Rock Star: The Contest (Book 2 of a Bad Boy Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Rock Star: The Contest (Book 2 of a Bad Boy Romance)
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Chapter 8

,” Leann said, taking a seat on the bed, crossing her legs and staring at her well-manicured nails. I began pacing back and forth. She might not have seen the gravity in this, but I sure as hell did. I had been through it once and that was hard enough. Now they had photos of a half-naked guy with two chicks, this had scandal written all over it.

“You think this is a joke? They could boot us both out of the contest for this, never mind ruin his career.”

“Settle down. They aren’t going to do that. You obviously haven’t been paying attention to my singing. They don’t kick out talent.”

“Oh shut up, Leann, you really aren’t that good.”

Her eyes narrowed and nostrils flared.

Chase put his arms out as if trying to calm a group of people. “OK. Let’s not panic here. This can be explained. They don’t have any photos of us in the act. It’s all circumstantial.”

“What do we do? I mean you must have encountered this a few times before?”

He furrowed his brow. “You insinuating that I engage in orgies on a regular basis?” That was followed by one of his cheeky grins.

“Look, we’ll just tell them that you both came up to ask a few questions about the writing process. That both of you were stuck. I had just got out of the shower and boom.”

“I’m not stuck. If I say that they are going to think I can’t write. Sure, she might not be able to,” she gestured at me with her finger. “But I don’t get writer’s block.”

“Right,” he said looking unconvinced.

“Somehow I don’t think that excuse is going to fly.”

“Well, have you got any better ideas?”

I thought for a moment.

* * *

re you kidding me
? No, I won’t do it.”

“Spike, I really need your help here.”

“I can’t believe you have the nerve to ask me. Are you screwing him?”

“I just need you to trust me on this and get your ass over here pronto. Just don’t use the front entrance. You are going to have to come up around the back. Cottage seventeen. Don’t get lost. And hurry.”

I could see him now, cutting through the forest on his dirt bike and cursing all the way.

“He said yes?”

“Well, not exactly. Let’s just hope he shows up.”

The thought had come to me that what we were missing was proof. They weren’t going to believe that a guy with his pants undone and shirt open in a room with two girls was anything but some weird ménage à trois. But… if we could have a reason for his pants being undone and then show someone else in the room who wasn’t in the contest and was known for doing tattoo work in the area, maybe, just maybe we would dodge the bullet.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Chase said.

“We give the media what they want. This is going to put out the fire.”

We sat around for a short while. Leann wandered around picking up items that belonged to Chase, before he took them from her.

“We could always kill some time,” Leann said, looking like a complete hussy.

“Leann, has anyone ever told you to think before you open your mouth?” I said.

“What is your problem?”

“Problem?” I squared up to her. “You are. Since you’ve been here, you’ve been nothing but a royal bitch. Treading on toes, acting all high and mighty.”

“You are just jealous that I have more talent in my little toe than you do altogether.”

I brushed her away with a hand. “Please. Don’t make me laugh.”

Ten minutes passed, before we heard the back door slide open. I jumped up and went over to Spike. “Thanks, Spike. You really are a life saver.”

“Right, Spike the life saver. I can’t believe you have convinced me into doing this.”

He dropped his tattoo kit on the bed, and glared at Chase.

“I had an idea for a tattoo. The word ‘DICK,’ what do you think?” Spike said.


Spike immediately went to work. First, he took a photo of the un-tattooed area. He then traced a picture of a small guitar to the left of Chase’s pubic area.

“I’m telling you man, this is fucking gross.”

Chase laughed.

“Don’t laugh or I’ll draw a small dick tattoo that says, I wish mine was as big as this.”

About fifteen minutes later it was done. His skin was red, but there was a black tattoo.

“Anyway. So who’s going to tell me what all of you are doing here?”

“Bit of a long story,” I said.

“I bet it is,” Spike said through gritted teeth.

Once satisfied it looked good, Chase went back to the front door and swung it wide. Cameras flashed again and this time Spike came up beside him.

“Folks. Feast your eyes on the latest tattoo work done by a local boy, and these are his friends.”

We then stepped forward.

“So you aren’t involved in some sex act with two women?”

“Oh God. Would I be that stupid?”

Yes, yes, you would, I thought.

“You all will remember Meghan Sullivan and her friend and fellow contestant Leann Turner. Well, this is their friend Spike.”

Spike posed, relishing the attention. He told them that he played guitar and if they wanted an exclusive before he became a big star, they should get it now. He also gave out his Twitter and Facebook ID, and told them to start following. What a guy!

They took a few more snapshots. We took the moment to pose and give the thumbs-up, drawing all attention to the tattoo. It was a long shot, but plausible at least.

I glanced at Chase and he winked back.

Chapter 9

nother nine contestants were eliminated
. Only seven remained. It was getting tense, I never imagined I would have made it this far. Luke had been professional about it all. He’d kept his distance while still working with me and developing songs. Little did he or anyone else know who was inspiring my latest lyrics. The past week had been filled with talk about Chase’s antics. Despite our little stunt making headlines locally and even on a few tabloids, no one seemed to be wiser to what had really been going on that day.

