ROMANCE: BBW PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Prince’s Witch Bride (Bear Shifter Royalty Military Arranged Marriage Romance) (Paranormal Alpha Male Fantasy Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BBW PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Prince’s Witch Bride (Bear Shifter Royalty Military Arranged Marriage Romance) (Paranormal Alpha Male Fantasy Romance)
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Chapter 9



I stood before The Elders to consult them on Arabella’s acceptance among us. It wasn’t every day that a hybrid was the one who would evidently save us from annihilation. And I knew had to do whatever it took to convince them that she was no threat.

“She has to be banished,” the eldest stated gruffly, “Hybrids are not like us, and she does not fit in amongst us.”

This was harder than I thought and with my hands behind my back I paced in front of them.

“She’s our only solution, she was the one who managed to break Maura’s spell and ever since the spell was lifted we can shift in our compound. What more must I do to convince you?”

One of the elders stood up and towered over me. He was much taller and his face bore the scars of many battles. He was also the only one who has ever survived the bite of a vampire – not without consequence though. Due to the poison that flooded his blood, he lost his sight. But despite his brutal attack, he miraculously survived against all odds.

“What more does she have to offer other than mediocre spells that are of no relevance to us?” he asked pointedly, “As far as we are led to believe, she’s in the Alexandria room right this minute, trying to find the spell we need. Is she making headway?”

His question was warranted, but I had faith that she would find the spell, I just didn’t know how long she would take.

“I believe she is making headway, and she’s not giving up until she has found it.”

For the life of me I could not fathom how The Elders had more say than I did, was I not their Prince?

The eldest stood again, “She has until midnight to come up with a solution, if not, she will be banished and we will have to find an alternative way to secure our compound,”

Finally!  There was hope yet, now I only had to get Arabella to work relentlessly to get the spell. And if it meant that I needed to help her, I will do just that.

“We’ll have the spell before midnight,” I said and then without wasting any more time, I bowed before the Elders and exited the council room.

I headed straight for the Alexandria room, where I knew she was buried under a pile of books searching for the spell Maura used before she cursed us, but she wasn’t there. The only other place I might find her was in her room.

As I turned the corner into the hallway where her room was located, she crashed into me and instinctively I caught her and steadied her.

“Edmund, I’m so glad I found you,” she said and I noted her violet eyes sparkle. She was unto something, no doubt.

“I was just looking for you. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but we need this spell before midnight,” I hated having to put pressure on her, I know from my own experience, when under pressure most things go wrong.

“Well that’s what I came to talk to you about, you see, I found Maura’s secret. It took me a while and I had to do a locator spell, but I managed just fine. Thank the gods,” she said excitedly and held out a small wooden box.

As she held it in her palms, I lifted the lid and took out the small scroll, none of it made any sense. So she translated it to me and explained that the spell uses blood magic. Once it’s successfully cast, not only will our compound be secured and hidden from Lucifer’s Hordes. We will also be able to locate them long before they manage to find us.

“There’s a slight problem though,” she said and lowered her eyes, “we need the blood of a Vampire.”

Well that’s just bloody damn brilliant! The only vampires we have here are decapitated dead ones, and those are far and few in between.

“Major Bernhard, we have a situation,” one of my guards appeared behind us, and by the sound of his voice, it didn’t sound like a good news.

I turned to Arabella, “wait for me in my office, I’ll be there shortly,” and then turned my attention back to the guard, “What is the situation?”

“A vampire managed to breach the compound. He came in through the underground tunnels. He has already killed two of our men.”

The solution to our problem literally fell into my lap and the grin on my face obviously confused the guard as he looked at me wide eyed.

“Take me to the blood sucker,” I commanded. But as I was about to leave, Arabella grabbed my arm.

“Let me come with, I can protect you.”

“It’s too dangerous,” I said and rested my palm against the side of her face, “Go wait in my office.”

“Please Edmund,” she pleaded, clutching the box in her hand, “A bite from a vampire is all it takes to kill a shifter. And even if you manage to capture him, you will need someone to draw his blood.”

She had a point, but the thought of getting her involved didn’t sit well with me.

“Are you sure you can use your magic to protect us both?” I asked, searching her eyes.

“I swear on the blood of my ancestors,” she said determinedly.

“Very well, come along then, and whatever you do. Stay behind me at all times until it’s safe for you to move in.”


