Read Red Light Specialists Online

Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

Red Light Specialists (6 page)

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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Bianca forgot the eyes of the harem watched her. She forgot everything but the sting of her wet pussy, the throbbing of her clit, the need to be fucked. Pushing her hands higher, she explored around the sides of his thighs, feeling around to his ass. To her pleasure, she found him naked beneath the loincloth.

It was too much. She needed to be touched. His hands didn’t move from his sides, even as she silently willed them to. Leaning in, she breathed deeply, taking in the intimate smell of his sex.

Bianca wasn’t sure how it happened, but she actually felt more cream building, making her so slick that each movement of her hips was like a deep caress. Her eyes flickered upward, meeting his dark, piercing gaze. She wanted more, but something made her pause.

Permission. She was waiting for his permission. The realization stunned her and she fought the urge to obey him. Bianca had never been one to wait for a man’s permission. The need was too great. Her hands trembled and she could feel her mind close to breaking the invisible barrier the A-mac created that kept her back.

Blasted A-mac!

Chapter Two


Ahmet watched the woman before him, completely stunned at her daring. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to stop her as she touched him. She stayed on her knees before him. Cool hands ran over his ass, squeezing, prying his cheeks apart slightly as she kneaded them, giving him a hint that she would do more as her fingers slipped intimately close to delving into his cleft.

Her breasts rose and fell beneath the thin red gauze of her clothing and he smelled the heady fragrance between her thighs. He just knew her cream was preparing her cunt for his enjoyment. She was ready, in heat. She wanted to be fucked. Just knowing she wanted him as badly as he wanted her did something to him.

His cock rose, thick and strong. He wanted to thrust it between her lush parted lips, fucking her enchanting mouth. Feeling the eyes of the harem on him, he glanced around. Everyone was staring. He didn’t care and was pleased that the woman before him was so bold as to touch him in public without him first telling her to.

“Eyes down!” Ahmet ordered.

Instantly, everyone looked to the ground—all but the insolent
kneeling before him. She looked up at him, her green eyes wide. With a very naughty smile, she licked her lips for his carnal pleasure.

Ahmet was breathing hard but didn’t care. He couldn’t remember being as excited as he was at this moment. Meeting her gaze, he understood what she wanted to do to him.


Bianca looked up at the prince, shivering at the bold look he gave her. Slowly, he reached for his waist and pulled at the loincloth only to drop it onto the floor. His dark brows arched slightly.

Was that a challenge?

Unable to help herself, Bianca looked at his glorious cock. It was huge, a virtual weapon of impalement. Veins drew along the sides from the blunted mushroom tip. His hands were at his sides. He didn’t move. Her hands were on his ass, kneading him. She couldn’t stop.

Bianca glanced back up. Surely he didn’t mean for her to suck his cock right here in the hall. But didn’t she start it? Wasn’t she the one who tried to seduce him to get out of the lashing?

Suck his giant cock or get whipped. It wasn’t a hard choice. Her mouth watered.

Ahmet nodded, gesturing down his body. His eyes were hot, burning pits of fire. She saw the dark color change and shift in them, flecking with purple slivers. When she didn’t move, he gestured again. It was all the permission she needed.

Why the hell not?

It wasn’t like Bianca was staying in the Kingdom of…wherever she was. It wasn’t like anyone would care or know that she’d given a sexy-gorgeous prince head in a hall full of people. She wanted to suck him, was excited to do so. Maybe if she pleased him, he’d take her back to his room. The idea had merit and she was more than willing to try.

Knowing everyone was there just turned Bianca on more. She liked knowing they were right there, unable to look up. According to her uploads, if they disobeyed his verbal command, they’d be killed.

The gauze of her pants adhered to her skin, stuck by the creamy juices of her needy pussy. What she wouldn’t give to have someone sucking her nipples—giving the tight buds just a fraction of relief. Blazes, right now she was so horny she’d let Prince Ahmet fuck her in front of everyone—just so long as he stuck his giant cock inside her.

Ahmet flexed his stomach ever so slightly, forcing his hips forward. Bianca knew that the subtle gesture was rare for a prince. He wasn’t allowed to go to her because of some consequence her mind had yet to release to her. It excited her to know he couldn’t wait, that in a small way he was defying his own laws in his need for her. Feeling very powerful with this new turn of events, she leaned forward and licked the tip. His hips jerked in reflex and she saw the smallest bead of pre-come dampening the small slit in his cock head.

