Reservation (Preservation Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Reservation (Preservation Series)
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“It’s not possible, Danny. I was always careful, and I haven’t been with anyone but my fiancée for months now. Whoever this girl is, she’s already buried herself in a hole because there’s no way her timeline will match up with the truth.”

“She’ll simply say you’ve been unfaithful to your fiancée. Looks like she’s already working that angle with the press.”

“That’s bullshit.” I dropped my fork.

“See for yourself.” He reached into his briefcase and handed me a tabloid magazine, pointing to the front cover.

“I’ve never seen this girl in my life.”

“You sure about that?”

“Yes—damn it, whose side are you on, anyway?”

“Ryan, I’ve done my homework, just as the press has. You’ve been with a handful of your students, and many, if not most of them, were isolated flings. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if you didn’t remember this girl.”

My stomach rolled. I stared hard at the cover image, trying to place the brunette’s face. Hell, there was no denying I’d been a bastard. I’d taken what I’d wanted, when I wanted it, but even I wasn’t one to forget a face. Actually, I’d been pretty selective about who I pursued or who I allowed to pursue me. And I sure as hell used protection every time.

“I don’t know this girl. End of.” I tossed the magazine back on the counter. It landed with a smack next to Danny’s plate.

“I hope for your sake that’s the case. Anyway, don’t worry too much about this one. This will be just one of many stories like this that pop up. If it goes any further, you can agree to a paternity test, if that’s what it takes to kill this thing. In the meantime, I’ll do my best to tame the fire. You just keep working on that next book. Focus on the writing.” He stood and clapped my shoulder, brushing crumbs from his suit jacket.

I exhaled and let my shoulders sag, mumbling. “Unbelievable.”

“See you Monday night for the Henson event?”

“Yeah. See you then.”

Danny left me at the counter, staring at my fork and half eaten Star, wondering how my life had suddenly taken a turn for some kind of lame reality television show. I stood to my feet and collected my things. At least I was going to see my girl this weekend. That thought sent visions of crazy tabloid gold diggers, Amy Mercer, and relentless paparazzi scampering off, leaving me with only one vision—the picture of Kate I still had saved on my phone. That’s what was awaiting me that weekend, and right at that moment, that was all I gave a damn about.


Friday morning was unlike anything I’d ever experienced during my travels. What was meant to be a simple flight out of SeaTac turned out to be an autograph signing session before I even made it to my gate. A few women recognized me from my interview on The Daily Fill, and the commotion only sparked more interest, quickly alerting some of the local paparazzi of my whereabouts. I put up with the constant flashing, and smiled and thanked the women for their interest in my work, patiently answering their questions about when casting would begin for the film. Truth was I had no idea. Neda had informed me that the translation of the novel to the screen would be a long process, and that process was just beginning. We were nowhere near selecting a cast yet.

I finally made it to my gate and managed to clear my head long enough to chip away at another chapter of my current manuscript, shooting Carter and Dean a quick text in between typing to remind them they were invited to Keith Henson’s book launch party on Monday night. I’d also invited Sam and Jess, hoping to be in the company of friends instead of a room full of virtual strangers and industry acquaintances. With the latest tabloid developments, increase in security around my classroom, and Amy’s latest advance, I was craving some normalcy.

I breathed a sigh of relief the moment I stepped out into the airport concourse in St. Lucia, immediately shrugging off my suit jacket and loosening the top buttons of my shirt, letting the humid breeze lick my skin. A cab dropped me off at the Hummingbird Bar and Grill, where Kate and I had agreed to meet for a late dinner. My feet couldn’t carry me fast enough through the cherry doors and over the matching wooden floors. The entire restaurant was engulfed in dim light and savory aromas that had my mouth watering.

And then I spotted her, and that mouth watering gave way to full-on drooling.