Leann had been watching me like a hawk since that day. I had a strong feeling she knew I was seeing Chase and was looking for any reason to expose us. Anything that might give her an edge in the contest.

Izzy had survived her drug overdose. Barely. She didn’t return to the contest, not that she couldn’t but word had it that she was too humiliated and felt that it had tarnished her appeal with viewers. At least that was what we had been told. The way the producers had spun it, was ridiculous. They had even filmed part of that night to see if it could boost ratings. They were desperate and in need of a new angle for the show. The network was applying pressure and told them that if they didn’t find a way to up the ratings they wouldn’t see a season four. That’s just how it worked. It was about the ratings. It didn’t matter that social media was abuzz with people saying how much they loved the show. The network didn’t pay any attention to that.

It was all about viewership. Chase had proposed they streamed it online, but again that went down like a wet rag. They had no way of monetizing it, sure, they could have used advertisers but it didn’t bring in the big bucks that TV did.

Sophie had starting dating Teddy. She wanted more time off to go out with him, so I filled in on some of her shifts when I could. That meant working alongside Spike, and the atmosphere between us had become very tense. He knew there was more to what had occurred that day out at the cottage but I hadn’t discussed it with him. He couldn’t get a peep out of Leann which was unusual to say the least. She had a mouth on her and I was pretty sure all of the gossip and rumors that were spreading among the contestants was to do with her.

Chase and I had been heading out to my parents’ place. It was the only spot that I knew that wasn’t under the glare of reporters and cameras. He’d go out and speak to a whole bunch and tell them that he wanted to give them an update on the show. Then he wouldn’t show up. He’d done it twice, I didn’t think it work a third time, so we were trying to come up with a new excuse to draw the paps away from the front of the show area, so he could slip out the back. I would meet him and we’d spend the night out at my parents’. I almost felt like an undercover operative. Sneaking around and going behind the backs of all the other judges and contestants. They would have had a field day and gone berserk if they knew we were sleeping together. Spike, well he knew. I know because he had phoned my parents’ house a few times and once Chase picked up the phone.

“So how’s lover boy liking his tattoo?” Spike said, finishing up an order with a customer.

I was filling the sugar containers, well at least trying to. Most of it was going over the counter. I shot him a glance that made it clear that I didn’t like him referring to Chase as my lover boy.

“I know you’re seeing him. It’s pretty obvious. Especially when he picked up the phone.”

“You can’t say anything.”

He didn’t reply.

“Spike. You can’t say anything. I could get kicked out of the contest.”

“And go back to the way things were. Running the store. No celebrities in town. Ooooh we wouldn’t want that.”

I could tell he was hinting at the fact that he could tell if he wanted to. No doubt it looked very appealing.


He grinned. “I wouldn’t do that. No, it’s your life. You do what you want. But just know this. Spike might not be around after he dumps your ass. And believe me he will dump your ass. It’s what they do. They get bored. They find a new girl who is all-innocent. Boom, you are like putty in their hands and sex on their breath. It’s just sex, isn’t it?”

I wasn’t going to respond to that but since he had brought it up and there were few customers in the room, I decided it was time that we sorted this out.

“No, it’s more than that. He’s deep.”

“Deeeeppp.” He mocked me. “Yeah, I bet he goes deep.”

I slapped him across the arm.

“Why not just find another girl, Spike? I mean I could set you up with one of the contestants. Maisey. She’s a firecracker.”

“Maybe I’m not interested.”

“What, you don’t think she’s hot?”

He grinned, and wiped down the counter. “As much as I like a tight body, and a pretty face, it’s not all about that. It’s what’s inside here.”

He pressed his finger lightly against my chest indicating my heart.

“I never thought you were one for caring about what a girl thinks.”

“I like a good time. Just like any guy. But after sex, it’s got to mean something more than that. There has to be a deeper connection. Otherwise once that’s gone, what have you got left?”

“Right, that’s what I’m saying about Chase.”

“Yeah, but really how much have you got in common with him? Let’s be honest here and lay the cards out on the table.”

“Well…” I put my finger up. “We love music.”

“So do we.”

I narrowed my eyes.

“We sing.”

“Really? You sing?” He started laughing and I backhanded him with a cloth. “No, I mean, what about where you’re from?” he continued. “We’ve grown up together. I’ve known you for years. I know what ticks you off and what brings you alive. Those things can’t be discovered within a few weeks. Even if he was here for a month.”

I began mopping the floor of some coffee that had spilled.

“I know that. But if a person said that about anyone they thought of seeing, they would never date anyone. It’s the best part, getting to know someone.”

He was about to respond when Amber Rose and Brad Urban walked in followed by a slew of media who were immediately shoved outside. They took a seat in the corner and Spike went over and took their order. A few minutes later Amber came up to the counter.


“Hi Amber.”

“You want to join us?”

My brow knit together. “I should really be working.”

“Oh it won’t take long. We just wanted to have a quick word with you.”

I glance at Spike and he nodded.

“Yeah, sure.”

I handed the mop to Spike and he took over.

“Hey,” Brad said.

I took a seat. Amber sat beside him.

