Read Reunited with His Werewolf Beloved Online

Authors: Anya Byrne

Tags: #anal sex, #erotic, #gay, #MM, #gay sex, #romance

Reunited with His Werewolf Beloved (2 page)

BOOK: Reunited with His Werewolf Beloved
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Chapter Two


Frozen behind the counter, TJ watched his mate exit the store
like there was a horde of silencers tracking him. The agony that had burned in
his little robin's green eyes had crushed TJ inside, especially since he knew
he was the source.

But Bobby had been the one to end things. Two years ago, he'd
come to TJ and said they couldn't go on like this.

By that point, TJ had agreed. He was for the most part a
lonely creature, having left his pride and chosen to wander around instead of
being tied down to a particular location. Lone felines like him regularly got
leeway even if they were found on werewolf territory, but that didn't mean such
a conflict would be pleasant. Nonetheless, TJ had grown tired of being a dirty
secret for his own mate. He'd wanted to claim Bobby, to have them leave together
and rebuild their lives elsewhere, but Bobby hadn't trusted him enough to
follow that plan. And so, they'd gone their separate ways. But TJ had never
stopped craving Bobby's touch, his scent, his beautiful submission.

Could TJ really give up on him, though? Was it fair, when in
his heart, he knew his little robin's fears had been justified? Their situation
had been a recipe for disaster. A werewolf with very little influence in his
pack and with the heir of the Alpha obsessed with him, mating a lone feline
shifter? Yeah, that wouldn't have gone well. TJ's mountain cat family might
have helped, but they were a thousand miles away, in the Rockies, and TJ
couldn't have pulled them into such a volatile conflict.

He hated himself then, hated that he'd lashed out at Bobby
instead of trying to compromise, to find a middle ground and make sure this
never happened again. Cursing under his breath, TJ secured his earnings for the
day, then rushed out of the store and locked up. He had a mate to talk to, and
preferably seduce.

It didn't take long for him to track Bobby down. His mate had
predictably headed toward pack lands, where he seemed to have shifted into his
wolf form. TJ parked next to Bobby's car and followed his mate. He took off his
clothes and hid them with Bobby's. His mountain cat form came to him as
naturally as breathing, and his senses registered Bobby's very distinctive

TJ couldn't help a small growl, his instincts to claim his
mate rearing to the surface. He reminded himself that he needed to be careful.
Mountain cats weren't native to the area, so if he was seen, it would
definitely draw unwanted attention.

Thankfully, there was no one around. The sound and feel of
wildlife were the only distractions from his task, but TJ had a very different
prey in mind—a far more valuable one.

He could almost smell Bobby's pain, so intense it seemed
physical. It hurt TJ in turn, echoing within the bleeding wound in TJ's heart.

At one point, Bobby must have realized TJ had tracked him
down, because he stopped running. TJ found him curled at the base of a tree,
still in wolf form. His head rested on his paws, but he got up when TJ
tentatively approached.

Bobby was beautiful even in this shape. His luxurious black
fur, reminiscent of his dark hair, simply begged to be touched. His green eyes
were just as sad as before, and TJ ached for him, in more than one way.

He could have shifted, tried to have another conversation
with Bobby in their human forms. He didn't. Instead, he growled, a playful
sound, not a threatening one. Bobby visibly lit up, but TJ only got to see it
for a few seconds. His mate took off running, heading back the way they'd come.

Bobby was fast, very fast. Werewolves in Bobby's pack
dismissed him because of his smaller size, but TJ knew the truth, knew Bobby
was far stronger than he'd ever told anyone except TJ. In the Adler pack, it
hadn't been safe to be different—and powerful and different was even more

But if Wendel Adler and his son were gone, the rules of the
game had changed. TJ suddenly felt breathless with anticipation, with hope. He
sped up, matching Bobby's leaps, tracking his beautiful mate through the

In the end, he caught up with Bobby in a small clearing.
There was nothing particularly special about this place, at least not at first
sight. TJ knew better. This particular clearing was the only place where they'd
made love on Adler pack lands. It had been a particularly daring and maybe even
unwise escapade, during a period when both Wendel and Mario Adler had been
away. TJ could still remember every second of it, and he knew Bobby hadn't
forgotten either.

