Revved (28 page)

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Authors: Samantha Towle

BOOK: Revved
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?” Petra asks, a sway in her stance.

She’s standing before me, drink in hand, looking a little drunk. Well, we all are. We’re in a La Rascasse, a bar that is situated on the famous bend on the Formula 1 track, the bend in which Carrick cornered like the pro he is and brought home the trophy.

We’re all out celebrating the win. Minus Carrick. He had to attend a prearranged sponsorship party. His dad and Uncle John are there, too. So is Sienna.

But I’m not thinking of either of them tonight. I’m out having a good time with my friends.

I was relieved when I found out that Carrick wouldn’t be here as I didn’t want to be forced to spend time around him and the pop princess. Now that I’m out and having fun, I’m finding that I’m missing him. It seems weird to be celebrating his win without him here.

“I’m having a good time.” I smile at Petra.

Then, Ben comes over, stumbling a little, and slings his arms around the both of us. “You girls okay for drinks?”

“I’m good.” I show him my half-full glass. I’ve been going steady tonight, pacing myself, as I know it’s going to be a long night, and I’m already feeling a little tipsy.

“I’ll have another, and so will Andi,” Petra informs Ben.

Ben shoots a look at me in question. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Petra with her you-will-have-another-drink face on.

“Okay. Looks like I’m having another drink.”

I down the one in my hand, wincing at the burn. I’m on double vodkas and lemonade—hence, the pacing, but I guess that’s out the window now.

Petra gives a little cheer, clapping her hands, as I put my empty glass down on the nearby table.

I follow them both over to the bar.

“So, what are we having?” Ben asks.

“Shots!” Petra yells out.

I flash a look at Ben, who grins and shrugs his shoulders.

“Looks like we’re having shots,” I mutter.

Not that it matters what I say as Petra is already leaning over the bar, and she has grabbed the attention of the barman, placing her drink order.

I honestly don’t know how she does it. It’s heaving with people in here tonight, but every time she goes to the bar, she gets served straight away. I always have to stand there like a plant, waiting for ages to be served.

I’m going to have to find out her barman-whispering secret.

“So, how are you doing?” Ben knocks his shoulder with mine.

“In general or tonight?” I give a grin.


“I’m great.”

His eyes linger on my face for a little too long, like he’s trying to get a read on me. And he must see something there because he says, “Are you sure?”

“Sure, I’m sure.” I let out a nervous laugh.

“Just…with what happened with Robbie this morning, what he said about you and Carrick.”

I freeze. Then, I kick-start myself back to life. “It doesn’t matter.” I give a halfhearted shrug. “It’s all sorted now.”

Ben gives a slight nod of his head. “It was good of you to sort it out with Carrick, so Robbie could keep his job.”

I shrug again, averting my eyes. “It wasn’t fair for Robbie to lose his job over something so stupid.”

“Yeah, you’re right, but not everyone would have had the balls to go after Carrick and talk him around like you did. It was cool of you, Andi. You’re a good person.”

A wide smile spreads across my face. “I really need to spend more time around Drunk Ben. I always get the best compliments from him when I do.”

Chuckling, he shakes his head, and then his eyes turn serious. “He was right though, wasn’t he?”

“Who?” I give a confused look.


The smile slips from my face. I’m pretty sure my color drains away, too.

“Not in how he said it,” Ben clarifies. “But there is something going on between you and Carrick.”


“Look, you don’t have to say anything,” he continues.

I think. Because the thought of talking about this right now is escaping me. I’m still dealing with the shock that Ben is actually saying these things.

“I just want you to know that I think Carrick is a mug for letting you slip through his fingers. And if you need a mate to talk to…well, I’m your man.” He pats my arm with his hand.

But because I’m me, I don’t want Ben to think badly of Carrick as he hasn’t actually done what Ben thinks he has. Carrick didn’t let me slip through his fingers. What we did, having sex and wrecking our friendship in the process, is on both of us, and now, we’re in some weird place where he’s moved on, but I can’t seem to even though I know I have to.

And well, that one is all on me.

“Thanks.” I clear my clogged throat. “But it’s not like you think.”

“No?” He frowns. “So, if I tell you that Carrick just walked through the door with Sienna in tow, it wouldn’t be a problem for you?”

Holding my breath, I press my lips together in some form of a weird smile and shake my head. “No. It won’t be a problem at all.”

“Good, because he just walked in with Sienna.”


Twisting my head, I look over my shoulder, and through the crowd of people, I see Carrick. It’s impossible not to see him. He stands out wherever he goes.

He looks stunning in his tux, top button of his shirt undone, his bow tie lost somewhere along the way. Strands of his hair, in that little to no effort style of his, tease his forehead. His blue eyes dance under the lights as he stops to chat with some racing fans.

My heart sets off, doing a little thumpity-thump beat in my chest.

And I really need to get a grip because I’m starting to sound like a love-struck teenager. I’m actually making myself feel nauseous with my moon-eyed thoughts.

“You’re definitely okay?” Ben’s voice comes in my ear. “Because we can make a break for it before they get over here, if you want?”

Turning to look at him, I smile at his quip. “I’m good. But thanks for being awesome.”

He gives me a wink, followed by a smile.

I know he can see through my bullshit, and I appreciate that he doesn’t call me on it.

My mask is beginning to slip, and I really need to get it set back in place before Carrick sees it, too.

“Here you go.” Petra hands me what looks like a Jägerbomb and then gives one to Ben.

“This a Jägerbomb?” I ask.

“Yep. And you’ve got one more to drink after this, so get supping, girl.”


To be quite honest, I’m ready for this drink now. I need the alcohol courage to get me through the next however long of the Sienna show.

“On the count of three…” Petra starts.

