Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (81 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"Hey, don't look now, but there's Faith at 3 o'clock"

Reece whirled on her barstool at Cori's words and there, just like she said, was Faith breezing up to the bar. The club owner stood up and smoothed the back of her jacket, suddenly overly conscious about her appearance.

"Don't worry, I don't think she'll be paying much attention to your wrinkles tonight. She's got that look in her eyes."

Cori was right. Reece's stomach clenched. Faith had yet to notice her, but she could certainly see the intent written all over her face. The tall woman was about to step forward when Faith turned and caught her eye. Green eyes widened and Faith's mouth hung open in shock.

"Oh, my g..." The actress stood motionless. "You're hair! It's so... so..."

Reece felt like throwing up and swallowed convulsively.

"God, you are gorgeous!" Faith exclaimed and threw herself at her stunned lover.

The club owner actually whimpered with relief and both of Faith's eyebrows shot up at the sound. Reece was close to hyperventilating and Faith could feel her panting. She looked up at her lover's pale face and reached a hand out to touch her hair.
Oh no! The poor thing! She was petrified!
Faith ran her hands repeatedly up and through Reece's shorter sexy hair, soothing her anxious lover. "Were you worried, Reece?"

The club owner leaned into the feeling of Faith's fingers on her scalp. "Nah, just hot is all," she lied and wiped her sweaty brow on her shoulder so not to let go of Faith. Her nervous system began to cool down moments after Faith began touching her.

"Wanna go in your office and chat, baby?" Faith's eyes betrayed her real intent and Reece was all over it.

"Chat? Oh, I don't know. I kind figured maybe we'd go into my office..." she paused, widened her stance so her legs surrounded Faith's, bent her knees slightly and rubbed their noses together.

"And..." The actress moved her hands under Reece's jacket and slid them into her waistband.

"We could take off our clothes..." The club owner squatted even lower and closed her legs around Faith's, licking the actress's lips.

"And... then what?" Faith was slightly breathless from the feel of her lover's tongue. She snaked her hands lower and dug her nails into Reece's backside.

The tall woman hissed air through her teeth, backed Faith up against the bar and licked her neck. "I'm gonna bend you over my desk and fuck you." Reece thrust her hips into Faith's and the actress collapsed in her arms.

"Oh, god yes!"

The club owner hoisted her swooning lover up in her arms and swore she heard applause as she carried her away.

*  *  *


Reece kicked the door closed behind her and stood still, unable to decide where to place her lover, who was lying over her shoulder and holding on to her bare ass for dear life. "Babe, get your hands out of my crack, if I put you down, it could be painful for me," she chuckled.

"Okay, but I need to hold your ass, they go right back," Faith insisted and obeyed.

The club owner focused in the darkness and made a beeline for her desk. Sitting the actress down, she tore off her bow tie and began to take off her jacket while Faith started on her shirt buttons.

"God, Reece! So many clothes!" Faith complained as her fingers fumbled in the darkness. "I need to feel you now." She wrapped her legs around Reece's waist and pulled her against her. Faith's whimper made Reece's heart pound. She undid her cummerbund and threw it over her shoulder, leaned back and struggled to get the half unbuttoned shirt over her head. Faith's hands were in the back of her tux pants just like she promised, kneading and squeezing.

"I love your ass, Reece," Faith whispered and leaned forward to suck on her lover's bare shoulder. "I missed you much," she added between sucks and nips.

Reece yanked open her pants and Faith opened her legs to let the garment fall to the floor, replacing them just as tightly. Reece suddenly realized that Faith was still wearing her coat, and pulled back from her relentless mouth. "Come on, get naked!" she urged, pulling on the long coat.

"Back up, sweetheart" Faith said, licking her lips and savoring the flavor of Reece's skin.

The club owner did as she was told and Faith hopped off the desk, opening her coat buttons slowly. "Hey, what do you have on under there?" Reece took a deep breath as Faith revealed a leg.

Faith had to smirk at the vision before her -- her tall lover standing in her bra and underwear, pants around her ankles and half lidded eyes staring intently at her stockinged leg. "Oh, just a little something you picked up."

"Oh god, Faith..." Reece breathed as the actress pulled open the coat, displaying her outfit. It was the red velvet and black lace number that Reece had picked up on a whim. It looked hot, feminine and oh, so delicious. Extremely aroused blue eyes riveted on the tiny thong Faith was hardly wearing and Reece audibly swallowed the drool that pooled in her mouth.

"Well, don't just stand there, baby, come to momma." Faith let the coat drop to the floor and ran her hands seductively along her body.

Reece gulped loudly and jumped so quickly she was practically airborne.

Faith fell backwards onto the desk with the weight of her growling lover on top of her. Reece was everywhere at once, groping and grabbing with hungry hands. The actress groaned under the attention and replaced her legs around Reece's hips, ramming their bodies together hard. The club owner growled even louder as she feasted on Faith's neck.

Wow, she's starving!
Faith thought as Reece's mouth traveled quickly across her throat, sucking in huge amounts of skin each time it stopped. The sensation of her lover's teeth biting sharply and the intense suction on her flesh made her legs quiver. Faith felt her nipples harden, took hold of Reece's hand and brought it to her breast. Reece drew back from her feast, her lips still parted and Faith stared at them hungrily.

