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Authors: Jill Sorenson

Risky Christmas (7 page)

BOOK: Risky Christmas
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“Well, the fact that you hold yourself at a distance kind of messes with my head. Every time I get close, you back away. On the one hand, you're sexy and mysterious, and I'm a normal guy who likes the chase. But deep down I'm still that scrawny foster kid who felt abandoned and unwanted.”

Heat rose to her cheeks and tears filled her eyes. She looked away, embarrassed by the way his words affected her. He'd touched her on so many levels.

“What's wrong?” he asked, cupping her face.

She closed her eyes, letting the tears fall. His openness was like a balm to her soul. John had never shared his emotions with her. “I'm sorry I made you feel bad.”

“You're not responsible for my upbringing, Leah.”

“Thank you for telling me about it.”

He brushed moisture from her cheek. “Thank you for listening.”

She felt herself drifting toward him and paused. It wasn't fair to keep leading him on, but he was so hard to resist. “Why don't you have a girlfriend?” she asked, moving back a few inches and reaching for her drink.

He tore his gaze from her mouth. “I haven't dated anyone in a while.”

“How come?”

“My last girlfriend and I broke up right after my sister died.”

“Oh,” Leah breathed, putting her hand on her chest. “That's terrible.”

“Yeah.” His expression was contemplative. “I think it was more my fault that hers.”


“Talking about my childhood seemed to make her uncomfortable, so I didn't bring it up. She had a great family and couldn't really relate. But I liked her, and we got serious fast. She mentioned wanting kids.”

“Did you?”

“Yes, but I had serious reservations about it.”

“Most thoughtful people do.”

“Mine are different than most.”

“Why is that?”

“Well, I like kids, obviously, and I think I'd enjoy being a parent. But I don't know who my father is.”

“Your mom never told you?”

“No. There were probably a number of possibilities.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, her heart breaking for him. “That doesn't mean you wouldn't be a great dad.”

“True, but I don't know what genes I'd be passing on, or even who I'm related to.”

“Can you get your DNA checked?”

“Yeah. I was considering it when Brenda got in the car accident.” He rubbed a hand over his mouth, as if disturbed by the memory. “I'd made a mistake in downplaying my past. Cassie knew I didn't have a father, but she wasn't clear on the details. When she met my mother at the funeral, she was horrified.”

Leah smoothed her palm across his back, comforting him.

“I told her the ugly truth about my childhood and
she stopped talking about kids. It was over pretty soon after that.”

Her loss,
she thought. “You were right to be honest with her.”

“I can't blame her for wanting out.”

She massaged his upper arm, marveling at his strength, inside and out. He'd overcome a series of traumatic experiences and made a comfortable life for himself. “Hard times can either bring people closer or tear them apart. I wish John would have shared his troubles with me. I'd have welcomed it.”

He glanced at her hand, frowning a little. “I'm sorry I got defensive earlier. I was trying to be up front with you about my past because I'd been burned before. Maybe I overcompensated by emphasizing the bad stuff. I didn't even realize I was doing it.”

She set aside her beer bottle. “There's nothing to be sorry about. Your past doesn't bother me, although it makes me sad. I'm amazed by how well you've done. You're strong. Indestructible.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Hardly.”

“Tough, then.”

“In your hands, I'm putty.”

She squeezed his firm biceps. “I don't think so.”

His eyes glinted with heat, reminding her of their steamy embrace this afternoon. His body was more like marble than putty. He inched closer, sliding his arm between her and the couch. When his fingertips made contact with the exposed strip of skin above her low-rise jeans, her lips parted in surprise.

He used that opportunity to cover her mouth with his and kiss her soundly. In the pool he'd been tender and tentative, making sure she didn't panic. Tonight he showed no hesitation. Thrusting his tongue inside her
mouth, he slipped his hand lower, feeling the lacy edge of her thong panties.

She moaned, twining her tongue around his. Her sexy lingerie revealed more than skin; it suggested that she'd thought about making love to him, and had dressed accordingly.

With a low growl of approval, he pressed her into the couch cushions, deepening the kiss. When her breasts met the hard wall of his chest, they swelled against the cups of her bra, nipples tightening. Heat spiraled between her legs.

