Ride Hard and Free (Biker Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Ride Hard and Free (Biker Erotic Romance)
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“Deal,” She whispered.


Cole took a step forward and kissed Karen. Karen felt a rush of excitement surge through her chest, and she closed her eyes as Cole pulled her in close. She embraced him back, running her hands across his muscular body. Cole reached down and hooked his hands behind Karen’s knees, making her yelp as she was hoisted up into the air. Karen wrapped her arms around Cole’s neck and her legs behind his back, entrusting her body to him as he carried her inside, pushing the front door shut and walking down the front hall to a ground-floor bedroom.


Karen dropped her handbag onto the carpet as Cole shut the door and deposited her on the bed. Cole took off his jacket and then stripped off his shirt as Karen removed her heels and rolled up her dress. Cole pulled his pants down and kicked off his remaining clothes as Karen eased her panties down her legs and flicked them away with her foot.


Cole now bent down to claim his prize, and Karen grabbed him with both arms, allowing him to hoist her up a second time. Unbidden, she began to undulate her hips, rubbing her bare pussy up and down Cole’s muscular stomach like a stripper in heat, surprising both herself and her date. Karen’s erotic motions excited Cole even further, and he leaned forward so both of them fell onto the bed. Karen yelped in surprise and giggled like a horny schoolgirl at Cole taking the initiative with such masculine vigor.


It was nearly pitch black, so Karen could only see Cole’s silhouette towering over her in the dark. A week ago, she would have been horrified at the idea of spreading her legs for a guy she’d met 15 minutes ago; and yet that was exactly what she was doing. She was lying flat on her back with her legs apart. Her cocktail dress was hiked up past her hips, and her panties were on the floor of this mysterious man’s bedroom. A tiny whisper of doubt continued to nag her through the excitement of the moment, begging her not to surrender her body to this stranger.


She felt Cole’s cock, a dome of flesh pressing against the lips of her womanhood. There was a slick, wet sensation down below as male and female flesh made contact. All the time Karen had been flirting with Cole, her pussy had been making ready to receive him. But the realization that she was about to be deflowered only hit her at that moment. The doubt became a flash of panic. Was it too late to say no? She had to make a decision, quickly.


Without a word, Cole made the decision for her. He pushed his cock in between Karen’s lower lips, squeezing his rock-solid manhood inside her. Karen tensed up at the extremely tight fit, trying to suppress the growing pain of being penetrated for the first time. Then Cole made a sudden, hard thrust with his hips, grunting audibly with the exertion. His manhood was driven home, plunging all the way in his conquest until their crotches touched.


Karen cried out in pain as the male force inside her tore through her hymen and filled her right up to her cervix. She felt a giant anchor that had held her firmly in a place of mental and emotional safety and security snap free, sending her spinning into the unknown. She was no longer a virgin. She had surrendered one of the most precious things she had to a near-total stranger, a rugged, bad boy biker who was exactly the sort of person she’d been taught to avoid all her life. Perhaps this was too much of a plunge to take, but it was too late to go back now.


“You’ve never done this before, have you?” Cole whispered, grunting with satisfaction and the pain of having his cock being squeezed like in a vice by Karen’s sex.


“No,” Karen murmured breathlessly, her voice wavering from the magnitude of the transition she’d just made, “you’re my first.”


“Then you’re in for a treat,” Cole answered, pulling out a little and ramming back in with more force than before.


Cole’s thrusts were powerful and determined, sliding against the constricted walls of Karen’s hitherto inviolate womanhood. Karen yelped weakly in response to each inward stroke, wincing with the pain of accommodating his huge manhood. Or maybe she was just too tight for him, it was impossible to tell in the dark. Cole was grunting with the effort of penetrating Karen, but he forced his way back in each time with greater power and effort than before, determined to claim her body for himself. Eventually, Karen’s body began to accept Cole’s physical intrusion, and the pain of the extremely tight sexual fit began to soften.


But there was another feeling present, slowly growing inside Karen’s body, melding with and ultimately supplanting the pain of being penetrated for the first time in her life. It was pleasure. The solid rod of flesh thrusting with such vigor inside her tickled and teased the nerve endings in the walls of her vagina. Each successive stroke stimulated a network of nerves she’d never used before, and fed the burgeoning feeling of ecstasy growing in the base of her belly. The powerful feeling was strongest in her pussy, the source of this glorious bodily invasion, but the sensation slowly filtered up through her belly until it threatened to set her spinal cord on fire. Before long, it did exactly that.


Karen cried out as a full-body orgasm overwhelmed her senses and shorted out her critical faculties, making her squeal like the virgin she no longer was. She gripped Cole’s shoulders and dug her nails into the flesh of his back as his thrusting accelerated. In that moment of pure ecstasy, her mind was no longer her own, it had been hijacked and overridden by primal instincts long buried, pure female urges she had long denied. Now they had broken free at last and exacted their revenge on Karen by reducing her to her most basic animal urges. She wanted Cole to fuck her. She wanted him to conquer her and claim her for his own use. She wanted him to make a woman out of her.


Without any words exchanged, Cole sensed Karen’s feelings and was happy to oblige. He bore down on the helpless Karen with all his masculine strength, grinding his lower body against hers without mercy. He shifted to a new position, making his crotch rub directly against Karen’s clitoris, creating a new assault against her vulnerable pleasure spots. She had barely started to recover from her first orgasm when a second began to build, fuelled and fired by the relentless stimulation of her clitoris. Cole was fucking her like a rutting beast, driving at full speed toward his own climax, but determined to enslave Karen to a second orgasm of her own before he did so.


