Rewind (10 page)

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Authors: H.M. Montes

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BOOK: Rewind
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She lightly tugged it causing my dick to start growing hard, I cleared my throat and pushed her hand away, “You really shouldn’t mess with it.”

Her thigh brushed against my dick and her eyes grew wide, “OH!” she jumped out of the bed like it was on fire. 

I grinned and laid back with my hands behind my head as she hurried into the bathroom with her clothes in hand. 

“Hey asshole she’s off limits, remember that.”  Bryan said as he stretched. 

“Yep.” He didn’t have to remind me, Lucifer would cut my dick off if he knew the thoughts that were going through my head.  Theresa tapped on the bathroom door and asked if she could go in there, the door lock clicked so she squeezed through the opening. 

“That just made a million and one dirty things go through my head and right to my dick.”  Bryan said as he pulled his clothes on and adjusted himself through his jeans. 

I shook my head, “Did you explain to her what’s going on today?”

He nodded his head yes, “I heard text messages coming in most of the night, what did the asshole say in them?”

I picked her cell phone up and started scrolling through them, they were all him begging her to come talk to him except for the last two where he threatened her by saying “This is not ending it’s not over.”

Bryan read the messages and shook his head, “Her dad is going to flip the fuck out when he finds out.”

“That’s no shit…”

The bathroom door opened and out stepped Sydney in her tiny black cheerleading uniform and a towel wrapped around her head. 

My eyes got big, “Are you fucking serious?  You wear that to cheer in?”

She looked down at the top that stopped mid stomach and the skirt was enough to cover just over her ass cheeks.  Sydney ran her hand across her stomach and down one hip, my eyes followed the line of her hand, thoughts of my tongue running across her skin flashed through my mind.  I curled my hands into fists as the thought of gliding my hands across her skin feeling goose bumps prickle under my fingertips.  Sydney cleared her throat, my eyes snapped up to her face, one eyebrow was raised.  “You were saying?”

I shook my head, “Nothing, I’m starving though.  I’ll go get some coffee and breakfast.”  I grabbed my wallet and hurried out the door.  I had to stop anything I felt for her and focus on two very important things, one-she’s Lucifer’s daughter two-we were here to protect her and Theresa until they were in the safe house.  I blew out a breath as I walked down the hall of the dorm and out the double doors.  I scanned the area for Ronnie but nobody was out and about yet.  I fired up my custom two thousand six chopper.  The S&S 117 motor roared to life, I let it warm up for a couple of minutes then pulled out of the parking lot. 

When I got back to the dorm Sydney and Theresa were both finishing their make-up.  I put the to-go bag on the small table and the four coffees next to it.  Sydney looked at me through the mirror, fuck, that woman.  I shook my head and pulled the muffins, burritos, and sausage links out of the bag.  Sydney walked over looked in the bag then at me and walked back over to her bed so she could pack her cheer bag.  “You not gonna eat?”  I asked her.

“Uh no, once you see the flying I’ll be doing you’ll understand why I’m waiting.”  She said with a smile. 

After they had their cheer bags packed we all started to walk out of the dorm, “Are you two following us all day long?”  Theresa stopped as she locked the door. 

“Planned on it, is that a problem?”  Bryan asked and crossed his arms over his chest. 

“Suit yourself I guess.”  She said with a shrug, looped her arm through Sydney’s as they all but skipped out of the building. 

Once they were out of earshot Bryan stopped walking and stopped me, “I’m not sure what’s going through that head of yours but you need to remember why we are here.  Getting your dick wet by her will make things pretty god damn complicated.”  He pinned me with a glare.

“I know that, for fuck sake.”  I gritted out through my teeth. 

“Right.”  He said then pushed the doors to the building open. 

Sydney and Theresa were now in a deep conversation with a couple of other cheerleaders and who I assumed was the coach.  As we approached they all stopped talking, a tall skinny red head looked me up and down while biting the corner of her bottom lip.  “Hey I’m Stasha.”  She held her hand out for me to shake. 

“Cade.”  I shook her hand then Bryan introduced himself. 

“Anyways,” Sydney interrupted, “Are we are going to show them the Nationals routine?”  she asked with excitement.