Who was the submissive now?

Ahmet smelled good and tasted even better. His skin glistened with the sheen of perfumed oil. Bianca licked him again, sucking the tip of his shaft between her lips. The salty taste of his semen burst against her tongue as she licked the small hole clean. Toying with the end, she bit gently. His ass clenched beneath her hands and he shoved himself deep into her throat, nearly bruising her with his girth as he tried to dig deep. Knowing there was no way she’d fit him all in her mouth, she drew her hands forward, letting her fingernails scrape his flesh as she did so.

He kept his hands at his sides, not moving to touch her, but they did tremble and his fingers flexed as if he wanted to grab her head. Gripping the base of his cock, she began to stroke, sucking him as she worked her mouth up and down. She rolled his balls in her palms, squeezing them lightly. Only his hips worked as he thrust back and forth between her lips. Small, primal noise escaped him. When she glanced up his firm body, she saw his head was back. His mouth was open as he gasped for air. It was too much. She sucked harder, wanting to taste him, wanting him to come in her mouth so she could drink him down.

Ahmet tensed, squirting a long, hot jet of seed down her throat. He tasted sweet and she instantly swallowed him down. To her surprise, he kept thrusting and coming in a strong stream. A moan escaped her. She kept sucking, drinking furiously as she milked him dry.

When he finally finished, she dropped back onto her haunches, breathing hard. She felt strange, euphoric. Ahmet didn’t move. A rainbow appeared over the marble hall. Bianca gasped, blinking as she stared at it. Her limbs felt heavy. She couldn’t move.

“Livena, dress me,” Prince Ahmet ordered. His voice was hoarse.

Bianca felt more than saw the woman move. Livena reached for the loincloth. Bianca growled at the woman, lurching forward to grab the material. Livena gasped. The action had been pure impulse. Unable to stop her hands, Bianca dressed the prince herself. All she knew was that she didn’t want anyone else touching him.

When she’d finished, Bianca felt a hand on her arm, pulling her up. She looked at Ahmet. He didn’t touch her. It was the guards who hauled her to her feet.

The prince gave her a strange look. Then, turning from her, he walked from the hall.

“The ceremony starts tonight!” the prince announced. The hall gasped in unison. His body dissolved into mist and he floated quickly away.

Bianca stiffened. As he drew away, the euphoria lessened. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Livena. The woman was glaring at her. The guards hauled her forward, following close behind the prince. She wondered if they were going to punish her.

“Look, up there,” she heard someone whisper as the prince disappeared through the doorway.



“It’s an omen.”

Bianca didn’t pay attention to the women. How could she? The guards were dragging her away. Only the look on Livena’s enraged face assured her that she wasn’t to be beaten. Now, if the woman had been smiling, she’d have been terrified.

“Where are we going?” Bianca asked the guards.

“Prince Ahmet wishes for you in his chambers,” the one on the right answered.

“How…how do you know?” she asked.

“He ordered us,” the guard on the left answered.

“But…how? He didn’t say anything.” Bianca, strangely eager to join the prince in his room, began to walk on her own. The guards just chuckled and didn’t answer her question.

She barely noticed the plain stone walls as she was led past them. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she was brought to two large doors. One guard let go of her arm and opened the door. The other led her inside. She expected to see the prince. He wasn’t there.

The room had a bath set up on a high pedestal. Three male servants dressed in loincloths awaited her. Their heads were shaved along the sides but long on top. The guard forced her to climb up the platform and let her go. The three slender men instantly began to undress her. Before she could so much as gasp, she was standing naked.

“Mm, beautiful,” one said. The others instantly agreed.

She stepped into the warm water at their insistence, assuming they meant to leave her alone to bathe. But, as she heard splashing behind her, she tensed. She turned to see the three servants walking toward her, naked. The guard merely watched from the side.

“I can do it,” Bianca said.

The servants merely smiled.

She turned to the watching guard, easily seeing his hard cock. He stared at her breasts.

