Read Rekindled (Titanium Security Series) Online

Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Titanium Security Series

Rekindled (Titanium Security Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Rekindled (Titanium Security Series)
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“Nothing new. He’s in good condition, still undergoing interrogation.”

Malik disliked the thought of his old friend being subjected to that sort of treatment. If not for Bashir’s bold plan, Malik would be undergoing the same kind of intensive questioning. After his escape, the authorities would have looked to Bashir for answers. And now that they must realize he had something to do with Malik’s escape, the authorities would be even harsher with his friend. “They’re torturing him.”

“Food and sleep deprivation, perhaps some water boarding. Nothing too extreme. Not with the Americans involved so heavily.” The man sounded unconcerned.

That didn’t lessen the burden of guilt Malik carried. He’d seen plenty of CIA and NSA brutality against prisoners in the past. And during his time in the ISI, he’d ordered such harsh measures many times. So had Bashir. If there had been a way to free him now, Malik would have done it. But his friend was just going to have to endure his situation a little longer. “And what about the other part of the operation? Is everything in place?”

“It took some doing, but yes. I’ve got a small team equipped and standing by.”

“Good. And the two other generals? I can still rely on their support for this?”

“My people have been monitoring them. By all accounts, both still remain loyal to you.”

Loyalty was a relative word, of course. He knew that better than anyone. “Perfect.” He smiled, took a sip of his tea.

All that remained was putting this plan into action to clear the final hurdle between him and the seat of power in the Pakistani government. Alex Rycroft was the only remaining adversary who Malik considered a real threat to his security and success. Stage two of the plan would occupy Rycroft long enough to allow Malik to make his way back to Islamabad on a private jet and stage the coup within hours. The remaining key generals would use their troops to ensure Malik seized power. Though part of him wanted to stay and kill Rycroft himself, it was highly unlikely the NSA agent would survive the impending attack anyway. “Anything else?”

“Nothing for now.”

“Good. Contact me once the first stage is complete. I’ll expect your call.” He hung up and set the phone next to him.

Enjoying the quiet, he savored the heady thrill of anticipation that slid through his veins. All the planning, all the suffering and tumult were worth it because they’d led him to this moment. If all went according to plan, he would be the new head of government by midnight tomorrow.

If not, at least he wouldn’t be around to suffer the humiliation of defeat a second time.




David sat bolt upright in bed and lunged for the ringing phone on the nightstand. He grabbed his glasses, squinted at the digital clock. After midnight. He checked the call display before answering, the number there making his pulse thud. “Hello?”

“I got your message,” the man said without preamble.

David ran a hand through his hair for the thousandth time that evening. He was already thinning on top. Right now he was so stressed he wouldn’t be surprised if his hair started falling out. “I only found out an hour ago.”

“You’re sure this is the correct location and time? It won’t be changed again at the last moment?”

“I can’t say, because I don’t have any control over any of that.” That Rycroft guy did though. David would bet everything he had that the government agent was behind this last-minute switch. David wouldn’t put it past him to change things again in a few hours just to throw off anyone tracking the UN team’s movements.

“You’d better hope it doesn’t. I’ve had to assemble a new crew to cover it now.”

“I told you I’d update you if things changed, and I did,” David said, sounding defensive even to his own ears, but he didn’t care. This asshole had essentially blackmailed him into cooperating and now it was too late for David to get out of the mess he’d stepped in. And something else was bothering him. “You haven’t told anyone else, right? That was part of the deal.” It was the only way he’d agreed to this in the first place.

“Don’t worry about it—worry about the final time and location instead,” the man replied in a hard tone.

A sick feeling took hold in the pit of his stomach. “You
someone? Who?”

“I said, don’t worry about it. Call me if you hear anything else. I’ll be in touch after the meeting.” He hung up before David could demand more answers.

David swallowed and set his phone in his lap, then closed his eyes. What the hell was he going to do? If that guy had leaked the new information, there was no telling how many people knew when and where the meeting was going to be held. Then a more unsettling thought occurred to him. He swallowed.

