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Authors: Alena Wireman

Rocky Mountain Sister (5 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Sister
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Cassandra smiled to herself and then walked over to the older lady. She kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear. “I do believe that Mr. Anderson does like apple pie”

“Cassandra, you should be ashamed of yourself, thinking I am smitten with Mr. Anderson.

I just wanted to make you a nice lunch. I have missed you and I am glad you are here.”

“Okay, if you say so, but I bet we have apple pie now, won’t we?” Cassandra laughed as she walked out of the room.

Cassandra went to her room and decided she better get herself changed and ready for lunch. Having bought several different dresses in Denver, she chose the brown plaid skirt and a light tan blouse. Opening her satchel, she pulled out the draft she had drawn up to pay off the Mortgage on the Greenwood Ranch. Laying the envelope on the dresser to retrieve and take to the bank after lunch.

Mr. Anderson complimented Edna on the wonderful meal she had made. “I don’t believe I have ever had such a delicious apple pie Edna. It was absolutely heavenly.”

Edna’s face was turning pink, but she was hoping he would like it. “Thank you Mr. Anderson, I have the recipe from my great grandmother. It was always well liked with everyone.”

Cassandra couldn’t help but smile to herself, the two were looking at each other like young people in love. The way she had seen Victoria look at her brother Christian.

“Now Edna, you insisted that I call you Edna, I insist that you call me Carl. “ Cassandra didn’t miss the wink he gave Edna.

Carl turned to Cassandra and took a drink of coffee. “Now my dear, should we go find Mr. Delaney and head over to the bank. I am anxious to see some fireworks. It has been awhile since I have had a good argument.”

Cassandra gave him a questioning look. “Mr. Anderson, I have no idea what fireworks you wish to see, just let me grab the draft from my room and I will be ready.”

“Don’t worry dear, you will understand in a short while.” Carl then looked away from Cassandra and over to Edna. He grabbed her hand in his, “Thank you for the wonderful meal. After the dinner meal, would you accompany on an evening walk? I would really quite enjoy it.”

Edna turned red in the face this time. She looked over at Cassandra, who was looking at her with a smile and her eyebrows raised like she saying “
I was right.”
Edna just grinned and said, “Of course Carl, I would love to walk with you this evening.” Cassandra was her friend and she knew she didn’t have to be embarrassed in front of her.


Cassandra walked into the small bank in Forest Heights. She was a little nervous, not wanting to argue with Milton Cramberry. He was a selfish man who wanted to take everything from everyone he could. Cassandra closed the door, took a deep breath and turned around.

“Well good afternoon, Miss Greenwood. What can I do for you?” Milton Cramberry smiled at her with his devilish little smile.

“Good day Mr. Cramberry, I would like to speak with you about the mortgage on the Greenwood Ranch. “

“Now Miss Greenwood, I have told you before, that is between your brother and I. Now please stop bothering me with this. I do not have time to be bothered when you know I will not discuss it with you.” Cramberry turned his chair around started to right something down on a piece of paper.

Cassandra grew angry at this irritating man. “Mr. Cramberry, I assure you I am not wasting your time. I do not like to have my time wasted on a pathetic little weasel like you. Now, I would like to know the balance of the loan. I fully intend to pay it in full before I leave this building.”

Cramberry set the pencil down and turned toward Cassandra. “Miss Greenwood, we have discussed this before. You haven’t the means to pay off the loan. I told you that I would extend the loan for three months. That is the best I can do. Now until your brother comes in and pays on the loan, we are done with talking.”

Cassandra was getting madder by the minute. Her papa had warned her about people like Mr. Cramberry. He also taught her not to back down.

“Mr. Cramberry, I am not Makenzie Greenwood. I am her twin sister Cassandra Greenwood Vandevier. I will not be manipulated into being scared of you. Now could we please take care of the business at hand or I assure you that my, attorney will be at your door by the beginning of next week.”

“Haha, Miss Greenwood, I assure you that I do not scare easily either. Now I have never heard of this Cassandra you speak of.” Cramberry got up from his chair and walked toward her.

“This conversation is over and I believe you should leave now and have your brother return with the money.” Cramberry walked straight over to Cassandra and grabbed her arm and shuffled her toward the door.