Panting with excitement, she explored the bunched muscles in his shoulders, kissing him harder. He broke contact with a frown, seeming annoyed by the layers between them. She yanked her shirt over her head and watched his eyes glaze over. Her nipples were clearly visible beneath the delicate black lace.

He stretched out on top of her, trailing his lips down her throat. She thrust her hands in his hair, encouraging him. Pushing aside the fabric of her bra, he closed his mouth over her puckered nipple, laving the rosy tip.

“Oh,” she breathed, drowning in pleasure. When he stopped suddenly, she felt a sharp pang of dissatisfaction.

“Your phone is ringing.”

The sound registered, a low-pitched trill. Leah scrambled out from underneath him, tugging her bra into place. “I'm sorry, I—have to answer it.”

He made no protest as she held her shirt to her chest and rushed into the kitchen. Glancing at her daughters' bedroom door, which was still closed, she picked up the cordless and murmured a shaky hello.

“Miss Hansen? This is Deputy Marshal Dominguez.”

Chapter 7

eah's stomach dropped at the sound of his voice.

She turned her back on Brian. “What is it?”

“We've been investigating the matter at Green Market and an issue has been brought to our attention. The owner has loose ties to the same criminal organization as Mariano Felix. There is a possibility that he reported seeing you to Felix, who came in himself to make a positive identification.”

“Oh, my God,” she said, her mind reeling. “It was really him.”

“We're looking into it. The owner is on a business trip, unavailable for questioning, which is also suspicious.”

“What should I do?”

“For now, we're asking you to sit tight. The good news is that Felix probably doesn't know where you live. If he was indeed targeting you, the fact that you spotted
him screwed up his plans. He wasn't able to harm you or follow you. By contacting us, you did exactly what witnesses are supposed to do in this situation.”

She glanced over her shoulder, where Brian was waiting patiently, a curious expression on his face. “I don't want to move again.”

“If we catch him, you won't have to.”

Leah took a deep breath, pain spearing through her chest. She couldn't do this anymore. The stress was destroying her.

“We're starting twenty-four hour surveillance on your residence. There will be an undercover deputy marshal stationed in front of the house until the issue is resolved. You need to stay inside tonight. Is that clear?”

“Of course,” she said, biting her lower lip. “I have a guest right now.”


“My next-door neighbor.”

“Brian Cosgrove?”


“Ah. He checks out.”

“You've investigated him?” she whispered.

“Just a basic background report. No prior arrests. Let us know when he leaves so we can notify the undercover unit.”

Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. The first time she'd entertained a man since her husband's death, and she'd been caught by a team of deputies. After exchanging a few more details with Dominguez, she hung up.

Brian obviously wanted to know who'd called. Instead of asking, he waited for her to offer the information. She put her shirt on, walking back to the living
room. The Felix update had been like a splash of cold water.

Sitting down beside Brian, she took a hard swig of beer, wiping her mouth. When she hazarded a glance at him, he was studying her. “I have something to tell you.”


She twisted her hands in her lap. Disclosing information about the Federal Witness Protection Program was strictly prohibited. If she had to be relocated, he couldn't go with her. Only close family members, such as spouses and children, were allowed in the Program. “I might have to move.”


She hesitated.

“Is your husband alive? Is he after you?”

“No, he's definitely dead. I…I watched him get executed.”

His eyes widened with concern. “When?”

“A little over a year ago.” She moistened her lips, preparing to disclose all. Brian was a good person, and he deserved an explanation. She couldn't bear to let him think she would toy with him or abandon him. “I walked in on him and his killer.”

Brian swore under his breath, raking a hand through his hair.

Holding back her tears, she told the whole story, careful not to mention any specific names or places. “I've already been relocated once.”

Understanding dawned. “Are you a federal witness?”

She looked away. “I can't answer that.”

“Why would they move you again?”

“I saw him at the market yesterday.”

“The killer?”

She nodded, her throat closing up.

“Did he try to hurt you?”

“No. I think he meant to follow me home.”

“My God. No wonder you were upset.”

“I wasn't sure it was him. Apparently, they have reason to believe it was.” Trying to stay calm, she forced herself to continue. “There's a deputy parked outside. He knows you're here with me. I'll understand if you want to leave.”

