Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Ours, right.” Rory accepted the correction and reached over to gently push her head back down. “We’re not done yet, Jess. Stay still.”

“And what did our sweet little girl do to deserve a spanking? I was only gone five minutes, if that!” Evan walked past Jess and she could follow his feet as he crossed the room and sat down on the bed, dropping their bags to the floor.

“She wanted to know if the men looking at her tonight were cute.”

“She did? Well then, I see why she’s got her cute ass on display.”

“You should have seen her when she spotted a couple of women checking you out when you went for our bags. She
, Ev.”

“Really?” There was an odd, thoughtful tone to Evan’s question and Jess wished she could look at him and see his expression, but she didn’t dare raise her head.

“So are you done? Or am I still in time for the pre-dinner entertainment?”

Jess muttered a curse under her breath and then bit back another one as Rory’s hand swatted her ass again.

“I heard that. I told you not to speak unless asked a question.”

Her ass tingled and her clit was throbbing as Jess gasped and said, “Sorry,” the apology slipping out before she realized he hadn’t asked her a question.

The next smack came lower on her backside, close enough to her pussy that she actually felt her vaginal walls clench at the combination of pain and pleasure that flooded her body.

This time when Rory stroked over the tender spot where he’d spanked her he let his fingers keep going until they brushed over the lips of her pussy. “You are so wet. Did you enjoy that, Jess? You must have.”

“Y-yes,” she confessed, her entire focus on the delicate caresses he was giving her labia.

“Tell me who you belong to.”

“You and Evan.”

She nearly sobbed with relief as Rory slipped a finger inside her slick folds and stroked her swollen clit.

“Yes, you do. And we belong to you. Now, do you want to get off my lap, or do you want to come first?” Rory’s finger stroked over her clit again and Jess moaned in response.

“I’d say that was a vote for getting off before getting up,” Evan said and she heard the bed frame creak as he shifted his weight. “May I?”

“She’s all yours.” Rory moved his hand away from her pussy and she moaned again at the loss of contact.

Jess needed to come so badly she was shaking with frustration as she watched Evan’s feet stroll slowly across the room and out of her field of vision.

Warm hands settled on the twin globes of her bottom and she was too horny to care that she was bare-assed and bent over. All thoughts about chunky thighs and unsightly bulges were completely forgotten as she waited breathless for Evan to touch her.

“So pretty,” Evan complimented her as his fingers stroked over still sensitive skin. “Pink’s a good color on you, sweetheart.”

Warm breath fanned over her bare flesh and the ache in her pussy grew even worse as she felt his lips brush over the back of her thigh.

“Spread your legs for me.” His knees moved between her legs, helping her open for him and then his mouth was on her clit and Jess had to muffle her scream of relief. Evan’s tongue went straight for her clit, drawing the hard pearl of delicate nerves out from beneath its hood of flesh, and Jess curved her back and tried to arch herself against his mouth.

“She’s not going to last very long, is she?” Rory groaned and started stroking her back along her spine, his fingers leaving trails of fire in their wake.

“Does that feel good, Jess?”

“Oh god, yes, so good,” she managed to moan in response, her entire body trembling on the cusp of a cataclysmic release.

“Make her come for us, Ev.”

Evan didn’t say a word, but his mouth and tongue worked in concert, teasing, sucking, and laving at her clit and pussy. A finger pushed into her cunt and then a second one joined it and Jess moaned as her channel clenched hard around Evan’s invading digits. He curved his fingers and began tapping on the spot just above her clitoris. That sent Jess’s over the edge and she came so hard that her vision filled with dancing lights and she barely heard herself scream their names.

When she came back to her senses she was being carefully lifted up and carried to the bed, her two men holding her together as they gently lowered her to the soft mattress. One of them tugged her dress back down over her hips as the other stroked her hair, and she didn’t bother to open her eyes to know which one was where. It didn’t really matter. They were both taking care of her, and Jess had never felt more pampered and adored than she did right at this moment.

