Ridden Hard: Taken by the Heaven's Assassins MC (4 page)

BOOK: Ridden Hard: Taken by the Heaven's Assassins MC
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Besides, it’s a little close to that risky time of the month for me... and I had to give up the pill years ago after a bad reaction. So, probably best to not tempt the gods of fate any further!


Weaving my way through the dense crowd towards the exit, my progress comes to an abrupt halt when someone grabs me painfully by the upper arm.


Twisting around, I’m startled to find one of the bouncers holding me back – an absolutely gargantuan hulk of a man; at least six foot six in height and three hundred and fifty pounds.


“Hey!” I screech indignantly. “Let go – you’re hurting me!”


“The boss wants to see you,” he states in a gruff undertone I can barely hear over the overpowering din.


“Who? What? Where? Why?” I must sound like a schoolgirl reciting the five w’s.


The bouncer shrugs. “You were rude or something... and he’d like a word with you.”


My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. Did that uncut bastard go and
to someone? Hell – after what happened,
should be the one doing the complaining! “What? Are you kidding me? None of that shit was my fault – but it doesn’t even matter, because I’m leaving now anyways. Just, please, let go of me!”


Grunting and shaking his huge shaved head, the massive man wrenches me deeper into the bar, all but dragging me towards the pool tables. There’s a row of booths at the very back hidden in a dark alcove, and seated in the largest corner booth are four men. Three I’ve never seen before... but the last one, I most certainly recognize.


It’s the black-haired man – the bastard who’d choked me in the restroom. The unadulterated
of that guy to actually go and
to the bar owner!


As the bouncer deposits me in front of the booth, the black-haired man smirks and tents his fingers. “And hello again,” he says with a cold, emotionless expression. “Where were you trying to run off to?”


Immediately, I sense that something’s not quite right with this picture. The other three men aren’t even looking at me – they’re acting all submissive, just staring down at the table.


I break out into a cold sweat. Just
who is
this guy?


“I’m j-j-just tired... and g-going home now,” I stutter in weak reply. The bouncer’s still holding me rather painfully, and I’m getting worried about that. They’re not allowed to detain me when I haven’t actually committed a crime, right? This is America – I have rights!


“Home? Why would you want to go home? The fuckin’ party’s just getting started in here!” He snaps his fingers. “Ty – please get this young woman a drink. Something...


Only now noticing the original man who picked me up at the bar standing by my other side, the brown-haired man – Ty? – nods once in reply and promptly disappears in the direction of the bar.


I shake my head rapidly. “Um, thanks, but no... I’m f-fine.”


The black-haired man leans back with a smirk. “I insist! It will only take Ty a minute.”


It doesn’t look like I have a choice here. And that isn’t good. “Uh, okay... b-but can I ask what’s going on here? And who you are?”


“Ah, yes. Where are my manners? The name’s Jagger... and you are?”




“Annabelle. Anna. That’s a pretty name. Now, Anna, I wanted to speak with you about your earlier behavior...”


Shit! Why hadn’t I just let the asshole walk away with his dignity left intact? We were already finished, anyways... so why did I have to go and try to make some kind of moral point to a complete stranger? “Um, I didn’t mean to—”


He interrupts me. “It’s just that I’ve been wondering... is that how a guest should treat the founder of the
Heaven’s Assassins...
inside his own fucking bar... in front of his own fucking men?”


My heart – already in my stomach – lurches back up into my throat. Can this guy really be the head of the most notorious biker gang in the city? He seems too well spoken for tha... but while he hadn’t been wearing a gang jacket earlier, he most certainly is now!


I squeak in alarm. I can taste bile rising in my mouth. “I-I-I’m sorry, I truly didn’t know who you were, I just thought—”


“Not knowing who a man is, does not excuse being so fucking rude to him. Actions... have consequences. Wouldn’t you agree?”


What the hell have I gotten myself into? “Yes, yes, of course, it’s just that you, you—”


Jagger crosses his arms. “I
This is my place, and you invited me – on your own, I might add – to do something. In my opinion, once a woman has made offer of herself... she should be accommodating to a man’s needs. Whatever those needs should happen to be. Yes?”


He honestly expected me to consent to choking and an unwanted insemination? Is the guy nuts?


Jagger continues. “With the fucking vile and disgusting way you
me in front of all my men... I do not think you share this viewpoint. Mmm?”


My heart’s beating a mile a minute, and my troubled brain doesn’t seem to be working correctly. I don’t know exactly what he’s getting at – or how I’m going to get myself out of this mess. “No! I mean yes – I mean...”


Jagger frowns, his bushy eyebrows pushing together. “You know... I’m beginning to think that you don’t actually know yourself all that well. Are you an obstinate feminist, or a submissive whore? I think you have much to learn about how the
world works.
world. And in my world, what you did requires being taught a
life lesson.”


The way he says “life lesson” causes my face to flush red-hot and beads of sweat to pop out all over my body. I’m no longer worried about merely being in trouble, or even physically hurt – with this lot, I’m beginning to fear for my very life!


A worst-case scenario that becomes a distinct possibility when Jagger nods to one of his men, and that man pulls out a closed switchblade knife – triggering the blade to suddenly flick open with a distinctive snapping sound that curdles my blood.


Oh fuck!


Brandishing the razor-sharp knife threateningly, the man moves towards me with a disconcerting smirk on his face; the shiny metal blade held high and glinting with the multi-colored hues of the neon signs all around us. My fight or flight reflex kicks in and I struggle to twist free of the huge bouncer’s vice-like grip, but he’s so much larger than me it’s of no use.


I’m trapped. How can I be trapped?
This can’t really be happening!


