Relapse (Doctor Dom Volume 4) (A BDSM & Medical Play Novella) (10 page)

BOOK: Relapse (Doctor Dom Volume 4) (A BDSM & Medical Play Novella)
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“Suck,” he ordered, and a wide smile split my face before I quickly controlled myself and took his cock into my mouth, taking it as deep down my throat as possible, before pulling back and repeating the
motion. I reached out with one hand and gripped the base of his hard shaft, and my other hand cupped his balls. He groaned as my mouth enveloped him, and his hands stroked my hair. I kept my motion steady and bobbed my mouth up and down his cock. Far before I was ready though, he pulled away from me, and I whimpered in protest.

“I want to come in that pretty pussy,” he explained with a smile. “Get on the bed, hands and knees.”

I jumped to comply. He pulled my thighs right to the edge of the bed, and I heard the familiar tearing of the condom wrapper before he shoved into me, hard and fast and perfect.

“Please, Patrick,” I begged openly, my voice almost breaking. “Please stop teasing me. Please fuck me hard.”

He laughed. “Oh baby, you are going to get precisely what you wish for,” he growled. His fingers moved to my clitoris, and he started circling it with the steady spirals that he knew would get me off incredibly fast.

Sure enough, I felt the familiar urge rise in me. A hot pulsing need, concentrated around his fingers, waiting to explode and engulf me. “Patrick, may I come?” I begged.

“You can either hold on for me to come first,” he offered. “Or if you want to come, you can come now, and I will keep rubbing your clit till I’m done.”

I took that to imply consent, and I stopped forcing myself to hold back. I just gave into it all; the feel of his hard cock thrusting in my body, the slap of his balls against me, the frantic feeling of lust in the air, the tight circles his fingers were tracing around my clitoris. “I’m coming,” I shrieked, as I exploded, and I immediately tried to push away from him, only to be punished with a stinging slap on my pussy.

“No, no, no,” I chanted, but I wasn’t pleading for him to stop. I needed him to keep going. He would take my body past the first threshold, and then he would help me reach another threshold, and then yet another, and I needed him to do this to me despite me trying to flail away from him.

He knew my body well, and he did exactly that. I spiralled out of control, once, twice, a third time, and then finally a painful fourth time, and at the last, he finally slammed into me hard, and I could feel him groan as he found his release.


“You good?” he asked me as we slumped in bed, sweaty and exhausted.
I’d had enough energy to brush my teeth, and that was it. Patrick had managed the additional task of blowing out all the candles.

Mmm. You aren’t joking around with the dominance, are you?”

He laughed. “You were glorious,” he told me with a smile, as I draped myself around his body. “Is it too much for you?”

I shook my head. “You know, I hadn’t realized until I met you how much I missed it,” I said thoughtfully. “I thought an odd spanking here and there would be enough.”

“I can relate,” he said.

I giggled at a sudden thought. “You know, the first time at the lounge? When I asked you to spank me? I didn’t think you were particularly dominant.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t think you were particularly submissive either,” he admitted. “Appearances can be deceptive.”

“Yup,” I agreed. “Plus, we can also blame the vodka for some distraction.”

“I don’t drink vodka very often,” Patrick mused, “but I will confess I’ll always have a soft spot for it. Because if it weren’t for vodka-fuelled courage, I would have never been quite so blatant about my intentions.”

I giggled. “I’m glad you were,” I said. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Good night, Patrick,” I mumbled.

His fingers tightened around mine, and I drifted off to sleep, nestled in his arms.





Chapter 13



The football game was at one in the afternoon. I had vacillated back and forth about going. I was reluctant to expose Doug and Sara to any danger, but I
had called David, the guy who ran the company that was providing us security, and he had told me to go.

“No sign of him, Patrick,” he had boomed at me over the phone. “Live your life as normally as you can. Don’t get sucked up in this.” It was easier said than done, but this
was what David did for a living. I saw no point hiring experts and then second-guessing their opinions.

Plus, I really did want Lisa to meet my friends.

“I’m nervous,” Lisa yelled over the noise of the hair-dryer.

I walked into the bathroom, and
smiled at her. “Why?”

