Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (31 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I love you,” she whispered and gave him a half smile that melted his heart. “All of you, even the parts you don’t think are worth loving.”

“And I love you, every part of you. You are beautiful and sexy and I am going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.” Rory was just moving off of her and to one side when both of them heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Seconds later Evan appeared at the door, his expression one of frustrated lust. He tore his shirt over his head and hit the bed with a groan.

“Do you to have any idea how hard it was to concentrate when you were both broadcasting so
? Holy fuck, porn has nothing on the two of you!”

He lay down on his side right beside Rory and leaned in to kiss Jess on the cheek.

“Please tell me it’s my turn now? I was a good boy and got us anchored and secured, despite the fact that I had the two of you in my head doing the wild thing the whole time.”


* * * *


Jess was still reeling from the intense and emotional moment she had just shared with Rory when Evan came back to bed. As he sprawled beside them she was amazed to realize that no matter how incredible what she and Rory had, she had missed Evan even for that short period of time.

“That’s the bonding kicking in, sweetheart,”
Evan whispered inside her mind, his mental touch colored by lust and laughter
. “It’s only going to get stronger as time goes by, so you better get used to it.”

Aloud she said, “Stop eavesdropping on my thoughts! I’m sorry about before. I didn’t realize you could, um, hear us.”

Evan grinned. “Well, you haven’t learned how to shield your thoughts yet, but Rory knew exactly what he was doing.” He reached out and poked Rory’s naked chest right over one of the sets of scratches Jess had given him. “Bastard.”

“I didn’t want you to feel left out.” Rory grinned back at him and Jess’s mouth fell open.

“You looped him in on purpose? Rory Frazier that was

“Yeah, you tell him, sweetheart!” Evan gathered her into his arms and stuck out his tongue at Rory before dropping a kiss on her already kiss-swollen lips. “I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me.”

Jess reached between them and wrapped her fingers around Evan’s cock, gliding up and down its length. The silk-covered steel of his shaft jerked in her fingers and she couldn’t help but laugh as a low, rumbling groan rose up from Evan’s throat.

“That’s a very good start.” He was almost purring as she pumped his cock again. “But I actually had something else in mind.”

“What were you thinking?” she asked.

“This.” Evan managed to scoop her into his arms and haul her off the bed as he stood up, carrying her back up into the main cabin and then out to the partially covered area just beyond it.

“Evan! We’re naked! Take me back inside before I freeze to death. I’ve already done my polar bear swim for the day!”

“Relax, we’re not going swimming,” Evan reassured her as he settled them both onto the bench that ran along one side of the covered part of the deck. Jess found herself straddling Evan’s naked thighs, and then he reached down and produced a faded, patchwork quilt which he carefully wrapped around her, swaddling her body in its soft warmth. With the quilt shielding her from the elements and prying eyes, Jess relaxed and looked around. They were close enough to a beach she could make out individual trees, but far enough away no one would be able to see anything. “The island’s not inhabited. It’s just a good spot for us to anchor. We’re out of the wind and there’s no one around to hear you scream.”

“I’m going to be screaming?”

“I have every intention of making that happen.” Evan gave her a lopsided grin. “I like making love outside, and I figure this is the best of both worlds. Fresh air and comfy seating.”

“You’re going to do her outside? I love you like a brother, but you have some very weird ideas about sex. First you go and bite our girl, and now you want to fuck her outside? Someone’s been spending too much time watching Animal Planet.” Rory appeared on deck, now dressed in a heavy sweater and a pair of jeans, though Jess noticed he hadn’t bothered to do up the fly.

“Shut up, bro. You had your time with Jess, now it’s my turn.”

“Don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here, waiting for J.J to come to her senses and tell you to get her cute ass back inside where it’s warm.”

“I’m warm enough.” Jess grinned. “And I’ve never made love outside before. You never know, I may come to like it.”

“Great, then we can all get frostbite together.”

