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Authors: Boston George

Redrum (14 page)

BOOK: Redrum
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Kendu stood out in the hallway with his back still placed up against the wall. When he heard multiple shots ring out in the apartment, he immediately knew that whoever was inside was armed. As soon as the gunfire paused, he charged inside the apartment. The first person he saw was Pete, who was making a dash for the kitchen. He quickly sent two shots to his back, dropping him in his tracks.
Next, he turned his gun on Sky, who was still frozen like a deer caught up in some headlights. One shot to the head quickly put him to sleep forever.
Maxwell sprung from around the corner, sending reckless shots all over the place, forcing Kendu to take cover behind a nearby wall. Maxwell stood in front of the kitchen, letting off, until he ran out of bullets.
Once Amazon heard Maxwell run out of bullets, he immediately came from out of his hiding spot, and slowly walked towards the kitchen.
“I ain't got nothing to do with this shit,” Maxwell said, trying to cop a plea. “I just came here to pick up my money from Sky.”
Amazon gave the man a disgusted looked before blowing his brains all over the wall. “Come, we outta here,” he said, and him and Kendu exited the apartment, leaving another unsolved murder for the cops to try and figure out.
Perry pulled into his garage and quickly shut the door behind him. He slid out the driver's seat and reached in the backseat, removed his mechanic suit, then put it on over his regular clothes.
He sighed loudly as he walked to the back of his car towards the trunk. The battle he was fighting within himself was taking a toll on his body. He had an urge to kill, and a taste for blood. He thought that, once he found a real woman, his thirst for blood would die, but he was wrong.
Inside his trunk lay a young lady he had kidnapped outside of his club. The young lady was doubled over between two cars throwing up when he crept up on her from behind.
He popped open the trunk, and immediately the woman tried to scream, but all that could be heard was a muffled noise, since her mouth was heavily taped.
“Nobody can hear you.” Perry smiled as he grabbed the young lady and tossed her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes.
He carried her throughout the house until he reached the basement door. “Home, sweet home.” He chuckled as he opened up the door and headed down the steps.
Once down in the basement, he placed the young woman in a chair and quickly tied her up so she couldn't escape. The first thing he did was snatch the tape off of her mouth, along with any hair she had on her upper lip.
Instantly the woman threw up, obviously still feeling the effects from the alcohol she had consumed earlier.
“Where am I?” the woman asked, a long string of saliva hanging from her chin. “Where the fuck am I?”
“You're home,” he said with a smile, removing a bag of tools from the closet.
“My friends are going to come looking for me,” the woman said, trying to scare the man who had captured her.
“So let them come,” Perry said seriously. He slipped his hands inside the latex gloves that the doctors use.
“What are you about to do?” the woman asked in a nervous tone. She threw up again.
“Dont worry. This won't hurt a bit.” Perry turned around with two wire hangers that he had bent into the shape of a knife.
“Please don't,” the woman said, endless tears on her face. “Why are you doing this?”
Perry ignored the woman as he roughly spread open her legs, taping the hangers both to the legs on the chair. That way she couldn't close her legs even if she wanted to.
He slowly rolled up her skirt then snatched the woman's thong off of her like the fabric was made out of tissue.
“I have money,” the woman pleaded. “Just name your price and it's yours.”
“Keep your money, sweetheart.” Perry smiled as he roughly jabbed the wire coat hangers deep inside the woman's vagina, causing her to howl at the top of her lungs.
Back at the club Diamond sat inside Perry's office counting up the money they had made from the bar so far. She heard somebody knocking on the door and quickly placed the money inside the drawer. “Come in.”
Cory stepped inside the office with a smile on his face. He was the one who ran the place whenever Perry wasn't there.
“What you smiling for?” Diamond started smiling herself.
“We cleaning up tonight,” Cory said, talking about how much money the club had already made and the night wasn't even halfway over. “I need the key to the storage room 'cause we running out of liquor.”
“I don't have the key,” Diamond told him.
“Well then, who got it?”
“Perry has all the keys.” Diamond pulled out her cell phone and dialed Perry's number. She listened as his phone rang out then went to voice mail. “He not answering.” She redialed his number, only to get the same result. “He's not answering.”
“So what we suppose to do?” Cory said, looking nervous.
“Fuck it. Gimme your car keys,” Diamond said as she stood up from behind the desk.
He tossed her his keys. “What you about to do?”
“I got a copy of all the keys at the house in case of emergencies,” she said as she headed out the office. “Which car is it again?” she yelled over her shoulder.
“The green Honda Civic,” Cory yelled back as he made his way back downstairs.
Diamond hopped in Cory's car and searched through his CDs. “Yes.” She found Alicia Keys' CD. She quickly popped it in and pulled out of the club's parking lot and headed home.
As Diamond drove, she wondered why Perry wasn't answering his phone. “He probably fell asleep,” she said to herself.
