Rocky Mountain Bride (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Bride (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 2)
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“I would spank you for that, but I’m part responsible.”

She wished she could save his smile and keep it as a treasure. “I’ll gladly share the blame.”

Miles didn’t leave the cabin until well into the afternoon. Once he was gone, Carrie wandered around the homestead, humming. She hung her new shawl over the rough wall, and added the needle and fabric to her things in the corner, and pulled out the trunk to make a little table for her to work on.

After working in the garden, she stopped to fill a jug with flowers. Little by little, she’d take some of the flowers from the hill and plant them all around the porch, just like the red flowers Esther had alongside her doorstep.

Fresh flowers on the table, she saw her husband marching up the hill from the stables and then heard a cry, and looked up to see a golden eagle soaring above the cabin.

She met Miles on the very edge of the porch, and the first thing he did was lift her up and kiss her, then carry her into the house, grinning.



He set her down and took in the pretty wall hanging and sewing corner, and the fresh flowers in the jug.

“This is a sight a man wants to see when he comes home.”

His words warmed her heart. “I haven’t gotten dinner ready yet. The stew needs to simmer a while longer.”

She turned back to the hearth when her feet left the floor. Miles swung her into his arms and carried her, squealing, to the bed. “I’m not hungry for stew, wife,” he said, before lowering his mouth to devour her.

In the end, they ate the stew in bed.




The next day, Carrie woke near dawn, but Miles was already gone. Stretching languidly, she felt the soreness in her muscles prickle and smiled. Her husband had taught her many things last night, and she’d been an eager student. Her hands and mouth had explored her husband’s body, and his hers, until they knew every part of each other.

The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she became.

She’d always been a passionate woman, told to push down her desires and tame them. All her life, she’d been warned against the sins of the flesh; the pastor back home had preached against it, and the congregation rose up to cast out and condemn the wanton women among them. Carrie had believed in keeping her heart and mind pure, until the day came that her lust had taken over. As soon as the church knew of her wicked ways, they’d shunned her. She’d lived in despair until Miles’ letter came, offering escape. Before she started her new life, she’d vowed to be a good and perfect wife, and kept that vow.

Up until last night. She groaned, remembering. Her behavior had been pleasure-seeking and wanton. Could he ever forgive her?

Of course, he said that she’d pleased him, but could Miles want such lust in his wife?

After thinking it over, she decided she must not lose control again. She would be a perfect and chaste wife for him.

Miles stayed out in the field all day, but returned early. She’d heard him at Belle and Monty’s pen and hurried to put dinner on the table. He wasn’t smiling, but there was an easiness to his movements that made her blush, remembering how beautiful his muscles rippled under her hands. He complimented her and ate dinner quickly, seeming eager to get through the meal. Under the table, his foot strayed to her side, pressing against hers. Whenever she scooted her leg away, he found it again, until she finally stood up, feeling flushed.

Her plan to remain chaste and good wasn’t working too well. Fortunately, she had an idea.

Taking a deep breath, she cleared the plates, ignoring the big man watching her with a heated gaze. When she returned to the table, she had her bible in hand.

“What’s this?” He leaned forward once she sat down.

“I thought we could read some verses before bed.”

He sighed, sounding frustrated, but then leaned back in his chair. “Very well.”

She read a bit from Isaiah, hoping to interest him, but when she looked up, he seemed to be studying her more than ruminating on the verses. She pushed the book across to him.

“You never learned to read?”

“No. When I was of schooling age, Pa was often sick, and it fell on me to be the man of the house and work the farm.”

“How old were you?”

“Six. And I didn’t get much schooling even after Pa regained his health, because I was on to the horse farm for my apprenticeship.”

Even though she’d heard many stories of young men kept from school to earn for their families, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for a small, tawny-eyed boy with so much responsibility laid on his shoulders. “Well, then, I’ll teach you.”

She ignored his amused look, and came around the table. Leaning over him, she started to point out letters in the little book, wishing she had a primer.

