lips and our tongues devour each other. We make our way to his bed, he starts to unbutton his jeans and slides them down, he goes commando. He steps out of them and kicks them off, and removes his t-shirt and I get to admire his amazing body. Damn, he has the most perfect physique, a true Adonis. He lifts the bottom of my dress up and over my head, leaving me standing in my pink lace thong and matching bra.

“Damn, you’re freaking sexy as hell Deena,” Clay murmurs in my ear biting my ear lobe and then sucking on my neck. My hands skim across his hard chiseled chest and his abs. His hands cup my breasts through my bra and he reaches around my back to unclasp the hooks and it falls to the ground.




I actually end up falling asleep in Clay’s arms and stay the night. Now I have to do the awkward walk of shame. It’s 6:00 am, I am going to try and slither out early, before anyone see’s me. Once I get to our building, I hope no one see’s me coming in. Just my luck, Jake from upstairs is out smoking on their balcony and he spots me. I hope he doesn’t tell Ken, I actually feel a pang of guilt. I don’t like to feel guilty, that’s why I don’t do relationships usually. I’m still not sure what Ken and I have, neither of us wants to make a strong commitment and that’s how I want it. I’m all about having a good time being a USC Song Girl right now.

I walk into our bedroom quietly and Clarissa is still sleeping. I get in the shower to wash off last night with Clay and then have some breakfast before heading to campus for my first class today. I leave our apartment and start walking to campus and Ken is leaving the building at the exact same moment, how often does this happen?

“Hey Deena, how’s it going?” he says giving me a kiss.

“Hi Ken,” I give him a smile and wonder if Jake mentioned seeing me coming in early this morning in last night’s clothes. Judging by Ken’s greeting, I think Jake was cool about it and didn’t say a word.

“Let’s hang out tonight, get some dinner,” he says and I know what that means, dinner and some sexy time.

“Sure, sounds good.”

“Who did you have an exchange with last night?” he asks.

“The SAE’s,” I reply, feeling a little paranoid by his line of questioning. But hey, we don’t have a serious commitment to each other, he shouldn’t be mad even if he did hear about it.



As I stand near the dance floor with a couple of my sorority sisters at the Sigma Nu exchange tonight, I catch two cute guys standing off to the side checking us out.

“Hey, she’s Bancroft’s girl. She’s off limits.”

“Damn she’s fine. What’s he got that I don’t?”

“Money talks, bull shit walks bro.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t I know it.”

I overhear them and it makes me sick. First of all, I’m frustrated because yet again I’m tied down and secondly, because I’m not with Jason for the money. Maybe Grant was right to ask me if I do still want variety? I would at least like to be able to be friendly with other guys, even dance and flirt with one on occasion. But as was just demonstrated to me, the guys won’t even approach me anymore. It’s as if I’m married.

Here’s another thing I have to confess. I still have feelings for Grant. I couldn’t just turn them off, especially when I still get to see his hotness five days a week. I miss his touch. I miss his hands, his lips, his tongue languishing all over my body. Does that make me a wanton woman? I’m sorry if it does, but I can’t help it. He was the first man to make me feel like a real woman beneath his skilled touch, because he is the true definition of a real man in every sense of the word.

I find myself swooning over him today in class. It’s Friday and Jason didn’t show up for class yet again. He must have been up late partying with the Pi Phi house, that’s who his Frat had an exchange with last night. I wonder if he was able to keep it in his pants? If he wasn’t, I would like to know because then I would get to start my fun again with my Professor, I think wickedly to myself.

“What’s so funny Clarissa, you have the biggest smirk across your face right now,” Alex asks.

“Oh nothing.” I glance Grant’s way and he’s staring at me. I blush ten different shades of red and look away and shift in my chair. His gaze hits me right between my legs like a bolt of lightning. I need to get out of here but fast. I shove everything in my backpack hastily and try to walk out with the crowd.

“Miss Clarkson, may I have a word with you?” I hear Professor Montgomery request over the hustle and bustle. I let a few students pass by me before I walk over to his desk. He totally undresses me with his eyes and the affect it has on me leaves me weak in the knees and scorching hot for him. I’m clutching a notebook against my chest, thankful I have it there to conceal my hardening nipples. Damn, why does he have to be so hot!



I’ve tried to put Clarissa out of my mind but it’s been near impossible when I see her everyday in class looking ravishing. Then to see that Bancroft kid looking so smug around her, acting like she’s mine, don’t mess, kills me. I will give the kid credit, he seems very into her, devoted in fact. A sickening sight to behold. What is it about her that is so captivating? Why do I even ask myself that, I know first hand what it is, and it’s more than what’s between her legs, although that’s pretty amazing. She is the sexiest woman I have ever been with and the fact that she doesn’t even know how sexy she is adds to her allure in the bedroom. She’s a natural at making you feel like the most desired man on the planet. The world literally stops when we’re getting lost in each other’s bodies. I hope I get to experience it again first hand this weekend.

Oh, I’m on fire.

Only you can cool my desire.

Today’s my chance to go in for the kill. The Bancroft kid ditched my class yet again after a late night of partying and Clarissa is sitting alone looking enticing as usual. Even after months have passed, I still want her in my bed. I want to roam her body and hear her voice crying out my name. I want to consume all of her. I know this is risky, but I call her over to my desk after class.

