Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) (37 page)

BOOK: Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)
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It took three more couplings to ease his desire, each less intense than the previous. When the last of the energy dissipated in a wave of ecstasy, he collapsed onto his side, totally spent.

"Are you trying to kill me, woman?" He could barely speak from exhaustion. "Don't ever do that again."

At least until I learn how to control my Gift better," Valencia said, giggling, as she faced him. She wiggled close to him as he draped a weak arm across her hip. "I love you, Thane."

's only response was a soft snore.


With a quiet tap, Gabby silently opened the bedroom door and tiptoed into the room. As quiet as a mouse, she padded towards the bed and peered at the sleeping couple. Too exhausted to cover themselves, they lay naked in each other's arms. With light fingers, she placed an index finger on their bare toes and waited. Her eyes rolled into her head as visions began to form in front of her. Fleeting images of precognition danced in her mind. Visions of pain, sorrow, and anger laced with love, happiness and laughter played before her closed eyes. It only took a few seconds for her to witness their future. She smiled softly as she gently covered the spent lovers with a warm blanket.

You will face many trials and if you choose wisely, you will prevail Matka-Zem. Life will not be without struggle and heartache. However, you will have love and happiness to balance the hardship. Be wise and just, and all will be well." Gabby silently left a plate of cheese, fruits, and meats, along with two towels and a basin of water for bathing. With another smile, she softly closed the door behind her.


Valencia opened her eyes to the light of day and with a huge yawn stretched her body. With a groan of discomfort, she quickly ceased her movements. She felt bruised, stiff, and sore all over, as if she had been in a fight to the death and barely survived.

Serves you right, princess." Thane's laughter brought a heat of embarrassment to her face.

Valencia sat up in bed and spied the Mlinzi standing by the mirror with only a towel draped around his waist. Shyly, she pulled the sheets over her breasts as she felt the blush deepen on her cheeks.

Thane tilted his head to one side and gave another laugh. "Surely you cannot still be shy of me, my love. Not after last night." His brown eyes danced with amusement, his smile was genuine and wide, and his face glowed with love.

Of course not." She let the sheet fall to her waist and saw the Mlinzi's eyes grow dark with desire. As she felt her own need begin to grow, she let her eyes travel over his trim body. As she studied his well-proportioned form, she spied a pair of scissors in his right hand. "What are you doing?"

I am cutting my lock." Thane took hold of his braid and showed her the scissors. Reluctance marred his happiness. "I am no long a Mlinzi. I am now the Regent."

Don't cut it, Thane." Valencia practically jumped out of bed as he brought the scissors to his braid. As she rushed to his side, she grabbed a robe and hurriedly donned it. With a firm hand over his, she lowered his arm. "You are more important as a Mlinzi."

There has been a Regent for over a hundred years, Matka-Zem." Thane's brows pulled down into a slight frown, but his eyes showed curiosity, not anger.

What were the Matka-Zem's mates called before?" Valencia's mind began to form a plan.

I'm not sure. What are you planning, Valencia?" Thane tossed the scissors onto the table and faced her.

You're more important to me as a Mlinzi than a Regent. You can be the Regent when our daughter is born." Valencia pulled him towards the bed to sit on the edge. "I want the world to know I am bound to a Mlinzi and that I have the Mlinzi Nation behind me one-hundred percent."

The Matka-Zem always have had the Mlinzi behind her." The frown on his face deepened and she could feel in her heart that he spoke in half-truths.

I can sense that you are not speaking the full truth, Mlinzi." Valencia felt it was her right to demand the truth from her mate.

Damn Kleben! Will I never be able to shield anything from you again?" Thane laughed as he gave her a quick kiss. He took hold of her hands and looked deep into her eyes. "You're right, Princess. There is a rift between the Mlinzi and the Matka-Zem. In the last hundred years our numbers have dwindled to just a fraction. The Matka-Zem's have neglected their duties to Sora and to her people. The Mlinzi have suffered from the people's anger and ridicule. Now it is rare to find anyone touched with the desire to serve as a Mlinzi." During his confession, Thane lost his happy smile and his face drew into a frown. "We are hard-pressed to maintain the balance of nature. The wilds are overrunning many areas of civilization. The people are fleeing into the cities for protection. Many feel we are vulnerable to the point that our neighboring star systems may plan to take advantage and try to invade."

Then it's even more important that you remain a Mlinzi." Valencia squeezed Thane's hands, in the need for him to understand, and raised her chin proudly. "I want the world to know I am not a weak-minded Matka-Zem, and I control my own destiny. I will bring harmony to Sora. However, I will not tolerate injustice and prejudice." She took his hand and kissed his knuckles. "There must be a balance, though, and I have to be life. You must be death. You and the Mlinzi will be my defenders and my wrath, while I will bring peace back to our world. Together, we will put Sora back to rights."

There is a lot for us to do, Princess." Thane's face glowed with pride for her and he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. As his hand slipped inside her robe to cup her breast, he pushed her down on the mattress. "But not today."

A loud knock on the door stopped his progress and Thane quickly pulled her robe together just as the door flew open.

"Ch'iidii," he cursed under his breath at the interruption.

Hey, you two," Donna strolled into the bedroom as if she owned the place. "Are you ever going to get out of bed? You have guests arriving."

Who is here?" Valencia tried to sit up but Thane pressed her back on the bed, unwilling to let her go.