Chapter 10



Surrounded by six of his strongest men the vampire stood hissing and snapping like a wild animal. No one could get close enough without being bitten.

“Can you protect us both with your magic?” he asked me again as he started to remove his uniform.

“Yes, but why are you getting undressed?” I asked curiously.

“I can’t do this in my human form, if I shift I stand a better chance to overpower the filth and you will have enough time to draw blood before my men stake him,”

“It’s too dangerous, I can’t let you do that,” I protested.

to do what is necessary Arabella, can you protect me or not?”

I chewed my bottom lip and I saw his eyes shift from my eyes to my lips and back, then pursed my lips together.

“Here,” I said and grabbed him by his shoulders brining his face down to mine. His lips parted and I had to smile for a second. It looked like he was about to kiss me. But I kept my composure and chanted, “Prontenta mobiaris,” then breathed my breath into his mouth. A white cloud with substance obscured my view for a second before it vanished, and then I released him.

“That might help, but try not to get bitten,” I said and stepped away from him.

He simply had no option but to trust me and believe that I was protecting him with my magic.  And as his guards formed a barrier between the vampire and him, he bent over and dug his hands into the clay floor.

I stood and watched in horror as his body contorted in agony. A strange sensation mixed with euphoria and pain streamed through my own body and I realized that I was connected to him. I willed the pain to subside and watch attentively as he body started to mutate. His bones thickened in certain places as his skin rippled and reformed. His entire body expanded and thick hair sprouted all over his body. And then his bear stood with his back against me.

What a magnificent creature, but now was not the time to admire him. I had to remain focused and protect him.

He lunged forward and everything was over almost in the blink of an eye. He had the vampire pinned to the ground. The moment the vampire was secured I ran to them and with my athame blade that was cast in gold I struck the leech’s throat. Black tar-like blood gushed from its neck and I quickly gathered it in a small vial.

“Got it,” I cried out and ran back behind the guards. Then all I heard behind me were the wails and cries of the vampire.


Chapter 11



The spell was a success, and finally the clan was safe from Lucifer’s Hordes, for now at least. Arabella was still fast asleep in my bed, and I couldn’t help but admire her. She was one witch I wouldn’t want to mess with.

“Good morning,” she said gruffly as she rubbed the tip of her nose against my shoulder.

“Morning beautiful, did you sleep well?”

She rolled unto her back and stretched out, feigning a yawn, “Sleep, what’s that? I had this hunk of a man that wouldn’t leave me alone for a single moment,” she said jokingly.

“I’ll be sure to have a talk with him; we can’t have our witch sleeping all day just because he’s a selfish bastard who wants you all to himself.”

Her laughter drifted through the room and she rolled over and straddled me, grinding against my already painful erection.

“Now, now Mrs. Bernhard, if you keep that up, we’ll be late for your inaugural ceremony.” I said and gripped her hips firmly.

“I suppose you have a point, it’s not every day a hybrid saves an entire species from extinction and on top of that marries their Prince,” she said smiling as she lowered her lips to mine.

So far I’ve broken every possible law, breaking another one was just one less to worry about. She pressed her lips against mine and I pulled her hips forward and buried myself deep inside her. Her hips immediately started moving and throaty incoherent words poured from her lips.

Some of the guard, as well as the elders accused her of bewitching me, but I called it falling in love, and even if what they said was true, I’d rather be bewitched by her than cursed.

She bore down on me and every stroke brought me closer to my release. And I knew by the way her body shuddered each time I hit the bundle of nerves deep inside her, she was also heading for her own climax.

“I love you Edmund,” she whispered breathlessly as she scored her nails across my bare chest, and that was all it took.

“And I you,” I said strained as my body stiffened and my release flooded her.

“For ever and always,” she whispered and she slumped against my chest, pressing her lips against mine.




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Lion Lord’s Kiss
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Check out the following excerpt of Lion Lord’s Kiss

Excerpt of Lion Lord’s Kiss

ay was feeling uncharacteristically restless this morning. He had slept poorly and awakened early with a pounding headache, courtesy of a long flight and a case of jet lag. He had showered and donned his human camouflage, a Hugo Boss suit tailored to his muscular, six foot four inch frame.  Nothing could truly make him blend in here though. His obvious height, broad shoulders, and handsome face were only a part of what caught people's attention. Less obvious, but more compelling, was the way he moved: like an arrogant predator among sheep, supremely confident in his ability to master anything under his golden gaze.