“Cause,” she said, exasperated. “Friends. You choose them. It isn’t like family. It matters what your friends think.”

“My friends told me to go talk to you that first night in the bar,” I pointed out.

She rolled her eyes at me. “That was just because I was single and available,” she said. “That’s a lower bar.”

I moved her hair aside and kissed her shoulder, keeping my eyes on her face in the mirror. “My friends will love you,” I assured her.

“They better,” she said gloomily. I probably shouldn’t have laughed at her, but I did. She was awesome; I didn’t see what she was worried about.


Sara opened the door. She was literally glowing. “Patrick, look!” she exclaimed, waving her finger at me. It took me a couple of seconds to realize she was showing off her engagement ring. “Doug mentioned he’d told you he was going to ask.”

“Congratulations,” I told her. “I’m surprised Doug remembers anything from that night.” There had been a lot of whiskey involved. “Sara, Lisa.” I quickly introduced the two of them.

“Come in, you two,” Doug walked up.

Sara flushed and moved aside. “Sorry, where are my manners?”

I handed Doug the case of beer I had brought, and he grinned. “You must be Lisa,” he said,
setting the case down to shake Lisa’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you; Patrick can’t stop talking about you.”

I cleared my throat. “With friends like these,” I started pointedly, then just laughed and grabbed a couple of beers, handing Lisa one.

Lisa grinned. “Really?” she asked. “What does he say about me?”

“Right, that’s quite enough,” I
said in protest, and both Lisa and Sara burst into peals of laughter.

“Patrick, you are beet-red,” Sara giggled. Doug was trying not to laugh as well, and Lisa was openly amused.

“This is fun,” she whispered to me as we settled on the couch.

“You’ll pay for the giggling later,” I muttered into her ear.

She winked at me. “I’ll hold you to that,” she promised.

The doorbell rang at that moment, and
Doug got up to let Allison and James in. There was more excited squealing about Sara’s ring, and then I introduced Lisa to the two of them.

“I have you to thank for the lingerie?” Sara asked Allison.

Allison laughed. “I only gave him the catalogue,” she said. “Patrick picked it out all by himself.”

“I did,” I grinned slightly sadistically as I watched Lisa blush in return. Hey, turnabout was fair play. Doug interrupted before
Lisa smacked me in retaliation and steered us towards the food before the game got underway. He had made chili.

“Unlike Patrick, I only really know how to make three things,”
Doug explained to Lisa. “I’m assuming spicy is okay?”

She nodded. “Patrick cooks?”

Doug raised an eyebrow. “He’s an excellent cook. He hasn’t cooked for you yet?”

I raised my hands defensively. “We’ve been busy,” I said.

Lisa turned to me. “You’ve been holding out on me,” she teased.

I smiled at her. “Tell you what? When you are done tearing apart my kitchen and put it all back together, I’ll cook for you.”

She made a slightly protesting noise. “That’s weeks away,” she said. “But okay.”


We snuggled on the couch. “Do you watch football, Lisa?” Sara asked. “I don’t watch the game at all, Doug had to explain everything to me when we first started watching.”

She nodded. “My dad’s a huge Bills fan,” she said. “We used to watch al
l the games together growing up.”

“I didn’t know that,” I said, surprised. “If you like football, we should drive to Buffalo one of these days. Watch a game.”

She smiled. “That’d be great,” she said.


During commercial breaks, we all chatted. Lisa discovered Doug, James and I had gone to Queens together. “We moved off campus pretty quickly, and got an apartment,” James said, grinning. “Doug was the youngest, but Patrick and I were both older. The dorms just weren’t cutting it.”

“That’s how you know Patrick can cook?” she asked.

Doug nodded. “We took turns cooking,” he said. “Though James ended up bearing the brunt of the cooking load.”

“Yup, these two were living the single college life, wild women all the time, and I was the guy with the steady girlfriend,” James laughed, taking Allison’s hand in his.

I grinned. “It wasn’t quite as exciting as all that,” I protested. Lisa raised her eyebrow at me. “Okay, fine, some of it was pretty fun,” I admitted, and she laughed at me.

