Rogue Alpha: Wolf Shifter Romance (Wild Lake Wolves Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Rogue Alpha: Wolf Shifter Romance (Wild Lake Wolves Book 1)
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“Wait.” I stood, putting the couch between us. “You
mean there’s a chance the rest of your pack won’t accept me?”

Tucker shook his head. “This is
pack. It’s
my decision. It’s not a democracy.”

His words were strong, but I saw something flicker
in Tucker’s eyes. He wasn’t fully sure of the repercussions of marking me. The
easier thing would have been for him to let me go.  Before yesterday, Tucker
had no claim on me. What difference would it have made to his pack if Asher had
torn me apart in some misguided sense of revenge for a car accident? Staying
out of it, leaving me to whatever justice Asher wanted to mete out would have
been the safest choice for Tucker’s pack. In that moment, I began to fully
grasp the gravity of the decision Tucker had made.

As much as he told me he’d done it to protect me,
marking me also put me in a different kind of danger. It put me in the middle
of whatever might go down between him and Asher. I had no concept of what a
pack war was. Hell, a few hours ago I had no concept of what a werewolf really
was. But I’d seen the deadly fire in Asher’s eyes and the fierce courage Tucker
had shown when he came between us. More than once.

Tucker had marked me because he wanted me. The
knowledge of that...the power of that decision shuddered through me.

Tucker. Wanted. Me.

My body moved of its own accord. I crossed the room
in two quick strides. Tucker got his arms up in time for me to step into them.
He lifted me off my feet so we were nose to nose. I showered his face, his lips,
with kisses.

I wanted him, too. Logic, reason, and sensibility
had no place between us. Tucker wanted me. His skin burned from it; his
heartbeat quickened along with my own. I belonged here. I belonged with, and to,
him. The thought of leaving him, of letting him cut away the bond he’d made
between us, was obscene to me. He’d given me the gift of his body, his mark,
his life. I recognized it for the marvel it was. He was mine, I was his, and it
was how all of this was supposed to be. Whatever happened next, we’d face it
together. I said none of this, but Tucker’s lips on mine sealed the compact
between us.

Nothing else mattered except me staying with him. If
it was some trick or magic, I no longer cared. It felt good. It felt right.
Tucker made me feel whole and alive, and my heart soared, my blood sang with
the knowledge of it.

I meant to let him take me then and there, to strengthen
the bond between us now and forever. But as I wrapped my legs around him and
struggled to free him from his pants again, the hairs on the back of my neck
stood on end and I knew we weren’t alone.

Tucker shifted, letting me slide down until my feet
touched the ground. I pulled the t-shirt back down to cover my nakedness, and
turned toward the door. It had swung open. Four large wolves stepped out of the
clearing, their eyes flashing with menace.

Tucker moved slowly, stepping around me to put his
body between me and the threat. His body hummed with a low growl that reminded
me of an idling car engine.

“Tucker?” I looked up. His eyes had gone feral,
flashing silver. He bared his teeth and crouched low, ready to strike if any of
them came any closer.

“Just stay behind me,” he said, his voice a
threatening hiss. “Let me do all the talking.”

I nodded and gripped his forearm as he walked toward
the door. He stepped out on the porch and kept me half shielded behind him, my
back pressed against the door frame.

The largest wolf of this group had a black coat and
menacing yellow eyes. He dipped his head low and bared his teeth. Saliva ran
from the corner of his mouth.

“Neve,” Tucker said as he gripped my arm. “It’s time
I introduced you to the rest of the pack.”


To Be
Continued in

Sweet Submission

Claimed by
the Pack: Part Two


One Last Thing . . .

Thank you so much for starting Neve and Tucker’s
adventure with me. Just wait, their story ended up going places even
never expected. Shit does NOT shock me so . . . yeah. You need to see what
happens. Things heat up in
. No
spoilers, but let’s just say Neve
finds out what belonging to the
pack means. Rahr! Click
for the second installment. If you prefer your books Super Sized you
can pick up the complete
Claimed by the Pack
series Box Set

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See you on the wild side!



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Books by Kimber White

Claimed by the Pack Series

The Alpha’s Mark

Sweet Submission

Rising Heat

Pack Wars

Choosing an Alpha

The Complete Series Box Set


Wild Lake Wolves Series




Mammoth Forest Wolves Series











Books by Kimber White

Claimed by the Pack Series

The Alpha’s Mark

Sweet Submission

Rising Heat

Pack Wars

Choosing an Alpha

The Complete Series Box Set


Wild Lake Wolves Series

Rogue Alpha (featuring Mal from the Claimed by the Pack Series)


Mammoth Forest Wolves Series







BOOK: Rogue Alpha: Wolf Shifter Romance (Wild Lake Wolves Book 1)
6.33Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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