Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) (65 page)

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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Jaxon stayed where she was, waiting for him.

“I want you in my lap,” he said

The way he was watching her
, drove Jaxon crazy. If he wanted her to tap dance, she’d do it. Climbing up, she positioned herself above his throbbing erection.

“Now?” she asked.

“Yes, take all of me.”

She didn't hesitate. In fact, she eagerly slid down, encasing him.

Tony’s body shook. This was amazing. It was like Christmas morning, and he’d discovered a new present. This control and power was intoxicating.

“May I offer you pleasure?” she purred in his ear.

He almost wanted to laugh. “Yes,” he hissed. One taste of this side of Jaxon, and he could never go back. Now, he’d want to immerse himself in this feeling forever.

It was all she needed.

Holding onto his shoulders, Jaxon began her ride. At first she was moving fast, offering them both pleasure.

“Slow down,” he ordered and again to his shock, she

Jaxon began moving much slower, burying his body in hers over and over again. With each stroke, he moved
further into her life. He was what she needed, and they both were now fully aware.

In bed, she could be wild and free, but sometimes, she liked to feel safe. With Tony, she did.

“Faster,” he stated, enthralled that she was doing as he directed. It turned him on, since this was new for him. Never before had there been a woman who would want to put his pleasure first as she shared everything with him.

As she bounced in his lap, her heart became free. In his eyes, there was peace and pleasure, and it ebbed from him, right into her.

“Stop!” he ordered.

She did exactly as he asked, even though she wanted desperately to continue. Her breath was labored, her eyes filled with lust, and her heart was pounding. She was about to beg for more.

“Off my lap, Jaxon.”

When she obeyed, he nearly lost it. Oh, he’d die to keep her in his life. The most elemental part of him was now unlocked. “Over the arm of the couch.”

He pushed his luck, unsure if she’d comply. When she did without hesitation, he nearly lost his mind.

wanted him more than anything in her life. Staring back at him, she saw the most handsome, sexiest man in the world. When he began stripping, she couldn’t help but admire his, strong body. There was something so erotic about her older man.

She swallowed as the word played through her mind.


Moving closer, Tony couldn’t wait to bury himself back in her body. Taking her like this felt so primitive and wild, that it made his pulse thump. As he positioned himself, ready to make the slide, his big hands slid down her ribs and to her hips.

Jaxon shuddered.

Tony couldn’t
believe his fortune.

As he pushed into her, she moaned his name. Tony nearly lost it right there. It took him a second to
regain his composure.

“Please,” she whispered.

Slowly, he began
the primitive dance of claiming the woman he loved. When he slid almost free of her body, she made a whimpering sound. It made his blood surge, and he got harder, if that was possible. Thrusting into her, he watched her react with more shivers sliding down her skin.

His little minx was making him crazy.

“Please, Tony. I need you,” she begged.

He gave her want she wanted. Picking up the pace, he began thrusting deeply into her body as his hands held her in place. The moans and sounds of pleasure were almost too much. When she glanced over her shoulder, Jaxon’s eyes said it all.

She needed this, and him.

Her heart thundered. Never before had she felt like this. Tony understood. He got her. Always, she felt out of place in a man’s bed, needing so much more. She needed the experience of an older man who knew his way around her body.

Someone secure.



She needed Tony Magnus.

As he continued to batter her body deliciously, she found herself on the edge. Just as she was about to rupture apart, Jaxon heard his voice.

“Wait for me!”

It was an order and despite her desire to fall, she was compelled to obey.

She struggled to stay in control, even as his body deliciously broke down her defenses. She was seconds from exploding.

Tony wanted to see if she’d truly listen. When she did, it pushed him to the edge. With a shout, he signaled his fall, giving her permission to join him.

Jaxon took the leap,
tumbling into the beautiful decent of pleasure. Never had it been so good.

Only Tony gave her that.

He was the missing piece to her life.

As he rested his body over hers, his lips were so very close to her ear. “You’re my minx,” he whispered. “I can’t live without you.”

Her heart filled.

Jaxon knew the truth.

She couldn’t live without him either.



























~ Chapter Eighteen ~




Strolling into the morgue, everyone was hard at work. They were getting everything ready for
the bosses to arrive. Since Doctor Legend had already begun, Elizabeth took a spot and listened to him dictating his findings to a tech.

Once he realized they were there,
they had his full attention. Soon, the questions would be flying.


“COD is definitely strangulation. Her hyoid is broken and under the lights in here, I can see slight bruising around her neck. I can tell you that she was likely dead before he began his slashing.”

“Okay, our
perp is losing it but is still using the same method of killing.”

“Yes, Director.
Unfortunately, I don’t have much more to give you. She was fully dressed, undergarments were intact, so I’m willing to bet that there wasn’t sexual assault.”

“Yeah, we’re thinking our perp can’t get it up, so that fits. He’s more into the rage and God,” she offered.

