Revolving Doors (16 page)

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Authors: Perri Forrest

BOOK: Revolving Doors
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! Are you gonna call me out on every guy I didn’t show attention to? Or are you gonna focus more on why you’re getting the attention they didn’t?”

“You’re right. I apologize.”

As soon as the words exited his mouth, I regretted taking that stance with him and backtracked.

sorry. That’s not a nice way to talk to someone trying to befriend you. That is what you’re doing, right?”

…I am trying to befriend you,” he confirmed flashing a beautiful smile. “And please, no apology is necessary. I was overstepping, being too inquisitive, but it’s because you’re interesting to me.”

His statement caused me to blush.

“How is that? I’m curious.”

“Well for one, I see this huge streak of independence in you. You came to a nightclub
by yourself
. I don’t see women doing that. For two, you’re spicy!”

I laughed out loud at the spicy reference.
If only he knew

“Is there a three?” I asked him.

“For three, you moved like a vixen on that dance floor. Do you dance professionally?”

“Wait…when you say professionally, does that include a pole?” I joked.

“I mean, if it does, I don’t judge!”

“No! There’s no pole. I do dance though…mostly samba, but yes.”

“Well, it looks good on you.”

“Thank you…again,” I smiled. The compliments just keep coming. I’m
and a vixen
! Tell me more!”

Seemed valet listened closely when I instructed them to, “
take a few extra minutes before bringing my car
…” and it was a good thing because I was able to get acquainted, and enjoy a nice conversation, with my new friend.

“Since you turned out to be so nice…” I continued, “I’m going to answer your question from earlier. I honestly didn’t care about leaving that guy on the dance floor.” Then I looked down briefly to keep from laughing. “I think he had plans for me that I had no intentions on approving.”

“Do I even want to know?” he inquired.

“You know your kind so I’m sure you can figure it out.”

My kind
…trust me, I’m of a different breed.”

“Okay then. I’ll give you that. Sorry for pre-judging and putting you into a category.”

“Apology accepted…
we can exchange phone numbers, and possibly get to know each other.”

And finally!

“Oh…the man’s a negotiator!” I extended my hand to him. “How about we start with names first. Mine is Gabriella.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my car approaching.


pleased to meet you, Gabriella.” We locked eyes as he took my hand in his. “My name is Robert.” He reached into the inside pocket of his blazer and retrieved a business card holder and took out one of its contents. “Can I give you this and hope to hear from you? I’d love to take you to lunch, dinner, movie, wherever.”

I accepted the card from his hand and gave it a once over.

“Of course, Robert. I’ll give you a call later on today, if that’s okay.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Cool. Well, this is me right here,” I said pointing at my vehicle as it pulled up curbside.

, huh?” he yelled after me, as I was walking to my car.

I turned and smiled at him with a slight look of confusion.

“I’m sorry?”

He pointed downward toward my plates.

“Oh!” I finally caught on, “You mean the ‘

I sometimes forgot that I had personalized license plates on my car. I was impressed that he paid attention to detail.

I tipped the valet as he held my car door open, and focused my attention back on Robert for his response.

“Yes…intrigue,” he responded, walking closer. “Sounds mysterious,” he expressed, winking at me. “Drive safe, Gabriella.”

“Thank you, Robert…I will.”





I knew Robert would come in search of me. It was why I told the valet to delay bringing my car around for a few minutes.

I knew he was interested. I scoped him as soon as I walked into the club. He wasn’t the only one. I scoped a few, but he was by far the nicest looking of the bunch.

He watched as my hand was being stamped, and was still watching when I walked in, but he turned his gaze when I looked directly at him so that he wouldn’t be caught staring.

Once I took my place on the barstool, it reached a point where we were both stealing glances.

I got the sense that he was close to making his move when the guy with the cheap suit insinuated himself into the mix. 

I figured he would seize the opportunity to approach once the coast was clear again, but I sure as hell hadn’t anticipated that when he did, it would be to ask about the other guy.

I was disappointed, and slightly turned off when he did that, but my attitude changed when I saw him taking notice of me from VIP. That was when I decided to allow him the opportunity to redeem himself, and it worked out nicely.

I was drawn to him because of the mystique that surrounded him. I liked a man with an air of mystery. It let me know he wasn’t an ordinary guy. 

Aside from that, he was fine as hell from what I could see.

I couldn’t tell how tall he was until he was standing in front of me outside the club but all the other features were in clear view before that time.

He stood somewhere between 5’11 to 6’1. He shared the same chocolate hue as Morris Chestnut and Blair Underwood, and was very nicely tailored. And
…that velvet blazer he was wearing…I’d always loved those on a man. There was something about them that I found hopelessly sexy.

Although he wasn’t that good at it,
I liked that he tried to be a low-key observer. I had made him early on during his surveillance efforts.

Adding to his points was the fact that he sized me up before making his move. He waited to see if I was his type of chick, and I found appreciation in that. He didn’t just allow the pretty looks to lure him in.

I didn’t know where things could venture to with him, but I did know that it was past the time for me to open myself up to some sort of companionship and he had promise.