Her back was to me as she sat perched on a stool at the bar, one leg crossed over the other, the low cut of the back of her dress leaving me scanning the room for any eyes that might be taking in the sight of her porcelain skin. I knew this was an island and the weather was hot, but fuck, was she purposely trying to toy with me? Anyone could see what was only meant for me, and that stirred up frustrating, terrible feelings in me. The dark red dress made her pale skin striking, and the deep green of the surrounding decorative palm trees framed her in dramatic, sultry light. She was a caramel apple, covered in layers of sweet, lush temptation.

I moved forward to take a bite, stilling the second I caught a tall, dark-haired man glide to her side. His hand snaked around her bare back as he leaned in to speak near her ear and I tensed, my knuckles tightening and turning white at my sides. She turned slightly to peer up at him, nodding and smiling, and I saw red as dark as her dress.

Slinging my suit jacket over my shoulder, I resumed my stride toward her, gaze fixed on the thin fingers still rested on her lower back.

“Hi, Kate,” I said coolly, peeling my eyes from the man’s fingers to glare at his slimy face. He might’ve been wearing a sharp black suit and a charming smile, but it was fake as hell and I saw all I needed to know in his beady brown eyes the moment our eyes locked.

Kate pivoted around to face me, and Slime Bag dropped his hand from her back, his phony smile faltering as he tried to discreetly distance himself a few inches. “Ry, you’re late, I was starting to wonder what happened. You didn’t text.” She leapt from the stool and tackled me, throwing her arms around my neck.

My eyes didn’t leave Slime Bag. “Sorry, baby, my flight was late and my cell service has been shit since I landed. Happy to see me?” I finally glanced down at her and tossed her a crooked grin, my pulse accelerating when I registered the magnitude of her excitement. She was just as thrilled to see me, and that kick started the damn swelling sensation in my chest that had lodged itself there ever since I made her mine. No other woman brought that machine to life. Only Kate and her soulful eyes, daring mouth, and strong will.

Slime Bag here, on the other hand, was prompting other kinds of swelling in my chest—a concoction of fresh, hot anger and the searing pang of irrational jealousy. Fuck, this woman made me crazy. “I missed you,” I whispered into her ear, pressing my lips to her temple before bringing my gaze back to Slime Bag. I extended a hand out of courtesy, keeping the other planted firmly on Kate’s back. “The fiancé. And you are?”

Slime Bag cleared his throat and had the decency to look nervous.
That’s right, fucker. Hands off my girl.
“Will. Friend of Kate’s.”

“We work together,” Kate said, her tone friendly but cautious. She loosened her embrace to pull back and introduce us. “Will’s great with the kids.”

“Nah, you’re better,” he said, laughing casually. “A natural. It’s a shame you’re leaving us to be some great novelist. Sure you won’t change your mind?”

Kate sent him a grateful grin, dropping a hand to thread her fingers through mine. “I’m sure. Don’t get me wrong, I’m passionate about helping others learn to read, but it’s time I write something for them to read instead.”

“Aw, I’m sure there’s something I can do to convince you to stay.” He released a cocky smirk, eyes resting shamelessly on her lips as he spoke. “Who will I bug in the morning when I’m out of milk or sugar?”

What the hell? It was time to remind him of his need to feel nervous. “Sounds to me like she’s a woman on a mission.” I tightened my grip around her waist, pulling her close to my side. “And when Kate knows what she wants, there’s no changing her mind.” I glanced down at her, inwardly amused by the pursing of her lips and the flex of her jaw as she worked to hold her tongue. I could see the fire lurking in those irises.

“You have a point, there. She’s certainly driven.”

“That she is.”

“That I am.”

Will sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Well, Ryan, it was a pleasure. Kate, I better get home. I’ll return that pan to you tomorrow morning. I just need it to make Portia dinner tonight, and then it’s all yours.”

“Sounds good, Will. Good luck with the pasta. Don’t forget the mint leaves.”

“Take care,” I said sternly, watching him turn for the door.