Well, the Mlinzi Council just arrived a few minutes ago and they are wondering why you two haven't greeted them. I also heard the bird people are going to arrive later." Donna winked at Thane as she addressed Valencia. "By the way, you two really put on a show last night."

What do you mean?" Valencia glanced at Thane in bewilderment before both peered questioningly at Donna.

Well," Donna laughed, always willing to be the storyteller. "You put on a hell of a light show last night. It triggered a humungous orgy. Hell, we could have been conquered by an army of ants, with everyone in such a sexual frenzy."

Oh no!" Her face burned with embarrassment as Thane and Donna laughed at her discomfort. "How can I ever show my face again?"

Hey, don't worry girlfriend," Donna giggled at her. "Everyone is walking around with big smiles on their faces. If you learned anything at all from your man here, these Mlinzi don't like showing emotions much." Donna gave Thane another wink. "They are as happy as clams that Thane bonded with you. And I'm happy my two friends finally wised up and got together."

So, you were not affected by our Kleben?" Thane asked with a smile.

Oh, I felt it, but not as much as the others." Donna giggled again and shrugged. "But don't worry, I had my fun too." Valencia and Thane laughed heartily at their friend's expression. "So, when are you going to venture out to meet your guests?"

Not today," Thane stated firmly before Valencia could respond. "We'll greet everyone tomorrow. Now leave us, little Earthling. I want to make love to the Matka-Zem."

With another laugh, Donna obediently headed towards the door.
"What do you want me to say, when they ask why you're not coming?" Donna stopped at the door with her hand on the frame.

Valencia wrapped her arms around Thane
's neck and drew him down toward her mouth. Before her lips touched his, she replied, "Tell them we are on our honeymoon!"


: Goddamn it

: Mother Earth

Lavi Santi
Feels life. A headpiece that assists with the Batu

Genees mij
: heal me

Ravib Kivi
: a blue healing crystal

: white invisible crystals

: red energy crystals

: apprentice

: Bond between the Matka-Zem and her chosen mate

: A yearly coming-of-age ceremony

: a tiny six-legged, four-eyed rodent

Mort Groc
: an acid-spitting vine which grows only around the Matka-Zems' thrones

: The joining between the Matka-Zem and Sora

: A huge tiger-like creature similar to a saber tooth with blue and black-striped fur

: small dinosaurs, having the shape of a velociraptor, with long claws and sharp teeth, minus the tail. The Jeger uses them like hunting dogs.

: intergalactic bounty hunter

: far-seers, with powers like those of a psychic

Pampa tree
: a palm-like tree with large white and pink leaves that are very soft and have insulating properties. Make good sleeping pads.

: city of the Mlinzi

Weelig Pearl
: an opal-like crystal that can cause an object to burst into flames.

Kupoa plant
: a thorny plant with numbing properties; promotes healing

Kota Emas
: golden city of the Torpek

Bymers Wilds
: a dense forest that is dark and dangerous

Obodobo River
: A huge river that separates two continents

Gryell Plains
: A vast prairie where roaming herd animals wander

: a cleansing of both body and spirit inside the walls of Kifo

: Changelings that live in the walls of Kifo that feed on emotions

: A ceremonial area where one can connect to Sora

Jaxop Expanse
: a gigantic rift lake that divided the land of the Aprial and the Ipatx

: the support town for Kifo

Three major species of Sora:

1) Apria: aerial and have two subspecies:

A) Syel Mel: They are intelligent, half bird, half humanoid with round heads and beaks for mouths. They have two arms with talons instead of hands, and birdlike legs. Their torsos are humanoid with huge wings on their backs. They cover themselves in light clothing, mostly in the genital areas.

B) Minore: more animal than humanoid, the Minore have no arms, only talons at the end of each wing and sharper, more birdlike features. They react with animal instinct.

2) Dynol: four land species:

A) Torpek: are extremely tall and thin, being long in limbs, neck, and torso. They are fair of skin, with almost porcelain coloring and with large eyes that dominate their face. Their hair is long, straight and silky and ranges from pale yellow to white. The Torpek age slowly. A two-hundred-year life span is common among their race. They are intelligent and are the creators of most of the technology of Sora.

B) Koylu: are smaller than the Torpek, with varied skin types from dark brown to almost black. Some even have a tint of green. Most have black curly hair and brown eyes.They have a connection to nature with a natural ability for growing crops, tending livestock, and hunting. Unlike the Torpek, who live in cities, they prefer smaller townships, clusters, and tending the soil. No less intelligent then the Torpek, the Koylu prefer a more simplistic life with less technology.

C) Ipatx: are short, stocky, and very strong. They are a hairy race. Even their females have long, thick tassels. Preferring dark places, their sensitive eyes are small with large black pupils that allow them to see in pitch black. The Ipatx are proficient miners and artisans of precious metals and gems and are revered throughout Sora.

D) Mlinzi: come from the different races, including the races that reside in the air and water, although most are from the land. Born warriors who hear the call of Sora at a young age. Families with these children are encouraged to start the child
's training before the Branda. When the training is complete, the Tryo goes through trials to bond to Sora and the Matka-Zem.

3) Sualti Yaratik: Two water species:

A) Nereii: highly intelligent and are known to be Vident-Ara's, who are far-seeing. They are half humanoid and half fish. They live in the deep water and little is known of their ways.

B) Merekoletis: reptilian humanoid creatures, which stay in the shallows, around the more tropical areas. They are extremely dangerous and cannibalistic.


BOOK: Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)
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