It was possible that information had somehow reached the wrong people. The ones Rycroft was trying to protect Grace from. Shit. He’d never thought this might happen—he would never have knowingly placed her in danger. When the man had called to make the offer, David hadn’t yet been aware of the extra security threats against Grace.

He wiped at the sweat that beaded his upper lip and stared at his phone. What if he’d just put them
in serious danger? It wasn’t too late. He could call Grace or Dr. Travis. They could alert Rycroft and he’d take the necessary steps to negate the threat, probably move the location again.

But then they’d all know what he’d done.

His reputation would be in tatters, his career ruined before it even had the chance to take off. No one of any worth would hire him if this came out. He’d have nothing but a shitload of debt and a name worth nothing.

That’s still better than being dead

His heart was pounding out of control. God, and what if he was just a loose end now? Once his contact arrived at the meeting location there was no guarantee he’d pay David the money anyhow. He’d royally screwed himself and now maybe others as well. Why the hell had he made such a stupid decision?

Because you were desperate

David chewed his lip in indecision. The chances of him endangering the team were small, he reasoned. They already had increased security for the team, and there was hardly any time for anyone looking to harm Grace to plan something. If he stayed quiet, chances were the meeting would conclude without any problems. His contact would get what he wanted, and David would get the money he’d so selfishly gone after by agreeing to this damn deal. No, he had no choice now but to roll with it and pray everything worked out.

Pushing out a deep breath, he set the phone back on the nightstand and removed his glasses to rub at his tired eyes. The doubt and guilt wouldn’t leave him alone. He liked Dr. Fallon. As a person and as a scientist, as someone who was trying to make the world a better and safer place. If anything happened to her because of him…

He lay back against the pillow and stared at the ceiling, knowing he wasn’t going to get any more sleep for the rest of the night.




When his phone buzzed on the nightstand, Alex rolled away from Grace and grabbed it. He snagged his shirt from the floor and slid it on as he hurried into the bathroom, shut the door and flipped on the light. The display told him it was nearly five in the morning, and Claire—Gage’s fiancée, currently working back at the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland—wouldn’t call him at this hour unless it was urgent. Alex had sent her home the day after Hassani’s capture, wrongly assuming Hassani would remain locked up. He did up the buttons on his shirt as he answered. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Sorry to wake you.”

“No problem. What’ve you got?”

“I’ve been looking into some of the flagged signal intercepts we’ve been monitoring. Hassani’s voice print matched a call a few hours ago from someone in Islamabad. When we pinged the phone Hassani used it showed he was in Karachi.”

Alex stilled, all his muscles tensing. Karachi was on the Arabian Sea. Was the bastard going to try to leave the country by boat? It didn’t feel right, because Alex’s gut said Hassani’s power hungry ego would send him to Islamabad for another attempt at a coup rather than escape. Hassani was many things, but he wasn’t a coward. “You’re sure?”

“As sure as I can be. We’ll keep running the diagnostics, and I’ll send you the report.”

“Great. Good work. And what about the caller? Any info on where the call came from or who it might be?”

“Still looking into that. Nothing so far. They’re using burner phones.”

They would. “Okay. Keep working on that, it might lead us to whoever Hassani’s been using in the ISI. That’s the one source we’re still trying to pin down and we need to find them ASAP.” He could charter a flight, be down in Karachi within a few hours. “Call Gage for me, tell him what’s going on. I’m going to alert the Paks, have them increase security at the port down there, then I’ll arrange a flight to get us down there.” Once he ended the call he texted Hunter. He was sharing a room with Gage so they’d both be up to speed within minutes.

Alex called Evers next to alert him, and gave him the job of alerting the Pakistani military and other authorities in Karachi so they could keep an extra eye out at the port and the marinas, plus all the outlying airfields. After shooting a text to Ellis and Jordyn to wake them up and let them know what was going on, he finally sent a quick text to Zahra. While she couldn’t do much to assist them from the hospital, she and Dunphy were still members of the team and deserved a heads up.