“So how are you liking the contest so far?”

“Yeah. Good.”

“How do you think you are doing?”

“Shouldn’t that be something you are telling me?”

“Right. Listen, there’s been a bit of rumor spreading and we just wanted to clear it up.”


“You and Chase.”

My stomach sank. I immediately felt as if I was under the glaring lights in a police station. I fidgeted in my seat and scratched my leg.

“What about us?”

“So there is an us?” Brad asked.

“No, you were implying there was an us.”

“Are you seeing Chase?”

And there it was. The question of all questions. I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn. Every cell in my body was screaming out. I wasn’t very good at lying. There was always a look people get in their eyes when they are lying. It’s glazed and you can just tell they are trying to pull the wool over your eyes. For years I had been trying to master the art of not letting a person see what I felt inside. If I was sad, overjoyed or angry, I would use things like looking off to the side, or biting my lip or just a look of surprise. More times than not I would fail at it miserably. This was probably one of those times.

“Why? Has anyone been saying anything?”

“No. It’s just people have picked up on the way he is around you. Look, it’s not like we aren’t familiar with his taste in women. We know he’s a bit of a womanizer. But if it was true that you were seeing him, we would have to pull him out.”

“Not me?”

“No, you’ve got talent. You have the most to lose in this. It wouldn’t be fair to have you dropped.”

I could see out the corner of my eye that Spike was listening.

“No. I’m not seeing him.”

I didn’t hesitate. Hesitation was a clear giveaway.

“OK. Well, thanks for being honest with us. See you tonight.”

I walked, no, crawled away from there feeling terrible. Chase needed this. He needed the extra exposure for his career. I needed this. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. The following half an hour felt like hours, as they both sat there drinking coffee and occasionally eyeing me over the top of their cups. Had they bought it? Probably not. It wasn’t like they weren’t clued into the music business. It was what they did. They had probably had their own run-ins with men and women who they had fallen for. Small-town folk who became one-night stands.

“You know your lying is going to catch up with you and when it does…” Spike shook his head. I didn’t reply. I told him to take over while I went and took a bathroom break. I never went to the bathroom, though. I went upstairs to my apartment and closed the door. Breathing a sigh of relief. I felt like crap inside. This wasn’t a good situation to be in.

I texted Chase to let him know that they had been by and had been asking questions. However, nothing seemed to faze the guy. He messaged me back that it was fine. It was just routine since they had got wind of what went down at the cottage. Leann had been through the same thing.


What had she said? This would have been a prime situation to throw me under the bus. She had become more and more ruthless as the number of contestants had shrunk down to just seven. I wouldn’t have put it past her to plant in their heads the idea that I was screwing around with Chase. Maybe she wasn’t aware of how it would affect Chase.

The whole idea they would boot him out, and I wouldn’t be affected by it, sounded fishy to me. It was just like what a suit, someone from a network, would say just to get you to tell them the truth, and then they would bring the hammer down on you as well.

* * *

hat evening
, it was to be a live show in front of a small audience. They wanted to see how we reacted playing in front of group of unknowns. These were people that weren’t the type to show up to the big event. Random people from the surrounding towns that were given the task of listening to each of us sing and then giving us feedback on what they liked and disliked. Seems odd, right? I mean, let’s face it, not everyone likes the same music. Regardless they thought this would be a great way to push our buttons and make us raise the bar.

It was decided that they wanted to hold it in a local café. Being as mine was the only one in town, they made arrangements to rent it. It was a nice perk, getting some extra cash from them being as I was going to be part of the show.

An hour later the film crew was set up and my small store had been turned into a TV show. Men and women of all ages piled into every inch of space and one by one they had us come out and sing for them. It wasn’t nearly as nerve-wracking as I thought it would be. One person would be eliminated from the round based on how tonight went. Teddy, Maisey, Leann, Luke, Wayland, Rachel and I were the final contestants.

We took turns singing, and at the end the producers asked the audience what they thought. Some commented on the way we used the stage. For some we moved too much, others said it was not enough and there wasn’t any passion in what was being sung. For another it was our pitch was off. It was like a roasting, except all of us were getting burned by a room of strangers who were drinking my coffee. I should have placed a sign outside that read…

Free Coffee And We Accept Free Insults.

But that was just what had to happen.

At the end, after everyone had left, Wayland had been eliminated. They were brutal with his performance. They said he moved like a chicken and sang like a hyena. Spike thought it was hilarious. He sat on the sidelines, cracking up. I was surprised he didn’t chime in with a few of his wisecracks. But I think there was enough being shared around for one evening.

Slowly the crowd left and each of the contestants rolled out, looking even more despondent than when they had entered. There were now only six of us and as the finals were getting closer, the stress and the possibility of losing after having been through the past few weeks was weighing heavily on everyone’s minds. Including mine.

Chase hung around. Out of sight behind the building until everyone was gone.

“It’s going to be OK. It’s not long now and then we don’t have to worry about going behind their backs.”

He kissed me. I thought he was right, until I saw Leann step out of the shadows.

BOOK: Rock Star: The Contest (Book 2 of a Bad Boy Romance)
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