She let herself drift for a while, and when she opened her eyes again they were both beside her, watching her with loving expressions that made her heart melt. Without even thinking about it Jess reached for them both, stroking their faces as tears started rolling down her cheek.

“I love you both so much,” she told them and then next thing she knew she was caught in between two hard, muscular bodies as they both tried to hug her at once.

“We love you, too, sweetheart. That’s what we brought you here to tell you.” Evan nuzzled her neck as he shared his heart with her.

“We both love you so much. You’re the most important thing in our world,” Rory told her and then kissed away the tears running down her face.

“Aw hell, is she crying already?” Evan asked and reached up to wipe away the tears Rory had missed. “Don’t cry. We’re not done being romantic yet!”

“There’s more?” Jess looked at them both, amazed and grateful that she’d found these two incredible men and that they truly loved

“We were going to wait until after dinner, but I don’t want to wait anymore.” Rory sat back and took one hand while Evan took the other. The two looked at each other, and then Rory looked at her and smiled. “We want you to come live with us, permanently. We want you to be part of our lives. I know it’s only been a short time, and we shouldn’t be moving this fast, but we’re sure this is right. We’ve been sure since we fished you out of the ocean. You’re it. The one we’ve been waiting for.”

“I—I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes,” Evan squeezed her hand. “Admit that you’ve been feeling the same thing we have. It’s like a magnetic pull that started the minute we met. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning.”

“And you’re the last thought in my head when I go to sleep,” Rory added.

As Jess looked at her two men and felt the love she held for both of them in her heart, she knew that there was only one answer. It didn’t matter how insane it was or that it was too soon, or that she was committing to a relationship not many would ever really understand or accept. “Yes. Oh yes. You’ve been all I can think about since I woke up on your boat. You’ve both made me so happy that I’d be crazy to say anything else. Yes, I love you and I will move in with you and we’ll find a way to make this work. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Both of you.”

Rory kissed her long, hot, and hard and then slipped away as Evan dragged her into his arms for a kiss of his own. She felt Rory leave the bed and reached out for him, not sure where he was going.

“I’m coming back, baby. I just need to get something out of my bag.”

Evan hauled her up into his lap and cupped her cheeks in his hands as he kissed her again, laughing the whole time. “You’ve made us very happy, sweetheart. I promise we’ll take such good care of you you’re never going to regret this.”

Rory rejoined them on the bed, settling himself so that he was facing them both. “This is for you, Jess.” He handed her a hand carved wooden box with a fitted lid.

She opened it carefully and her jaw dropped as she saw what was inside. Nestled on a bed of faded blue velvet was a white-gold pendant made in the shape of a three-sided Celtic knot. The mazelike pattern formed a triangle that pointed downward, and dangling from the point was a single pink pearl the size of a small grape. The upper points of the pendant were fastened to a finely crafted chain that was also made of white gold. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. Jess’s lifted it out of the box and held it up to the light, blinking away the tears that filled her eyes as she stared at it.

“I’ve never seen anything more incredibly beautiful,” she finally whispered tearfully. “Thank you.”

“Here, let me put it on you.” Rory took it from her and drew it down over her head, carefully drawing her hair out from under the chain and settling it so that it lay against the points of her collarbone.

Evan’s voice murmured near her ear, “It’s a traditional gift among our families to present the woman with a courting gift just like this one. If she agrees to wear it, then it acts like an engagement ring of sorts, telling everyone that you are with us. Each family group has a slightly different pattern, usually based on a combination of both
parent’s patterns.” Evan leaned around so he could look at it. “In this case, though, the pattern is the traditional Frazier family one. The pearl however, was my grandmother’s.”

“So this is a family heirloom, made up of both your families?” She touched the pendant and smiled, ignoring the tears still tracking down her face. “I love it even more than I did before.”

Evan kissed her cheek. “When my parents come back from Scotland and finally get to meet you, they are going to love you. My mom would be pleased to know you’re going to be wearing her mother’s pearl. It was her favorite piece of jewelry.”