The club owner watched her hand as she closed her fingers around Faith's breast. She held it, twitching her fingers slightly and relishing the feel of the velvety material covering it. "I knew this would be soft," she said of the sexy teddy. She moved her free hand to Faith's thigh, and caressed the exposed skin between panty and stocking. "But nothing's as soft as you," she gasped quietly as her lover shuddered; the nipple in her palm grew impossibly hard.

Faith squeezed the large hand tightly around her breast and moaned, "I love you, Reece."

The sincerity in those green eyes gave Reece a tingly feeling in her stomach. "I want you, Faith," she mumbled as her face fell into the softness between her lover's breasts.

"God, how I want you, too!" Faith whined, guiding Reece's face higher so their lips could touch.

Reece lost herself in the kiss. Her tongue took on a mind of its own as it delved into every crevice of Faith's mouth. Her lips were out of control, catching her lover's questing tongue and holding it tight, sucking on it until Faith cried out, thrusting her hips erratically up into her stomach. "Then show me," she breathed into Faith's mouth.

"Huh?" Faith grunted, completely lost in the feeling of Reece's mouth devouring her own.

"How much you want me... Show me." Reece stepped back and unwrapped Faith's legs from her body.

Faith sat up, foggy and confused. Reece looked delicious standing there in her new short hair, panting.
Show her?
Faith gazed into her lover's blue eyes and saw uncertainty, but she also read the love, trust and burning need shining like a beacon.
She wants me to take control?
The actress jumped off of the high desk, and squatted down before the tall trembling woman. She rubbed her cheek against Reece's thigh and stuck her tongue out for a taste. Reece jerked and gasped, her hands suddenly buried in blonde hair. Faith smiled and inhaled. "You've been wet for a long time, Reece. I can smell it."

The club owner nodded and steeled herself as Faith's tongue traveled to her inner thigh.

"Mmmmm, it smells so good," the actress groaned, tugging on the elastic of Reece's underwear, baring her lower abdomen. "Oh yeah, look at how your belly twitches," she rested her palm on the club owners abs. "You do want me, don't you?"

Reece nodded again and swallowed hard. Faith knew how to play this game. She never let Reece feel trapped or completely submissive, yet she was completely at her mercy.
This isn't what I had in mind at all... let's see how far she can go,
she thought deviously.

Faith brought Reece's underwear down to meet her pants and started to untie her boots. She intentionally breathed in Reece's sex, driving them both crazier. "Go sit on the desk, baby."

The club owner complied and Faith took off her boots and her clothes; now Reece was sitting naked on the desk and Faith was standing before her. The actress steadied herself; she needed control if she wasn't going to throw herself on top of her lover and beg to be taken. The sight of Reece waiting for her, naked and very ready caused all of her bodily fluids to settle in her crotch.

Reece twitched in anticipation as Faith lifted her hands. She groaned loudly when, instead of touching her, they touched Faith. One moved the material aside, exposing her breasts, and the other disappeared inside her thong.

"Oh, honey, I am so hot for you, look," she presented her glistening fingers and Reece leapt forward to capture them in her mouth. Faith held her hungry lover back with a hand on her chest and, instead, painted Reece's lips with her juices.

Before the club owner had a chance to lick her lips, they were covered by Faith's. Reece suddenly took control of the kiss and held Faith by the back of her neck. The actress struggled and was surprised when strong fingers took a firm grasp of her chin.

Faith bit Reece's lip. She pushed Faith away and touched her bleeding lip. Her eyes narrowed and she growled.

"I thought you wanted me to take control, Reece?" Faith asked nervously. That gleam in her lover's eye told her the tables had just turned.

"Oh no, I said no such thing." She reached out quickly, pulled Faith between her legs and then turned her around. Reece shivered in pleasure as her nipples crushed into the lace on Faith's back. Wrapping her long arms around her lover, holding her in this position, the club owner rested her chin on Faith's shoulder. "
assumed I did, but you were sadly mistaken," she chuckled into Faith's ear and then licked it.

Reece took Faith's hands, lifted them up and put them behind her neck. She felt her own nipples get even more rigid with Faith's touch on her bare neck. She had no idea how sensitive it was until now. Shaking the urge to tell Faith to dig her nails in, Reece breathed deeply. "Keep them here," she patted Faith's hands in place and used her fingertips to tickle Faith from her wrists to her shoulders. Turning her head she whispered in the ear at her lips, "You look so hot, stretched out in front of me in that sexy outfit." Reece wrapped her ankles around Faith's legs and pulled her close. "Can you feel me on your ass?"

Faith nodded, the sensation of Reece's pubic hair tickling the top of her crack caused her to push back and wiggle.

"I'm going to make love to you now, Faith, and you're going to watch."

Reece's hot breath in her ear made Faith groan. She rearranged her hands so she could grip the back of Reece's bare neck. She thought she'd miss the feeling of her long silky hair on the back of her hands, but she didn't. She could feel the fringe of Reece's shorter hair brushing against her wrists as she bent her head down, and it felt wonderful.

"Oh, I've been looking forward to feeling you against me for so long," the club owner moaned into Faith's ear as she brought her hands down over her lover's taut body, feeling the softness of the velvet under her fingers. "I need to feel you," Reece said, resting her hands on the soft skin of Faith's hips.

"Oh, god... me too!" Faith agreed breathlessly, pushing back to meet Reece's rocking hips.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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