“And that’s an ‘E’ that can be used in many words—” She felt Miles’ hand brush back her hair and she swatted at his hand. “—like here, and here, see, in this king’s name…Merodachbaladan…” It took her several tries to pronounce the name, and all the while Miles’ hand was caressing her neck. “Oh dear,” she said, giving up on the ancient king’s name. “Perhaps that wasn’t a very good example.”

Suddenly her student was on his feet behind her, and his lips worried the back of her neck.

“What are you doing?” She felt him pull at the fabric of her dress to uncover more of her skin, and his mouth followed the path.

“Learning to read,” he murmured.

“No, this is not…” She lost the thread of the sentence as his mouth latched onto a sensitive spot on her shoulder.

Then one of his arms snaked around her waist, while the other undid a few more buttons until it could slip into her bodice and cup her breast.

Her knees unhinged completely, and she would have fallen but for Miles’ arm holding her around her middle.

He turned her and lifted her so she was on the table. A few tin dishes went crashing to the floor but neither of them noticed, so busy were they drawing kisses into their hungry mouths.

Deep in her bodice, Miles’ fingers pinched her nipple and Carrie gasped, then gave as good as she got and sucked on his lip, biting it.

Miles jerked away, then touched his lip. When his fingers came away, they were red with blood.

“Miles,” she quavered, sitting half disheveled on the kitchen table. She did not like the look in his eye.

“That’s it,” he said, and she was about to protest when she was over his shoulder then bouncing on the bed. He turned her over and pushed up her skirts while she struggled to escape to the other side of the bed.

“No, I didn’t mean it.”

“Yes, you did, sweet wife. You bit me.” He sounded satisfied.

His hand came down with a loud smack, but it didn’t hurt. He followed it with a rub that sent sensations reverberating deep inside her.

Another spank, another rub, and Carrie whimpered, her legs kicking out for a different reason. It was as if she had a fire inside her and each spank struck out a spark to light the blaze.

She gasped, “Please,” and raised her bottom to meet his hand. He slapped and rubbed and rubbed and smacked until she squirmed and tried to rub her greedy center on the bed.

“No, no.” His spank fell on her pussy and she jerked her bottom up with a squeal. “No rubbing yourself.” She moaned, and he chuckled. His fingers slid through her slick folds, brushing against a sweet spot that sent little spasms through her.

“Do that again,” she said. “Please.”

“That’s it. Beg.”

“I need it, please.” She tried to move, to angle herself so she could find release.

He pulled her over his lap and slapped between her legs again with a squelching sound, making her squeal.

“No, no, my little wanton.”

She felt a pang at being called wanton, but she was, over his lap, skirts up and bottom bared while Miles pressed his palm right between her legs. She moaned under his hand, and he replaced it with his fingers, stroking the tension in her to a fever pitch.

“Oh, no,” she moaned.

“Yes, wife. You’ve been naughty. Now beg me to find your release.”

Pressure was building inside her, an ache she didn’t understand. She used the last of her brain power to plead for mercy. “Please, Miles, please. Let me go.”

“I’m giving you what you need.” He smacked her cheeks again, then again lower down, her legs jerked closed and he drew them apart.

“No, no, little lady. Keep your legs open, show me your pretty cunny. I want to see it.” His fingers dipped into her honey pot and slid around. She wriggled and he spanked her until she was still.

“That’s right,” he said, his deep voice husky as he drew his fingers over her slick center. “This belongs to me now.”

The sweet ache inside her had reached breaking point, and she cried out as pleasure shattered her. She was a harlot, she was a hussy, she didn’t care.

“That’s it,” Miles murmured, his fingers continuing to stroke her.

Her world spiraled and spun, the room and everything swimming out of focus. In one instant she was face down over Miles’ knees and gasping; in another Miles had swung her up and laid her on the bed, then covered her with his body. She smelled his wild, perfect scent, and felt him slide inside her. Moaning in his ear, she gripped the muscles of his back as he started to scythe in and out of her. Then bit down.

With a roar, Miles lifted her off the bed, gripping her tender bottom as he pounded his hips into hers. She felt wild and free, spiraling above her body, watching her husband’s muscles flex powerfully, her tongue lick the sweat off his strong shoulder, and her nails rake down his back.

