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Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Adult

Reckless Abandon (7 page)

BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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Chapter 10



The fucking kink in my neck was killing me. I had my own holding cell, if you want to call it that. It was just a room with a stained concrete floor, stale air, and a bucket to piss in. It’s just my lucky fucking day. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate, but I was fucking starving. I didn’t want to sleep, but I kept nodding off. I sat in the corner of the room, with my head leaned against the wall. I zeroed in on a hole in the wall that was flawlessly round. Abruptly the door to my room opened, causing it to slam against the wall behind it and leaving a dent in the dry wall. I guess that’s where that hole came from, no one knew how to fucking open a door properly.

“Get up,” Hunter’s wifey yelled at me.

“The fuck?” I refused her.

“I said up, now. Let’s fucking go.” She popped her hands on her hourglass shaped hips.

My eyes scanned her pin-up figure body. Her red hair wasn’t my preferred color, but it fit her. She had huge tits, a tiny waist that was already painted with a tight-ass sheer tank with a black bra underneath. Those thick hips were encased in tight black leather leggings and some fucking hot stiletto heels. I’ll give it to Hunter, his wife was fucking hot.

“What are you smiling at? Let’s go, Romeo.”

“I’m smiling at the fact that Hunter has a wife.”

“And what would be so funny about that, huh?” She tapped the toe of her heel on the floor as her hair swung back over her shoulder.

“When he was after my girl, he was married. Fuckin’ figures.” I saw her eyes flash with hurt for a second before she quickly regained her composure.

“Speaking of your girl, Jax has a surprise for you.” I walked towards the doorway, and then abruptly came to a halt, causing Eva to crash into my back. She sucked her teeth in frustration.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with you two?”

“Yes, I do mind you asking. Some stories are better left unsaid, now move.” She shoved me through the doorway.


Eva led me back to the clubhouse, the main dance area where I saw Nicole performing a mere two days ago. It was packed wall to wall with cuts. The liquor flowed, mirrors full of coke were being passed around, and naked women flocked the floor. Eva sat me in a booth along with Hunter and Derrick. She left us guarded by two big fuckers with their occupied gun holsters, ready to throw down.

I nodded over to the guys.

“The fuck is going on?” Derrick whispered as we all leaned on the table.

“The fuck if I know.” Hunter put his cuffed wrists onto the table to join ours. Isn’t this just fucking cute?

“Someone should be coming for us soon.” I looked straight ahead to keep a look out.

“Well, how soon is soon? Shit, we’ve been here for what, two days? I’m going fucking crazy sitting in that room.” Derrick sounded anxious and stressed. A windowless room probably wasn’t the best situation for a guy who has PTSD.

“Relax, D.” I leveled my hand and motioned it down, parallel to the table top.

“Jax talk to you at all? You see Nicole?” Hunter sounded anxious as his eyes scanned the room.

“Yeah, he “talked” to me alright. That mother fucker.” I recalled the vision of Nicole on her knees before him. My teeth clenched.

“Nicole?” Derrick asked with an intense look in his eye.

My eyes peered at Derrick. I was still pissed at him for giving her E at the club that one night. But I had a fucking right. He had fucked with her in the past. I’m pretty sure some shit went down between them, and I didn’t fucking like it. But I got him in this mess, and I’m a man of my word so I will get him out.

“I’ll worry about Nicole. I saw her and she was fine. I want to know what the fuck we are doing out here. I don’t fucking like it.” I laced my fingers together, and then the spotlights illuminated the stage. There were a flock of girls filing out onto the stage in a single file line, holding large feathered fans that nearly covered their entire bodies. Doing a synchronized dance, they revealed themselves; each wore a different styled panty. Thong, briefs, bikini, shorts, G-string, you name it- they wore it. After their little show and dance, they all huddled together with their clustered fans fluttering as the lights dimmed down. The spotlight above projected down on what they were about to reveal. All at once the girls moved away, exposing Nicole.

The breath that I was holding in my lungs left me. Fuckin’-A, she was beautiful. Realization hit me that every pair of eyes in this place was on my Old Lady, and she was wearing close to nothing. My jaw clenched along with my fists. She stood sideways with her hip popped. My eyes trailed up her lean legs, pausing at where her garter belt connected to the top of her stockings. Her smooth skin shimmered under the lights. Her hair and makeup were done perfectly, but her eyes were scanning the room in a panic. Then they found me and I saw the fear in them.

The music started and Nic closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. Jax was doing just what he said he was going to do. Make her the club’s entertainment, and his own. Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” flooded through the clubhouse. Fucking typical, and fucking convenient that Nicole was sporting those cherry red colors. 