“Don’t listen to him. He’s just been bitter about the great outdoors since an unfortunate incident back in high school involving a cute girl and an undetected patch of stinging nettles.”

Jess burst into a fit of giggles as Rory cursed a blue streak and flipped Evan off with both hands.

“Now, if we are through being distracted, I believe I promised to make you scream.”

“Yes, you did.” Jess snuggled closer to him so that her breasts brushed over his bare chest. “Though I’m not sure how you’re going to manage to do that when you keep talking to Rory.”

“Brat!” He stopped her next words with a kiss that nearly melted her brain and emptied her head of every thought but him. Evan’s mouth plundered hers, taking everything and giving no quarter. His tongue swept past her lips to tangle with hers, and his hands came around her hips to lift her a few inches off of his lap.

“Put your legs around my waist.”
His voice was in her head, giving her directions, and she followed them. As soon as she got her feet behind him, Evan leaned back, pinning her legs so tightly she could barely move.

Jess heard Evan’s single thought and then an outpouring of need and love hit her and she was lost to everything else. Along with the emotion, Evan sent her images of the two of them making love, some of them memories and some of them his fantasies. He whispered promises that they would try each and every one of them in their years together and Jess felt her pussy flood and her inner walls flutter as his words, thoughts, and vivid pictures sent her lust skyrocketing.

When Evan finally lowered her back down into his lap, his cock speared through her folds and the thick head pressed up into her pussy, sliding into her easily as Jess leaned her head back and moaned.

Evan’s arms held her suspended there and she tried to wiggle herself further down but he stopped her. After chuckling aloud he told her, “Sweetheart, this time we are going to fuck on my schedule, not yours. I want this slow, so slow you are shaking and begging for it by the time I let you come.”

Jess’s moaned again, this time in protest and she lifted her head to give Evan a look of pure frustration. “You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?” Evan was laughing as he lowered her another slow, sweet inch onto his cock before stopping again. His eyes were blazing with desire and it gave Jess a sense of satisfaction to know that this was nearly killing him as well.

“You’re getting all bossy, like him.” She inclined her head toward Rory and then whimpered as she saw that Rory was fisting his dick, playing with himself as he watched the two of them.

“No one’s as bossy as me, baby.” He winked at her. “You better get on with it, Ev, or I’m going to come over there and join you two.”

“Not until she’s screamed for me, you’re not.” Evan let her slide another few inches down his cock and she clamped her body tight around him as he finally went deep enough to feel good instead of merely teasing her.

Evan let his head fall back with a groan and relented, lowering her rest of the way so that he was buried balls deep inside her, his thick cock filling her so completely that even the smallest movement sent ripples of pleasure flowing outward from her womb. His hands moved from her hips to her ass, kneading the soft flesh there and rocking her body into his.

“You are so wet and tight. God, I love fucking you. Being inside you is like being home.” He lifted his head to kiss her then, his tongue flicking over her lips until she parted them. He kept kneading her ass, moving her into him and then away again in a slow, hypnotic dance that made her heart pound and her cunt pulse around his cock in eager patterns.

he whispered into her mind and lifted her up a bare few inches before thrusting upward, filling her up and then retreating. Again and again he did that, fucking her while he held her just high enough that she could not gain any leverage and was completely at his mercy. When she realized he was not going to let her have her way she finally relaxed and let him take complete control, and soon she was shuddering with the force of the orgasm that was building up inside her.

Evan and Rory were both in her mind, stoking her passion with words of love and sexually charged visions that had her nearly wild with need, but still Evan controlled the pace, keeping her on a slow, steady upward spiral toward some impossibly high peak. His cock filled and stretched her, rubbing against her G-spot with every gentle lift and glide of his hips and her entire body was slowly kindling into a single blazing flame of pure need.