When I made it home the first thing on my mind was getting freshly showered, but first, per her request, I texted Kelli to let her know I’d made it in the house. She responded: “
I thought you would call! But I’m glad you made it. Love you!

Calling her was never in the plans. She would have kept me on the phone for the rest of the morning wanting details…especially, if her friend had already left. 

Dancing up against a sweaty and obviously, horny guy whose name I had managed to forget, made me want to scrub my body under some steamy hot water, and that was just what I did. 

After I emerged from the shower I slid into a sole garment – my silk chemise. I turned the knob on the wall slightly to dim the ceiling light in my room, settled across my bed, aimed the remote toward my stereo system, and unleashed the sounds of my All Male R&B playlist.

On the nightstand lay my cell phone, beside my cell phone, the business card of one Robert L. Johnson, Jr.

With my house phone in hand, I blocked my number from appearing on his caller ID, dialed and rested my head against the headboard as the ringing sounded in my ear.

On the second ring, he answered.


“Hi, can I speak to Robert, please?”

“Speaking…” he
stated, cautiously.

“Hey Robert, it’s Gabriella…from earlier. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

There was a pause on the other end.

“Ahh…Gabriella.” There was surprise in his voice. “
You didn’t catch me at a bad time. But I did almost allow the call to go to voicemail.”

“Because it’s blocked, right? I know. I just

“It’s okay. I understand. What matters is that you called at all. I was hoping to hear from you, but I certainly didn’t expect to hear from you

“Oh, my mistake. I can call you later,” I kidded.

!  It’s a pleasant surprise. How are you?”

“I’m good. Thanks for asking.”

“What about you?”

“I’m great. Especially now, that you’re on the other end of my phone. Glad to know you made it home safely.”

, how sweet are you?”

“I’m a lot sweet.”

? And I say that was a
suggestive and that Robert ain’t as shy as he tried to portray, I’m thinking.”

“I consider myself shy. But I also consider myself smart enough to know that being shy wouldn’t have gotten me on the phone with the beautiful Gabriella. That was why I had to find my voice quickly outside earlier.”

, I kinda like compliments. And while we’re there, you ain’t too bad looking yourself, mister.”

We engaged in a bit more small talk before I asked, “So…Robert…have you left Allure yet?”

“I did. Left shortly after
pulled away from the scene.”

! You’re too cute. I guess you really do like my plates, huh?”

“That’s affirmative. I do like your plates. But I like the plates’
more,” he flirted.

“Oh, wow…is Mr. Robert L. Johnson, Jr. flirting with me?”

“He is flirting with you. Is he scaring you away?”

“Not at all. I don’t scare easily. Kinda takes a lot.”

“My type of woman,” he remarked.

“Am I, now? That sounds promising.

I grew restless with the back and forth flirting and decided that since I knew what I wanted, I would move right into it.

“Tell me this, Robert…What are you about to get into?”

“Well, I hadn’t made any

“Would you be open to coming to visit me?”

…” He cleared his throat as if something had accidentally travelled down the wrong pipe.

? You alright?”

I pulled the phone away from my ear to release a giggle he
couldn’t hear. I found it adorable that he allowed himself, deliberate or not, to be vulnerable in the moment. 

“…Oh yeah, I’m here,” he chuckled. “Just a little caught off guard,” he admitted. What did you have in mind?”


“Why don’t I tell you how to get to my house and we can discuss that when you arrive. You won’t be breaking curfew by coming over at this weird hour, will you?”

“Miss Gabriella got jokes, huh? How about my curfew is whatever time you decide it’s time for me to leave
your company




An hour and some change later
, Robert walked through my front door.

We had gotten enough talk out the way during our earlier conversation so there was no need to pick up where we left off. Talking wasn’t the reason I invited him over.

I closed the door behind him, smiling as I did so, and released the belt around my silk chemise, allowing it to fall from my body, and onto the sides of my stilettos. 

“You asked what I had in mind. I thought it was better for me to show you than to talk about it over a phone line.”

,” he managed. It fell from his lips like a soft whisper that probably surprised even him.

He stood before me words lost as I commenced to disrobing him where he stood. I took great care with the velvet blazer as I walked to place it neatly on the sofa.

I ran my hands across the detailed cuts of his bare arms, and chest, planting soft kisses as I went along.

I undid his belt, the hook on his slacks and slowly slid his zipper down. When I removed his slacks, I paused at the protruding bulge. I moved in close and removed his boxer briefs, so that we could be flesh to flesh.

“Is all this for me?” I asked taking his dick into my hand and stroking up and down his shaft.

He opened his mouth, but no words flowed.

“It’s okay…it was rhetorical,” I whispered to him.

By the hand, I led my guest to the bedroom. There were no words between us. I preferred it that way. I didn’t want any distractions and besides, the moment didn’t require words. The sultry sounds of Jaheim were taking care of that.

“Lay down for me, Robert.”

Walking around to the side of my bed, I grabbed the condom case, a wooden box that once housed a Fossil watch gifted to me years ago. I grabbed a handful of magnums and spread them onto the bed.