He stopped and swung around. “Oh, Ryan, good luck with that tabloid mess. You know, the latest gossip about your baby’s momma?” He chuckled. “The crazy shit the media comes up with, huh? Just saw it in the news this morning. Man, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.”

My nails bit into Kate’s back and my shoulders went rigid. “Oh, I doubt that very much.”

“Okay, time to go,” Kate said, locking elbows with me, moving to push me in the other direction. Will smirked and shook his head before waltzing away, and I let Kate guide me across the room, toward the rear doors.

“Where are we going? Exit’s that way.”

“I’m aware of that. This is the back entrance.”

“Hey, slow down.” I stopped her when we reached the door, studying her face. “You look phenomenal.” My eyes traveled down the length of her body, taking in her strappy heels. “Kiss me, will you?”

“No. I’m going home, and I’m going to hope to God Will gets to his apartment before we get there so I don’t have to face him after the dick measuring display you just engaged in.”

Laughter loosened me up, coaxing my shoulders to go slack, all the tension I’d felt in Slime Bag’s presence slipping away. “That
just engaged in? I’m pretty sure it was your boy there that rolled out the red carpet for that one.”

She wrenched her arm from my grasp and pushed on the door latch, stepping out into the night. “You’re unbelievable. Here for two minutes and already throwing your weight around like a caveman.”

“Kate, stop darting off. What are you talking about? He was the one—” I stopped just outside the door listening to the crunch of her heels as she moved over the back gravel driveway toward the road. “Wait a minute, what do you mean you hope he gets to his apartment before you have to face him?”

“He lives in my building, Ryan.”

I jolted back into action, picking up into a brisk walk behind her. “He what?”

“You heard me.”

“He’s your neighbor? You see him every day?”

Kate’s arms flew up around her face and then fell back to her sides as she stormed forward, trekking down the narrow street. “Yes, he lives at Hummingbird Place, just like all of the other temp teachers. Just drop it. I want to go inside, take a hot bath, and go to bed.”

“So he was serious about stopping over to borrow milk and sugar? This is a joke, right?”

“Look, I know what things with Jamie….what they did to you. I’m not trying to be insensitive here, really I’m not, but I’m not discussing this with you, Ryan. You’re acting completely ridiculous.”

We followed a curve in the road and Kate paused to rip her heels from her feet, gathering them in one hand as she continued to lead the way across the street into the tiny apartment complex she now called home. She’d checked out of the Ladera Resort and moved in just days after Carter, Dean, and I had flown home to Seattle.

I jogged up to her side and stepped in front of her as she fumbled around in her clutch for her key. “So you won’t answer me.”

She unlocked the door and glared at me, waiting for me to move out of her way. I stepped back with a smartass bow, and she quickly stomped past me into the dim apartment. She chucked her bag on the hallway table and yanked her jewelry off, forcefully tossing it onto the hall table without a word, the clunk sound echoing throughout the room.

I was right behind her, throwing my jacket on top of her jewelry. “Oh, what, am I getting the silent treatment now?”

“You’re not getting anything.”

Oooohhh, damn. I saw where this was going. “You sure about that?” I took her by the elbow and spun her toward me, then moved forward and pressed her back against the hallway wall, my hands on either side of her head. “You know what you do to me when you’re angry,” I breathed harshly, my mouth hovering near her lips. “And you know damn well you wanna give me something.”

She moistened her lips, glaring up at me like she wanted to smack me. Hell, I wanted her to. I loved her when she was like this. “You’re completely overreacting, and I’m not putting up with your bullshit.”

“I’m overreacting?”

“You’re overreacting.”

“Did you like it? Did you like him touching you like that?”

“What are you talking about, you infuriating man?!”

“His hand on your back at the bar. Why didn’t you push him away?”

“See? Overreacting!” One of her hands gestured wildly and then landed in a smack at her side.

I pressed harder against her, taking her jaw in my hand. “How do you expect me to react when I show up to meet you for dinner to find some asshole with his hands on you?”

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