Cassandra quickly opened her small arm purse and pulled out the small revolver, aimed it at Cramberry’s leg and pulled the trigger.

“Ow, why you little…..” Cramberry screamed as he hit the floor grabbing his leg. He never finished the sentence. Delaney and Anderson came running through the door.

“Cassandra, you okay?” Delaney’s voice was frantic.

“I am quite fine, Mr. Delaney, Mr. Cramberry has a problem though. Cassandra pointed the gun at Cramberry again. “Mr. Cramberry, do you have any children? If you do, they will be your only children. I will shoot you and make sure that you are unable to produce anymore.”

Delaney spoke up quickly, “Cassandra, put the gun away before you hurt someone else.”

“When I get the deed to Greenwood Acres, I will gladly put it away.” Cassandra moved further away from Delaney, a sudden grab for the gun could get someone hurt again.

“Alright, Alright, I will hand it over and give you what you want, just get someone to take care of this bleeding before I bleed to death.”

Carl Anderson turned away from the window he was looking out and gave a chuckle. “Oh my, cousin, I see you seem to have yourself in yet another problem. Grandmother will be so displeased again.”

Cassandra and Delaney gasp, Cramberry looked more scared then he was before. Cramberry stared at the door closing behind his cousin Carl Anderson. The look on his face showed he was confused.


Carl walked out of the bank and went to get Edna and some bandages. Cassandra and Delaney just stood with shocked looks on their faces.

Cassandra started to laugh. “So this is what Mr. Anderson was talking about with all that talk about fireworks. Never expected your very own cousin Cramberry?”

“I didn’t want to turn the books around. I swear I was blackmailed into taking the ranch. “Cramberry cried as he tried to stop the bleeding on his leg.

“The same as you did to the Barton Ranch? “ Cassandra asked as she pointed the revolver at Cramberry again.

“Please, he threatened me, I had no choice. He said he would kill my wife and son.” Cramberry begged Cassandra to listen.

Delaney finally talked Cassandra into putting the gun away. She seemed very calm. It amazed him that she didn’t even flinch, she still looked like she was the sweet young lady who came to Colorado with him.

The door flew open and Edna and Carl came through in. Edna immediately began working on the gunshot wound on Cramberry. “Oh you poor dear, I just knew someday someone would have the guts to shoot you, I just never thought it would be a young lady. My, my, my, how things are changing so much…..”

“Ooooowww! Good Lord woman, what are you putting on me? That stings so much.” Cramberry screamed out in pain.

“Oh shut up, you crazy fool, or I will stick this metal rod in as far I can.” Edna said as she stared him straight in the eyes. Cramberry had everyone paranoid in this town, afraid he would turn the books and they would go under. “
Won’t have to worry about that anymore.”

Later when Edna and Cassandra were back at the boarding house talking while they made dinner. Edna was bragging to Rosa about the gunshot wound in Cramberry’s leg. She was very proud how Cassandra handled herself with him.

Soon the boys were at the table eating and trying to get information out of Cassandra, who told them very little. They had heard about the shot even as they sat in class. Cassandra couldn’t believe how fast news travelled in a small town.

Edna made a tray for Carl, Thomas, Cramberry and Cramberry’s wife and son at the bank. Cramberry was locked in the area where the teller usually stood. Delaney and Anderson rounded up cots, blankets and pillows for the long night. They would be taking turns spending the night at the bank until the Circuit Judge would show up. News travelled fast around here and they didn’t want anyone coming in and trying to shut Cramberry up. His wife and son were also brought to the bank for protection. A couple men, including Cassandra’s uncle volunteered to help watch the bank.

For two days Cassandra had her nose in the banks books, giving Cassandra a headache. She found so many discrepancies in the adding and subtracting. “How could someone be so cruel as to take everything from good families?” She asked to herself. She also decided that she would let her attorney, Mr. Hornsbury take over the paperwork when he arrived from Jefferson City. She would have to wait to find out how much was owed on the note to ranch anyway, there was no way she would get it all figured out in a couple days.

When she went back to the boarding house, Edna and Carl were out for their evening walk, something that they had done every night since the very first night of his arrival from Denver.

Cassandra was very happy for her friend. Edna left a plate of cookies on the counter for her to snack on, so she poured herself a glass of milk and took the cookies to her room. The boys were in their room.


