Resistance (Ilyon Chronicles Book 1) (60 page)

BOOK: Resistance (Ilyon Chronicles Book 1)
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Kaden awoke to the same blackness. Not a sound broke the silence except for Trev’s uneven breathing. He shivered, the coldness of the stone sinking right into his bones. The only benefit was that it dulled the ache in his muscles, but how had Trev endured it for so long? Or Kyrin?

He pushed up. His head pounded. He held it in his hands for a few minutes, and then lightly touched his swollen jaw. His stomach let out a low, pinching grumble and felt emptier than it had his entire life. To his left, Trev sighed.

“Any idea how long it’s been?” Kaden asked.

“Hours, at least. But it gets harder and harder to tell, especially when you’re out for a while.”

Kaden rubbed his stomach, which cramped in protest of the meals it had missed. “Do you ever get any food and water?”

“Sometimes. Just enough to keep you alive and alert for questioning.”

Kaden grimaced. Perhaps it would be better to just refuse food and die that way, though he sure never expected to die of hunger. But Daican would probably just execute him before that happened.

His thoughts drifted to the last execution. Would he be as brave as those men and that woman? Hunger turned to a nauseous churning of apprehension at the thought of taking those steps up to the execution platform. Would others be with him?
Would Trev? That would be the worst—seeing others go before him. He swallowed, but his throat squeezed shut with the phantom feel of the block against his neck. His blood ran cold.
Elôm, I really don’t want to die, but please help me when the time comes
. How had Kyrin appeared so strong and determined standing up on that platform alone?

Kaden shook himself and forced thoughts of execution to the outer edges of his mind. He reached for more distracting memories such as home and people he hadn’t thought of in a long time—childhood friends who probably barely remembered him. Life had just gone on outside the strict and structured existence of Tarvin Hall. Where would he and Kyrin be now if they’d never had to leave home? He’d surely be a soldier, stationed somewhere with Marcus and Liam. His grandfather would have seen to that. Would he and Kyrin still be close?

The engulfing darkness hung like a timeless void, but a good while passed before Kaden caught the sound of footsteps. Torchlight forced away the blackness. A set of guards marched down the hall and halted at Kaden’s cell to unlock the door. Kaden pushed stiffly to his feet as they walked in. His bruised muscles burned. They chained his wrists and pulled him out. He looked back at Trev.

“Stay strong,” he encouraged Kaden. “Don’t give them anything.”

“Shut up,” one of the guards growled, but Kaden nodded. He wouldn’t. He’d die first.

The guards dragged Kaden with them, down the hall to the same interrogation room they’d used before. Shoving him into the center of the room, one of the guards left. Kaden stood, waiting. He didn’t relish the prospect of further questioning, but he didn’t fear it either. Whether here or at Tarvin Hall, he was used to beatings.

The knob turned, and he set his jaw defiantly. Let them try to make him talk. But his brows dipped in a deep frown when the door swung open and a feminine figure slipped inside. Davira. No mistaking her. Kyrin had described her well enough. She wore a form-fitted, revealing gown, and he set his gaze on her face. The cold light in her emerald eyes sent a prickling sensation down his back. No wonder Kyrin was afraid of her. She sidled up to him.

“Oh,” she crooned, eyeing his injured face. “My father’s men can be rather cruel.”

Just like her father.

She reached up and brushed her fingers lightly across his cheek. He jerked his head away. Undeterred, her hand dropped to splay on his chest, and his heart pounded uncomfortably. She was much too close.

“You know, Kaden,” she said in a silky whisper that raised the hair on his arms. “My father listens to me. I could get him to go easier on you. Maybe even your sister too. I only need you to answer a couple of my questions.”

Kaden peered down at her, his stubbornness still intact, and swallowed down the dry catch in his throat. “I know what you’re doing. I’m not stupid.” He pulled his shoulders back. “You won’t get anything from me.”

“Oh, come now, you don’t really want to do things this way, do you?” Her finger traced a little design on his shirt right above his heart, and she gave him a long-lashed, sultry smile. “I’m sure we can come to some sort of agreement.”

He stared at her for a moment and then snorted. Her act slipped.

“This may work for you on most occasions,” he said, “but not with me.”

Davira’s eyes narrowed to dark slits. She took her hand from his chest but leaned in to whisper icily near his ear, “You may think you’re not stupid, but you are. You’ve chosen to follow ancient myths and set yourself against my father, the most powerful man in Ilyon. For that, you will pay dearly. Very dearly.”

She turned with a whirl of her dress and strode to the door.