Karen did her best to resist the second orgasm threatening to overwhelm her body. There was still a tiny fragment of her usual prudish self that squirmed at the idea of being turned into a sexual plaything by this wild savage of a man, and she summoned up what little willpower she had left to contain and suppress the growing pleasure being forced upon her. But it was a futile battle against nature. Cole was on the verge of his own orgasm, and the furious, rapid-fire pace of his thrusting fed the bodily euphoria in Karen’s pussy until it became a flood that engulfed her in a second orgasm. Finally, neither Karen not Cole could hold back any longer.


Cole snarled like a wild animal and slammed his hips into Karen’s, thrusting himself inside her as far as he could go. Karen felt his rod of pure virility twitch, and then a burst of liquid warmth bloomed inside her. He was cumming inside her, and it hadn’t even occurred to her to ask him to wear a condom. Nor was she on the pill, or anything else that might protect her from the army of male intruders flooding the most inviolable part of her body. But such concerns were lost amid the second flood of ecstasy loosed upon her by the otherworldly feeling of being inseminated. Karen’s orgasm combined with Cole’s, and she held him close, wrapping her legs behind his ass for good measure so that every drop of life-giving seed he had to offer would be deposited exactly where it belonged. Cole came and came, shooting spurt after spurt into Karen’s defenseless womanhood until his balls finally began to run dry. The spurts became dribbles, and the dribbles ultimately ceased.


It was done. Karen panted from sheer exhaustion, feeling delirious and exhilarated by her first sexual experience, and feeling physically and emotionally inseparable from the man who’d flown her to such amazing heights. Cole was also panting, resting his head beside Karen’s, and she absentmindedly ran her fingers through his messy hair, embracing him with the other arm and caressing his muscular back. Cole reached out an arm and pulled back the duvet of his bed. They hadn’t even bothered to get under the covers before fucking. Maneuvering under the sheets, Cole rolled over so that Karen was on top. With Cole still inside her, the sex-dazed girl mustered enough energy to prop herself up and pull her cocktail dress up over her head before tossing it onto the floor, followed shortly by her bra, and collapsing back down onto Cole’s chest.


“Was that fun?” Cole asked softly.


“It was amazing,” Karen replied, still breathless from the experience.


“You’re a beautiful girl,” Cole whispered, “You know that, right?”


“Don’t flatter me for the sake of it,” Karen answered dismissively, “I bet you don’t even remember my name–”


“It’s Karen Donovan,” Cole replied without a pause, “and that’s all I know about you, but I’d like to know more.”


“In the morning, maybe,” Karen said with a yawn, snuggling against her mysterious lover’s chest.


Cole obliged, and pulled the covers back over both of them.



early-morning summer sunshine was starting to glare through the blinds, causing Karen to stir from her pleasant slumber. Someone abruptly threw the curtains open, startling her with the sudden glare of the light shining directly in her face. She 
 up a little, expecting to see Cole up and about. As her eyes adjusted to the morning light, a woman came into focus.


Karen yelped with embarrassment and fright, and grabbed the covers to protect her modesty. The woman was only a few years older than she, and looked like the quintessential biker chick. Her hair had been cut short and dyed black with red highlights. She wore earrings and an eyebrow piercing, and a stud was in her nose. She also wore tight jeans and a T-shirt cropped at the bottom to show some of her stomach, revealing a tattoo above her hip. Finally, she had the same, intense blue eyes that Cole had, and she was using those blue eyes to glower at Karen.


“Who the hell are you?” said Karen, still jittery with fright.


“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” the woman replied coolly, continuing to transfix Karen with a disapproving glare.


“I’m…I’m a friend of Cole’s, he invited me in,” Karen answered awkwardly.


“Oh, I guessed that,” the woman noted with a smile, circling the bed like a she-wolf. “He invites a lot of female ‘friends’ back to spend the night with him.”


“Who are you?” Karen asked nervously, still hugging the sheets close to her chest.


“I’m his sister, you little skank,” was the nasty reply.


“I’m not a skank!” Karen shot back, indignantly.


“You’re in my house, and your nighttime workout with my brother woke me up,” she replied, “that makes you a skank. I could hear your squealing from the other end of the hall.”


“Well, I’m sorry for waking you up,” Karen said without much remorse, “but are you really just gonna stand there and insult me for it?”


“Oh! I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Cole’s sister replied in a sarcastic apology, “can I take your order for breakfast?”


“No, that’s not what I meant–” answered Karen, caught wrong-footed by the comment.


“Jess!” called a loud male voice. “Stop terrorizing my guest.”


Cole walked into the room, fresh from the shower and wearing nothing but a bathrobe. Karen was at once relieved and embarrassed to see Cole. She was a stranger in this house, and had just been taken to task for sleeping with one of its residents.


Jess exited the room, scowling at her brother as she left, leaving Karen alone with Cole.


“Morning,” Cole said with a smile.


“Morning to you too,” Karen replied with a nervous smile.


“My sister’s usually nicer,” Cole assured her, “but she can be pretty uptight sometimes.”


“Thanks for the heads up,” Karen responded awkwardly, unable to look the man who’d deflowered her in the eye.


“There’s breakfast in the kitchen when you’re ready,” Cole offered.


“Thanks, but I–” Karen began searching around for her cocktail dress, “I need to get back to campus, my roommate’s probably worried sick.”


“Campus?” Cole said in mild surprise. “You’re a student?”

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