Red Wolfe (12 page)

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Authors: B.L. Herndon

BOOK: Red Wolfe
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Suddenly, she snapped awake
, almost falling from the chair in a surprised jolt. Someone was pounding at the door and growing more impatient by the second. Throwing open the door, Ellena had expected to see Gregor, but was greeted by a very different and expected guest.

“Good evening
.” The jolly woman in a bright blue dress swept past Ellena and entered the room. “I brought you some herbs that will help with your cough.”

Ellena was delightfu
lly intrigued. “I’m sorry to stare,” she stuttered as the older woman caught her astonished expression. “I have just never seen anyone but Gregor and Lord Wolfe here.”

“Oh, I just returned this afternoon,” she beamed. “Been gone on a long trip.”

“Well, I’m—”

“Gregor told me all about you.
Here drink this.”

“Is this
his family’s secret concoction?” Ellena asked, hesitantly taking the cup.

“It’ll ha
ve you up and about in no time.”

Ellena sniffed the drink. “It doesn’t smell that awful,” she whispered.

The woman picked up the tray and set off to take her leave, but before reaching the door she paused. “You must be someone very special. I haven’t heard Lord Wolfe play that piano in years.”























                       Chapter Nine


Whatever she drank seemed to do the trick. Only a few minutes after downing the green liquid, her throat relaxed and the throbbing pain quickly drifted away, but now she had new unexpected complication to tackle.

Someone special?

Ellena found it hard to believe that she was
someone special, especially to Lord Wolfe, but it was a seemingly innocent comment that bothered her to no end. The mere possibility that it could be true sent her heart oddly fluttering. Of course she had despised the man for some time. He had been rude, insufferable, and just plain cruel, but something about him had changed. She had seen glimpses of it, a pure thoughtful soul who, for some reason, was perhaps hiding a tender heart?

Gregor finally came along with the arrival of dinner time, bringing with him another cup of his green remedy.

“I’m feeling much better,” she reported “Maybe I could join Lord Wolfe for dinner? I’m horribly lonely cooped up in this room.”

“I’m afraid Lord Wolfe has canceled dinner.”

“Canceled it?”

“He said he was not hungry and saw no point in preparing a grand meal. Are you feeling hungry?”

“A little,” she admitted. “I think my appetite is back.”

“I will have Lady
Louisa bring you something.”

“That is the woman who came by earlier?”

, she has worked here for many years, an old spinster who never married.”

“Where has she been this whole time?” Ellena asked.

“All that matters is that she has returned. Louisa will be your lady in waiting while you are here. If you need anything just let her know.”

“Something about her is strangely familiar,” Ellena whispered. “I feel as if we’ve met before.”

“Where in the world would you have met her?”

“Where, indeed,” Ellena answered with a furrowed brow. “But I know we’ve met before, I just know it.”

Sadly, Ellena saw no more of her wolf, at least not that day. After Gregor left she poised herself by the window hoping to see the majestic creature once again, but as darkness enveloped everything her wolf still remained out of sight, but he was close by. Ellena could feel it. She also couldn’t shake the feeling that she had met
Louisa before now. It was a memory that was remaining well hidden and it was driving her insane.

The sun was setting when
a loud thump sounded. At first, she did not move, but simply watched the shadows dart along the bottom of her door. Whatever it was it was not Gregor. She wasn’t sure if it was even human. Creeping closer she carefully grasped the handle. Her plan had been to simply crack the door open and peek outside, but the moment the lock unclicked and she turned the knob she was knocked to the ground, covered in a wave of furry feet and wet snouts. She squealed in delight as cold, wet noses met her skin, sniffing along her face and hair. They were two hunting dogs.

They smelt of pine needles and wet earth. It was a delightful scent and Ellena laughed as one
wound itself around her legs while the other made a daring leap onto the bed. It was all fun and jolly until one began tearing at the pillows. Feathers exploded as Ellena grabbed the pillow to try and pry it away, but the sound of fabric ripping sent her sprawling onto the floor. A jumble of French words broke through Ellena’s cries and both dogs suddenly ceased their torment. A gentle hand appeared, offering her help. It was

“I apologize for my brutes, but
they can easily get excited.”

It did not escape her attention that he helped her
to stand.

“I actually love dogs,” she replied. “What are their names?”

“Roma and Rimi.”

“How adorable,” she laughed. “I’m afraid they’ve destroyed your pillows.”

“I suppose I deserve it for destroying your— what did you call it? Cellphone?” he awkwardly said the word in the most amusing fashion that made her smile. “I will have it replaced. For now please accept this.” He handed her a book.

“What is this?” she asked.

“You wanted to learn piano, did you not? Allow me to teach you.”

“Really?” her grin grew wider.

“If you are feeling well enough would you like to start now?”