Jessie seemed to make his way to the river every day, he couldn’t figure out why he always seemed to stop here. Looking up at the boulder once again, he saw no sign of Makenzie anywhere. He hadn’t seen her for over a week now. Not since the day he foolishly kissed her.

He was hoping to run into her while she was working. He usually saw her at least a couple times a week. Jessie almost went to the Greenwood house but decided against it. He decided to gone on about his business and maybe he would run into Nathan.

Jessie sat at the table that evening with his and sister. Jordan didn’t get out of the house much. She was friends with Makenzie, but didn’t see her often. “Jessie, what is wrong with you, lately you seem to be in a daze?”

The sound of his sister’s voice snapped Jessie back from his day dream. “Just a lot on my mind I guess. The Greenwood’s lost more cattle. I wish they would let me help them. I am worried they won’t have enough to sell and make it through the winter.” Jessie pushed the food around the plate with his fork. “I wish Nathan would talk, he doesn’t seem to have time for much anymore. He has been out on the range sixteen, seventeen hours a day. I don’t want to find him face down on the ground one day. Even if he talk, he wouldn’t let me help.”

Maddie Harper looked at her son. “Jessie, do you have any idea who is taking the cattle?”

“Yes, we think it is Ferguson. We just don’t have any way of proving it, he seems to be able to keep his trail clean.” Jessie faced his mother with great concern for the neighboring ranch. “I wish there was more we could do. They are short on hands and Nathan does most of the work. Makenzie does what she can.”

“The last time I saw Kenzie, she looked so tired. I tried to talk some sense into head and tell her she needed to go home and get some rest.” Jordan said. “You can’t talk sense into either one of them right now. They are fighting for everything they own.”

The next morning Rosa and Cassandra decided to head back to the ranch. Cassandra gave Edna instructions for Christian and Mr. Hornsbury to be sent to the ranch immediately upon their arrival. Saying their goodbyes was hard as ever for Edna. She loved having Rosa and Cassandra visit.

Cassandra hugged her friend with an extra squeeze, “Edna, I am sure you will miss me, but I think you will quite entertained. I think Mr. Anderson will make you forget all about me.”

“Now Cassandra, I will never forget you.” Edna wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Cassandra was happy to be back on the ranch. She considered the house her home too. Though she had not been back very long or didn’t remember any of her past, she felt like this was where she belonged. Leaving the horses and buggy with one of the few ranch hands, they headed for the house.

“Cassandra, I am so glad you are home.” Makenzie ran out the front door and down the steps toward her sister. Grabbing her sister and about knocking them both on the ground.

“I have missed you to Kenzie, I didn’t mean to be gone for so long. We ran into a few problems, but I assure you sister, everything is going to be just fine.” Cassandra smiled at Kenzie, hugged her again, and led her into the house. Rosa followed, excited to share a new recipe that she got from Edna with the girls grandmother. Rosa headed straight for the kitchen to find Anna, dinner was going to be a wonderful experience tonight.

Cassandra and Makenzie spent the rest of the morning talking about how her trip was and when her Christian would be arriving, how long he would be able to stay. Makenzie was full of questions.



That night when everyone sat down to eat. Nathan kept going on about how everything smelt so good. “Rosa, what have you cooked tonight? I am starving, I think I could eat it all.”

“Nathan, I just threw together something Edna Middleton shared with me.” Rosa wasn’t about to share the secret with Nathan. He would just have to enjoy the meal.

Nathan watched Rosa put everything on the table. Licking his lips, he could barely wait for everyone to sit down and the Blessing said. “Rosa, if this taste as good as it smells, I just might not let you go back to Missouri. Oh grandma, I’m sorry. It’s just that since Rosa has been here, I think I have gained a few pounds.” Nathan rubbed his stomach and smiled at Rosa.

Elizabeth spoke up quickly. “Nathan, I think it is all those late night snacks you have been sneaking in the middle of the night.”

“Nathan, you better watch it, you might not get fed at all when Rosa and Cassandra go back to Missouri.” Anna laughed at her grandson. “I just might not have the strength to cook so much food. I am glad to see you home early enough to eat a decent meal though.”

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Sister
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