He pounced on his mate and landed on top of him, although he
knew he only managed to do so because Bobby had slowed down. Now that the chase
was over, though, their game changed too. They rolled in the grass playfully,
but when they stilled, they were no longer wolf and mountain cat. They were
men, mates who'd been separated for too long and finally had a chance to make
things right.

Feeling Bobby's naked body underneath him, TJ was almost
afraid to move, lest he break the moment. Bobby took the decision out of his
hands and wrapped his arms around TJ's neck. One leg went over TJ's hip, so
high Bobby's heel nudged TJ's ass. With the other, Bobby rubbed TJ's shin. And
it shouldn't have been as sexy as it was, but felines were very tactile
creatures, and TJ loved the simple intimacy of holding his mate like this.

Of course, the platonic touches, no matter how pleasurable,
weren't enough. How could they be? After everything TJ and Bobby had been
through, it would take far more to satisfy them both.

When Bobby kissed him, it didn't come as any real surprise,
but it still unleashed the beast within him. His need for his mate flared too
bright to contain, and he took over, licking over the seam of Bobby's lips,
demanding entrance. Bobby eagerly complied, and TJ thrust his tongue into his
mate's mouth, tasting Bobby with a greed and lust that had built over several
torturous years.

He wanted to take his time, to savor this, to reassure Bobby
and worship him like he deserved. He wanted to explore every inch of Bobby,
over and over again, to reacquaint himself with his mate's body and make sure
this wasn't a dream.

Unfortunately, gentleness wasn't on the menu today. The kiss
quickly grew wild, almost ferocious. Bobby bit on TJ's lips, clawing at his
shoulders even as he tried to grind against TJ's cock. TJ's own fangs tore into
Bobby's tender flesh, and he tasted blood, but he didn't mind, and neither did
Bobby. It frenzied them, inflamed them, made them even more maddened with need
than they'd already been.

Throughout the past years, TJ had tried to convince himself
that his memories of his time spent with Bobby were biased, influenced by
yearning and melancholy, not an accurate description of what really happened
between them. Of course, he'd only been fooling himself. As they surrendered to
the unavoidable, something inside TJ slid into place. It seemed as if a part of
him had been missing, and now that he had it back, he felt free, wild and
ecstatic. He bit, teased, caressed, licked, did everything he'd craved for far
too long.

When the need to breathe forced him and Bobby apart, he
started kissing down Bobby's neck. His mate threw his head back, exposing the
white column of his throat. Seeing him like that, so beautiful in his
submission, almost made TJ come on the spot—or would have if he hadn't already
planned far more for him and Bobby.

To be fair, he didn't actually have a real plan. He was
simply following his instincts, and they told him exactly what both he and
Bobby needed. He didn't even have to think about it. Being with Bobby was like
second nature, returning home after an eternity of being denied what he most
craved. No—more than that, it was like breathing, finally taking in oxygen
after years of choking on his own pain.

And because he knew for a fact that his mate had suffered
just as much, he held on for as long as he could. He swirled his tongue in the
hollow of Bobby's throat, and then focused on his nipples. When he bit the
tender nubs with far more harshness than he'd have liked, Bobby actually
screamed. "Jay... Please, please, please. Fuck me."

It was the first time either of them had spoken since they'd
reunited here, in the forest. Predictably, it did things to TJ. With a growl,
he moved down Bobby's slender body, biting and nipping as he went along.
Bruises bloomed over Bobby's fair skin, and although TJ knew they'd fade in
less than an hour, he still felt a fierce pang of satisfaction at the sight.
That only increased when he zeroed in on Bobby's hard dick.

The slender pink shaft was just as beautiful as its owner,
and that was saying something. TJ didn't bother with teasing. He simply took
what he wanted, reveling in the taste of his mate's pleasure, in the way Bobby
came undone with every flick of his tongue. It was addicting, the flavor of
Bobby's precum, the scent of his sweat, the rising sound of his cries.

The way Bobby moved also drew TJ's attention to his beautiful
ass. Always quite willing to multitask when it came to Bobby, TJ rubbed his
fingers over his mate's opening while continuing to suck Bobby's cock.

By now, Bobby was completely incoherent, even the earlier
begging too much for him. His trembling thighs and the tension in his demeanor
revealed Bobby was just about to come.

