Read Riverbreeze: Part 2 Online

Authors: Ellen E Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #virginia colony, #brothers, #17th century, #powhatan indians, #marriage, #early american life, #twin sisters, #dreams, #jamestown va

Riverbreeze: Part 2 (63 page)

BOOK: Riverbreeze: Part 2
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“I am sorry.” He said, with a little bow. “I admit I enjoyed watching you for the moment.” His eyes were warm with admiration, but only as a father towards a daughter; after all he was over thirty years older than her and he did miss his daughter considerably. “I brought you the remainder of your gift.” He was carrying a flat leather pouch.

“But this is too much already!”

As he handed her the pouch, he said, “This is
Billings’ collection of sheet music. She said you should have this as well.”

“Thank you.” She said softly, accepting the pouch. As she stroked the soft, warm leather, she added, “I feel so guilty.”

“Do not.” De Vries said. “She would want you to be happy. Accept the gift with graciousness and acknowledge her generosity…and her sacrifice.”

Elizabeth nodded, finally giving in. With a smile at Evelyn, she put the pouch on the virginal, opened it and pulled out a stack of sheet music. Her face lit up when she saw a large variety of keyboard works including Parthenia, a collection of compositions by William Byrd, John Bull and Orlando Gibbons. There were also a few compositions by a Dutch composer named Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck and a few handwritten compositions. Elizabeth wondered if Elsa had written them, but before she could discuss this with Evelyn or de Vries, he cleared his throat, wanting her attention.

“Yes, Captain. Is there anything else?”

“I think you should come to the window and see what your husband is doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come look.”

She joined him at the window, Evelyn behind her. What she saw highly interested her.

Robert and Jamie were looking over a young female African slave. Visser was standing in between Robert and Jamie and two other men were on either side of the female. She was wearing a simple, filthy wrapper tied with a rope belt and nothing else. She appeared to be cold; she was shivering, but held her chin high. Her hands were tied behind her back, and her eyes were as dark as coal and burning with hostility. She was surprisingly attractive despite her hard face.

Elizabeth couldn’t hear what the men were saying, but Visser was pointing out certain characteristics by touching certain parts of her body with what looked like a horse whip. Robert was shaking his head. They were arguing about something. Then suddenly one of the men untied the rope and Visser took his whip and used it to spread the wrapper apart. The poor girl was naked underneath and then the two men wrenched the wrapper back off her shoulders and down her arms where it caught on her bound wrists.

The girl spat at Robert. He jumped back and Visser immediately slashed her neck with the whip.

Elizabeth gasped.

De Vries didn’t react. He said, “I doubt your husband will buy her now. Visser has told me she is a difficult one.”

Elizabeth looked at the captain. “I told my husband we didn’t need another servant at this time. He shouldn’t spend his money on a house servant just to make my life easier.”

De Vries raised his eyebrows at her. “How refreshing you are, Madame.”

“I am not refreshing.” She snapped. “I am being practical. I can be practical, despite what others may have believed in the past.”

.” He said carefully. “But if your husband were to buy her, how would you feel about owning a slave?”

“I would rather not own a slave, but I would also not contradict my husband if he were to buy one.”

“Well, it seems you have nothing to worry about. It appears your husband is not buying her after all.”

De Vries was correct. Visser’s men were restoring the slave’s wrapper to her and taking her away, handling her rather roughly. Visser looked both embarrassed and angry. His face was flushed a deep red. He may have been apologizing to Robert, but Robert didn’t seem too concerned. Elizabeth certainly could imagine how angry the slaver must be. It was going to take a tough master to tame that one.

Captain Visser and Captain de Vries didn’t stay long after that. Just long enough to express their gratitude for the wonderful meal and to say good bye. No business was conducted. Robert nor Jamie bought a slave nor did they barter for any of the Madeira wine that de Vries was trying to unload for his employer. He was a little disappointed, but no matter, he said, he would just continue traveling down the river, visiting each plantation. They wished him good fortune in his endeavors and extended another invitation for him to return before he left for London if he was able.

* * *


The day ended on a high note. Elizabeth went to bed content with her life. She had planned and helped to prepare a successful meal for her family, she had hosted two exciting and important men for a couple of hours and afterwards she had played the virginal and sang for several more hours, entertaining the dearest people in her life. Now she understood how Elsa Billings could give up her most valued possession in payment for the life and safety of her son. Elizabeth realized she would do the same for Robert or Robin or Evelyn, even Jamie and Abigail. These people were her closest family now and without them her life would be empty.

She snuggled next to Robert, feeling warm and secure in the comfort of his arms. He kissed her temple and murmured, “You were wonderful today. You sang and played like an angel. It reminded me of the first time I saw you in father’s parlor. I’m very proud of you.”

“Thank you.” She whispered. “I enjoyed every minute of the day. Did you?”

“Yes, I did. Every minute, but now I’m ready to enjoy every minute of this night.” He said, caressing her face and neck and shoulder, tugging her chemise down to expose the tops of her breasts. He rolled over her and kissed her urgently, cupping and kneading her breast through the transparent fabric.

She sighed as she kissed him back, clutching his shoulders and pressing her hips against his. He was as firm and ready as a red deer in rut and her body quivered with anticipation.

She didn’t have long to wait. He made quick work of pushing her chemise up and then his own nightshirt up and entering her. She made a small noise of pleasure and raised her hips to draw him in deeper, to hold him so tight as if she would never let him go.

His life had been spared; his wound was healing; there wasn’t any more danger of inflammation or fever. And he had obviously gotten his energy back!

To be joined like this was a gift and perhaps they would be blessed with another gift tonight, a new life. That would be her wish.

The moment was approaching; the urgent feeling of reaching for something. Her body strained against his as her fingers dug into his back.

“Are you close?” His voice came out in a harsh whisper.

She just nodded, unable to speak.

And then the moment exploded over them, taking them to the heights of glory. They had reached the ultimate goal, to achieve complete sexual pleasure together. A new life would be the result. She was overjoyed. She was humbled. She was in love.

“Je t’aime, mon amour
.” She whispered, holding her husband, holding the father of her baby, loving the feel of his weight on her body. “I love you, Robert.”

He didn’t act surprised at her words. Instead he surprised her, shocked her actually, when he lifted up enough to touch her face in wonder and look into her eyes and say, “And I love you, Lily. I truly do,
mon chou

Four notes actually. Hal-le-lu-jah!

Continued to Part III




Author’s note

Thank you for purchasing and reading Part II of
. Part III continues the saga of the Bassett brothers and their wives as they face the greatest threats to their lives. After a slight mishap and reconciliation at the end of Part 2, the two couples experience a time of peace and happiness during the Christmas season. That peace is soon shattered during a Twelfth Night party when an unexpected, and unwelcomed, guest arrives. Now they must find the strength to prevail against this foe from the brothers’ past as he plots to ruin their lives. And finally, the climax, a historically correct event brings treachery and sorrow to Riverbreeze plantation, forcing the brothers to defend their home and protect their family from Indian attack and war.

I hope you enjoyed reading Part 2 as much as I enjoyed writing it. I fell in love with the Jamestown and Colonial Williamsburg area of Virginia when my husband was stationed at Langley Air Force Base and we lived in Hampton, VA. Before that we lived in England for four years and that’s when history came alive for me.

This is my first novel and I currently live in Roanoke, VA with my husband. We have one daughter.

BOOK: Riverbreeze: Part 2
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