In full-fledged panic mode, my eyes involuntarily pinch closed and my knees give way and buckle – leaving my full weight supported by the bouncer. Someone grabs the front of my dress and yanks it away from me, and just when I expect to feel the cold sting of a knife slicing into my flesh... there’s the lengthy sound of fabric ripping, and suddenly I feel my dress fall away from my body.


My eyelids pop open again.


I’m naked.


In the middle of the bar.


In front of


Well, naked save for my panties, but they’re not exactly doing that much!


A hand abruptly appears mere inches in front of my face, holding a tall glass three-quarters full of light green liquid on ice. Ty’s back. Trembling uncontrollably, I snatch the offered glass and – without knowing or caring what it is – gulp it straight down. If something horrible is about to happen to me, then I’d better be stinking drunk when it happens!


“There, there,” says Jagger, “now doesn’t that feel better?”


“N-n-n-no,” I stutter hoarsely. That dress cost me four hundred dollars! And whatever that alcohol was, it actually feels like it’s burning away the top layer of my esophagus. “P-p-please, sir, can you
let me go home now... I just want to go home...”


“And turn you out onto the streets, dressed like that, in
dangerous neighborhood? No no, Anna, better you stay here... where I can personally see to your safety. My men will find you a change of clothing soon enough, but in the meantime... I expect you will see to my men.” Jagger gestures to someone behind me.


What he’s saying isn’t clicking. “What do you mean...
see to?”


All of a sudden, unknown hands grab the waistband of my panties and yank them to my knees – but instead of taking them off properly, they’re simply sliced away from my legs.


Aghast at now being
fully nude
in public, my hands automatically move to shield my crotch – even though I’m sure there’s an even greater number of guys ogling my ass. In fact, I notice that a sizable crowd of both men and women have begun gathering around me in a loose circle, and the once quiet back corner is no longer so quiet.


Jagger clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Now, now. A properly accommodating woman never hides her most valuable assets. Show yourself.”


“What? No way!” I reply... dumbly.


The bouncer immediately grabs the back of my neck and forces me to bend over at the waist – and with the resulting roar of excited whoops and lurid catcalls from the audience, I experience a nauseating wave of humiliation as I’m forced to flash my bare pussy and ass to an entire bar full of drunken bikers.


Even worse, despite cleaning myself up in the restroom, I’m well aware of how wet and swollen my pussy remains... everyone can surely tell how horny I am!


Out of nowhere, a hand grabs my butt and I attempt to squirm away, but the bouncer’s meaty paws squeeze tight around my neck and hold me firmly in place. I immediately cease struggling – the last thing I need is to be choked again! The groping hand moves towards the crack of my ass, then slips lower and rubs my swollen pussy... before wiggling between my folds, and promptly penetrating me.


“W-what the fuck?” I gasp in total shock as those unknown, thick fingers worm deep into my clutching canal. “N-no, you can’t do that... stop it right now! This isn’t right!”


“Anna, Anna, Anna,” murmurs Jagger while shaking his head. Sliding out the booth, he comes to within a few feet of me. “You seem to be under the misconception that you have some kind of choice here.”


Reaching out and clamping his hand beneath my trembling jaw, he twists my head upwards until I’m looking straight into his eyes – while those thick fingers continue to painfully violate my body. Calm down, Anna, calm down... you need to be strong if you’re going to get yourself out of this mess!


“Trust me, Anna. After what you did, there is no choice. Restitution must be paid. But, I will make you a one-time deal: if you can remain
fully accommodating
to my men until last call... then we’ll let you go home in one piece. Perhaps even make the whole ordeal worth your while.”


“And... and if I don’t?”


Jagger smirks. “Well... you know what they say about us on the news, right?” He makes a quick slicing motion across his throat that has my heart palpating. “Do you really want to find out if they’re lying to you?”


Outnumbered, out of options, and figuring that if I agree to what they want in the short term, I might at least be able to talk my way out of it later... I nod my head rapidly. “F-f-f-fine. Just please, whatever you do, use protection...”


Leaning in close, Jagger whispers in my ear. “Knowing this lot’s aversion to child support payments, I’ll grant you that one concession.”


“Thank you,” I whisper softly.


“Don’t thank me yet. Before that, you are going to allow my nephew to plant his flag bareback. Although you needn’t worry... somehow, the candy-ass is still a fuckin’


Backing away, Jagger grins and raises his arms dramatically. “Everyone!” he bellows to the crowd. “As you might have noticed, we have obtained us some
special entertainment
tonight!” The bikers all roar, although a few of their girlfriends appear less than enthused. “I know it’s been a long time since we’ve had an opportunity for this... which is why you will
have a chance to see just how open and fully accommodating this young, soft, and most especially
fallen little angel can be...”


The crowd murmurs in excitement.


“...But, I think it’s only fair that the
birthday boy,
my nephew, gets first honors! You hear that, Ben? Whattaya say? How’d you like to show the club that you’re a real man, and not some sniveling mamma’s boy!”

Chapter Five

s Jagger
holds out his hand, the crowd parts and a tall figure materializes from the back of the room. I recognize the person immediately: it’s the handsome blonde teen from the hallway outside the restroom. Although, even in the modestly brighter light, the guy still looks barely eighteen!


“Hey, Benny!” calls out a voice. “Is that a beard you’re finally growing there, dude? Oh, wait, no... it’s just a milk moustache!”


The crowd erupts into laugher, and Ben glares at me with a stern, almost sour expression etched on his face – very unlike his earlier demeanor. He
have something of a baby face, but to my eye his body otherwise looks quite appealing – with sexy proportions and an particularly attractive taper to his torso.

BOOK: Ridden Hard: Taken by the Heaven's Assassins MC
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