His brows rose in surprise. “You want me to stay?”

“Yes,” she said, laying her heart on the line. “But I can't make any promises. I might have to disappear tomorrow, and that's not fair to you.”

“It doesn't sound fair to you, either.”

“I chose this life.”

“Did you have another option?”

Fresh tears rose to the surface, threatening to rush over. “I'm sorry. I knew I couldn't get involved with anyone. I shouldn't have led you on.”

“You didn't lead me on,” he said, seeming angry. “I'm the one who dressed like Santa Claus and knocked on your door. I could tell you weren't interested in a relationship, but I couldn't leave it alone. I couldn't leave you alone.” He gave her a naked look, pain etched on his face. “I think I'm falling in love with you, Leah.”

His confession stole her breath away. “You're what?”

“I'm falling in love with you. Seeing you and the girls at my house filled this empty place inside me. I've been renting the place out since my sister died, working round the clock on these crappy remodels. Avoiding people. And then you came along, and I couldn't stay away.” He reached out to take her hand. “I've never felt like this before.”

Leah blinked back her tears. Although they might
make a very happy family, she couldn't allow herself to imagine a future with him. He belonged in that house by the ocean—and she didn't belong anywhere.

“I don't care if we have one week together, one night or one hour. I want to be with you.” He pressed his lips to her cheek. “I want to touch you,” he said in her ear, brushing aside her hair to kiss her neck.

The heat they'd generated a few minutes ago sparked back up in an instant. She tilted her head to the side, giving him greater access. “Let's go to the bedroom,” she whispered, needing to feel his naked skin against hers.

His mouth froze on her neck. “Are you sure?”

In response, she rose to her feet, holding her hand out to him. When he took it, she laced her fingers through his and led him to her room. The ceiling fan in the hall whirred lazily. It absorbed soft sounds, but didn't prevent her from hearing the children, who sometimes woke in the middle of the night.

She locked the bedroom door, just in case. When she reached out to turn off the lamp, he stilled her hand. “Leave it on.”

A thrill raced down her spine. She tugged her blouse over her head, enjoying the feel of his eyes on her. He returned the favor, removing his T-shirt. His jaw flexed as she studied his well-muscled torso. Swallowing hard, she unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her hips. The peekaboo lace panties revealed as much as her bra.

Brian's gaze trailed over her pert nipples and down her belly, settling on the triangle between her legs. His throat worked convulsively.

Leah closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to the center of his chest. He lifted his hand
to the back of her head, mussing her hair. His erection throbbed against her stomach and his heart beat a sexy tattoo against her cheek. She shivered, struck by a powerful urge to drive him wild.

If this was the only night they had, she'd like to make it memorable.

Sinking to her knees on the carpet, she dragged her open mouth down his taut belly, nipping his skin. He groaned a faint protest, tightening his hand in her hair. She unfastened the buttons on his fly and molded her palm around his erection, stroking him through the stiff denim. Her eyes widened as she explored his entire length.

She glanced up at him, moistening her lips.

With a strangled growl, he lifted her to her feet and crushed his mouth over hers. His tongue plunged in and out, mimicking the act she'd meant to perform. She moaned in pleasure, wanting him to use her body the same way.

They fell back on the mattress. His lips never left hers as he climbed on top of her, hands roving her curves. He fit his erection into the notch of her thighs and cupped her bottom, thrusting against her.

Leah gasped into his mouth, her senses rioting. She couldn't remember the last time sex had felt this good.

had ever felt this good.

“Please,” she said, gripping the muscles in his back. She pushed down his boxer shorts and dug her nails into his taut buttocks.

He paused, breathing hard against her neck. “Wait.”


“If I'm not careful, this will be over too soon.” Rolling to one side, he skimmed his hands along her rib cage, setting a slower pace.

She unhooked her bra.

He tossed aside the wisp of underwire and fabric, covering her bare breast with one hand. When he brushed his thumb over the ripe tip, she shuddered. “Too rough?” he asked, lifting his gaze to her face.

She realized that he'd taken her earlier words to heart. “I love the way your hands feel,” she said, arching into his palm. His calluses made a sharp contrast to her soft, sensitive skin. The textured surface rubbed across her tender nipples, abrading her sweetly. “Touch me everywhere.”