Then she tipped over the edge of pleasure again and the world slammed back into her, just as Miles gave one last great thrust, and dropped them both on the bed. They both lay panting for a moment. Carrie felt her body trembling with little aftershocks, and was grateful for Miles’ heavy weight on top of her, grounding her.

Miles leaned in for one last kiss, before flopping on his side beside her. “That was a good night’s lesson.”

“I didn’t know I could do that,” she said.

“My little wife is wanton.” He smiled, his eyes already starting to droop.

She felt confused, her exhausted body wrung out with pleasure. The evening hadn’t gone as she’d planned. Not at all.

Turning to face his sleeping form, she stroked his hair back from his face. In sleep, the harsh lines of his face softened and she found herself longing for him all over again.

Then she noticed the red mark on his shoulder and gasped, remembering. She’d bit him! Twice.

Rolling away, Carrie buried her face in the blanket with a moan. What must he think of her? She’d vowed to be a good and virtuous wife, but one touch and she lost control.

It was humiliating.

Too late, she remembered all she’d been taught: her body was a temptation, and led men astray if she wasn’t careful. All her life she’d tried so hard to avoid the boys and hide her curves under shapeless shawls, but her own body betrayed her. And everything they’d warned her against had come true, until she fled to Colorado to escape the shame.

But here she was again, failing.

She felt a wetness between her legs, and knifed up out of bed, stooping over as she walked to the corner to clean herself. When she was done, she didn’t return to bed, but crouched down in front of the fire, arms wrapped around her legs and head bent.

She must be really evil, to think that her sinful acts felt beautiful. No wonder Miles called her wanton.

A sob caught in her chest, and she buried it down. She could not run—there was nowhere to go. But she must never allow herself to lose control like that again.

Eventually, she slipped back into bed, resolving to lie on her side and not disturb her husband. But as soon as her body settled, he wrapped himself around her, securing her with a hand around her waist. She closed her eyes and tried to forget her feelings for him, how much she loved feeling his solid weight at her back.

The women at church had warned her, the reverend had preached on it, and still she allowed her flesh to reign. She must guard her heart and fight against lust. Otherwise, Miles would discover the truth about her—not only of her fallen nature, but also her sinful past.




In the morning she tried to avoid her husband, but after chores, he stayed in the cabin with her, watching her make biscuits. When she asked him to get water, he jumped to his feet and left, but returned almost as quickly, whistling a jaunty tune.

When she laid his plate before him, he caught her hand. “Sore from last night?”

“Aye.” She kept her eyes down.

“Does it truly hurt?” he asked, concerned, and she couldn’t stay cold.

“It’s not too bad,” she said, giving him a shy smile.

“Good.” She heard the relief in his voice. He tugged her hand, pulling her in for a kiss, and when it was done he let her go serve herself. Throughout breakfast, he hummed happily, not noticing her silence.

“Miles?” she asked at last. “Do you remember what happened last night?”

“Aye,” he said with smug satisfaction. “You lost control and bit me. Twice.”

He smiled at her horrified expression. “Don’t worry, little wife. I enjoyed it.” He tapped her nose before clapping on his hat and heading for the door. “I think I’ll keep you.”




By the time he returned for dinner, he noticed her subdued manner.

“Still aching?”

She mumbled something like assent, and scurried to her place at the fire. He was so handsome. She never thought his rawboned face would bring her such pleasure to look at it. But now, in the tiny cabin, his presence seemed to fill the place to every corner.

“We’ll not be together tonight, then,” he told her, and she felt her heart sink, even though she had gained what she wanted.

She did not escape total intimacy with him, however, for after dinner, he asked permission to brush her hair.

“Yes, husband,” she allowed. He settled onto the bed and she followed, sitting in front of him, pulling a blanket over her nightgown. Slowly, reverently, he spread her chestnut waves over her shoulders, then started to stroke her hair.

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Bride (Rocky Mountain Bride Series Book 2)
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