“YEP, they are going to go crazy!”  The vibrant lady wearing shorts and a Washington State Hawks shirt turned towards me and Bryan.  “I’m Cindy, I know why you’re here all I ask is that there is no confrontation in front of the entire school.”

“As long as he doesn’t make her uncomfortable there’s going to be no problem at all.”  I told her then looked at Sydney.  “Ready?”

They all started walking in a group through the campus, Bryan and I hung back.  “Surely he won’t approach her with us around.”

“I hope for Sydney and Theresa’s sake he doesn’t.  I have absolutely no problem with him trying to talk to her. He puts his hands on her though and shit’s gonna get real in a hurry.”  I told him. 

“Speak of the fucking devil.” He nodded his head past the group in front of us. 

Ronnie was talking to other football players, he looked at the group of cheerleaders, smiled looked away then quickly looked back and stepped away from the group of guys he was talking to.  “He looks like shit.”  I said with a chuckle.  The closer he got the more the dark lines under his eyes showed, he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.  Before he could get close to Sydney, Cindy stepped in front of him, “She doesn’t have time to chit chat buddy boy, we have to get to the gym and practice before you all come in.”  she patted his chest and motioned for the squad to follow her.  His jaw muscle ticked and eyes narrowed at Cindy then he looked behind the girls and seen Bryan and me standing there. 

“What the fuck are you two doing here?”  he asked with a sneer. 

“Just visiting a friend.”  Bryan grinned at him. 

“Can’t find any pussy your own age so you have to come to a college campus and try to get some stray?”  he said with a laugh and shook his head.  “Fuckin pathetic.” 

“Right.”  I said with a grin as I shouldered past him knocking him back a couple of steps. 

When we made it to the gym the girls were stretching and talking to three guys that were dressed in black workout pants and a white Hawks t-shirt.  College students filed into the large gym, shuffled through the bleachers and waited.  Bryan and I sat towards the top in the shadows away from everybody.  The coach Cindy walked to the center of the court, then one by one she introduced the squad.  The guys all looked like they belonged on the football team.  “I thought these were lame in high school I’m pretty sure it doesn’t get any better during college.”  Bryan said with a laugh. 

“No shit.”  I replied and laughed.  The squad was huddled in the middle of the gym waiting for the music to start.  A screeching record sound followed a horn blaring filled the space.  They all danced around in perfect time, Sydney, a short Blonde, and that tall red head were each held in one hand by each of the guys.  Then as the music grew faster and louder, they huddled around Sydney with the tallest biggest guy behind her and Theresa behind him.  In the blink of an eye Sydney was thrown in the air so high I leaned forward in shock.  She twisted her body, did that little splits thing cheerleaders do, touched her toes and finally landed safely in the arms of the people around her.  I stared at her, the smile on her face was contagious as they finished the routine and stopped with their black and red pompoms in different places.  “Holy shit.” Was all I could say.  I looked over at Bryan that was shaking his head. 

“Not in a million fucking years would I have guessed a human could be thrown that far in the air and come out of it uninjured.” 

The football coach applauded the squad as he walked to the center of the court to give a game day speech.  He then had all the senior players come onto the court so he could introduce them, he talked about each of their stats and wished the team good luck before passing the microphone back to Cindy.  “Okay now we are going to play a game, each of you guys grab a bat,” she pointed to a barrel that had wooden baseball bats in it, “You have to each spin around ten times, pick the football up and throw it at the target.  If you actually make it through the target you get a gift certificate to Logan’s and a kiss from the Senior members.”  The gymnasium erupted into laughter with each player that tried and failed to hit the target.  Ronnie was the last person to do the challenge, he spun around and around, stumbled to the football took two steps back and launched the ball right through the middle of the target with plenty of air left between the ball and the target.  “Well fuck.”  Bryan said.

“Not good.”  I stood up when I looked at Sydney that was scanning the bleachers for us. 