I tip the glass to my lips before the countdown even begins, and I down the whole thing.

“Fuck!” I blow out a breath of fire, slamming the glass down on the bar.

Petra is staring at me with what can only be described as total admiration.

“Attagirl!” Lifting a hand, she high-fives me. “Come on, Benny Boy, we got some catching up to do.”

They both down their Jägers. A string of curses come from them as they blow out fiery breaths. I laugh at them, feeling a little lighter already.

I’ve just downed my second shot when I sense Carrick behind me. He doesn’t have to say anything nowadays for me to know he’s there. I can just
his presence, like he’s actually touching me.

Thankfully, after the Jägers, the room is starting to look an awful lot prettier. So, I think I can contend with him and the pop princess.

Then, I do feel him. His hand gently presses against my waist. My body freezes and then explodes back to life. Memories of his hands on my naked skin in that hotel room in Barcelona flood my mind.

“Hey.” His deep voice comes in my ear, causing a shiver to hurtle through me.

Turning, I look at him, loving the feel of his hand, and it stays on me, sliding around my back, eliciting more shivers to run deep inside of places where I really shouldn’t be feeling shivers.

His blues glitter at me, and I feel a flutter in my chest. He just looks so beautiful.

I really hate that.

“Hey.” I smile.

I glance around for Sienna, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Maybe she got carried off by the natives—wishful thinking on my part.

“Congratulations on the win, by the way. You were amazing. Really, really brilliant. The way you greased that corner on the last lap—amazing!” I’m grinning like a lunatic now and waving my hands about like a conductor. I need to get a grip.

This is what too much alcohol does. It turns me into an even bigger idiot than I already am.

“Thanks.” He smiles, and it reaches all the way to his eyes. Then, he dips his head to mine. “I missed you earlier. I wanted to celebrate with my best—” He pauses for a beat as though thinking over his words. Then, he says, “Mechanic. One minute, you were there, and then you were gone. Where did you go to?”

I ran off because I couldn’t bear to watch her all over you.

And that thought is like a douse of water over my fire.

I can feel my smile fading, so I force it back, brightening it up. “Sorry about that. I had an errand to run.”
Liar. Liar.

“Right.” He nods, not moving his eyes from mine, and I’m starting to feel a little more than exposed, like he can see right through my bullshit, just like Ben could before. “Maybe we can have a drink tonight to celebrate?”

“Sure.” I smile widely again.

Then, I watch as his eyes do that thing they do where they run down me, taking me in, stripping me bare. He hasn’t done that since Barcelona. It makes me feel weak and needy for what I can’t have.

He brings his mouth to my ear. “You look beautiful tonight.” His words whisper over my skin, making my head feel light.

“Where’s Sienna?” It’s like a reflex, but it’s definitely the kick I need back to the here and now.

Something akin to annoyance flickers through his eyes. He drops his hand from me, taking a step back. “Restroom.”

“Carrick, you want a drink?” That’s Ben.

He lifts his chin in Ben’s direction. Then, his eyes follow, and I feel like I can finally breathe for the first time since he arrived.

“Beer would be great. Thanks, mate.”

Realizing that I’m facing Carrick with my back to Ben and Petra, I turn around to face them, standing beside Carrick.

Petra’s eyes are on me the moment I turn. I can see the concern in them, so I give her a reassuring smile.

“I didn’t know you were coming tonight. I thought you were stuck at that boring party,” Petra says to Carrick.

“Yeah, I was, and it was worse than boring, so I snuck out to come and hang with you guys.”

“Of course you did. We’re way more interesting than a bunch of stuck-up rich people. No offense.” She grins when she realizes what she said.

Carrick’s rich, but he’s far from boring.

He’s the most interesting person I’ve ever met.

Oh God, I’m at it again.

“None taken. And you’re right. The people here are a hell of a lot more interesting.”

The depth of his voice lifts my eyes to his to find him staring straight at me.

My mouth dries.

“So, how did you know where we were?” I ask, moistening my lips with my tongue.

Something flashes through his eyes. It looks a lot like lust, but because I’m in denial right now, I’m going to pretend it wasn’t.

“Ben told me earlier where you were going to be.”

“Oh, did he?” I slide a look at Ben, but he’s facing away, trying to get served at the bar.

“Andressa.” Carrick’s hand touches my lower back, pulling my attention back to him. His eyes look deep and serious. “Can we talk? There’s something—”

“God, I thought I was never gonna get back to you! It’s packed in here. Why are we here again? The party we were at was way nicer.”

Sienna’s annoying voice rings in my ears like an alarm bell.

I step away from Carrick, causing his hand to fall away, leaving a distinct chill where he just was.

“Get me a drink, will you, Carr? I’m gonna need a large one if I’m forced to stay here for the rest of the night.” She lets out a dramatic sigh.

Annoyance flickers through me. You’d think he’d brought her to a dive with the way she’s acting. This place is really nice—hence, the reason why it’s so full of people.

Biting my tongue from telling her to piss off back to where she came, I turn to look at her.

She looks really nice in a knee-length black lacy dress, which looks like it cost more than my entire wardrobe. And granted, there’s a little bit too much lace, revealing a lot of her assets, but she can carry it off.

She looks a lot prettier than I do right now. I hate that.

But I can handle it. I’m a strong woman who treats other women with respect.

Pushing my dislike for her aside, I force myself to be polite and smile at her. “Hello, Sienna.”

She gives me a blank stare at the sound of my voice. “Oh, good
. You’re
here.” Then, she rolls her eyes.

Okay…seems Carrick’s little talk with her clearly had no effect.

God, I would love to punch her in her face—just once—but of course, I won’t.

So, sucking it up, I give a tight smile. “I am. And now I’m going. Restroom break. Nice seeing you as always.”

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