When all that was done he set up a flight for him, Gage and Hunter at oh-seven-hundred out of a private airfield on the outskirts of the city, then arranged a second flight for Ellis and Jordyn to take once they escorted Grace to the meeting with the Syrians. Knowing Hassani was likely still in Karachi made Alex breathe a whole lot easier about Grace’s safety. Since Sharif’s murder here in Islamabad he’d been even more on edge.

He had to go after Hassani, and he needed his team with him when he did. They understood the stakes, knew how Hassani worked, and they were some of the best operatives he’d ever worked with.

Catching sight of his tired-looking reflection in the mirror, Alex rubbed a hand over his face. He’d already done everything he could to ensure Grace’s safety at the meeting by changing the time and location twice. With the increased security for the UN team and the new hotel venue’s own security to be alerted an hour prior to the meeting, he felt much better about leaving her while he chased down Hassani at the other end of the country. But he was also acutely aware that Grace was due to fly back to the States tomorrow morning and chances were he wouldn’t be back by then. Which left them with a little under two hours together before he had to leave for the airfield. His chest felt heavy at the thought.

He shut off the light and opened the bathroom door, surprised to find the glow of the bedside lamp illuminating the bedroom. Grace stood near the foot of the bed dressed in a hotel robe. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she looked at him. “Bad news?”

“No, finally a solid lead. We’ve traced him to Karachi.” He saw her eyes flare with relief as he walked up and put his hands on her upper arms to rub gently. “So, good news.”

She nodded, but didn’t look happy. “Except you’re going down there after him.”

Alex’s hands paused. He couldn’t lie to her. “Yeah. Flight leaves at seven. Ellis and Jordyn will stay behind to take you to the meeting, then head out on a different flight after they drop you off.”

Grace searched his eyes, regret flashing across her face. “I leave tomorrow.”

He exhaled. “I know.” He settled his hands on her shoulders, squeezed lightly. “I’ll get back here as soon as I can, but I don’t know if—”

She stopped him by placing her hand over his mouth. “After he’s caught, will you be going home?”

Alex kissed her fingers and nodded. “Not for at least a few days afterward though.” There was no telling how long it would take to corner and capture the bastard again, however. And once they did, he’d have to stay behind and wrap up all the bureaucratic red tape into a neat little bow before he flew back stateside. God only knew how much longer that would take.

Setting her hand on his right shoulder, Grace continued to study him. “And what happens then?”

He lifted a hand to trail his fingers down her cheek. “I come get you and never let you go again.” Even as he said it he saw the worry, the uncertainty in her eyes. He wanted to erase that forever before he left this room.

“Then I guess you’d better make this one hell of a goodbye to tide me over.” With that she slid her hand into his hair, went up onto her toes and crushed her mouth to his.

Alex caught his breath at the urgency of the kiss and took her face between his hands. He could practically taste her desperation, could feel the frantic need that made her muscles rigid. He kissed her back just as hard, meeting each stroke of her tongue as he held her face. Her hands slid down his neck to his shoulders and she made a frustrated sound as she ran them over the fabric of his shirt. Alex wanted them both naked, needed to feel her skin against his.

Before he could reach for his top button she gripped the two halves of his shirt at the collar and yanked, hard enough to send the buttons flying. He let out a startled laugh, delighted by her impatience, but all humor vanished when she pulled back enough for him to see her eyes. Fear lurked behind the desire. A deep-seated dread that this might be their last time together. Alex’s heart twisted painfully.

Vowing to eradicate that fear for good, he covered her mouth with his and picked her up by the hips to carry her over to the bed. He laid her down in the middle of it and yanked his ruined shirt off, then buried his face in her neck a moment to catch his breath and savor the feel of her soft hands sliding over his naked skin. She ran her palms over his shoulders and chest, down his stomach, her expression hungry, almost worshipful as she stared at his body. Damn, she made him feel twelve feet tall when she looked at him like that. He let her stroke him, didn’t stop her when she reached for his belt, undid it and then his pants.

BOOK: Rekindled (Titanium Security Series)
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