As I had pre
dicted, my friends loved Lisa, and I loved that they loved her. I would have dated Lisa anyway, no matter what they thought. But once you got to a certain age, it would have been a troubling sign if your friends didn’t like your girlfriend.

“That was fun,” Lisa admitted as we left.

“So,” I teased her. “I met your friends and hopefully passed the boyfriend test. You’ve met my friends and clearly aced the girlfriend test. What next?”

She looked at me. “Parents,” she said, her tone perfectly dry.

I made a face. “I’m going to make sure you really, really like me before I subject you to my parents,” I replied.

She laughed. “No pressure, I was just teasing you,” she said easily. “But for the record, Patrick, I already really, really like you.”

Chapter 14



Patrick called me Monday afternoon when I was at work. “My week is hell,” he said. He sounded slightly aggrieved by the situation, and I bit back my smile. “The only nights I can hang out are tonight and Friday night. Sorry.”

I eyed my calendar. Mandy, Monica and I were going to grab drinks tonight. I told him that, and he made a noise expressing his frustration.

“I don’t want to cancel,” I told him. Once upon a time, my heart would have stilled, thinking that was what he was asking me. But we knew each other better now, and I was fairly sure that wasn’t where Patrick was going.

“No, of course not,” he said, sounding surprised. “But would it be demanding of me to ask you to come spend the night here after? If you don’t have to wake up too early in the morning for work?”

I checked. “I can do that,” I smiled. “How sober should I

He laughed. “That depends on how much you want to play,” he replied. “
But if you decide to get really, really drunk, please call me so I can come and pick you up.”

I made a face into the phone. “There are these things called cabs in Toronto, Patrick, I’m not sure if you’ve seen them? Yellow? Flashing sign on top?”

He tut-tutted into the phone. “That poor ass of yours,” he said sympathetically. I heard a voice in the background, and it sounded like the voice was paging someone. “Okay, I’ve got to run. See you tonight, baby. I should be home any time after eight.”


Mandy and Monica eyed me with concern as soon as I walked into the bar. “What?” I asked them.

“Nick? At the bar, Saturday?” That was Mandy. Her tone was gentle. Clearly, the two of them were expecting me to be a lot more perturbed about it than I actually was. Truth was, it had barely crossed my mind. I’d been much more preoccupied with needing to tell Patrick about my failure to safe word.
Well, that and the hot sex.

“I’m okay,” I told them. “I had a moment of personal growth and clarity.” I ordered a drink from the smiling waitress.

“That sounds very new-age,” Monica said. She wrinkled her nose as she said it.

I laughed. “It does, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I’m not going to go all Dr. Phil on you. But you know, as much as Nick was a jerk, I realized that it was also slightly my fault that I didn’t speak up. Tell him what I wanted.
Then, I saw him with the girl he was with, and she didn’t look damaged. She looked happy. He isn’t going around ruining the lives of young women. I think we both made mistakes there.”

Mandy rolled her eyes. “You are being a bit kind to Nick,” she said dryly. “I mean, the guy’s my boss, and I’m not saying he is a complete waste of space, but he chased you pretty ruthlessly when you were very young.”

The waitress showed up with my wine, and I thanked her and took a sip. “Yeah, okay, fair enough. He was a jerk. But I don’t get a complete free pass on this. Plus,” I added with a smile, “I’m dating Patrick now, and things are great. The past is finally just the past.”

The two of them looked rel
ieved. “So, Patrick, things are great? Tell us more?” Monica’s eyes were gleaming with interest. “And Lisa? I have a one-year old. My sex life is pretty non-existent at the moment, so feel free to spill the dirty details.”

I laughed. “I’m not going to kiss and tell,” I told Monica, and she made a face at me.

“Okay, fine,” she grumbled. “Who was the guy with Natalie?”

Ah, gossip. We speculated about Charles and Natalie, then we switched to talk about our jobs. Monica’s maternity leave was almost up, and she was not looking forward to returning to work.  I could understand; she was a lawyer who worked insane hours. It would be hard work juggling everything.

“Ethan is going to work from home,” she said. “We are going to get a nanny as well, but I’m still not looking forward to it. I mean, on one hand, I’m looking forward to talking about things that aren’t diaper changes; to wearing clothes that aren’t sweat pants, but at the same time, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be twice as exhausted all the time.”