“I would

“Then shall we be off?”

“Oh wait, Louisa is bringing me dinner.”

“Then our lesson will commence right after.”

As if on cue, Louisa appeared and she seemed quite tickled to find Lord Wolfe there. A bright twinkle shone in her eyes.

“For you,
.” She placed the tray of food down and left, but not before giving them a look, a look that for some reason made Ellena blush before she quickly set to work on her meal.  She sat down by the fireplace and sipped on her wine as Lord Wolfe stood guard by the door.

“You may sit down, if you like.”

“It is not appropriate for a man to be in a young woman’s sleeping chamber,” he said. “Unless it is her husband.”

The dogs we
re intently watching her by the door also, hoping to get any crumbs that fell from her plate. She looked at
Wolfe, noticing that he too seemed to be stiff and rigid, but she was fairly sure it was not because he wanted some of her food. Was he nervous?

“How come I’
ve never seen your dogs before?”

“They are kept in a different part of the house since they tend to make trouble.

called them over, sweeping down to kiss one on the head. They were identical, both tall, lean scraggly haired things bred to endure cold weather. “You can let them run freely. They won’t bother me,” she softly said.

“If that is what you wish.”

Roma and Rimi skipped after them as they walked toward the music room, taking their place by
Wolfe’s feet as the lord sat at the piano. Ellena joined him and he opened the lid. Despite his temper, he was a good teacher. Beginning from the basic middle C and teaching her the fundamental scales. Ellena was hesitant at first, but he was patient and encouraging as she fumbled through her first lesson.

It was strange being so close to him, but the small wooden bench offered little other option and if Ellena was completely honest with herself,
it was not an unpleasant sensation. Her stomach twisted into knots as his lovely scent filled her nose, a mixture of pine and soap.

His finger
s gracefully moved across the ivory keys as he carefully explained each one. Even his hands, looked different she noticed. They were rougher now. What was once smooth, milky skin was now callous and covered in light scars. She wanted to ask about his subtle changes, not only concerning his appearance but also his attitude, only she could not find the right words.

“You have a lot of raw talent,” he said, jolting Ellena from her thoughts.

“And you are a liar,” she smiled. “That was awful and we both know it.”

“You will get better. If I recall correctly my first music lesson did not go very well either.”

“How old were you?”

“I was four w
hen mother began my lessons. I hated them then,” he chuckled. “But I am very grateful for those lessons now.”

The way he said those last words caused her
to tremble. His molten, blue eyes were watching her, waiting for a reply, but she found her tongue unable, or unwilling, to respond. His eyes had once been a harsh, cold sapphire, devoid of any emotion, but now…

His breath was warm as it brushed against her cheek
and then he was moving closer. His lips were nearly touching hers when she suddenly found herself staring at the hem of her skirt.

“Are you hurt?” Lord Wolfe
abruptly asked.

She had fallen from the bench onto the cold ground, the skirt of her dress coming up and o
ver her head. He helped her up and both were visibly embarrassed. If she didn’t know better, Ellena would have sworn his face had turned slightly red. She, too, felt the blood rush to her cheeks. It was so awkward and horribly funny that she couldn’t stop it, the burst of laughter that began caused her partner to begin chuckling along with her.

“Thank you, Lord Wolfe.”

“John,” he softly replied. “Call me John.”

“John,” she hesitantly said. “Since my lesson is over, maybe you could tell me of my prince?”

“Your prince?”

“Oh, yes. I’ve deemed him so. I’m sure he would be very flattered to know the interest I’ve taken in him.”

“I suppose I should uphold my end of the bargain.” They began to slowly walk from the music room and wander about in the candlelit hallways. “Where does this story in your book end?”

The young woman ran off to elope with the other prince.”

“Ah, yes. Well, the kind prince was so devastated by his lover’s rejection that he shunned himself away, far away in the depths of his mansion that was isolated deep in the forest. He would see no one, not his servants, his friends, not even his own mother.”

“How sad.”

“It gets even sadder,” he
teased. “Wanting to ease his pain he fled from his home one night, seeking help from the one person who could possibly stop his suffering.”

“Who?” Ellena excitedly asked as they arrived at her chamber door.

“I’m afraid we’ve reached the end for tonight,” he wickedly said.

“You mean that’s it?” Ellena was outraged. “That’s all you’re going to tell me?”

“Yes,” he seemed very amused. “For now.”

“Why?” she impatiently pleaded.

“It’s part of my evil plan to keep you here longer.”

“Keep me? I recall you saying that you didn’t like to keep women.”

“That was true,” he laughed.

stopped before asking the question that had weighed heavy on her thoughts for some time. “Why are you acting so differently?” she softly inquired.

“I’m not quite sure myself,” he answered. “
Possibly magic?”             





















