Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (89 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Reece was in ecstasy. This was the vulnerable feeling she was thinking about before -- the ability to lay back as she was, without any thought except what Faith's fingers were doing to her. No pretenses, just pleasure. She trusted Faith thoroughly.

Faith braced her free hand against the wall and leaned into Reece, their breasts touching. The contact tingled the actress's nipples and she rubbed them back and forth against Reece's.

The club owner lifted her head off the back of the couch and groaned at the blissful expression on her lover's face. She pulled Faith down until their torsos melded together. She needed the closeness and closed her eyes at the feeling of their damp flesh meeting and sliding together.

Faith continued to slip her fingers slowly in and out of her writhing lover, enjoying the feeling of her slick muscles closing around her digits, surrounding them with the warmth and wetness. Faith felt her heart skip a beat while watching the club owner. Reece apparently loved it as much as she did by the look on her face and the sounds of pleasure escaping her parted lips -- lips that Faith couldn't get enough of at the moment.

Reece closed her arms around Faith as their mouths came together. Her hands traveled up to clutch at her lover's shoulders and she held on as if her life depended on it. She opened her legs wider to draw in more of Faith's fingers. Feeling the tendons moving under her hand and knowing those muscles were driving the actress's fingers, caused her to moan loudly into her mouth.

Faith knew that moan and she answered with one of her own. Reece's wetness increased and the actress felt her own sex drench. She let go of the wall and fell heavily onto the strong body beneath her. Bringing her hand between their bodies, she reached into her own center, groaning at the temporary relief she found in touching herself. Reluctantly drawing her fingers away from her throbbing sex, she lifted her soaking fingers to their joined mouths and slipped them between their lips.

Reece growled as the sticky fingers slid into her mouth. The combination of Faith's scent and taste coupled with her lips and tongue still torturing her bruised lips, forced a whimper from her throat. Her tongue darted all over the tasty intrusions and before she had the chance to suck them clean, they disappeared.

Faith turned her head to suck on Reece's neck; she made contented yummy sounds at the slick sheen of sweat that covered her lover's skin. She sucked greedily at her flesh and drew her fingers out of their warm, wet haven.

Reece gasped and lifted her hips trying to bring them back inside. "Wha...?" Reece's voice cracked and she swallowed.

Faith worked her tongue into her lover's beet-red ear. "Shh," she soothed, bringing her hand up to run her fingers through Reece's damp mane. "I want you to lay down for me," she whispered.

Reece groaned and slid her body sideways until she was flat on her back with Faith straddling her. The actress never stopped her licking and sucking, causing large shivers of arousal to shake Reece's long frame. She planted one foot on the floor and the other foot in the couch cushions and thrust her pelvis up blindly. She groaned in frustration when her hungry sex met nothing but air. This was it; she wanted Faith inside her NOW.
Don't think. Just feel.
"Faith, I want you," she panted, grabbing roughly at Faith's ass.

The actress felt a twinge of adrenaline from the pulling at her backside and knew this was the moment of truth for the both of them. She slid her knees down until she was lying between her lover's long, open legs. Needing to look into Reece's eyes, she brought her face to meet the flushed one beneath her. She felt a trickle of fear at the base of her spine working its way up her back, causing her hair to stand on end. Reece looked so inviting, laying there waiting, panting and licking her lips in anticipation. Faith moved her hips slightly and she watched as her lover's swollen lips parted with a gasp.

Reece felt hotter than she'd ever been. Faith's glistening breasts leaning on hers and the torture of the dildo pressing against her spread sex was making her very impatient. She gyrated her hips and received the relief she was seeking. "Yesss," she hissed through her teeth.

Faith let her lover take her pleasure as she leaned down and covered her lips with her own. She was feeling a little awkward again, not knowing what to do. "Show me, Reece," she whispered into the kiss.

Reece didn't give herself a chance to think, she knew if she paused, the fear would work itself in and ruin everything. "Lean up, baby," she panted.

Faith lifted up onto her elbows and looked down between them. The pang of arousal she felt at the sight made her groan. Reece brought her hand to her steaming center and coated her fingers with her wetness, then covered the dildo with her essence. Faith groaned again with a shudder. Reece took that same hand and reached under to Faith's sex, and repeated the process. Faith whimpered at the sight and sensations. Then Reece did something that Faith would dream about for the rest of her life. The club owner returned one hand to her own center and spread the lips open and with the other hand, she led the actress's fingers to the dildo. "Now, put it inside me," Reece breathed heavily through her words.

Faith saw Reece's clit twitch as she spoke and knew the club owner was more than ready. She pressed her hips forward and guided the tip of the dick to her lover's waiting entrance. Both sets of eyes watched as the head of the dildo slid in slowly.

Reece willed her hips to stay still and let Faith set the pace; she never wanted to be filled this badly in her life.

"Oh, god... Reece..."

"More," Reece gasped, her muscles grabbing desperately at the dildo.

Faith slid it all the way in slowly, shivering at the sound of the long, satisfied groan her lover emitted as she did. The leg Reece had propped on the couch wrapped itself around Faith's back and pulled her in until their hips met.

"Shit, baby... yeah..." Reece grunted.

Faith couldn't see it, but she knew it. She felt her heart beat harder and her breath came quicker. "I'm all the way inside you," she whispered, amazed.

"All the way..." Reece repeated somewhat breathlessly.

The actress nearly swooned.
I'm really inside of Reece...
Green eyes, wide with astonishment, studied blue. The enormity of the situation overwhelmed her.
She let me... no, she wants me inside of her...