“Yes Professor Montgomery, what can I do for you,” she says softly, but suggestively. Damn, am I imagining this? I glance around to make sure no one else is left in the room.

“Come to me on Sunday,” I state boldly. She doesn’t answer me right away, there is a long pause as she stares down at my hands that are resting on the edge of my desk on each side of my hips as I lean against my desk. Willing myself to keep my hands to myself. I have to suppress this overwhelming urge to grab her by the arms and take a kiss from her, press my lips onto her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she finally answers, her eyes shifting up to meet mine. She still wants me, I can see it in her eyes now.

“Come over at 3:00 on Sunday.” She continues to hold my gaze before she turns and walks out of my classroom never giving me an answer, which I take as a yes.



It’s lunchtime and I meet Lexi at our usual spot and we see Troy and Jason walking in flanked by two sorority girls who are laughing at all of their lame jokes. The guys give us a nod as they walk over and get their food at one of the eateries.

“Who are those girls?” Lexi asks, not sounding very happy about it.

“They’re in Deena’s sorority. They had an exchange with her house last night. They were hanging on the guys every word, so typical,” I say rolling my eyes. “Jason didn’t show up for English this morning, he must have been out late partying. Hope he kept it in his pants.”

“How can you be so nonchalant about it? Do you really think Jason would cheat on you?”

“Well, he seems pretty devoted, but I’m past the point of caring to be honest with you. At the exchange I was at last night, no guys would even approach me, they treat me like I’m a married woman. I don’t want to be a married woman just yet. Do you see what I’m saying?”

“So what, are you feeling tied down? Do you still want variety?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Jason is an awesome boyfriend, but I do feel a little stifled sometimes. Don’t you with Troy?”

“Not really, I’m into Troy. I’m crazy about him actually, and it could be to my detriment. But I am trying my hardest not be a clinging girlfriend.”

“You’re so sweet Lexi. I don’t think you need to worry, Troy seems pretty devoted to you, honest. I can tell by the way he looks at you when you’re together.”

“I could say the same about you and Jason. Here the guys come,” Lexi warns.

“Hey ladies,” Jason says, setting his food down on the table and then sitting down next to me. He leans over and gives me a peck on the lips.

“Missed you in English this morning.”

“I know, I couldn’t get out of bed this morning,”

“Were you alone?” I whisper under my breath.

“Hey what kind of question is that, of course I was,” he says defensively.

“Just checking,” I say with a shoulder shrug. Troy and Lexi are sitting across from us and we all converse companionably until those two sorority chicks cruise by our table.

“See you later boys,” they smile and wave flirting with our men right under our noses. It steams me, and Lexi gives them a look that could kill. The guys just keep their noses down and continue eating their lunches. Lexi and I exchange glances and just when I am about to say something, I think better of it and clamp my mouth shut.




When I get home from school this afternoon Deena is home. She tells me some girl was draped all over Jason at their Thursday night exchange and that he didn’t seem to mind, nor was he fighting her off.

“Do you think they hooked up?”

“Hard to say. I didn’t see them later. Do you trust him?”

“I’m not sure. He didn’t show up for class this morning. He said he had trouble getting out of bed. If he wants to play, let him. I just want to know so I can do the same.”


“Yes, honestly.”

“You surprise me Clarissa. If I were you I wouldn’t blow it with Jason. Don’t you want to keep him around? I would if I were you.”

“Really, coming from the girl who loves to indulge in variety. I find that hard to believe.”

“Think what you like, but I think I would behave for someone like Jason. He is the whole package that’s for damn sure.”

“So you would put up with him if he was cheating on you?”

“I can’t say what I would do for sure until I was in that position,” Deena replies, some help she is. I wonder how far Jason let it go with this girl.




Jason knocks around 7:00, he is taking me out to dinner tonight.

“So how was the exchange last night with the Pi Phi house?” I can’t help asking after we get seated at the restaurant and we’re studying our menus.

“The usual,” he replies coolly while perusing the menu.

“I heard,” I say.

“I resisted,” he replies without taking his eyes off of his menu, he knows Deena reported to me.

“Was it hard for you, to resist that is?” I clarify my question and get no reply from him. “Jason?” I press.

“What?” is all he says. I just look at him for the longest time. “I had been drinking alright.”

He says this as if that makes it alright if he did indeed hook up with someone.

“Did you resist this bimbo who was all over you? Was it one of those girls I saw you with at lunch today?” my voice goes up a notch.

“For the most part, and yes that was Lauren,” he clips out.

“That’s not very convincing. I know it must be hard with all these beautiful girls throwing themselves at you. Hey, you’re a guy, I could just imagine.” I reply coolly.

“Clarissa, stop it.”

“No, I’m being serious. I was at my exchange and some guys were checking me out and I liked it. But when they realized I was Bancroft’s girl, they steered clear of me as if I was married.”

“Good, that’s how it should be,” he says finally looking up at me from his menu.

“Oh really, the old double standard rears it’s ugly head.” I look down at my menu and say no more. Remembering why I told Jason we shouldn’t date. He only wanted me because I said no in the beginning. Now that he has had me, I told you he would move on after awhile. None of this should surprise me.



BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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