Now here he was, pacing with the nervous energy of a caged animal, his long strides carrying him back and forth in front of the large window overlooking the city. It was almost two hours before his meeting so Jay decided to walk the ten blocks or so to the office building where his meeting was to take place. Hopefully
he would be able to sit still through what promised to be a tedious morning and afternoon.

He stepped past the doorman dutifully holding the door for him to exit, and stopped to get his bearings just short of the stream of humanity bustling passed on the sidewalk. The sheer volume of people, the noise, and odor of vehicle exhaust threatened to overwhelm him. He had an animal’s inherent mistrust of anything that drowned out the senses he depended on for survival. Once he felt like he had a handle on the sensory input, he joined the river of people heading the direction he needed to go. There was nothing outwardly threatening about him, but even in the crush of New York City pedestrian traffic, people unconsciously allowed him extra space, a small buffer between themselves and the man who seemed to radiate an aura that repelled casual touch.

Jay strode along the streets of New York, carried about by the flow of the crowd, in no real hurry to get to his destination. He had plenty of time to take in the sights of the morning commuter crush: the blaring horns from the traffic, the people engrossed in their phone conversations, or just staring mindlessly at their smart phones, totally unaware of their surroundings. The one thing he did enjoy was the smell of exotic foods coming from small eateries and carts spaced out along the streets. They reminded him of the fact that he had left the apartment with an empty stomach and it took a lot of food to fuel an animal his size. He was only a couple of blocks from his destination and still had some time to kill, so he decided to find something to quell the gnawing in his belly.

He scanned the small establishments that catered to the on-the-go crowds and chose a bagel shop based on the pleasant aromas wafting through its door. As he entered, he breathed deeply of the smell of coffee and baked goods. Stepping into the long, but swiftly moving line of people awaiting their turn at the counter, his eyes fell upon the woman at the front of the line. She was tall for a woman, dressed in a form fitting skirt that did nothing to hide the fact that she had a gloriously shapely backside. The fall of her rich, auburn hair reached nearly to the nip of her waist, accentuating her hourglass shape. If there was one thing he had a real weakness for, it was a woman with soft curves and a lush figure, and from behind, this woman fit that bill perfectly. As she turned toward him, juggling her purse, a cup of coffee, and a pastry, he noticed that the view from the front was excellent also. He appraised her from the floor up, her gloriously lush thighs, the generous swell of her hips, and good god, those breasts! He ached to feel the weight of them in his hands. What really stopped his heart though, were her eyes. They were watching him with frank amusement at his not so subtle appreciation of her figure. If he had not been so stunned, he would have thought to feel chagrin for being caught so obviously ogling, like someone’s lost village idiot. As she passed him, headed for the door, he couldn't help but avidly watch her progress. She paused in the doorway, turned, and flashed him a sunny smile. She stood there just long enough for him to think to himself, “Go after her, you idiot!”, when she was suddenly jerked through the door with a loud yelp.

That broke his paralysis, and he leapt for the door after her, jerking it open on to a scene that momentarily baffled him. She was standing on the sidewalk clutching the straps of her purse with her left hand and thoroughly beating the piss out of a man who was desperately clinging to the rest of her purse. He wasn't a large man at all, barely five foot seven, and scrawny. He had chosen his victim poorly, as she outweighed him by a good forty pounds, and obviously was not going down without a fight.

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Paranormal Academy, Elite Deceit


, n. 1. A being with genetic abnormalities that match partially, but does not fully replicate a human’s genetic code. 2. Not human…’ (2200 Edition of Doxynn’s Dictionary for Dummies).


I look human (most of the time) and follow human codes and laws. What does that make me other than human? Well, according to the world’s 94.53% of fully genetic humans, because my DNA holds a minor inconsistency, it makes me a monster.


Chapter 1

I am one of the lucky ones. Most gifted people, most commonly known as monsters, are killed as soon as they come of age. It is a human’s legal right to kill a marked individual on sight. When I was young, as with the majority of my classmates, I was brought to a magically protected boarding school—Edmund’s Academy for the Gifted. Humans are pinged across the world if they attempt to infiltrate, and the gifted with malevolent intentions are sent back from where they had come. As long as they enter the academy with pure intentions, they can stay, even if those intents change.