                            Chapter Ten                                                       


“Checkmate!” Ellena proclaimed for the second time in a row that morning. It was early the next day and the two were passing time in the John’s study, enjoying a rousing game of chess. Apparently, the great lord was much better at piano than board games. Ellena had beaten him twice in a row and he was baring the consequences of her victories.

Women are always unbearable when they win,” John grumbled.


It felt so strange, but at the same time refreshing
referring to him in such an intimate way.  

“Well, you certainly spent more time practicing music than you did your chess skills,” she taunted.

“And how did you become such a master of the game?”

My grandfather loved it and he taught me well at a young age.”

“And can you now best him?”

“By the time I was fourteen, but in the last year of his life I began to throw the games. It always brought him such joy to play, but I think he had caught on that I was letting him win.”

“It must be nice to have those memories of him. All I knew of my grandparents were stories and tales. They
all died from illness, as did my father, when I was very small.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Ellena whispered.

Tea time in the drawing room brought another surprise in the way of a new stranger. Sir Philip was his name and he too seemed to have just returned from a long trip. He was a sprit, cheerful man, long and lanky but full of mirth. He was balding, but he did his best to hide the fact by swooping what little gray hair he had left over his shiny head. He was dressed similarly to Gregor in bright blue tights and a long black man’s dress. He delivered their tea and then bowed before running off.

“Are you fond of horses?” John suddenly asked and Ellena knew he was trying to deflect her curiosity from
the mysterious man. She would allow it—for now.

“I have never ridden, but I would like to try it one day.”

“Then that one day is now. I will go and prepare the horses for an afternoon stroll.”

“You have horses?” she excitedly asked.

“Well, of course. Doesn’t every lord?”

Using horses to distract her from asking probi
ng questions was a dirty trick, but it was a trick that she could not resist. He swept from the room to prepare their horses and Ellena waited, finishing her drink.

Everything had changed
. The whole house had transformed from a stony, lonely place to a warm home full of people and life. The mansion had changed along with its master.

A cough gained her attention. John
had finally returned and with gifts. He looked quite handsome in his riding boots and long coat. Gray gloves covered his hands and his red cape fell across his back.

“They are ready,” he said, holding up her hood and coat. She stood and he helped her bu
ndle up. As she moved to tie the hood in place her hand touched his and she jerked away. Having him so close, feeling the warmth of his body, it was sensation she was not accustomed to. Her parents had shown little affection not only to each other, but also to her. It was a feeling she craved, but at the same time, frightened her.

A blue glove was sudd
enly slipped onto her left hand and not by her own doing. Was it her imagination or were his fingers shaking as he tugged the velvet material across her hand? Before he could put the other glove on, she gently took it.

“I’ve got it,” she softly whispered. “Thank you.”

She could barely look at him as he turned and began to head for the door. He was silent as they headed deeper into the halls. Her eyes watched the blood crimson of her hood mingle with her white dress as her feet marched forward.

He led her through an unfamiliar part of the great estate, the east wing Ellena recalled him saying. Everything here was far more elaborate. Grand golden capers with extravagant red trimming hung from the walls as long
emerald rugs ran down the halls. Even the golden candle holders lined along the walls seem to shimmer just a little more brightly than others she had seen.

They past a grand portrait and Ellena stopped to stare. It was the first one depicting something other than servant faces. Instead it was a pastoral scene of some prodigious castle, covered in snow and surrounded by rolling hills and lush pines.

“This is lovely,” she said, causing John to halt. He came to join her as she admired the painting.

“You think so?”

“It reminds me of this mansion.”

“I suppose it does bear a striking resemblance.”

“I love snow,” Ellena cheerfully said. “But back home it rarely ever fell.”

“What’s so lovable about snow?” he retorted. “I’ve never enjoyed the stuff, makes it hard for hunting.”

“Maybe that’s why I like it,” she lightheartedly replied.

“Do you also like starving to death?” he shot back and Ellena laughed with such mirth that it brought a grin to his face. “You are insufferable.”

“Me? You’re the most insufferable man I’ve ever met.”

“I would hope that I have become more agreeable,” he gently said.

“You have,” she turned to face him. “You have become much more agreeable.”

“Would you like for me to have this moved to your room?” he pointed to the painting.

“Don’t be silly. I’ll simply come here to admire it.”

They began once again toward the stables.

“Is your room in this wing?”

,” he pointed down a hallway as they passed. “Down that passageway.”

Ellena slowed down to gape down the dark path, but to her dismay she could not see anything. Forcing herself to tear away from the mysterious corridor, she caught back up with John. Their stroll was pleasant as they walked, chatting idly about the weather and different kinds of horses. She had once been to a farm when she was very small where she
had seen a white pony, but that was the closest she had ever come to one.

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