Relentless Pursuit: A Novel (Secrets of Roux River Bayou) (35 page)

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Authors: Kathy Herman

Tags: #Mystery, #Louisiana

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit: A Novel (Secrets of Roux River Bayou)
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… a little more …


When a delightful concert comes to an end,

the orchestra might offer an encore.

When a fine meal comes to an end,

it’s always nice to savor a bit of dessert.

When a great story comes to an end,

we think you may want to linger.

And so, we offer ...


just a little something more after you

have finished a David C Cook novel.

We invite you to stay awhile in the story.

Thanks for reading!


Turn the page for ...


• A Note from the Author

• Discussion Guide

A Note from the Author


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.


Matthew 5:9


Dear reader,

Nothing gave me more satisfaction in this final story than seeing Sax come to peace with the God who had never left him, who was in relentless pursuit of him throughout his life of failure, sadness, and regret. The kind of peace Sax desired could only come as a result of reconciliation with his heavenly Father and being adopted into the family of God, where shame is washed away and sins are removed as far as the east is from the west.

The secrets uncovered in the Roux River Bayou series presented a few challenges, and it was especially satisfying for me to reunite Zoe and Sax and create a way for them to say good-bye to their parents, their shame, and their violent past.

But it was also fun seeing Langley Manor take shape as a bed-and-breakfast, and watching Vanessa, Ethan, and Carter grow as a family. I loved bringing back Vanessa’s sister, Emily Jessup (from the Sophie Trace Trilogy), as a young college student. She is indeed her mother’s daughter, pointing the way for Chance to find freedom, even though he will remain behind bars for the rest of his life.

Jude and Aimee represented the kind of caring law enforcement people that keep our communities safe. I liked making us privy to their thought process as they solved the crimes and showed us the more human side of themselves.

I relished eavesdropping on the conversations between Hebert, Father Sam, and Tex—especially when they involved little Grace. In many ways, Zoe B’s was a character too. How fitting that our last glimpse of it was during Hebert’s hundredth birthday celebration!

I admired Pierce as a self-taught chef and never loved him more than when he stuck by Zoe after her secrets came out. But my favorite character was Adele, and I’ll miss her more than all the others. Her unwavering faith caused me to reevaluate my own, and I want to be like her when I grow up.

It’s bittersweet saying good-bye to this colorful cast from the Roux River Bayou, but they will always be a part of me. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Though we must bid farewell to Cajun country, I’m already working on another trilogy, Tales of Foggy Ridge, which will be set in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. And to help the transition, I’m bringing two characters from this series with me. The new series promises more intrigue, fast-paced suspense, and characters you’ll want to take home with you!

I would love to hear from you. Join me on Facebook at
, or drop by my website at
and leave your comments on my guest book. I read and respond to every email and greatly value your input.

In Him,



Discussion Guide


1. Would you describe peace as a feeling—or is it something more? Do you believe that true peace comes only after a person is reconciled with God? Why or why not?


2. Is the peace the world offers different from God’s peace? Is the pursuit of worldly peace a bad thing? If Sax had only reconciled with Zoe and not dealt with his hostility toward his parents, could he have found peace? Have you experienced God’s peace and the world’s peace? If so, how would you compare them?


3. Is it possible to experience God’s peace even when your life is not going the way you want? Have you experienced the “peace that passes understanding”? If so, can you describe when—and how—it felt?


4. Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” How would you define peacemaker? Is that role necessarily devoid of conflict? What distinguishes a peacemaker from a peacekeeper? Which do you think is superior? Have you been in the role of peacemaker? Peacekeeper? Which of the two ultimately leads to peace? Explain your answer.


5. Assume for a moment that world peace was within your grasp. Which would you need to be in order to bring it about: a peacemaker or a peacekeeper? Can you name the people in this story you would consider to be peacemakers? Which one impressed you the most, and why?


6. Psalm 34:14 admonishes us, “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” What does it mean to you to turn from evil and do good? What does it mean to seek peace and pursue it? Do you think it’s possible to find peace while harboring bitterness? By hiding our shame or guilt? By denying our sin?


7. Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Do you ever struggle with some of the difficult, even awful, things God uses for our good? Be honest. How important is trusting God in our pursuit of peace? Will we ever understand the mind of God and how events are part of a bigger picture?


8. Zoe and Sax were both emotionally scarred from the terrible abuse they suffered as children. In their effort to find peace, how important was forgiveness? Based on the line from the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11:4—“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us”—is forgiveness an option? Must forgiveness be earned or deserved? Does forgiveness often benefit the giver as much or more than the recipient?


9. Sax was angry at God and blamed Him for his violent upbringing and for turning a deaf ear to his cries. Is it sometimes necessary to forgive God before we can move beyond our pain? Is trust in God a choice or a feeling?