I looked at her pointedly, and Mandy giggled. “Monica,” I said, “I’ve never seen you in a pair of sweat pants in my life.” Even in the heights of new baby lack-of-sleep, Monica had always managed to look like a yummy mummy. I had no idea how she did it. Mandy and I were constantly admiring her for her ability to be pulled together all the time.

“It was a figure of speech,” Monica said, slightly defensively. We all laughed. The two of them called for more drinks, but remembering what Patrick had said, I switched to water after my second glass of wine. I wanted to play. In response to their raised eyebrows, I grinned. “Patrick’s promised to spank me if I stay relatively sober,” I giggled, and that set us all off in peals of laughter.


It was almost midnight when I caught a cab to Patrick’s place. I rang the doorbell, and beamed at him when he answered. “Hey,” I greeted him. “I’ve come for a quickie.”

He laughed aloud. “In that case,” he winked at me, “you’ve come to the right place. Come on in, want a drink?”

“No,” I replied. “I’ve had two glasses of wine, and I want to play.”

“Two,” he mused. “
Are you sober enough to play?”

I nodded. “It was over the course of
the entire evening. I’m good.”

“Okay,” he accepted easily. “It will actually have to be a quickie though. I have to get up excruciatingly early. I’m due at work at seven.”

“Ouch,” I replied. “We don’t have to do anything if you need to sleep.”

“Oh, but I want to, Lisa.” His tone was firm; there was a gleam in his eyes. “Come. Let’s go up to the examination room. That okay?”

“That’s almost always okay by me,” I replied. I bit my lip to prevent myself from beaming wide.


The examination table didn’t have the stirrups today. It was also folded down so it looked more like a short bench.

“Bend over,” Patrick instructed quickly. I saw the supplies for an enema set up already – the enema bag was hanging on the stand and the nozzle hung from the side.

“An enema?” I asked, not concealing the skepticism from my voice. “Really? Didn’t you say this was a quickie?”

He gave me a look, and I gulped. Up in this room, Patrick was my Dom, and I didn’t really get to make smart ass comments without consequences. “I don’t have time to punish you properly tonight,” he said, a bite in his voice. “I’ll settle for an extra
five minutes. Now, before you make things worse for yourself, stop talking, get naked and bend over the table.”

I obeyed, chastened.
An extra five minutes of what?
But I didn’t ask.

hands took my wrists in his, and fastened cuffs on them, and then buckled them together behind my back. “Spread your legs,” he ordered, and I could feel him part my ankles wide, and then tie them down to either side of the bench. “Nice,” he said, with satisfaction in his voice, as he ran his hands up my legs, stroking my calves, rubbing the back of my knees with his fingers, grazing the inside of my thighs with his knuckles. I wriggled in need as I felt his touch on me, and though I knew I would likely get punished, I pushed back restlessly against him.

He just chuckled. “Keep still,” he ordered. I could feel him rise, and when he reappeared in front of me, he had the Hitachi in his hand, and a sadistic smile on his face. “How many times do you think you can come while you are holding the enema?” he asked. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

I closed my eyes briefly, and when I opened them, I didn’t conceal the laughter in my eyes. I had no illusions. In seconds, I was going to be begging for the vibrator to be taken away, and my body was going to be trapped between the sensations of the vibrator and the cramps caused by the enema. But strangely, I was completely looking forward to seeing what I could take.

In the safe space that I inhabited with Patrick, I could be completely myself. I could push every limit, and I could do it entirely without fear.

“You look excited by this, Lisa,” Patrick smiled at me.

“I am, Dr. Anderson,” I said. “Am I wrong to be?”

He laughed. “We’ll find out,” he said dryly. He moved behind me, and I could feel the vibrator part the folds of my pussy and nestle against my clitoris. He fastened it to the table somehow, but didn’t turn it on. He didn’t really need to; I was already dripping wet at the idea of the torture he was going to put me through.

“Let’s get
this going,” he said cheerfully, and I could feel his fingers trickling some lube on me, and then the nozzle was inserted into my ass, and the liquid started flowing in me.