Taking the hint, he slipped his hand into her panties. When he found her hot and wet, he gritted his teeth. She spread her legs wide, begging for more. His finger dipped inside obligingly, sinking deep.

“Like this?”


He slid his finger in and out, kissing her parted lips. Then he removed his slick fingertips from her panties and circled her tight nipples, making them glisten. She moaned at the sight, her breasts quivering. When he lowered his head to lick the rosy tips, she couldn't take it anymore. “Brian, please.”

He put his hand back into her panties. Instead of penetrating her, he caressed the taut nub of her arousal, strumming back and forth. The stimulation was exquisite. She began to shake, seconds from exploding. But, before she could reach climax, he stopped.

“I have to taste you,” he said, stripping her panties away from her throbbing flesh. Leah was too far gone to feel embarrassed when he settled between her legs, admiring the little triangle of honey-blond hair. “Very pretty.”

She squirmed as he parted her with his fingertips,
exposing her swollen sex. Giving her a hungry look, he closed his mouth around her, sucking gently. Seconds later, she shattered, biting the edge of her fist to keep from crying out.

When she opened her eyes, he was kicking off his pants, stretching a condom over his jutting erection. She kept her legs relaxed and open, her stomach fluttering with anticipation. His gaze caressed her tingling flesh once more before he stretched out on top of her, placing the tip of his erection where his mouth had been. “You're so sexy,” he rasped, easing inside her, inch by inch. “Delicious.”

With a low groan, he sank to the hilt.

Leah sucked in a sharp breath, clinging to his neck. She was very wet, and had no trouble adjusting to his size. After a brief pause, he began to move in and out, taking her to a new level of pleasure.

She wrapped her legs around his lean hips. Although he wasn't hurried or rough, he didn't hold back on the intensity. He rocked her against the mattress, slow and hard and deep. Each thrust brought her closer to ecstasy. She raked her nails down his smooth chest and over his clenched abs, panting for completion.

He buried himself in her, framing her head with his hands. “I can't last.”

She groaned, almost there.

“Come,” he said, pressing his pubic bone against her mound, moving in tight circles. “Come for me.”

After one last nudge, she fell apart in his arms. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her passionately, swallowing her cries. His body shook against hers, hips jerking as he found his own release.

They clung together for a long time, hearts pounding, limbs entwined.


Brian touched his lips to Leah's naked shoulder, trailing his fingertips down her spine.

He'd been watching her sleep for over an hour. They'd stayed up most of the night, making love again and again. Although she'd been a willing participant—to say the least—he was mildly ashamed of himself for wearing her out. Soon, she'd have to get up and take care of her kids.

He'd never known a woman like her. His last girlfriend had been smart and pretty, with a nice personality, but their relationship had lacked depth, in comparison. They hadn't shared tearful conversations or searing kisses. He'd certainly never exhausted her in bed. With Leah, he felt
again. He couldn't get enough of her.

The thought of losing her made his gut twist with despair. She could disappear from his life at any moment. He might not be able to endure the loss.

His hand stilled on her back, midstroke.

“Have you talked to your nieces?” she murmured, startling him. He hadn't realized she was awake. “Since they moved away, I mean.”

“I called them on Christmas.”

“So they know who you are?”

“They know I'm Uncle Brian.”

She rolled over, distracting him with a view of her bare breasts. “You should make arrangements with their father. Schedule a visit.”

He'd considered asking, but his stilted conversations with Peter hadn't encouraged him. Brian held a grudge against his brother-in-law for taking the girls to Boston and remarrying less than a year after his sister's death.
Peter had even requested that Brian not mention Brenda in phone calls, which rankled pretty hard.

“I can't forgive him for letting his daughters forget her.”

She snuggled into the crook of his arm, rubbing her cheek against his biceps. “Maybe he'll reconsider when they're older. Speaking from the perspective of the surviving spouse, I know how hard it is to get through each day. I'm sure he had his hands full with twins. His decision might have been based on desperation.” Kissing his chest, she added, “Besides, you don't have to like him to love those girls.”

BOOK: Risky Christmas
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