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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (45 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Reece snickered dangerously as she reached down and slapped Faith's inner thigh.

The actress quickly spread her legs and was pulled back forcefully, fingers swiping her juices and spreading them on the dildo. Her heart sped up and she swayed forward. A sharp slap to her right ass cheek made her cry out in surprise and she quickly repositioned herself.

Reece chuckled, then rubbed the head of the toy up and down over Faith's entrance.

"Fuck it." She instructed in a voice Faith had never heard before.

The actress pushed back until she was impaled. Her already shaky arms shook even harder as she tried to use her elbows for leverage. She heard a hiss of approval from her partner and backed up a little further. Dropping her chin to her forearms, she grabbed her own head tightly as she was filled deeper.

"Don't you know what fucking is?" she questioned with a snarl.

The Animal wrapped a hand around Faith's throat, and pulled her head back. She jammed the dildo home and let out a triumphant "Hah!" when the actress screamed.

Faith felt as if she might faint, her heart was beating so frantically. The strong hand around her throat caused her to arch her neck, her breath to become labored. This woman had the ability to kill her if she so desired. The knowledge caused her to shudder.

But Reece would never allow herself to hurt me.

"AH!" Faith yelled as the powerful thrust was accompanied by another slap.

"Now that's fucking." The growl was followed by a deep chuckle.

Even if she wasn't herself at the moment, her lover was in there. The actress squeezed her eyes shut tightly. The fear mixed with pleasure was making it difficult to think clearly. And she needed to think.

Does she want me to talk? Can I tell her how incredibly good this feels? Should I tell her I love her?"

Faith's neck was released and without warning her knees were pulled so that she was laying on her stomach, legs spread. She cried out from the exquisite new feelings her lover was producing in her. Two strong hands groped their way up from her ass to her shoulders, then slid up her outstretched arms. The tall woman laid her body down on top of Faith's back and breathed heavily in her ear.

"Talk to me, Faith. Tell me how good my dick feels inside you." The club owner thrust hard, leering at the way Faith's whole body moved forward with the force of each entry.

The actress was so overwhelmed she merely grunted each time her body was entered.

"Tell me how much you want to come for me." She licked the back of Faith's neck.

"So bad..for you..." The actress managed to sputter.

The Animal pulled Faith's hands over her head and turned onto her side. She held the two hands in one, pressing them behind her own neck. Fingers immediately gripped on, tangled in the long dark tresses.

"Don't move them." The tall woman ordered Faith nodded absently, arching into the long body behind her. Groaning, she pushed her ass back, begging for more.

Reece stopped thrusting and lay there panting, her chest heaving with every breath. She bit an earlobe and sucked it into her mouth, stopping when Faith's moaning became too distracting.

"You like this, don't you." she groaned and rolled her hips.

"So much..." The actress stammered, knowing Reece wanted to hear her. She wiggled her body in an attempt to feel the hard nipples rub into her shoulders.

"I know you do." She pulled back slowly and pushed in hard. A groan rumbed inside her chest when she felt the slick skin of Faith's ass sliding on her lower belly. Fingers dug into the back of the club owner's neck and Faith nodded with a whine. She tried to press herself back tighter.

"You've been thinking about this..." The tall woman paused to hiss with the feeling on her neck. "...since I told you what I did to those girls."

"God yes." Faith nodded, the breath was hot and moist in her ear. She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut again. She shivered as a strong hand reappeared around her throat, one long finger hooked over her bottom lip and into her mouth.

"You crave me." she growled, and thrust in short quick motions.

"Desperately." Faith groaned, and rooted her hips for proof.

The tall woman shuddered and grunted as those lips moved against her finger. She could feel Faith's heart pounding through her own body. It invigorated her. She tightened her hand around Faith's throat and pulled the actress's head, stretching her neck, arching it back so they were cheek to cheek.

Faith felt like her body was on fire, the heat of her lover's skin was intense.

Reece wrenched a knee between Faith's and propped up her leg. She felt Faith swallow against her hand, and grinned. The actress's leg was high off the bed, draped over her long one. She was wide open and ready. The tall woman snaked her free hand where their sexes met and soaked it with Faith's wetness. She felt the fingers that were digging into the back of her neck twitch. She rubbed her wet fingers into her own heated center and moaned loudly.

Faith was whimpering almost continuously by now, knowing that her lover was so hot, that she had made her so hot that she was touching herself. Faith rocked back and forth, trying to soothe her need. Her hands clenching in Reece's hair to the rhythm she wanted between her legs.

The club owner stopped stroking herself and wrapped her wet fingers around Faith's dangling ankle, lifting it even higher, spreading her open further. She drew her hips back while pushing Faith's forward.

"GOD!" The actress rasped.

The Animal was fucking her. Hard and fast, their bodies slapping into one another's loudly. She wanted to scream encouragement, but the hand around her throat prevented it. All she emitted was a strangled moan.