Reece was also lost in the intensity of the moment.
Faith is gonna fuck me... I'm gonna let her. Oh, Jesus...
She panicked briefly, but one look into those wonder-filled green eyes calmed her dramatically.
It's Faith. It's okay... I want her to. I need her to.
The club owner's inner muscles clenched involuntarily.
Fuck, she feels so good inside of me, on top of me...

"Oh, god!" Faith fell down on top of Reece and kissed her hungrily. Sucking on her lips forcefully, using her teeth to capture the club owner's thrusting tongue.

Reece rocked her hips, squeezing the dildo tightly inside her. It felt incredible to have Faith on top of her, kissing her and holding her at the same time. She didn't feel trapped, like she feared. She didn't want to run away, this was where she wanted to be.

Faith moved her mouth to Reece's ear and she sucked the earlobe into her mouth. Reece grunted and lifted her hips. The actress knew she should start doing something, but was afraid she wouldn't do it right and she didn't want to feel stupid.

The club owner sensed Faith's hesitancy and, she herself, would be hesitant to do something if she wasn't so desperately in need. Her long leg released Faith's body and she brought her hands down to grasp the actress's hips. She wanted to feel Faith moving on top of her, needed to feel her inside as she held her. It would have scared the club owner, had she given it some thought. Reece couldn't wrap her mind around anything else at the moment, except for the sensation of her lover's lips and flesh against her own, which was very fortunate for both of them.

Faith leaned her hand on Reece's shoulder and propped herself up on that arm as she felt Reece's grasp on her hips pushing her body back. She looked down at the dildo as it emerged from inside her lover, glistening and wet. The sight of Reece's lips surrounding it made her weak and her arm began shaking. Reece pulled Faith in again and the actress whimpered as the dick disappeared inside of her. She knew she should be helping Reece, moving on her own, but she was captivated at the sight of herself entering her strong lover in this fashion.

Large hands set a slow pace for the actress and Reece gasped in pleasure at the sensations she was causing to herself. The motions were slow and teasing but she wanted to give Faith a feel for the movement and not force her to move on her own before she was ready. The club owner pushed Faith's body back and pulled in close several times before she thought she'd explode with the frustration of it all. Finally, a second small hand slid up her body and rested on her other shoulder. She felt Faith's weight shifting to both arms and breathed a whimper of relief as the hips under her hands began to move on their own accord. "You got it, baby... just like that," Reece encouraged.

The sexy low timber of her lover's voice caused Faith to shiver, her nipples grew painfully stiff and she wished Reece would touch them, lick them. She really wanted to feel her lover's touch. Looking at the raw pleasure plainly evident on Reece's face, she assumed the tall groaning woman was in no condition to pay attention to her body. She whimpered painfully.

Reece heard the desperate sound from her lover and took her hands from her hips, letting them travel up the sides of the actress's body. Faith arched her back, silently pleading with those strong fingers to touch her breasts. Reece complied and palmed Faith's tits, rubbing her hands in small circles, alleviating the itch in the pebbled flesh.

Faith cried but in relief at the touch and reflexively picked up the pace of her thrusts. "Yes, Reece, touch me," she whined.

"I love to... touch you," the club owner gasped between heavy breaths.

Faith arched her back and looked down between them, watching herself move, amazed at how her hips knew just what to do. She glanced briefly at her covered breasts and groaned, then back at her lover's face. It was flushed and sweaty, the tips of her ears, bright red. She knew everything that Reece was feeling right now, having felt it all herself. Her blue eyes ablaze with lust and want and her endless moans of pleasure made Faith's adrenaline flow freely. "How does it feel, baby? To have me fucking you?"

"Ohhh..." Reece groaned. "So damned good..." her hands fell away from Faith's tits.

Faith's lips curled in a sexy sneer when the long leg wrapped itself around her body again, pulling her in hard. "Tell me what you want, Reece," Faith said huskily, lost in the emotion of the moment.

"Harder," Reece demonstrated with an increase in the thrusts of her hips. Faith adjusted immediately. "Yesss... like that... god, yes," she closed her eyes and her head lolled to the side. Reece was lost in a haze of pleasure.

Faith is on top of me, fucking me...
she groaned with the thought.
If I open my eyes, she will be leaning over me, in total control of me... my feelings, the sensations...
The club owner's heart beat fast and furious.
Faith is fucking me. I'm on my back, shamelessly submissive, craving her inside me.
Surprisingly enough, Reece was not ashamed, she was not scared and she was not panicked. This felt too good to be analyzed.
God, it's so fucking good I could scream!
She stifled the urge and groaned long and loud instead. Hearing the echoing sound from Faith, her leg tightened around her lover's back.
What is she feeling?

Reece opened her eyes and turned her head to see Faith staring deeply into her eyes. She growled at the look of pure worship in her glowing green eyes. She felt a flood pour out of her and down between her ass cheeks to the couch.

"I couldn't love you more, Reece," Faith whispered, afraid to speak too loudly and break the moment.

Reece suddenly needed to feel Faith,
feel her. She reached up and grabbed Faith's shoulders, pulling her down on top of her. "Kiss me... hard," she breathed into the damp blonde hair at her lips.

Faith obeyed, meeting Reece in a bruising kiss, their tongues colliding and twining, fighting for space in each other's mouth. Reece held the sides of Faith's head, flexing her fingers each time the actress pulled her hips back.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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