Just as Jess felt as though she couldn’t take another second of waiting, the quilt was torn from her shoulders and Rory’s strong arms were encircling her ribs and drawing her back against his chest. His hands cupped her breasts and she heard him utter a single word.


Jess felt herself being lifted higher and then Evan was slamming into her hard, his cock tunneling deep into her pussy and back out again at a wild pace that sent her flying headlong into the most powerful orgasm of her life. She screamed as her world scattered into white-hot fragments of sound and light and pleasure. Her entire body arched and shook as she came and came again. Somewhere on the distant edge of her perception she heard Evan groan as her cunt gripped his cock tight and he let himself go, coming hard and filling her womb with his essence as he ground himself against her with a cry of raw satisfaction.

As her wits slowly returned to her Jess found herself being gently draped over Evan’s chest and his arms came around her to hold her close.

Evan’s breath fanned her ear as he whispered, “I told you I was going to make you scream.”

“I think you broke me,” Jess whispered back, barely able to form the words.

“I hope not, because we’re planning on staying out here a few more hours. We’re not done making you scream just yet.”

“I’m not done with you two, either, but for the next round, I do have one request.”

“Anything,” Evan promised.

“Take me back inside. The great outdoors is beautiful, but it’s also damned

From somewhere behind her Rory laughed. “I knew you’d come to your senses, baby. I promise the next time we do this outdoors, it’ll be warmer.”



The days had flown by in a glorious flood of laughter, love, and some emotional highs and lows that had brought Jess to the verge of exhaustion more than once. Meeting her family for the first time had been an incredible experience, and Jess had found herself accepted with open arms by the grandparents she had never known.

“You look so much like my Mara.” Alicia had been crying as she had folded Jess into her embrace and hugged her. “It’s like she’s come back to us, as young and beautiful as the day she left. Isn’t she beautiful, Michael?”

“Just like her grandmother,” Michael had agreed, his arms circling around them both in a bear hug.

Even her uncle Martin had been welcoming, if a little distant, and since that initial visit Jess had spent countless hours with her newly discovered kin, sharing everything she could about her mother’s life. At the same time Alicia and Michael had made her a part of their family, teaching Jess about her heritage and what it meant to belong to the colony. She was home.


* * * *


Today was a special day, and Jess knew they needed to get back to shore soon. She hadn’t expected it, but now the moment had come she was finding it hard to let go. Their bonding ceremony was set to happen that evening, but before she celebrated her new life with Rory and Evan and the family she had never known she had, there was one thing she needed to do first. She needed to say good-bye to her mom.

The three of them were out on the
Storm Lord
, and Evan had them idling so that they were hovering near the spot where they had pulled her out of the ocean the day they had met. Rory was beside her, his hand on her shoulder, offering her his silent support as she stood at the stern of the boat with the urn hugged tight to her chest.

The weather was almost balmy for the time of year, and the wind was only a chill breeze that ruffled Jess’s hair. She looked over to the rocky headland that marked the line between her land and Kismet Cove, and her heart filled as she saw all the people standing there in silent vigil, waiting for her to scatter her mother’s ashes. Vivian was easy to spot with her red hair and brilliant yellow scarf. Evan’s parents had cut short their stay in Scotland and were standing beside Rory’s family, including Rory’s sister, Kaitlyn, who had ended her self-imposed exile to attend her brother’s bonding ceremony. Evan’s brother Cameron hadn’t arrived yet, but he would be up in time for the festivities tonight.

Jess spotted two other faces and had to bite back a fresh wave of tears as she recognized her grandmother and Michael standing with the others. The only one person missing from the day’s events was her father. She had invited him, but when he’d learned that she was committing her life to not one man, but two, he had told her that he would not be attending. Jess hadn’t been surprised, but she hoped that one day they would be able to work through their issues and have some sort of relationship again. They’d been close once, but his choices and now hers had put a lot of distance between them.

“If you’re not ready, you don’t have to do this today,” Rory told her, squeezing her shoulder.

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