Rewind & Go: A Blue-Collar Billionaire Romance (Sander's Valley Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Rewind & Go: A Blue-Collar Billionaire Romance (Sander's Valley Book 1)
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Chapter Four

Ronnie hoped the smile on her face hid her emotions. She’d gotten good at it over the years. Every time her mom had asked if she was happy, she’d flash a fake grin and lie. In the face of Kyle’s relaxed and sated expression, she needed her mask. Hell, she needed a full set of body armor. The boy she’d loved and left behind had turned into a man with the power to destroy her. The heated look in his eyes would be the weapon he used to do it.

What had she been thinking? She’d just had sex with a man who knew her every trigger point. A man she’d once loved.

She knew why she’d let him bend her over and take her hard. Escape. Kyle offered her the opportunity to put her troubles aside and feel alive again, if only for a few minutes. She just hadn’t expected the rush of emotions being in his arms would cause.

Kyle pressed his lips to hers, a barely there kiss that cracked her heart open. “Thanks, doll. Just like I remembered.”

“Mmmm, you’re right. That was exactly what I needed.” If she wanted to rip her heart out and stomp on it.

He pressed his big hand to her lower back and dragged his penis out. She shuddered from the loss of him. He kissed the back of her neck and stepped away, no doubt to deal with the condom.

She braced her shaky body on her elbows and used the moment to regain control over her heart. She’d known there was a small chance she’d run into Kyle. She’d even prepared herself for the possibility of seeing a ring on his finger. That was what he’d wanted more than anything. Get married, have kids, and live out his life in Sander’s Valley. She hadn’t been able to give him those things, so she’d walked away before she’d ruined his chance of making his dream a reality.

The local girls married young. She’d spent enough time here to know that. She’d wanted Kyle to have a shot at finding one who would love him. Not seeing a ring had shocked her. But then again…

Oh no, please no.
Her gut churned at the possibility that he simply didn’t wear a band.

“So, Kyle?”

He froze, jeans halfway up his tree-trunk thighs. “Yeah?”

“Do I have to watch over my back for the rest of my visit to make sure your wife doesn’t attack me?”

He stared at her for a long moment. The silence and his carefully neutral expression churned her belly. Guilt caused the roiling, but it wasn’t over the worry of getting caught. The sick feeling stemmed from the question itself. How could she even think he’d cheat on a woman?

Kyle had been a good man when she’d known him. Loyal. Honorable. She didn’t doubt he’d be a devoted husband.

Her question tainted all her memories of their time together. It had probably ruined any of the good ones he’d still managed to retain of her too.

An apology sat on the tip of her tongue. She didn’t bother uttering it. It was better this way. Let him hate her. She deserved his animosity.

Kyle cleared his throat and tugged up his jeans, breaking their connection. He carefully zipped, then yanked off his shirt. With it turned inside out, he stepped behind her and pressed a hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her down. She didn’t resist. She knew exactly what he’d do.

Using his knee, he nudged her thighs. She spread them wider, exposing herself to him. Her breathing quickened. The anticipation of his touch left her as excited as his kisses had.

Seconds passed, maybe longer. She didn’t move, though. She waited. If Kyle didn’t want to relive this memory, she wouldn’t push him for it. Actually, part of her would be relieved. She didn’t need the reminder that Kyle was the only lover who’d ever cared for her body in such an intimate way.

Yes, it would be better for her sanity if he didn’t finish this. She glanced over her shoulder and met his gaze. The intensity in his eyes stopped her heart a second time. Without breaking his focused stare, he dragged the flannel shirt over her sensitive lower lips. Slowly. Purposefully. She shivered. Her breath escaped on a shaky exhale. He grinned and finished wiping the evidence of their loving away, then grabbed her discarded panties, shoving them into his back pocket.

That done, he snaked his arm around her chest and drew her against him. He pressed his mouth to her ear. The brush of his lips stirred more memories. They’d often snuck off together, finding semi-private places to have sex. Whispering and muffling the sounds of their loving had been a necessity to avoid getting caught. Those times had been exciting. No other lover had ever been able to match the thrill being with Kyle had brought.