“You can take him now,” she told the guards without looking back.

Kaden resisted the urge to touch his ear, still cold from her breath. There was something unnatural about her.

The guard still in the room shoved him forward. He stumbled into the hall, where he met Trev. There could be only one reason for them both to
be brought from their cells. He gulped down a spike of fear as the guards led them through the halls and up out of the dungeon.








yrin sat across from Jace at the tent and practiced what he had taught her about fletching arrows. But it couldn’t completely distract her from the mood surrounding camp. A heavy gloom had fallen after news of Trask’s arrest, and all they could do was wait. Kyrin hated it. It left a sickening ache in her stomach that wouldn’t go away. He’d done so much for all of them, yet they could do nothing for him. She frowned at her arrow, though she didn’t really see it, and prayed Elôm would provide the opportunity to rescue their leader and keep him safe in the meantime.

“Is that Tane?” Jace asked.

Kyrin’s gaze jumped to him. He stared past her, and she looked over her shoulder. Across camp, Tane stood speaking with Rayad and Warin. At the same moment, all three set their eyes on her with grim expressions. A breath-snatching jolt streaked through Kyrin.

“Kaden,” she gasped. She pushed to her feet, but stood paralyzed.
What if he was gone already? Executed.
Elôm, no!
Her knees almost buckled, but the need to know pushed her forward.
Please, Elôm!
The moment she reached them, the question burst out of her, though she’d never been so terrified in her life. “Is he alive?”

“Yes,” Tane answered.

Kyrin grew lightheaded and wobbled, but Jace grabbed her arm to steady her. She sucked in air and willed her racing heart not to fail her. Kaden was alive, but that brief moment of wondering left her weak. Once she could speak again, she questioned, “What’s happened? Is he all right?”

Tane grimaced, and Kyrin thought she would be sick with these intense up-and-down emotions.

“The emperor brought him in and he declared his faith.”

Thankfully, Jace still had a hold on her. She needed the link to someone close to her as she came to terms with her worst fear. Tears scalded her eyes and choked her throat. She swallowed down the sob that threatened to break free.

“When…” She swallowed again, voice rough and hoarse. “When will he be executed?”

“They’re bringing him here to Landale.”

A new wave of shock blasted right through her. Her eyes went wide. Was this a miracle or a cruel game? “What? Why would they do that?”

Tane sighed wearily. “They intend to use him as bait to capture you.”

The ache inside Kyrin intensified and gnawed away at her core. “When will he get here?”

“He may have already arrived. They had a head start on me, and I kept to the forest. They’re taking him to the barracks.”

So close! After all this time, only a few miles separated her from her brother.

“I have to find out,” she
said, ready to saddle Maera this very minute.

Rayad stepped in and put his hand on her shoulder. “One of our scouts will bring word when anyone shows up at the barracks.”

Kyrin clenched her fists, fighting down the overwhelming impulse to go anyway, just to be closer. This waiting was going to kill her.

“Kyrin, there’s more,” Tane broke into her struggle.

Her shoulders sagged. Could she take any more bad news?

“They aren’t only bringing Kaden. They have Trev with them too.”


Tane gave a regretful nod. “Things were getting pretty heated at the palace. Trev gave himself up to keep suspicion from working its way to Aric. They’re bringing him as extra incentive.”

Kyrin’s strength finally gave out, and she sank to the forest floor, Jace’s grip letting her down gently. She covered her face with her hands and pressed her fingers to her eyes to hold back tears. She wanted to face this in a calm, clearheaded manner, but mounting despair forced a groan to her lips. If they couldn’t take action to save Trask, they couldn’t save her brother or Trev either.
Why, Elôm? Why this?



The dark, thick-walled prison coach bumped and rocked down the rough path through the countryside. Kaden winced when one side came down hard over the edge of a large rock. Two and a half days of this had jarred his bones and deepened the aches in his already battered body.

He glanced at Trev. Light slanted through one of the barred windows and fell across his face. His jaw was clenched, eyes closed, but Kaden didn’t believe he was actually asleep. That was impossible while moving. His gaze dropped to Trev’s arms, which were wrapped around his broken ribs. Kaden’s pain couldn’t be anything compared to what Trev must be suffering at every jolt. They had better reach their destination soon. The pallor of Trev’s skin concerned him.

His legs cramped, Kaden gripped the side of the coach and pulled himself up, though he had to duck under the low ceiling. He peered through the bars of the window. Dense forest passed on either side of them. Nothing to offer much distraction. He lowered himself back to the floor and closed his eyes to think of anything to shut out the constant lurching and banging.

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