Regret Me Not (19 page)

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Authors: Danielle Sibarium

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Sports

BOOK: Regret Me Not
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Chapter 20

The Honeymooners


I glance over at Brayden in his dark suit as he drives us to meet the others at the restaurant. Dean threatened to tie a bunch of old cans to the back of the car along with a "Just Married," sign, like people used to in the old movies. I'm glad he didn't. While it doesn't bother me that there were no fancy limousines waiting for us outside of the church, we don't need to bring everyone's attention to it either. Or the fact that my husband wasn't wearing a tuxedo. Personally I don't care what he's dressed in; he's just as handsome in his suit. And when you think of it, the people who elope in Vegas often get married without even their friends and family, and their marriages are just as legally binding as ours. At least we were surrounded by people that love us.

Brayden and I had no choice but to skimp on almost all of the usual pomp and circumstance that go along with a traditional wedding. And we agree that none of that is important. Nothing but the marriage itself and the rings, the symbols of our eternal love. As I hold my left hand out in front of me, I think I'll wake up in my bed and find it's all been a dream.

"I promise, we'll renew our vows and have a big reception when we save up enough money."

"It's not necessary."

"Yes it is. I know it'll make you feel better."


"Because until then people will say we rushed into it, that the only reason we did it is because you're pregnant."

"I don't care what people say. We don't need to prove anything to anyone. Let them think what they want. They will in the end anyway."

"Now I know you're full of it. You always care about what people think."

I close my eyes, realizing for the first time how shallow I've been. "I don't. I swear, I don't care anymore. I'm tired of trying to keep the rumors at bay. If people want to spread them we can't stop it. Besides, it's all about redemption right? Forgiveness and a new beginning?"

He smirks. "You were listening? I thought you looked so serious because you were debating whether or not to hightail it out of there."

"Those days are long behind me. You're stuck with me forever and ever."

"Is that right?"

"That's right. You're in for a life sentence."


The restaurant is empty, with the exception of the workers. And there don't seem to be too many of them, at least not out in the open where we can see them. I wonder if they'll be serving us fresh food, or if it was already prepared and just needs to be reheated. We're led to a small room in the back meant to host parties. I'd hardly call our little group a party. Still, we are here to celebrate, at least for a little while. There are several small tables set, but we are all seated together at a rectangular table.

After I ask the waitress to bring me a glass of water, I excuse myself and head in the direction of the bathroom. Just as I step out of the room, I feel a hand brush against my elbow.

"A word, Mackenzie?"

I turn to find Bruce Turner standing beside me. I can't imagine why he followed me. My stomach tumbles. I worry he's going to lace into me again saying that I'm being selfish and I'm ruining his son's life. I close my eyes a moment too long, wondering if there is any way I could tell him I'm not interested in hearing what he has to say, but that would be rude. He's family now. Instead I stand my ground and hear him out.

"You make a very lovely bride."

"Thank you." I don't understand his game. Is he buttering me up so it'll hurt more when he slams down the hammer?

"I hope you can accept my apology. My wife reminded me how uncomfortable she was with the way my parents reacted when we were in a similar situation."

I don't say anything. I don't have a clue how I'm supposed to respond.

"Please understand; there was nothing personal in the things I said. It's just that we had some rough times in the beginning. There were times we wanted to give up on each other. The world is different now than when we went through it. And it's harder to make something of yourself and support your family."

Still silent, I nod.

"My wife also went on to remind me how stubborn I'd been. How my mother pushed for her to get rid of the baby." His eyes fill with tears as he releases a long, drawn out breath. "That boy is my life. I mean I love them both, but Brayden," he drops his eyes and shakes his head. "He's just like me. And there's not one thing I'd do differently. I'm so proud of him. Even now. Especially now. I'm just afraid for him. For the both of you."

Before I could respond, Brayden slips his arm around my waist and gently tucks me against his side. "Everything all right?"

"Of course."

"I was just welcoming your beautiful bride into the family."

"Is that true?" Brayden looks at me waiting for confirmation of his father's statement.

"It is."

I feel him release his breath. I know that he's been giving his father the cold shoulder. I can't say I blame him, but today is about new beginnings and celebrations, and whatever his concerns, Mr. Turner stood by his son. He could've raised an objection at the ceremony. I guess he knew that would serve no purpose other than to turn the cold shoulder into an arctic freeze. 

Brayden's hold on me loosens just a bit. They need a moment alone. If his father had something to say to me, I'm sure he has an oration ready for Brayden.

I lean in and kiss my husband's cheek. "If you'll excuse me, I need a moment."

Brayden examines my face. I bet he's looking for a hint of something darkening my mood. He can look but he won't find anything. I know he's just concerned. I smile and assure him I'm fine. As I take a step, I hear his father behind me.

"Mackenzie, just one more minute." I turn back to Brayden and his father. "Son, your mother and I, we don't have much to offer in way of a gift right now. We want to save it for when the baby is born, but we rented a room for you to stay in tonight. I know it's not quite the honeymoon you would've planned for yourself . . ." Mr. Turner is struggling to find the words. "But you should have a bit of privacy, at least for tonight."

"Thank you." We say at the same time, like an old married couple. I wonder if Brayden is thinking the same thing as we look at each other and laugh.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I really need a minute."

I'm surprised that Brayden chooses to follow me, rather than stay and hear his father out. He doesn't say anything until I'm standing in front of the door to the restroom

"Kenzie, are you sure you're okay, did he say anything . . ."

