Rescued: COMPLETE (3 page)

Read Rescued: COMPLETE Online

Authors: Alex Dawson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

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Logan took a step towards Stew, and seemed to realize how much shorter and smaller he was than this mountain of a man.


“Man, fuck this,” he said, and left the parking lot, kicking at empty beer bottles as he passed them.


“Your break is over,” Stew said, turning to Tina, “I don’t recommend taking one outside for a few days. Logan’s a cowardly little pisser with a grown man, but he’d try for you.”


Tina nodded and scurried back into the kitchen under Stew’s watchful eye.






A few days later, Tina’s heart was pounding as she snuck into the empty room above the bar where she was living. Her little sister was at school, she’d done her work at the bar, and she wanted to take the opportunity she'd been waiting for for years.


She was barely eighteen, legally an adult, but with a house full of siblings, she'd never really had time alone to explore her body. She knew that she craved it. She'd touched herself through her clothing in stolen minutes, hiding in closets or the attic, but always with the fear of getting caught keeping her from finding out what she really wanted to know: What it felt like to have something inside her.


She locked the room and climbed onto her bed. She was wearing a t-shirt, bra, and a skirt, and she'd gotten a pair of items to try from her bathroom. There was a thick toothbrush and a hairbrush with an even thicker handle.


She knew that she should strip, but even with the door locked and no one around, she was afraid to get naked and have that much freedom to explore herself.


'Why not?' she finally thought, 'This is my room and I am an adult, why can't I be naked?'


She giggled and stepped off the bed, stripping out of her clothing and blushing at her own daring.


Tina was an athlete in high school, she wasn’t very tall, but she was lean and strong, and she enjoyed that about her own body.


She sat cross-legged on her bed again and, shivering a little with nerves, began to touch her breasts.


Carefully, she cupped them and then stroked the nipples, shutting her eyes and pretending that it was a handsome man with his hands on her, teasing her own nipples to hard little nubs and gasping at the pleasure it brought her.


She pinched them a little, she'd read that that was fun, and winced at the pain... but she felt a tingling between her legs as her body responded to the touch.


One of her hands wandered south and began to tease her neatly-trimmed blonde pubic bush. She knew that shaving was something that only sluts did, but she didn't see the harm in a little maintenance, she liked the way it looked, and it made her feel racy and bold.


For almost the first time in her life, Tina's finger slowly parted the folds of skin between her legs and she slid a finger from the crest down to her moistening entrance.


She shivered as she felt the soft brush over the hard little button at above her entrance. She didn't know quite what it was, but she had rubbed it through her clothing before and it had brought her incredible pleasure.


Ashamed and excited by her own daring, she spread her legs and lay back on the pillows, running her finger in little paths and circles, up her thighs and back down to the little button of pleasure, down to her entrance to feel how wet she was getting without sneaking inside, trailing her fingers this way and that.


Of course, she could go straight to that little spot and rub it until she felt happy and sleepy, she knew that, but she'd heard whispers for so long that it felt good to have things inside your little pussy, she wanted to find out for herself.


She'd never seen a man's penis before, but she knew from jokes and the crude drawings in the bathrooms she cleaned that they were hard and thick, and the handles of her toothbrush and hairbrush were probably her best bet.


'Am I really about to do this?' she thought to herself.


Her hands shook a little as she picked up the toothbrush. She carefully put the base of the handle at her entrance and started to push it inside herself.


It didn't feel nice at all, she thought. It felt cold and alien and hard.


She persevered and tried to push it deeper inside her, but her body resisted it. She knew that she wanted it inside her, but her body seemed to be pushing it out as hard as she pushed it in.


She was so frustrated she was ready to cry, and she was still so desperate! She'd felt this way before and knew that she wanted to touch herself, wanted badly release from this awful pressure, but she also knew that there was nothing that was going to stop her from feeling something inside her pussy.


With a lot of effort, gritting her teeth, she got two or three inches of it inside her virgin passage. She decided that it had to be enough for now, and started working it in and out of her body. That felt a little nicer, but the edges of the square handle still felt hard and unpleasant against her tender flesh, and she winced and shut her eyes tightly.


The feeling was so distracting that she didn't hear the key turn in the lock.


Her eyes flew open and she saw Kenny stepping into the room. She was trapped and exposed and had no way to pretend that she was doing anything other than what she was doing - masturbating with a toothbrush!


As she struggled to cover herself, the part of the toothbrush sticking out of her body caught in the blanket and yanked it upwards inside her, and she cried out with pain.


She almost burst into tears, and she couldn't even look at the young man, although she'd heard the door shut.