A ribbed one was chosen, and rolled down Robert’s erection.

When I mounted him, we fell into an immediate rhythm. He guided my hips as I slid up and down his dick, taking every inch of what he had to offer and enjoying every moment of it.


As Robert’s thrusts built, his grip on my ass cheeks tightened.

“Oh-Oh-Oh!! Shhh-iii-ttt!!”

When I knew he was at the finish line, I squeezed my walls around his dick, and he went crazy. I could feel his thighs shaking beneath me.

He panted labored breaths until he had fully emptied into the condom. 


I leaned down and kissed him along his face before taking his bottom lip between mine and sucking on it.

That session was all about him. I wanted him to feel good. I felt he deserved it. Any man that stepped to me with the class that he did, with the respect that he did and with the package that he delivered to my front door…deserved it.

He opened his eyes and looked up at me with evidence of satisfaction on his face and I leaned down to kiss softly on his face his neck, finally taking his bottom lip between mine and sucking it softly.

“How was that for you play date?”

“Do you really have to ask?”
he said looking into my eyes. “You
trouble. I knew there was something special under that dress, but I think I slightly underestimated you. Only

“I’m happy you approve.” I smiled as I dismounted and pulled the condom from his limpness. I disappeared into the bathroom to discard the condom.

On my way back, I got my first real glimpse of his body, as he walked toward me. And a body it was. He wore the right amount of muscle – not overdone like some men that don’t know when to lay off the weights. Robert didn’t have that issue going on.

He was standing before me looking down and into my soul, it seemed.

“You are a beautiful woman, Gabriella.
he repeated for emphasis. “Is it okay to kiss you?”

“Mister, after what we just shared, you
if you can kiss me? Of course you can.” I told him wrapping my arms around his neck.”

Passionately, our lips met for the second time. He slowly pried my mouth open so our tongues could intertwine and do a dance of their own. 

My hands moved down to his waist as the kiss lingered in the doorway of the bathroom and soon I could feel his manhood growing against me. 

“I think somebody wants in…again” I whispered in the middle of our kiss.

“I think so too,” he responded. “Especially if his playmate is game. Tracing my wetness with his finger, he whispered, “
…I think so. It’s
down there,” he sighed.

“You sound surprised, don’t be. I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be nice and lubricated down there until the two of you are out of eye sight. You’re something like a turn on.” 

He kneeled in front of me, pulled my feet one by one, out of my stilettos, kissed up and down my legs and pulled me to him onto the floor.

We kissed while simultaneously exploring each other’s bodies. It was like an expedition for buried treasure and I was immersed in ecstasy.

Robert rolled me onto my back and with my thighs raised, he moved between my legs, and began kissing my neck and face.
. He liked taking his time.

I liked that he showed restraint and wanted to get as much playtime in as possible. I was learning that rushing the process wasn’t a part of his character. He was enjoying my body, and allowing me to enjoy his.

When he started a kissing trail down my stomach, he held my thighs apart as he traveled to my navel and down to my inner thighs. I knew what was coming and I held my breath in anticipation.

As he descended upon my pussy, it was without warning and with expert skill and grace.

Left to right, he sucked the lips one at a time taking care to give each the same attention. He licked every inch of the pussy, sticking his tongue inside as far as he could to get a reaction. By the time he confronted my clit, I was nearing convulsions – especially, as it became the main course.

He took extra time sucking, licking and kissing, yet it was the sensuous sounds of his slurping that drove me wild.

He allowed my moans to be his compass as he navigated his way around my compound. It was like he knew the routes by heart.

Either this was his pussy in another life, or he was some sort of licensed head doctor. He covered the grounds with immaculately. 

He ate me to the point of mute. When the warmth worked its way up my body, I pleaded for Robert to come up, “
! I. want…need. You. Inside me.

Robert had other plans.

“In due time,” he whispered.

His finger entered my dampness, with ease. It was a wonderful feeling and I was enjoying the control he took over my body.

His newly lubed finger entered my back door. He didn’t ask permission; with soft, timed thrusts, he took initiative. The shock of it sent a gasping sound from my mouth, as he caressed the area with care.

This has to be as good as it gets!

I couldn’t imagine anything else he’d do, feeling as wonderful as the dual pleasure I received from both his tongue and his finger.

If it was the best of it, I didn’t care, my body was being tag teamed and I was going with it.

He pushed a little further and left the finger to relax in its designated spot while he brought me to a climactic ending.


I’d lost control and Robert didn’t cease until I was satiated.

“Through labored breaths I mumbled, “
, you got skills, Mr. Johnson and they are recognized
up in here

“Well, my compliments to the Chef. You fed me well,” he expressed planting a kiss on my inner thigh.




Four ribbed magnums and three hours later, I was climbing back into my bed, drained and thoroughly satisfied after walking my newest lover to the door.

For the first time in a long time, I had thoughts of a man after he’d left my bed. I didn’t know if the spontaneity of our tryst was to blame, if it was the way he took control of my body as we made love or if it was a combination both…I just knew that as I was surrendering to sleep, memories of his touch lingered in my head. 








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