“Easy.” Hunter leaned over to me. He noticed I was starting to stand up in the booth. Remembering where I was, I sat back down. I did all that I could do, which was to watch Nicole perform. She was stiff and hesitant at first. I saw her look to the side of the stage, directly at Jax who stood with his arms crossed and a shit-eating grin on his smug face. The men of the Devil’s MC were hooting and hollering for her to give them what they wanted, a show. Her round hips rolled, and their catcalls were almost deafening. They all wanted her, over my goddamn dead body. Each one of those fuckers was going to die. Nicole stared straight at Jax as her demeanor switched gears- she was going to give him what he wanted. I bit down on my clenched fist that I had resting at my mouth.

A single steel chair was placed on stage. Nicole grabbed ahold of the back of the chair, and the entire room caught sight of her gorgeous ass. A heavily tattooed man leaned up on stage and slapped her ass. Swiftly she spun on her heel with her hand raised, but Jax caught her attention. She looked back down at the man who had just placed his fuckin’ hands on her, placed her heel on his shoulder and seductively but roughly pushed him back down to his seat. I wish that heel went right through that cunt licker’s flesh. Going for the chair again, she spun the back of the chair to face the crowd. Biting her lip, she straddled the seat. Christ. Nicole was wearing crotchless panties. Her pussy was on display for each and every single set of eyes in here. The room erupted in a satisfied roar. Nic’s eyes were on me, pleading for me to stay calm. But that wasn’t fucking happening. Derrick and Hunter each placed a cuffed hand on my shoulder as I stood, knocking the table out from the booth. The fuck I was going to sit through this shit.

Jax followed Nicole’s line of vision and his face broke out into a smile. This is what he wanted. Stepping out on the stage, Nicole stood up from the chair and stepped away from him. Jax grabbed the back of the chair, spun it around and sat down. He patted his goddamn lap. Nicole froze. Halfway getting out of the seat, he grabbed her waist and his club brothers went fucking crazy. His left hand splayed across her stomach as she stood between his legs, facing forward. Her head dropped for a brief second. I could see his lips moving, mouthing, “dance” to her as his right hand slapped her ass. Nicole’s jaw clenched and she slowly started her routine back up. She placed her hands on the tops of his thighs; dropped her ass, and then brought it back up, pressed into Jax’s crotch.

“I’m going to fuckin’ kill him!” I charged the tabletop again, knocking it over this time. The two men guarding our table pulled their pieces on me.  The barrels of their guns pointed to either side of my temples. The music cut in the club and Nicole froze, demanding Jax to tell his men to back down.

“It looks like Moretti wants a better view, bring him closer!” Jax yelled out.

“You heard him.” They grabbed me by the crook of my elbows and dragged me up to the stage. Front and center.  Derrick and Hunter joined me as well. Great, let’s all get a close up of this fucked up situation.  Jax snapped his fingers to cue the music. Nicole was stiff as a board, until Jax grabbed her around the waist again, and pulled her to his front.


I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. Jax was humiliating me, and killing Jeremy at the same time. Now my lady business is on display for this whole damn club. I could feel the blush of my embarrassment spread across my chest and face. Thank God, the spotlights on the ceiling rafters drowned everyone in the crowd out. My eyes squinted as I felt the sweat bead down my neck and between my breasts. I felt Jax’s arm snake around my waist, and he pulled me backwards toward him. The exposed flesh on my ass felt the warmth of his chest through the exposed part of his thin shirt from underneath his cut. His fingertips glided up along the sides of my thighs. I could feel his calloused hands over the hosiery on my legs. It made me shudder when I felt him flick my garter belt, and it snap up against my thigh as he unfastened my front right hose. Moving further up, I held my breath, knowing where his destination was. As Jax’s fingertips trailed up to my pussy, he paused. I peeked down to see his hands weren’t even on me anymore, and Jax had a sickened expression on his face.
What the fuck?

“You!” Jax yelled, pushing me away as he stood, and pointed to my guys. They all looked just as confused as I was.

“Fucking cut the music and put the fucking lights on!” Jax roared, and before he even finished his sentence, his wishes were granted.

“Who the fuck are you?” Jax yelled as he put one hand on the stage, hopped down onto the main floor and got right in Hunter’s face. Hunter’s instincts kicked in and he bumped his chest against Jax’s and shoved him away.

“Stop it!” I pleaded.

Jeremy and Derrick were there to back Hunter up.

“Don’t worry about who the fuck I am,” Hunter spat at him.

What in God’s name was this about?

“I want him in my office now,” Jax commanded, and just like that, Hunter was plucked from the crowd and was gone. Jeremy looked up at me, and I started to go to him. Fuck this shit. He made it to the edge of the stage as I knelt down. My fingertips skimmed the stubble on his cheek before my hand was suddenly snatched away by Jax.

“And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The rage in his eyes was something I hadn’t seen before, and it scared the shit out of me.

“Just let them go!”

