Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2)
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I turn around and it hits me. This was all carefully planned. This had to take him years to perfect. I don't know how many, but this house is Keegan's love letter to me. What he wasn't able to say in words he put into this house, with me in mind.

Those childhood promises are all coming true. This is my castle, and he's my prince. I'm absorbing it all, and the quiet makes it all the more real. How on earth am I not going to forgive him? Whatever happened when we were apart doesn't even matter anymore. In this moment all the hurt and pain just melts away. Call me crazy, naïve, but I can't care about anything but him in this moment, because Keegan James has broken down all my walls and now they are just a pile of rubble. I just want to love him.

I turn around and Keegan hasn't moved since we entered the room. I look at him as I walk toward him. My heart is pounding, and I feel as if I've just had an adrenaline rush. I'm happy for the first time since I left New York.

I stop in front of him and he still doesn't move, not toward me or away; he just stands there looking at me. It sends a tingle down my spine.

"So this is the master bedroom." He breaks the silence. Part of me feels like laughing, but he remains serious.

"It's beautiful," I say in a low whisper.

His eyes light up, and he grabs both of my hands with his own. "It's not finished, but close your eyes for a moment."

I shut my eyes and relax, waiting for him to continue.

"There will be a four-poster bed, made of mahogany. The walls will be covered with our favorite works of art, and down the road with our children's."

The picture is forming in my head and it's a dream.

"There will be a chaise in the corner near the far wall. It's going to match your eyes in gray. This will be where I'll find you at night, curled up with your favorite book."

A tear escapes my eye and slowly rolls down my face.

"In another corner there will be our walk-in closet. Our clothes will be lined up next to each other, and you will hang your wedding dress there the night before we are married." He points to another corner of the room.

I open my eyes and grab his t-shirt, pulling him closer, so that our foreheads are touching. Keegan lets out a sigh. "Our children will run into this room in the middle of the night when their dreams frighten them. We will pull them into bed between us and kiss all their tears away."

His last words hit me with a wave of emotion. I want this perfect life with him. There will never be a day that I won't love him, and I'm ready to give my heart to him and this life with him.

"To the stars," I confess, looking directly into the eyes of my soul mate.

The dam breaks, and our lips connect in a flood of heat. Keegan's arms suddenly are around me, holding me tight. I grab his dark locks and tug on them. We are coming together in the most perfect moment of my life. I don't ever want this kiss to end. I can feel it all; our hearts are no longer separated. They are locked together.

I push Keegan against the wall, surprising him with my dominance. My hands move under his shirt, and he trembles against my light caress. A jolt of electricity goes through me at his reaction to my exploration, and there is no stopping our encounter. We are going to see this through to the very end.

I lift his shirt over his head. It gets stuck, and I have difficulty pulling it over his head. He laughs at my complication. When I finally get it over his head I take in his muscular chest, placing feather
light kisses. Keegan moans when my lips touch his skin.

"Your lips are fire, and I want them to set every inch of my skin ablaze," he whispers.

I back away teasingly. Keegan glares at me in a silent warning, telling me he's not letting me go. I don't want him to.

Suddenly, he grabs me by my waist, pulling me flush against his warm chest. His hands are in my hair, pushing it to the side. His lips are now on my neck, and I feel the scorching heat he was talking about. Our souls have been lit on fire. I moan as he works his way down spreading flames down to my collarbone. Lifting my shirt and bra in one sweep, warm hands massage my breasts and my nipples pucker as his thumbs touch the most sensitive area.

I melt into him, and relinquish control, because I want him. We stop to remove the rest of our clothes, and now there is nothing separating our bodies. I'm lifted by strong arms, and as I wrap my legs around his waist he's against my slick center. I just may die if he doesn't enter me soon.

"Please," I moan into his ear as I grab his head, forcing him to look at me and see how much I need him. He understands my want, and while we stare deep into each other's eyes, he pushes into me. I almost pass out from the pleasurable feel of him. He makes love to me like he never has before; this is the most erotic experience of my life. I've never felt so much, ever. We rock together in perfect unison, and our lips fuse in one sultry kiss. I don't feel my back against the wall, or the cold air against my skin; just us connected in this moment of bliss.

His hips twist as he pushes in and out of me. I do my best to keep my orgasm at bay, but the emotion is too much. As it rises to the surface our mouths disconnect and I scream, letting my orgasm overcome me. As I'm coming down from the euphoria, Keegan's body relaxes as he joins me in ecstasy.

Our breathing is hard, and it takes several minutes to regulate it. My skin is sensitive and even the air arouses me. I refuse to unseal myself from him as we remain together.

The silence is finally broken when Keegan lifts his head and smiles at me, setting my heart aflutter all over again.

"That's not how I planned on christening this room."

"Mm," I reply.

He kisses my temple and sets his head against my neck before whispering, "I could stay like this with you forever. I love you so damn much. I never want us to not be touching, okay?"

"I love you, Keegan James, now and forever. I always have, and always will. "

"To the stars?" he asks.

"To the stars and beyond."

I could float away, I am so happy. My heart rate has slowed down, but my head still hasn't caught up. Euphoria is still running through my veins at warp speed.

"Aimee Brennan, I can't wait to make all your dreams come true."

Doesn't he know he already has? He's my dream, the one I belong to.

"You already have," I tell him.

"You have no idea what I have planned for our life, but I'm going to prove to you for the rest of our lives that every day will be better than the last."

As if my heart weren't full enough, it grabs on to his words in a vise grip.

"You should have been a poet, your words are so beautiful."

He stares at me in surprise. "There would be no words without you."

A shiver runs down my spine, and I can't tell if it's because of the draft or what he's just said to me. Who wouldn't want to hear those romantic confessions?