“Woah, Tina, I’m sorry, my eyes are shut,” he said, “Can I talk to you a minute, though? This is obviously not a good time, but it’ll just take a second.”


Kenny kept his hands up and his face turned away, speaking into her closet, not looking at her.


She was used to obeying men, and he had a strong masculine voice, low and soothing. She held still and clutched the blanket over herself.


“Yes?” she asked.


“I’m sorry to barge in, but Stew sent me up - the boss man is making a deal in a few minutes and you’re new here, you should stay locked in your room and not make a peep,” he said.


She nodded.


“What about Laura?” she asked.


“They’ll be out of here long before she gets off the bus, honey, don’t worry about it,” he said, “I’ll come get you in an hour or two.”


He coughed.


“I’ll knock first,” he added.


She laughed, although it came out more like a choke.


“Don’t worry, I won’t be doing anything like this,” she said, “I probably won’t be doing anything like this ever again, I don’t know what I was thinking.”


"Shit, uh, don’t say something like that. It’s not wrong. It's natural, normal, all that shit, to want to, uh, explore your body," the young man said, shifting from foot to foot and running a hand through his hair, "I've done it myself, plenty of times. Didn’t it feel good?"


Truth was as natural to Tina as breathing. She shook her head.


"It just hurt," she muttered.


“I don’t think it should hurt,” he said, “All of my girlfriends have said that they’ve had plenty of fun by themselves.”


Tina started to cry in earnest.


Kenny cursed and said “Uh, normally I would hug you, but I’m trying not to look. If I hide in your bathroom for a minute, want to throw some clothes on? Or do you want me to go away?”


Tina shook her head, even though he wasn’t looking at her. She tried to calm her breathing enough to talk.


“I’ll get dressed,” she finally gasped.


Kenny spun quickly and stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.


Tina took a minute to calm herself down and got dressed, throwing away her toothbrush.


“I’m decent,” she said, when she’d gotten dressed. She wore underpants, a bra, jeans, a shirt, a longer shirt, and a cardigan, trying to counter how exposed she still felt.


“Okay,” Kenny said, and stepped out of the bathroom, “Can I sit down?”


Tina nodded, and Kenny took a seat


“Do you want to pretend I never saw that? I can totally pretend that. Or, if you like, I can try and help out,” he said, and quickly added “Not in a porno way, I mean, just by answering any questions you have, if I can.”


Tina wanted to pretend it had never happened, but she knew she couldn’t look him in the eye, she might as well go ahead and ask.


“Um,” she asked, “It’s supposed to feel good?”


“Well, yeah, that’s pretty much the whole point,” he said, and paused. “Can I ask you a really personal question or two?”


She nodded.


"Did you prepare yourself at all?" he asked. "Tease yourself, get yourself ready?"


She blushed hard.


"Um, I touched my nipples and between my legs," she said.


"For how long?" he asked.


"Maybe... a minute?" she said, unsure.


"That's not long at all. I see your hairbrush, were you going to try that next?" he asked.


She simply nodded.


"Okay, may I offer some advice?" he asked, and she nodded again.


“I don’t have firsthand experience, of course, but my girlfriends have told me about how they started to touch themselves,” he said, “and they generally started about like this. First of all, you need to be really wet, really turned on, maybe touch yourself a little more next time?”


She nodded, slowly.


“Oh, jeeze, please don’t get upset at me for asking, but do you know what your clit is?” he asked.


She shook her head.


“Right. Let’s start at the beginning,” he said.


Twenty minutes later, he left the room and Tina’s head was spinning with his explanation of how her body worked and how a woman felt sexual pleasure.


“Kenny?” she called back, as the door was almost shutting, “Thank you.”


“No problem, hot stuff,” he said, and winked.


She rolled her eyes. He was always so different when they were alone together, more serious, less flirty.


Tina wondered when she had started liking his flirting, or if she always had.




Later that day, while Tina waited at the corner for the bus to drop her little sister off, a car pulled up in the lot behind her.


When Laura got off the bus, Tina heard the car door open and shut, and turned to see who it was.


Even though she was still a little embarrassed, she relaxed.


“Kenny,” Laura called, “I want to show you my work, I got a hundred percent.”


“Hot damn, kiddo,” Kenny said cheerfully, “Go ahead and leave it in your backpack for two minutes, though, I don’t want it to get lost. Can I take you girls to lunch?”


Tina hesitated. She didn’t have a lot of tip money, and she wanted to save it.


“My treat,” he added, “As a reward for a hundred percent.”


“Tina, I mean Kristi, please? Please, please, please?” Laura begged.


“We would be grateful,” she said, and he grinned.


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