“Do you mind? All of you, out. I’d like some privacy.” Bianca tried to draw away from them, crossing to the opposite side of the bath. She put her hands on her hips, not at all embarrassed by her nudity. How could she be? She’d been walking around the palace in nothing but gauze anyway.

“The servants must make sure you are properly cleaned,” the watching guard answered, “and I must make sure the servants remain at a proper distance. They are not to give you release.”

Bianca balked, standing near the edge of the bathing pool as the servants finally reached her. The men cleaned her, rubbing their hands over her flesh, stroking her with their fingers as they soaped up her skin. She tried not to enjoy it, tried really hard, but the more they pressed, the more she was reminded of how long she’d been without sex.

Suddenly, she cursed Ahmet for leaving her like he did. She’d pleased him, sucking him dry, and he couldn’t even return the favor! All she got was a bunch of servants who were forbidden from letting her find release. The one time she started to reach for her own clit, they restrained her hands.

They ran their hands over her sensitive breasts, tweaking and pinching her nipples. She moaned in pleasure. Each time they neared her clit, she tried to rub against them, but they refused to stroke her. By the time they’d finished, they all had stiff erections. Her mind said they would do—
cock would do so long as it filled her and rode her good. But, just thinking of it, her pussy didn’t seem to ache so much.

No, her body wanted Ahmet. It was his giant cock she wanted to pry her open, his body she wanted pounding into her. It was his seed she wanted spilled, his hands on her breasts, his mouth kissing her. Sexual energy charged the air. She was a bundle of nerves.

“He will be pleased,” the guard said.

“Yes, very pleased,” a servant agreed. They backed away from her, all of them staring at her naked, flushed skin.

Bianca looked at them, confused.

“Her energy is great,” the guard continued.

Bianca snorted. She didn’t know about energy, but if she didn’t find release soon, she’d go mad. And the first ass she was going to kick in her newfound insanity was Prince Ahmet’s.

* * *

Bianca was pissed when the three servants left her unfulfilled. They stoked the damned fire, the least they could do was put out the flames. Instead, they handed her a towel, brushed her hair, rubbed her with oil and dressed her, sending her on her merry way. She ached with sexual frustration and it took all her energy to keep upright as she walked between the guards. They led her to a bedchamber, pushing her inside before shutting the door.

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

Bianca turned to the large bed in the middle of the room. She didn’t answer. Prince Ahmet lay on the mattress, watching her through seductively narrowed eyes. He was naked and apparently completely comfortable with the fact. Though, with his tightly muscled body and thick cock, there was definitely no reason for him to be ashamed. His legs were crossed leisurely at the ankles, his erection thick and ready for her, standing tall between his thighs.

The prince sat up, looking concerned. “You did not enjoy my gift,

“Gift?” Bianca frowned. Was this guy crazy? “What gift?”

“The bathers,” the prince said, frowning. “Did they not bathe you? Touch you?”

“Oh, I see.” Bianca stepped toward the bed. She placed her hands on her hips. The thick material of the towel was soft against her skin and it didn’t help her sexual frustration that she was naked beneath it. Scowling, she glared at the prince. “So you think getting felt up by three guys and then being denied any sort of release is a gift?”

No wonder the women run away from you.

“I don’t understand. You have no wish to be touched?” Prince Ahmet really did look confused. He crawled forward on the bed.

Bianca shivered. He truly was a handsome man. She did wish to be touched, but not by the men in the bath. She wanted to be touched by him.

The prince smiled. “Ah, I understand. Come, you may release me now. Then you will feel better.”

Bianca stared at him. She really, really wanted to take him up on his offer, but something inside her held back. She looked at his cock, remembering the feel of it in her mouth, the taste of it when he came. It took all her resolve, but she managed, “Ah, no thanks. I’m good.”

The prince frowned. “I said you could release me.”

“And I said no.” Bianca moved, her legs aching, her pussy throbbing with need. She walked around the chamber, looking around at the draped silks and intricate carvings. Then, seeing a window, she looked at the bright, mountainous landscape. The room was high on a mountain, overlooking a lush valley filled with trees. Two yellow suns shone down from the purple-tinted sky, one on each side of a larger moon. The trees were almost red, surrounded by large green flowers with burgundy stems. She wasn’t one for flowers, but they were beautiful. The breeze cooled her wet hair, making her shiver. “Lovely view you have here.”

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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