The tall woman heard the sound and released Faith's neck, needing to hear what she was doing to her. Craving the words that would stroke her ego.

"How do I feel, Faith?" she twisted her hips.

"Deep..." The actress groaned. "So good..."

"Yes, so good." The tall woman agreed with a groan.

"Oh..oh.oh..oh.." Faith accented each exhale with a groan.

"I'm gonna come inside you...yeah..." Her voice was rough and shaky.

The force became exhausting to the actress, her body was being thrown forward harder with each thrust. But it didn't stop, and she was speechless to do anything about it. She was past the point of ecstasy, the pleasure was unbearable and she so badly needed to come. The frantic pace at which the dark woman was entering her had her at the very brink of pain.

"Too.. much..." she grunted hoarsely.

Unfortunately the woman behind her didn't hear as she growled loudly at the same time. She jerked and twitched then stilled, expelling a gust of air with what Faith figured was a much needed orgasm.

Maybe now she took a little edge off.
She hoped. Without any time to recover, the actress found herself on her knees being fucked again, but this time with less intensity and more attention. She groaned and met the tall woman's thrusts.
God, now I know where that nickname came from,
she thought.

The tall woman gained momentum and picked up speed. Reece was grunting erratically into Faith's ear, apparently on her way to another climax.

"Let go of my neck." she ordered.

"Can I touch you?" Faith panted.

"No. Give me those."

The actress rested on her right cheek on the damp sheet. Her hands were brought to her own ass.

"Spread your cheeks."

Faith did what she was told and moaned deeply. It felt wonderful to be wide open like that.

"I wanna see my cock fuck you." Reece groaned. Watching as she slid in and out, she reached between her own legs to wet her hand. She smeared her juices on Faith's asshole.

"Oh god.." Faith whimpered.

"I have a thing for your ass too." she smiled wickedly as the opening puckered.

Reece slowed her thrusts, rotating her pelvis each time she filled her lover, reveling in the sensation of her clit grinding into the harness. She spent a long time teasing the entrance, watching it twitch... slipping the errant fingertip around the opening. Hearing the breathless groans, she tested the waters, she slid the tip of her thumb inside.

Faith bucked up and captured the whole digit, yelling out as it slid all the way in.

The Animal roared and her nostrils flared. She gripped Faith's hair and watched intently as she fucked her furiously, a strong orgasm building steam.

"Ah...oh...yes!" Faith was groaning incoherently, digging her nails into her own flesh. She was at that place where her climax had been denied too long. She was on overload, searching frantically for release.

But not The Animal. She was ready and pumped fast and furious. Growling and grunting, she slammed her body into Faith's.

"I wish you could see yourself. Wide open, being ass fucked and pussy fucked." The tall woman shuddered hard at her own words. "Fucked by The love it.."

Faith simply whimpered into the mattress, far beyond words.

"So hot..."

Faith bit her lip when the hand holding her hair twisted and pulled.

Reece shouted wordlessly, and entered her lover so hard the smaller woman's body fell down on the bed with the force. She stayed buried inside as she ground her groin and her thumb blindly. She arched back with a long moan, and then rolled away.

Faith wanted to cry. She was so frustrated, so hot for this woman, yet she couldn't come.

Kneeling at Faith's side, the club owner leaned over. Dark wet hair covered the actress's face as the tall woman engulfed her mouth with her own. Biting and sucking everything her mouth could devour.

Faith reached around Reece's neck and pulled her close. A strong hand cupped her soaking sex and squeezed. She begged to come for The Animal.


"You want to come so bad." Reece growled into Faith's mouth, then covered her lips again and quickly filled her with long fingers. Her clit twitched violently as she swallowed Faith's screams. Reece arched her back and shuddered when the actress gripped her wrist and forced contact to her clit.

"Oh it.. " Faith whined. She stared first at the smug sneer and then into the glowing blue eyes of The Animal. An incredible wave of heat engulfed her from her center and spread out to every nerve ending. She cried out with relief.

Reece's eyes narrowed to slits as she watched her lover thrash around on the bed, riding her hand.

"Come." she whispered.

Faith sobbed from the intense waves of pleasure that washed over her. Her peak was long and slow. She came quietly, exhausted and drained.

The Animal slinked back a bit as blue eyes gazed at the woman she loved in such a state. Reece suddenly felt a twinge of guilt, but green eyes popped open and showed the depth of her pleasure.

Faith took the hand from between her legs and sucked the fingers clean. She kissed each one in a show of thanks and smiled sensuously when she spotted her lover's abdomen twitch.

"May I?" She asked, her eyes flicking from the sticky pubic hair to the half closed blue eyes.

Reece tried to answer but was interrupted by the throbbing in her sex as she watched Faith unhook the harness and begin licking the dildo. She grabbed her lover's hand and thrust it between her legs.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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