Thoughts such as those were going to send her spiraling into depression. Again. No. She couldn’t let that happen. She was too old to fight the dark emotion. It had taken her years to rise above it last time. She had to focus on the tingling awareness skipping through her, not the memories her traitorous heart exposed.

“Now you know me, doll. I don’t condone cheating.”

She’d hurt him. That much was clear from his response. Would it make the situation better if she told him how many times she’d been cheated on? Probably. She held back the words. “A girl’s got to make sure, is all.”

He caught her earlobe between his teeth and nibbled. “Don’t you think you should’ve asked me before I slid my dick inside you?”

“I meant to.” She skimmed her hand over his groin. His length stirred under her palm. She fingered the open button on his jeans and fought the urge to free his penis. No other lover had ever matched Kyle’s lovemaking skills either. “You distracted me.”

He made a pleased sound, a groan low in his throat that tightened her belly. “Actually, I do have a girl in my life. Her name’s Mindy.”

A child? Kyle had a kid. The thought filled her with sadness and regret. Kyle had a child to love. She didn’t even have fish.

“How old is she?”

Silence met her question.

She glanced at him. A wide grin spread over his face. She narrowed her eyes even as her heart lightened. “Let me guess. Mindy’s a dog.”

He chuckled. “Nope, dogs are too much work. They require attention and love. I don’t have time in my life for that. Mindy’s a cat who only cares if I put food in her bowl and scoop her litter box. Half the time, I don’t even see her.”

“Oh.” She wasn’t sure what to make of his statement. Or why she suddenly cared what he had going on that ate up all his time. But the urge to find out what he’d done with his life took hold. “Where did you end up working?”

Hopefully not the mines. The very thought of Kyle hundreds of feet below ground chilled her.

He took her hand in his, snagged her bag, and led her toward his truck. “I started my own construction business.”


He leveled an irritated glare at her. “Yeah, really. I even went to college.”

Guilt rushed up and choked her. “I didn’t mean to imply—”

“Don’t waste your breath. I don’t care to hear your apology.”

Well, he was getting it anyway because she felt like shit. Bad enough she’d always hated the way she’d ended things with him. She sure as hell didn’t want him to think she’d left because she thought he was stupid.

“I just didn’t expect you to have picked construction. You only ever talked about taking over your parents’ farm.”

He cracked his jaw. “I was seventeen, had my future all planned out, and wanted something safe. No financial risk, you know?” He shoved her bag behind the passenger seat and faced her, arms crossed over his muscled chest. “Things changed, and I decided to take a chance on something different. Hell, I even considered joining the Marines like Jack had, but the construction business landed in my lap instead. Perfect timing, I guess.”

He’d thought about joining the Marines? Leaving Sander’s Valley?

Anger gripped her, sending her pulse racing. The last summer they were together, right before their senior year in high school, she’d pleaded with him to consider moving to Virginia with her, if only to go to college. They could’ve lived in the boathouse on her mom’s property rent-free.

He’d refused every suggestion. Had told her there was no reason to move when everything he needed was in Sander’s Valley. It was then that she’d known her mom had been right. She’d said the valley boys were like that, always put their town first, even before the women they supposedly loved. Ronnie hadn’t believed her mom until Kyle had shut down every one of her suggestions.

And now he tells me this? After I agonized over my decision? Questioned for years whether I’d made the right choice?

He shrugged, and the ripples of his muscles caught her eye. Her womb quivered, despite her annoyance. “It’s been an adventure. Ups and downs, but I’m happy.”

“I’m glad.” And she was. She simply hated that he was happy without her.

She understood her reaction was unreasonable. She’d left him so he could have the life he’d wanted. As much as she’d loved him, nothing would’ve made her move to Sander’s Valley permanently. She’d had obligations and a life in Virginia. At the moment, walking away so he could find a valley girl to build his perfect little life with didn’t feel as self-righteous as she’d always convinced herself, especially in the face of his revelation.