She continued to sing along with Alicia Keys until she finally pulled up into the driveway. “I knew he was in here 'sleep,” she said out loud, seeing the top of Perry's car in the garage.
Knowing she had to hurry up and get back to the club, Diamond quickly hopped out of the car and headed inside the crib. She made a beeline for the bedroom so she could surprise her man. Diamond stood in the doorway with a confused look on her face when she saw that the bedroom was empty. Where was Perry?
“Babbbbbyyyy!” she yelled as she headed back downstairs.
Perry circled the helpless woman in the chair like a shark that smelled blood. The woman begged him with her eyes to please stop, but he ignored her look as he backhanded her so hard, the chair almost tipped over.
Abroad smile spread across his face as he removed a sharp butcher's knife. He got down on both knees and began to saw away at the woman's pinky toe. The sight of all the blood had turned him on.
Just as he was about to move on to the next toe, he heard his front door slam. “What the fuck!” he mumbled. He shot to his feet and listened closely to make sure he wasn't hearing things.
Seconds later he heard the stairs squeak as somebody was going upstairs. “Fuck!” He quickly snatched off his gloves and tossed them on the floor. Then he slid out of his mechanic suit. As soon as he got the suit off, he heard Diamond calling him.
Fuck is this bitch doing here?
He hurried up the steps.
Perry made it upstairs and quickly shut and locked the basement door behind him. He turned around, and Diamond was staring dead at him.
“Oh! Hey, baby. What are you doing here?” Perry asked in a shaky voice.
“I had to come and get the spare key for the storage room in the club. I called you like five times, but you didn't answer the phone,” Diamond said, looking at Perry suspiciously. “What was you doing down in the basement?” she said, her hands on her hips.
“The damn basement got flooded again,” he lied.
“You must think I'm a damn fool,” Diamond said, walking up to him. “You got another woman down there, don't you?”
“Huh?” Perry said, caught off guard. “Baby, you know I would never cheat on you.”
“Oh yeah?” Diamond looked him up and down. “Then let me go down there and see for myself.”
She reached for the knob on the basement's door, but Perry quickly grabbed her wrist with force. “I said the basement is flooded!” he said through clenched teeth.
“Take your fuckin' hands off me.” Diamond snatched her arm away. She knew Perry was hiding a woman in the basement. She turned and slapped him across the face. “Have that bitch out of here before I get back!” she said, her finger pointed in his face.
All Perry could do was rub his face as he watched Diamond storm out the house and slam the door. He waited until he heard her pull out the driveway before he peeked through the window to make sure she had really left.
Once the coast was clear he headed back down to the basement. He had to clean up this mess before Diamond got back home. He quickly grabbed the sharp knife and stabbed the woman repeatedly until he was sure she was dead. He then took the knife and carved the young woman's face up, like he did all his victims.
Diamond drove down the street like a madwoman. She couldn't believe Perry had the nerve to bring another woman into their home. She was starting to believe that all men were the same. At times like these, she missed her husband.
“You know what,” she said to herself. “I think I'ma swing by the house, since I ain't too far from there.”
She dropped off the keys then headed to her old house.
Ten minutes later Diamond pulled up to her old house and saw a strange car just pull into the driveway. Just then she saw a beautiful woman with the body of a stripper emerge from the car and walk up to the front door.
“This nigga told me he would never let another woman into our home,” Diamond said to herself as she continued to look on. She watched as Kendu answered the door and let the woman inside. “Oh, hell naw!” she said out loud. She hopped out her car and headed towards the front door.
Kendu sat in the crib sipping on some coconut Ciroc, and Drake's album played in the background as he waited for Crystal to arrive. When he had finally made it home, it was 11:30
, so he only had thirty minutes to change out of his bloody clothes and take a shower. Rocking some Sean John sweatpants, a wife-beater, and some house slippers, on one wrist he wore a nice expensive-looking watch, and on the other a diamond-studded bracelet. He was bobbing his head to the music when he heard a knock at the door. He flicked his wrist and looked at his watch, which read 12:13
He opened the door and smiled when he saw Crystal standing on the other side looking sexy as usual. “Thanks for coming,” he said, stepping to the side so Crystal could enter.
“Thanks for inviting me.” Crystal looked around at Kendu's living room. “You was making it seem like you lived in a cardboard box or something.”
“This is a cardboard box compared to your crib.” Kendu smiled as he opened his arms for a hug. As he hugged Crystal, he made sure to look down at her ass that she couldn't hide even if she wanted to.
Crystal looked at Kendu's glass. “What you sipping on?”
“Ciroc. You want in?”
“You already know how we do,” Crystal said, referring to how drunk they got at the lounge that night.
“Make yourself at home.” Kendu headed to the kitchen to make Crystal a drink.
As he returned to the living room, he heard someone knocking on the door like the police.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“What the fuck!” Kendu said out loud as he handed Crystal her drink.
He grabbed his .45 from under the couch cushion and headed to the door.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
BOOK: Redrum
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