Jess kissed Evan and then turned her attention to Rory. “What about your family? Are they going to like me?”

Rory gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “We’ll find out tomorrow night. We’re all going over there for dinner. My mom is going to adore you, Torin will, too. My dad might need a little time and a lot of that patented Jess charm. But what will matter most to them is that I’m happy.”

“He means that
happy.” Evan chuckled. “Bro, you really need to remember she’s

“He’s going to have a very long time to get used to the idea. I’m not going anywhere,” Jess declared and beamed at them both.

“So, now that I’m a teary-eyed mess with a sore ass, what’s for dinner?”

Chapter 13


Dinner was an unimaginably delicious experience, and Jess made note to bring Viv back here as part of the “why I’m staying in Tofino” tour package. Not that Jess really thought Vivian wouldn’t understand once she laid eyes on Rory and Evan. More likely after that introduction, Vivian would be looking for her own reasons to stay in town.

They’d ordered in room service straight from the five-star dining room and when Jess had confessed that she’d never had fresh-from-the-sea seafood, they’d made sure to get a wide variety for her to try. They ordered bacon-wrapped scallops, shrimp and crab and poached salmon, too, and every dish was better than anything she’d ever had back in Toronto.

They had spread out the dishes on the bed in an extravagant picnic, picking off of each other’s plates and feeding each other morsels of food until all three of them were sated and still, too content to move.

“That was the best meal I have ever eaten,” Jess declared as she finally got up and started putting the empty dishes back onto the cart. “Thank you both, so much. I feel like the most pampered woman on the planet.”

“The night’s not done yet,” Rory commented from his position on the bed, his hands crossed behind his head and a look of regal satisfaction on his face.

“Did you see the bathroom yet, or the private balcony? Or did tall, dark, and bossy over there not let you explore before he had you over his knee?” Evan sat up and started helping Jess clear away the remains of their meal.

“We have a private balcony?” Jess perked up and looked around. “Where?”

Evan laughed and pointed to a doorway on the far side of the bed. “Right over there. Really, Rory, would it have killed you to wait two minutes so she could appreciate the view?”

“Yes,” was all Rory said, looking completely unrepentant.

“I was guilty of some serious teasing.” Jess winked at Rory and was rewarded with a sensual smile that sent tendrils of heat curling around her womb and making her thighs damp.

“If you start encouraging him, he’s going to go all alpha male on you and then I’m going to sit back and say ‘I told you so,’ and not lift a finger to save your cute little ass,” Evan warned her and then slid an arm around her waist. “Come out here and take a look at the view with me.”

The air outside was bitterly cold and smelled of salt and seaweed. The wind whipped around them both and she leaned into Evan, cuddling up to him for warmth and the pure joy of having him touching her.

“There’s a storm coming in tonight. Later on it should be quite a show.” Evan gestured to the breakers rolling in, already huge and topped with heavy white foam. “And tomorrow there’ll be another storm, when you meet Rory’s father. He’s a lot like the storm, all blow and froth and screaming wind. So tomorrow, sweetheart, you and I need to be like the rocks.” His hand moved to point out the dark mass of stone that the waves crashed over time and again, only to retreat back into the sea. “Rory is like his dad. Let the two of them rage at each other. They’ve been doing it since the day Rory was born. Don’t let it bother you, just stay close to me and let everything wash over you.”

“He’s going to hate me that much?” Jess’s heart hurt at the idea of being rejected before she even had a chance to defend herself.

“No, sweetheart. He’s going to hate that Rory and I are choosing for ourselves, instead of following tradition. When he gets past that, he’s going to like you just fine.”

“What tradition? Why do I get the feeling there’s more going on here than either of you have told me? I keep catching snippets of conversation, half-spoken sentences and veiled references to things I don’t understand.” She turned to face Evan and tipped her head up so she could look him squarely in the eye. “What aren’t you telling me?”

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