And TJ would have loved to push his mate over the edge, but
at the end of the day, his patience had its limits. As it turned out, his
mate's feelings echoed his own. He gripped TJ's hair in a painful hold, and TJ realized
Bobby was actually attempting to guide him away.

Bobby was much stronger than he looked, but naturally, he
didn't have the energy—or rather the drive and the incentive to go through with
what he had in mind. It didn't matter, since TJ could do everything for him. He
released Bobby's cock with a wet pop, then flipped Bobby on all fours. His mate
eagerly went along with it, pushing his ass back, his entire stance screaming
for Bobby's touch. And oh, he was so beautiful like this, his legs spread, his
dark hair sweaty, curling over his nape. TJ fell in love with him all over
again, just like he did every second he spent in Bobby's company.

He realized then that part of the urgency was because he
hadn't actually told Bobby anything. He hadn't explained that he'd lied when
he'd said he'd found someone else. He hadn't confessed that he wanted to try
again too, that he always wanted to try, because Bobby was his soul mate, his
beloved, his other half.

Placing his hands on Bobby's hips, he steadied his mate in an
attempt to control Bobby's frantic motions. "It's okay, my little robin.
I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We can start over."

Bobby turned his head, his green eyes filled with a mix of
passion, pain and disbelief. "Truly? But you said..."

TJ hated shattering the moment, but he couldn't let this hang
between them. "I know what I said, but I lied. There's never been anyone
but you. I love you too."

Bobby's breath caught, and a single tear slid down his cheek.
The last thing TJ had wanted was to make his beloved little robin cry, but he
supposed it was unavoidable. There were too many emotions bubbling between
them, a burden that weighed on both their souls.

He leaned over Bobby's back and stole another kiss from his
mate's sweet lips. He didn't prolong the lip-lock, not like before. Instead, he
licked away the fallen tear, wordlessly soothing his mate, assuring him
everything would be all right now.

Bobby melted against him, and the sorrow in his gaze was once
more pushed away by passion and renewed hope.

After that, TJ was no longer willing to look away from
Bobby's face even for a moment. Instead, he set Bobby down on the grass on his
back, just like before. They didn't have lube, but TJ could fix that—especially
since Bobby was quite flexible.

His mind swirling with memories of their previous times
together and his body buzzing with excitement, TJ spread Bobby's legs wide. His
mate anticipated his actions and bent himself practically in half. He
maintained the position with no apparent effort and parted his ass cheeks,
exposing his pink opening to TJ's greedy gaze.

A starving man faced with a delicious feast, TJ dived in to
devour his mate. He thrust his tongue into Bobby's ass, using it as a tiny cock
to stretch his lover. Bobby moaned and let out a noise that sounded like a
cross between a howl and a whimper. TJ's dick throbbed fiercely, but he didn't
even try to calm his libido. At this point, it was a futile endeavor, since
Bobby would undoubtedly sabotage anything he did. He embraced it, embraced everything
Bobby gave him, everything he could take and give back.

By the time he pulled away, both he and Bobby were just as
breathless and aroused, just as close to climax. TJ suspected he would come
embarrassingly fast, more so since he hadn't taken anyone to his bed since he
and Bobby had broken up.

It didn't matter. They had time now, time to make up for
everything, for all the hurt, the mistakes and the regret. TJ would gladly
spend the rest of his life enjoying what they had now, mending what had been
shattered—not because of him and Bobby, but due to an outside force he couldn't
control. And he'd start today, at this very moment, by finally making love to
his mate.

Mindful of Bobby's comfort, TJ steadied the werewolf's legs
on his shoulders, then positioned his cock at his mate's hole. Bobby tried to
impale himself on TJ's dick, but he didn't have enough leverage. He didn't need
to put much of an effort into it, though, because TJ took over. In one, single
hard thrust, he slid home.

It was a little rough, the rim job not enough to smooth the
way in like lubricant would have. Neither of them minded. TJ hissed as
agonizing pleasure assaulted him, the squeeze of Bobby's muscles around him so
tight it almost hurt. Bobby clutched his shoulders, his claws digging into TJ's
flesh, his face scrunched up in a grimace that at a different time, TJ might
have interpreted as one of pain.

BOOK: Reunited with His Werewolf Beloved
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