"Just you wait; this is just the beginning, and nothing before it will compare."

It's going to get better than this? I can't wait.



Chapter Twelve

After finally removing ourselves from each other we get dressed, never taking our eyes off one another. The connection we started when we came together in this room just seems to get stronger with every passing minute. I need his touch like I need my next breath. Is this what an addict goes through? Would I go into withdrawal without him? I never want to find out.

Keegan and I walk around the house hand in hand as he shows me around. I hang on his every word as he explains what each room is going to look like, asking me every step of the way if that's what I want.

He has me close my eyes as he carries me up a flight of winding stairs. Once we are at the top I feel the wind blowing through my hair.

He tells me to open my eyes, what I see before me takes my breath away. This part of the home isn't finished, but I can see where the gardens are being planted He puts me down and grabs my hand, pulling me with him.

The roof walls are shaped in an uneven pattern, and when we walk over to check it out I touch the stone. It's as smooth as silk. This is exactly what I pictured as a little girl. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that somehow he was able to get in my head and get a picture of it. He listened, he remembered every detail, and kept them in mind when building this magnificent place. As he pulls my back to his front, I take a deep breath and look at the view. It's beautiful and serene.

"I wanted to wait, you know? I didn't have any intention of showing this to you, any of it. Actually, it frightened me. What if it was too much, too soon? Then I thought, how can I not? In our hearts we've been together since we were six and seven. Every detail of this house was designed with you in mind."

"It's everything I dreamed up and more." I turn around and run my hand down his cheek affectionately. Keegan relaxes as I reassure him.

"No one knows about this. Well, obviously the crew does. I'm good but not that good. They have to sign an NDA though, so right now right here this is just ours, and we don't have to share it with anyone."

"Our special hideout. We can stay here forever, and no one will bother us."

"If that's what you want, we will move in tomorrow. I'll have someone pack our things from the city. Just say the word."

He's serious, and I'm still too high on the house to even contemplate what this all means. Will we live here full-time, go back and forth? What about our jobs?

"Please, Aimee, for one moment, don't think ahead. Stay here with me."

After a while we make our way through the rest of the house, and outside where he gives me a tour of the grounds, explaining the landscape to me. I can't wait to see everything he's designed. Words can't describe how stunning this all will be. What's more, it's not just a house filled with bells and whistles. It's our dream, his and mine.

It's hard to leave this place, but I know I should get back to my dad. I'm not sure how long Frank plans on visiting, my stomach reminds me it's dinnertime when a loud growl echoes.

"Is there a bear in there?" Keegan jokes, and I laugh, because that's exactly what it sounds like. I missed the teasing almost as much as the affection, almost.

"I love being here, but we should get back. I don't trust my dad to make dinner for himself. If he had his way he'd probably order pizza and wings."

"Aimee, this place isn't going anywhere, and it's ours together. You can come here whenever you want; I want it to be with me, of course." I nod in understanding. He's made everything crystal clear, about the property, us, the future. It's the unknown that scares me.

We walk hand in hand to our waiting cars. He holds his hands out to me.

"I'll drive you home."

"You're just going to leave your car here?" I question.


I smile and shake my head while handing the keys over. Keegan opens the passenger door, proving once again he's a gentleman, even putting on my seat belt for me. He makes his way to the driver side, and I watch him in the side mirror, pretending to smooth my hair so he doesn't see me openly watching him.

He smiles at me and sighs. "You're so beautiful in every way imaginable."

Once again he leaves me speechless while he starts the car. There is no need for a reply. Whether I believe it or not, that's how he sees me.

He's driving us carefully back to town when the question rises in my thoughts.

"Keegan, can I ask you something?"

"Always." He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

I form the question carefully in my head before asking it. I don't want to worry him.

"If Gretchen—" He immediately stiffens at the mention of her name, and I pause, watching him for a moment before continuing. "If she owns part of James Architecture, does that mean she owns the house too? I know you said no one knows about it, but the design…"

Keegan jumps in. "The house doesn't have anything to do with her. It's true she does own 50 percent, while Kaleb and I own the other half. It's a complicated situation, but everything I put into the design was on my own. Even if she wanted the design, she has no control over it. I'm the creative force and she runs the business side."

I'm sorry I even asked the question now. I'm reminded that she's much more than an assistant. He can't fire her, even though she deserves it, the way she's manipulated him all these years. She's spiteful, and I have no idea to what extremes she would go to get what she wants.

"Aimee, I don't want you to worry about her, we will figure it all out, okay?" He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. I nod, but I'm just not sure everything is going to be so easy. Gretchen is like a sly cat, an entitled one.

Frank's car is still in the driveway when we return, which is a relief.

Keegan and I enter the house hand in hand. My dad and Frank are watching sports highlights, and don't even look up.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hi, honey, I see he found you." He smirks without looking at me.

"Are you hungry? I can make dinner."

"Frank and I already ate. Before you get yourself in a tizzy, it was on my list of approved foods."

Well, he told me. Looks like I'm not needed after all.

Keegan pulls me up the stairs. I'm not sure what he has in mind, but my dad is downstairs. We reach the top of the stairs, and he leads us into my room. Quietly he shuts the door behind us, and before I know it, my back is against the door and his lips are devouring my own. A moan escapes my lips, because he's lighting me on fire.

I invite his tongue to enter my mouth, and the kiss becomes even more heated.

There is a loud knock at the door, and I let out a scream.

"Aimee, rules, door stays open when you have boys over," my dad's voice demands.

We both start to laugh, both at my dad's words and being caught like horny teenagers. If he only knew what we did a few hours ago.

Keegan backs away from me, and I open the door to find my dad with his arms crossed. He gives Keegan a warning look over my shoulder.

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