"I'm fine, but I don't know if I can say the same about my bladder. Brayden, he loves you. That much is clear. Why don't you hear what he has to say? It might surprise you."

He nods. "I'll wait for you out here."

"I think I'll be safe to walk the hundred feet back by myself. Now get back there and talk to your father! And that, dear husband, is an order."


I close my eyes as Brayden drives to the hotel. While our celebration was small, the day was exhausting and had such high emotions. I hope to stop the burning of my eyes, because once we get to the hotel, the last thing I'm going to want to do is sleep. It's been so long since we've been together in
way, I feel my heart pick up speed thinking about it. I only hope he still wants me as much as I want him.

"You okay?" he asks jiggling my hand.

I nod and yawn, "Just tired."

"Don't tell me you're going to use the 'I'm too tired excuse already.'"

I smile, "No. No excuses."

I allow myself to drift off to that alluring place where you're not quite awake, not quite asleep.

"Wake up sleepy head," Brayden's fingers brush my cheek. My eyes flutter open to his smile as he leans close to me. I can't imagine waking to anything I want to see more than the love in his eyes. "We're here."

I look around, I know where we are, sort of. The large hotel sits in front of the boardwalk. We're somewhere at the shore.

"I guess beachfront rooms aren't so expensive in the winter."

"I don't care where we are, only that we're here together."

"Come on," He opens the driver side door, stands, and reaches in the back for the overnight bag we threw together before leaving. He catches me staring at him as he slings it over his shoulder. "What's up? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure."

"A year ago I thought I knew what happiness was . . ."

"Careful, we were together a year ago."

I shove his arm, "I know that wise guy. The point is, last year, as happy as I was, I was also sort of waiting for it to be ripped away from me. I didn't think it got any better, and now, I know I'm going to be happy every day of my life because I get to spend it with you."


Once he opens the door, I move to step inside, but Brayden's grip on my arm stops me. He tosses our overnight bag in front of the door and scoops me up into his arms. I squeal as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"It may not be our home, but I'm still carrying you over the threshold."

Alone in the room at last, and back on my feet, Brayden picks our bag up and tosses it on the desk. I look around the room, it's small, but it's ours, at least until eleven AM tomorrow. I open the blinds and look at our tiny balcony. The waves are crashing against the sand.

"This is beautiful," I yawn.

He steps in front of me, his hands on my hips. "You
going to use the I'm too tired excuse aren't you?"

I flutter my lashes at him as I pull his jacket down, off his shoulders, "Don't project your unconscious desires onto me."

"Using psychobabble will get you nowhere."

"Psychobabble?" I pretend to be insulted.

"Don't act so innocent." He pulls down the long zipper in the back of the dress while I work on his shirt buttons. "You know exactly what you do to me, whether it's undressing me with your eyes, or filling my head with images of you in scantily dressed clothes . . ."

"Back up! When did I ever fill your head with images . . ."

His mouth covers mine. "Right now," he whispers. "Every time you touch me, I'm picturing what you have on under that dress."

Like a tidal wave, I feel heat rush through my body. I let my eyes soak in his now topless form. Our eyes meet.

"Like what you see, Mrs. Turner?" He asks while I play with the tie still hung around his neck.

His words sink in. Mrs. Turner. It's the first time I hear it, and the sound intoxicates me.
I'm his wife
. That's not temporary, not a fleeting title given only for the here and now. It's forever.

"Very much Mr. Turner. And I must say, I'm the luckiest girl in the world having such a lovely piece of eye candy to wake up to every morning."

"Eye candy? Is that what I am to you?" He takes a small step closer, so there is no longer any space between us. As he advances, I retreat.

I nod, "Very, very sweet eye candy I might add."

"Oh yeah?" He sweeps me up into his arms.

Afraid he's going to toss me on the bed I squeal, "Brayden, no! The baby."

The playfulness in his eyes changes to concern as he gently settles me down.

Brayden stands to his full length and runs a hand through his hair. I can see something weighing on him.

"Um, Kenzie, did you ask your doctor if it's safe to . . . You know?"

I shake my head. "No. I only went to her once and since you still weren't talking to me, there was no reason to ask, and everything's happened so fast, I didn't think of it."

He nods and pulls out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I get up on my knees and tug on his tie, pulling him down to the bed. He sits on the edge and searches the Internet.

"I'm just checking. I want to make sure . . ."

"You don't really think it’s a problem do you?"

He shakes his head, "I doubt it. If people had to go nine months without sex, I think the world would be a lot less populated."

"Probably. It has to be safe." I get behind him and dig my fingers into the muscles in his shoulders. While massaging him I plant gentle kisses along the ridges of his shoulders. A soft sound leaves his lips as he speaks my name.


"Brayden, do you think your father would've went out of his way to do this for us if it wasn't safe?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe he was trying to teach us some sort of lesson."

"It's fine," I whisper before clasping his earlobe between my teeth.

Taking hold of my hands, he pulls me around so I'm next to him. His eyes are dark and smoldering. "Promise you'll tell me if it hurts."

"I promise."

He lifts my dress, over my head. I feel like he took all my courage off with it. I swallow hard, afraid he won't like the subtle rounding of my stomach. I know its still slight, but its definitely noticeable with my clothes off. I don't know if he has a clue how insecure I feel, but he lays me down, and touches his lips to the area just below my belly button.

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