Blackhawk made his notes. They would likely be revisiting them later. Eventually, the threads would come together, and they’d have their man.

He hoped.

“Where’s Merry?” she asked, looking around.

She popped her head in from the room where they were locking up their evidence. “I’m here, ma’am,” she offered, entering the room.

“I know we only gave you an hour, but what do you have so far?” she asked, hoping it was something.

“I can tell you that the killer left tracks. With his shoe prints, they
’re a man’s size twelve.”

“Okay, so he’s getting sloppy.”

Ethan corrected her. “It’s more than likely that he was lost in the killing haze and didn't realize he was leaving a trail. He’s so far over the edge right now, that logic isn't going to be his strong suit.”

“Uh, it wasn’t before,” stated Callen.

Elizabeth agreed. “He’s a few nuts short of a box of Cracker Jacks.”

That had the tech team snickering.

“What else did you find?” Elizabeth asked.

Meredith continued, “We managed to track him all the way back to where his car was likely parked. Other than the footprints, he didn't really leave us anything

Truth be told, that was more than enough. It w
as one more piece of the puzzle and would help them get closer to finding the killer. They now had his shoe size.

“Did we get him on any cameras?” Ethan asked.

“Yeah, we did as a matter of fact. Nothing clear, showing his face, but we now know he drives a white Toyota Camry. We tracked it pulling out of the business parking lot and through town. We lost it over on Fillmore Avenue.”

t’s amazing work team and only in an hour. I can’t wait to see what you find by tomorrow.”

Blackhawk knew what their agents were going to be working on next. “We want you to run all the suspects on our list. Find me their cars, and if they ever owned a white

They nodded.

“We’re going back out. For now, we have to head to the church and torment some religions folks,” added Elizabeth. “I can’t wait.”

“Uh, are you going to charm them like you did the Natives?” asked Callen.

She laughed, slapping him on the ass as they exited the room. “Darlin’, you know I’m an equal opportunity offender.”

Yeah, they were both aware.

“That’s what we’re worried about.”





At the church, they waited until the funeral was over. They stood back, watching some eighty year old man being lowered into his final resting place. His much younger wife sat weeping on a fold out chair.

“Anyone want to bet he was loaded?” Elizabeth whispered to the men in her life.

Neither man was taking that bet.

In their line of work, they’d seen this scenario all the time. It would be all fun and games until the man’s children contested that will. They weren’t far away from the widow, and their faces told the tale.

The fun had yet to begin.

As the group disbursed, the three Feds approached Father Dowell. He was wearing his robes and still carried a somber face from the graveside service.

“Excuse me, Father,” stated Elizabeth. “I know you’re busy, but can you round up your people and meet us inside?” she asked.

“Is it important? We’re just about ready to head to Mr. Wilcrantz’s home to celebrate his life in a wake.”

Elizabeth’s patients were wearing thin. “Yes, or I wouldn’t be here. We need to see you, Dustin Sims, and your faithful groundskeeper, Miles Copeland
, as soon as possible.”

“I don’t get the urgency.”

She pulled up her phone and out of irritation showed him the second of their two pictures. It was of the woman eviscerated and missing her eyes.

He swallowed sickly. “I see.”

“Goodie, because let me tell you, she doesn’t anymore. So, we can sit here and talk roast beef and about the life of some eighty year old man, or we can discuss the next victim and how the bloody hell your church is connected.”

The man looked startled by her tone. Before he could say anything, she chimed back in, “Get used to it. I’m done jacking around here. You have five minutes to convene inside. We can meet in your office, the foyer, or hell, the altar for all I care.”

He hurried off in a huff.

“Way to charm God’s chosen
,” Ethan said. It was good to see the old predictable Lyzee had returned. The Godly possessed one freaked them all out.

She snorted. “Yeah, I’m going to hell. I have my own box seat ready and waiting
, I’m sure.”

Blackhawk grinned. “I can’t wait to see this go down. I’m betting Gabe gets a report by Monday morning.”

Callen held out a twenty. “I say Sunday before the church bells chime.”

“You’re on.”

She rolled her eyes. If Elizabeth had her way, it would be by tonight, right after she rolled out of the church. She wanted to know what the hell was going on in Devil’s Lake, and why it seemed to be centered in this building.

Someone was spilling their guts,
or she was ready to get really mean.

The game was over.




Inside, they waited for her in the foyer. The three men sat on the stairs leading to a balcony
, which overlooked the main section of the church.

“I have to protest,” stated Miles Copeland. “I have a grave to cover and a cemetery to put back
in order again.”

She ignored him. “I bet you love your job, Mr. Copeland.” Elizabeth wished she had some background information on h
im, but for now, she’d wing it.

“I do.”

“I also bet you know every nook and cranny to this place. I mean, you cut the grass, care for the sign out front, and manage the cemetery, right?”

“Yes, I do, why?”

“What’s your favorite part?”

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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