10. Do you agree with Adele, that God is in relentless pursuit of souls in need of His love and grace? Were you ever aware of God’s pursuing you? If so, how did it make you feel? Did it frighten you? Anger you? Humble you? Or was it something you realized only in hindsight?


11. Do you think it’s possible for someone like Chance to find peace in prison? If so, what do you think would need to happen first? If Emily had chosen to think only of her safety and surviving the moment, how might this story have ended for Chance? Would you consider Emily to be a peacemaker or peacekeeper? Explain your answer.


12. Was there a special takeaway for you in this story? In this series? Which was your favorite book in the trilogy? Which of the three stories could you see made into a movie? Who was your favorite character, and which actor or actress would you like to see play the part?


What people are saying about …

Relentless Pursuit


“What if a handful of people in
town died from a blatant case of food and water poisoning? Mystery lovers won’t rest until they race to the final page of Kathy Herman’s latest yarn,
Relentless Pursuit
, which I know her fans will devour.”

Creston Mapes,
author of


“In a collision of heart and soul,
Relentless Pursuit
is a poignant portrayal of God’s passionate pursuit of us. With its gut-wrenching rendering of complicated family dynamics, heart-stopping suspense, and plain beautiful Louisiana charm,
Relentless Pursuit
is captivating. Kathy Herman has another winner on her hands.”

Ronie Kendig,
author of the Discarded Heroes series


“Kathy Herman’s
Relentless Pursuit
is truly relentless. A seemingly random act of violence and murder against innocent people launches a roller coaster of suspense. Characters we’ve come to care about are put to the test and plunged into danger. They are also pushed to the limit, which God’s love often requires. Don’t miss the finale of a great series!”

Lyn Cote,
author of
La Belle Christiane


“Relentless pursuit is indeed the theme of this powerful story of love and betrayal, guilt and remorse … and murder. Murder all the more terrifying to this small Cajun town because
—man, woman, or child—may be the victim of this ruthless killer’s pursuit of revenge. But there’s an even stronger pursuit here in God’s effort to bring even the most resistant and fallen of His beloved children to Him for eternity.”

Lorena McCourtney,
author of the Ivy Malone Mysteries and the Andi McConnell Mysteries


Relentless Pursuit
is the dramatic and magnificent conclusion to the Secrets of the Roux River Bayou series. Kathy Herman weaves a tale of surprises and suspense that stands well on its own but draws subtly on the previous books in the series for those who have read them. Grace shines from the pages as the characters wrestle with the raw reality of living their faith. A triumphant story!”

Janelle Clare Schneider,
author and spiritual director


What people are saying about …

Dangerous Mercy


“Kathy Herman’s latest,
Dangerous Mercy,
brings up a question many Christians face—how to help without taking unnecessary risks. More importantly to readers, it’s a riveting suspense ride, set in the Louisiana bayou country. A can’t-miss!”

Lyn Cote,
author of
Her Abundant Joy


“This book gripped my attention from the very first paragraph and never let go. Kathy Herman’s writing shines in
Dangerous Mercy
. This is a powerful and thought-provoking story about loving the unlovely and following God, no matter what the cost.”

Carol Cox,
author of
Dog Days, Who’s That Girl?,
Tea and Sympathy


“A well-drawn mystery with characters who leap off the page and into your heart. It’s a story of redemption and hope, forgiveness and unconditional love—and the reminder that we are
redeemable through Christ. If you’re looking for a good book to snuggle with in front of the fire, this is it.”

Lynette Eason,
best-selling, award-winning author of the Women of Justice series


Praise for …

False Pretenses


“With its perfectly paced suspense, Cajun flair, and riveting look at the high price of deceit, Kathy Herman’s
False Pretenses
is a true page-turner. Highly recommended!”

Marlo Schalesky,
author of the Christy Award–winning novel
Beyond the Night


“Kathy Herman has raised her own bar for an action-packed novel with rich conflict and realistic romance.
False Pretenses
is deep and soul-searching with nonstop excitement. It will lead to nonstop reading.”

Hannah Alexander,
author of
A Killing Frost
and the Hideaway series


“Mysteries abound in Kathy Herman’s latest foray into suspense. Though we know some of the characters well, new ones will intrigue readers. The story entwines the secrets of the past with the secrets of today. You’ll enjoy this trip to Cajun country. A solid read!”

Lyn Cote,
author of
Her Abundant Joy


False Pretenses
, Kathy Herman has begun a wonderfully intriguing new series set in Louisiana’s bayou country—Secrets of Roux River Bayou.
False Pretenses
gets the series off to a fast-paced start filled with suspense, tension, and mystery that will grip readers from the first page.”

Marta Perry,
author of
Murder in Plain Sight


“Kathy Herman has written a powerful story of tension, mystery, and danger. Anonymous messages point to a secret from the past that can destroy the future. But there’s also a tender love story to challenge that secret.”

Lorena McCourtney,
author of the Ivy Malone Mysteries and the Andi McConnell Mysteries


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