“Wait wait wait; Ronnie that’s not fair you’ve been quarterback since you were in diapers.  I should have thought that challenge through a little better.”  Cindy said with a nervous laugh.  I couldn’t hear what he said to her but she just nodded her head and stepped to the side.  She handed him an envelope and hung her head as he walked over to the four seniors, the first was a guy so he just shook his hand and moved to the next person.  She gave him a quick peck on the check and smiled, Theresa looked like she wanted to knee him in the balls.  She smiled and kissed him on the other cheek.  He stopped in front of Sydney, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him, tucked the envelope in his pocket cupped her face in his palm then lowered his mouth to hers.  The gymnasium broke out in cat calls and whistles as the kiss deepened between the two.  When he pulled away he had a grin on his face and said something to her.  She shook her head no and stepped back, Ronnie ran a frustrated hand through his hair and walked away. 

“Calm the fuck down man.”  Bryan said from beside me.  “You’re knuckles are turning white because your fists are bunched up so tight.” 

The students all filed out of the gymnasium, Bryan and I waited to go meet with Sydney and Theresa until the last person was gone.  Sydney was stuffing her pompoms in the small black bag and trying to hold back tears.  “Hey,” I knelt down beside her, “You okay?”  I said. 

“Just fine Cade.”

“Bullshit, I know you didn’t want that to happen.”

“No actually, I…never mind.”  She quickly stood and started to walk away from me. 

I caught up with her and stepped in front of her, “What the fuck were you going to say?”

She shook her head and angrily wiped tears off of her face, “Nothing.  Move I’m going to be late for class.”  She stepped around me and caught up with the others. 

“What the hell was that about?” Bryan asked.

“I have no clue.”  I said and shook my head.  We followed Theresa and Sydney as they parted from their friends to go to their classes.  Once they were in the classroom Bryan and I walked over to a bench and sat down.  We talked about different things we each wanted to buy for our motorcycles, discussed charity events that the MC club was going to be doing the following week, and about me patching over to the same MC club as him.  It was something I had been thinking about but couldn’t decide if I wanted to be tied down to one club or not.  I enjoyed being able to help other clubs out and being able to leave town for days at a time without having to answer to anybody.  The girls rushed past us on their way to their next class, Sydney didn’t look at us and Theresa was busy texting on her phone.  I needed to find out what Ronnie had said to her, finding the asshole was my next step.  I watched as Sydney and Theresa bounded up the stairs and disappeared through the doors.  Ronnie and a couple of his teammates were laughing and talking as they approached us.  I stood from the bench and heading right for him.  “What the fuck did you say to her?” I demanded as I stepped closer to him.

He waved as his friends kept walking, “I don’t think that’s any of your business mister macho.”

I grabbed him by his jersey and yanked him against me, “That’s where you’re wrong you little fucking prick.  I know what you did to her, I seen the pictures, I read the texts.  Stay the fuck away from her, or don’t and see what the fuck happens to you.”

Bryan grabbed my wrist and separated us, “You’d be smart to listen to that warning, it’s your one and only.  Touch her again and,” he shrugged a shoulder, “hurt her again.  You’re going to be lucky if you aren’t swimming with the fish.” 

Ronnie threw his head back and laughed, “You fuckers think you scare me?  I love her nothing you say will change how we feel for each other.”  He stepped past us and jogged up the steps of the building. 

“I’m going to strangle the cocky mother fucker.” 

“Well, you’ll have to hold off because the MC just text me that they are ready for their vehicles to be brought to the club house.  Theresa didn’t give me a key to the dorm I’m assuming you didn’t get one from Syd, so, either we interrupt them in class or wait.”

“We’ll just wait.  I’m fucking starving let’s go get something to eat, I can’t handle much more god damn drama today.”  I told him and started walking towards our motorcycles. 

This was the last class for the two of them so we could just meet them at their dorms after lunch.  We rode to a small dive bar downtown; the place wasn’t busy so we each ordered a nice frosty mug of beer, double cheeseburger and fries.  We ate in silence as I tried to think of different things Ronnie would have said to her that would have made her turn so bitchy and distant towards me. 

“You need to turn your brain off man I think you have smoke coming out your ears.”  Bryan said and popped a couple of fries in his mouth. 

“I want to know what he said to her.” 

“You’ll find out later when we get to the hotel.  Cade I’m not blind I know you are more than attracted to her just remember she just turned twenty you’re twenty five.  She’s Lucifer’s daughter, hell any man with a brain and a dick thinks she’s hot.  Let’s just get them to the safe house and hope that Ronnie doesn’t find them.”

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