He settled his calloused hands on her waist and lifted her onto the vinyl bench seat, scattering her thoughts once more. The dome light showed the cuts and scars on his fingers and arms. She traced a long white line up his forearm. The short hairs tickled her fingertips and skipped sparks of electricity across her skin.

Unlike the artists and models she’d dated over the years, Kyle had a workingman’s physique, a little rough and a lot drool-worthy. Growing up on a farm had given him a defined body in high school, but he’d filled out since then. He’d also added a couple of inches and developed a chiseled face that soaked her panties with only a look.

Regret gripped her along with resentment. Why did he have to be so stubborn?

Why did she?

He caught her hand and held it against his bicep. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

She nodded.

He closed the car door and walked around the hood of his truck. She followed him with her gaze. She couldn’t take her eyes off his strong profile. He was gorgeous. The most beautiful man she’d ever seen.

A lifetime of memories danced across her mind. Laughing, playing, making love. Sweet heaven, he’d made her so happy. Tears pricked her eyes.

The driver’s door opened. She looked out the side window so he wouldn’t see her expression. There was a good chance guilt and regret showed on her face. Both emotions churned her belly too.

The truck turned over with a loud grumble. At the end of road, he turned and caught her gaze. A small vee formed between his brows. He trailed his knuckles over the bruised side of her face. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Warmed by his concern, she slid her hand over his. “No, I’m fine. Really I am. I told you, it looks worse than it is.”

Luckily he hadn’t undressed her. The marks on her chest were worse.

He nodded but didn’t pull his hand away or break their heavy stare. There was a demand in his gaze. For what, she didn’t know. She couldn’t bring herself to ask either. If he questioned her as to why she’d left him, she might break down and sob. Although she wasn’t one to cry, her emotions had been running high since her mother had been killed. That wasn’t an experience she wanted to share either.

A brick wall had dropped into her life with her mom’s death, and she hadn’t quite figured out how to get past it. She would. She was an Axel. Nothing stopped them from succeeding. At the moment, however, she felt beaten down. Weak.


No. She had no room in her life for those emotions either.

The blue numbers of the clock finally registered. Three twenty-seven. She sighed. “It’s not worth driving me out to St. Marlowe to get a room. If you can just drop me off at the diner in town, I’ll hole up in one of the booths until the repair shop opens.” She nibbled her lip. “The diner still opens at four, right?”


“Good.” She glanced at the trunk in the back. “Hopefully they won’t mind if I bring my stuff inside.”

“Doubt it.”

“Great.” She plastered her practiced smile on her face. “I guess you really are my hero. I would’ve been quite annoyed once I got to the cabin.”

He didn’t move, not to pull onto the road or to turn away from her. He simply stared at her. She resisted the urge to smooth her hair or skirt. Signs of nervousness weren’t allowed in business or in dealings with Kyle Sander. Both would use them against her.

She cocked a brow. “Well, are we going or not?”

He shrugged and pulled out. “I was waiting to see how long it’d take you to realize that it’s now Sunday and the garage is closed.”


“Ronnie Axel cursing?” He chuckled. “Now that’s something I hadn’t expected to hear again. I didn’t think people like you stooped to using vulgarities.”

“People like me?”

He flashed her another smile, a crooked one that made him look like a boy again. “Artists, socialites, rich people.” He shrugged. “Whatever it is you call yourself.”

He was trying to rile her, play with her like he used to do. She wanted no part of it, not because it wouldn’t be fun. Time spent with him had always been pleasurable. He could make her smile, laugh, and moan without much effort. No matter what game they’d played, however, she’d always ended up bent over something with his cock inside her. One reminder of what she’d turned her back on was enough for tonight. She couldn’t deal with the prospect of falling back in love with him.

BOOK: Rewind & Go: A Blue-Collar Billionaire Romance (Sander's Valley Book 1)
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