This time, it was uncomfortable right from the start. It was the way I was bent over the bench. My belly was compressed against the leather, and I groaned as the liquid filled me up
and caused my stomach to distend.

“Are you okay, Lisa?” Patrick’s voice was calm.

I bit my lip but nodded as he removed the nozzle and inserted the butt plug in my ass.

“You’ll have to hold it for twenty minutes,” he said, ignoring my whimper of protest. “
But before you open your mouth and tell me what you think about that, I’d like to warn you that each display of brattiness will make me add on five minutes.”

I gritted my teeth in frustration. Yes, I could just use the red/yellow indicator, but I didn’t want to do that. Besides, he had just turned the vibrator on, and suddenly, my focus was torn from the discomfort of the enema as the pleasurable pulse waves from the Hitachi started running through my body.

“Do I need to ask for permission to come?” I gasped out, while I still had the power to think.

He chuckled. “No, that’s just setting you up to fail. Come whenever you want. In about five minutes, you are going to be pleading with me to remove the vibrator.”
He moved in front of me, and leaned forward to kiss me, a slow, languid kiss that left me breathless and panting. Though the panting could have had a lot to do with the Hitachi on my clitoris.

“You know, it occurs to me that you might need more distraction,” he said, pulling back. He was wearing a faded pair of jeans and a soft grey cotton t-shirt, a
nd he quickly shed them and placed his hard, erect cock at my mouth.

Mmm,” I moaned in pleasure as he rubbed the head of his cock all over my lips. I waited with an open mouth for him to allow me to suck on it.

My first orgasm caught me unawares. One moment, my mouth was open and I wanted to suck his dick, and the next, the intensity from the vibrator had built to an unbearable peak, and I curled my fingers into a fist, and writhed and flailed as I climaxed with a screaming groan.

My clitoris was immediately too sensitive, but the Hitachi was unrelenting. Patrick shoved his dick into my mouth as distraction, and I moaned in gratitude. I focused on moving my head over his rock-hard cock, sucking and swirling my tongue around the sensitive underside of his dick, flicking my tongue and savoring the taste of his pre-cum, inwardly exultant at his growl of pleasure.

The dull hum of the Hitachi receded slightly to the background as I focused on giving Patrick pleasure.
His hands curved around my face and gently stroked my cheek. “Ah, Lisa,” he said, his voice ragged. “You are so lovely.”

That was it. The need in his tone, the sweetness of his words, his hands on my face – everything pushed me into my second climax, and I came, b
ucking hard as he hastily pulled out so my teeth wouldn’t graze against his dick.

I giggled in part-pain, part-pleasure when I was done. My stomach was cramping, my clitoris was tender, and I’d almost bit into my Dom’s
dick. I warily looked up at him. He was trying hard not to laugh.

“Sorry about that,” I said meekly.

He narrowed his lips, but I could see the amusement dance in his eyes. “Some training is needed here, I see,” was all that he said. He pushed his dick back into my mouth, and I moaned with pleasure as I felt him slide in.

He slid in and out of my mouth, and I came a third and fourth time. Finally, I flailed in desperation. My clitoris was painfully sensitive, and the vibrations were plain torture. “Patrick, please…” I begged. “Red.”

He immediately pulled out and turned off the vibrator, and uncuffed my hands. His hands ran down my body, soothing me and calming me, untying the bonds that held my ankles open, and I took a deep breath and straightened, leaning on to him for support.

“Want to expel the enema?” he asked me, and I nodded wordlessly. He helped me towards the bathroom, and I shut the door and waited till I heard him walk away before I took care of business. When I felt more human again, I went back outside.

“Come here,” Patrick called from the bedroom, and I slid on the bed next to him. “I interrupted your blow-job,” I said sheepishly, and he gently pushed away a curl of hair from my forehead.

“Never mind about that for a minute,” he said. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I couldn’t take the vibrator anymore,” I said. He chuckled and I lay with my head on his shoulder for a soothing minute until I scrambled to my knees. “I want to make you come,” I begged, and he looked at me with concern, before he nodded, and I slid down his body and rubbed my breasts against his half-erect cock.

BOOK: Relapse (Doctor Dom Volume 4) (A BDSM & Medical Play Novella)
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