As a student, I am safe.

At the age of nineteen, we gain a marking on our backs. It’s when the gifted become fully grown and legally able to be killed. To us, the marks are simply overdue birthmarks. They are different for everyone. They map out the destiny of their inhabitants, yet can be seen by anyone other than the wearer. After all, it is forbidden to know your calling unless deemed necessary by a prophet. Others are able to see pieces of the marking, but no one person can decipher the entire thing.

I turn nineteen years old in six minutes.

“What do you think your marking will say?” Coral asks from the bunk above mine. Her long red waves run down the side of our bed, and her excited voice energizes me. I am jittering from the anticipation of receiving my mark. What will the marking feel like? Will I feel an entirely new sense of importance once I am officially marked? I keep my eyes glued to the clock on the other side of the room.

“I don’t know. Do you think it will hurt?” I ask nervously. I was born at 4:36 PM on July 2, 2197, and I have been waiting for this moment my entire life.

“It shouldn’t. I call being the first to see,” she squeaks. I don’t allow my eyes to veer in Coral’s direction, but her hair disappears from my peripheral vision and I hear her walking around the room. Most people don’t have their best friend to comfort them while they receive their marks.

“What if I don’t have a great destiny?” I ask, biting my bottom lip. I pull my bleach blond hair over my shoulder and allow it to fall down my right side.

“Snow,” Coral starts, “your destiny is bound to be important. You are the only Elite mermaid in the academy.” I sigh and look away from the clock. Coral’s hair is the first thing that catches my attention, which is not unusual in any way. The mermaid warfare professor calls her Ariel, which is the name of an old movie character from the early 2000s. None of the students in the academy have lived nearly long enough to watch the film. All of the movies that gave monsters a positive connotation were destroyed.  The average lifespan of a mermaid is about 300 years, so some of the professors were around to see the movies before their downfall.

“Being Elite means nothing,” I argue. It is simply the status a person gains if they are the leading individual in their species. They must have good scores in academics, battlefield strategy, ability control, and defense tactics. I just happen to have the best scores in each of the categories. Coral and I are both exceptional at controlling our abilities, so we room together.

“It means everything. You have more opportunities than any of us. We are all forced into the human world after graduation, but you can stay here forever because you’re an Elite,” Coral says. I nod and look back at the clock.
Six. Five. Four. Three. Two.
“It’s time,” she says.

I feel a slight burning sensation ease up my back slowly, starting just above my coccyx and widening as it slides up my back. The sensation is unlike anything I’ve ever felt and it fills me with purpose. It continues for less than a minute before stopping at my shoulder blades. My entire back is covered and I run to our full-length body mirror. I turn and pull my shirt over my shoulders before looking into the mirror.

I see only tanned skin. “Is it there?” I ask.

She clears her throat, and I monitor her every expression through the mirror. Her eyes widen and she rushes forward. “It’s there,” she murmurs. I grin from ear to ear and attempt to decipher her shocked expression. She can only see a small portion of my prophecy, but what she’s seeing is causing her face to spasm with multiple different emotions.

“What is it? What do you see?” I ask.

She smiles and shakes her head. “Being Elite definitely means something,” she says with a smile. We both know that it is against the rules to divulge another person’s destiny, but I can tell by her mere facial expressions that she saw something important.

A scream echoes through the corridor loudly and my attention flies to the door of our room. Coral looks at me curiously and I do the same. I throw my shirt over my head before running from my room with Coral on my tail.

The hallway is crowded with curious teenagers of all different origins. A few pixies float through the air and the magicians stand in the front of the crowd. Vampires make up the majority of the group. There are more vampires than any other species at the academy. A few mermaids are in the hallway, speaking among themselves curiously.

It’s odd to have so many different species gathered around when we are usually separate. We have classes with our own kind and avoid other groups the majority of the time. I try to push myself to the front of the crowd in general curiosity. Coral leads, but I am grabbed from behind and pulled backward quickly. I don’t struggle against the grip of the person. Once I am in the back of the crowd, I am met with the calculated silver eyes of the academy’s Headmaster.

“Miss. Annesley,” he greets me, “I have an important matter we need to discuss.”

BOOK: ROMANCE: BBW PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Prince’s Witch Bride (Bear Shifter Royalty Military Arranged Marriage Romance) (Paranormal Alpha Male Fantasy Romance)
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