“No!” Jeremy snarled as Jax basically palmed my lower face and shoved me backwards to fall onto my ass. My knees squeezed together as I tried to cover my out and about lady business, but Jax grabbed both of my wrists, hauled me up and over to one of his men.

“Put her away. I need to take care of some business.” Jax motioned me away and his attention focused on Hunter. The last glimpse I had before I was dragged off the stage was Jeremy and Derrick going face to face with Devil’s MC members.


Chapter 11


“Wait here.” An MC member pressed me down into a seat in front of a large wooden table. This room was where the Devil’s MC held Church. Jax had some serious balls taking me here. What the fuck did he want with me? Just as I finished my train of thought, the main doors opened and Jax entered with a manila envelope in hand.

“The fuck do you want?” I rolled my shoulder back, and cocked my head back. It was the basic alpha male stance. Motherfucker wants to go? Then let’s fucking go.

“Shut the fuck up.” Jax slammed the door shut and took his seat at the head of the table. The only lighting in the room were spotlights on the table. Jax sat in the fading darkness.

“Mother fucker, you brought me here. What the fuck for?”  I clenched my fists on the table in front of me. My veins grew thicker every time my hands opened and closed. Without a word, he opened the folder that was sitting in front of him. He tossed an 8x10 photograph of Eva in front of me. I stopped the sliding picture and spun it to face me. There was her beautiful face staring right back at me. The photograph was in black and white. She sat in front of a café drinking coffee and reading on her tablet. She looked innocent, happy even. The only thing I didn’t like about the photograph was that she had no idea she was being watched.

“How do you know her?”

“I don’t.” I turned the photograph back around and slid it back towards him.

“Maybe you didn’t get a good look.” Jax palmed the picture and put it back in my face, “I’ll ask again, how the fuck to do you know Eva?”

“I said-” Jax cut me off.

“Stop fucking lying!” he shouted.

“She’s your old lady, shouldn’t you be asking her?”

“Oh I plan on it.” His dirty smirk made my stomach turn.

“What’s your beef with me? You have no concern when it comes to me.”

“My family is my concern.”

“And what does that have to do with me? Sounds like a personal problem. Like I said, talk to your woman.” Those words tasted like shit.

Jax re-opened the folder on the tabletop. He picked up a smaller-sized photograph.

“You don’t want to know how I know you’re lying?” He angled his eyebrow.


“I’m good.” I rolled my seat backwards and stood up. Just as I was about to beat my fist on the door, I heard the picture flick over towards my end of the table. It was eating at me to see the picture. Peering over my shoulder, I saw the picture lying face down. I rotated my body toward the table, and plucked the picture up.

“You take a look at that picture and then re-think your answer to my earlier question.” Jax talked with a Black & Mild cigar hanging on his lips. The spark from his lighter lit his face.

My eyes scanned the picture in my hand. My heart stopped. This has got to be a fucking joke. I placed the picture back on the table and pounded on the door. Devils greeted me and took me back to my holding room. I tried to process what I had just seen. I couldn’t wait for Eva’s next visit; she had a lot of explaining to do.


I pulled up to our house and went inside knowing that Roxy just put baby Gio to bed.

“Babe?” I called out to her. I tossed my keys onto the coffee table and toed off my riding boots.

“Yeah?” She walked into the front room wearing a short black cotton robe while she braided her long hair. Roxy paused and gave me a quick kiss. I rewarded her with a swat on the ass.

“You hear from Nic at all?”

“Mmm, no I haven’t, why? What did Jeremy do now?” That made me laugh.

“Nothing that I know of, yet. Nicole, Jer, and Hunter are M.I.A.”

“Maybe they’re busy in a ménage a trios,” Rox snickered as she pushed the front of her body to mine. Her arms came around my neck, and a small sigh escaped her lips. I enjoyed being able to wrap myself around her. Before, her expanding belly stood in my way.

“Nice, babe. It’s been too quiet at the clubhouse. After church, the three of them seemed to up and disappear. Cell phones are off. Thinking we should be starting to worry.” Roxy’s small hands drifted down my shoulders and found their way under my cut. She ran her fingertips over my chest. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I inhaled her sweet scent. “Rox,” I groaned as I palmed her ass.

“Mmm hmm?” Her innocent eyes fluttered open as she bit down on her bottom lip.

“You make it hard to focus, you know that?” I exhaled out through my nostrils.

“Because you have this between your legs?” Rox wrapped her hand around my hardening dick.
Goddamn, I love this woman.

“Fuck.” I gripped the back of her neck and slammed my mouth down on hers. Someone needs to teach her a lesson on not making someone lose his train of thought.

“Fuck me now, Chase!” Roxy groaned into my open mouth.

I gripped her thick braid, twisted it into my fist and pulled back. Rox’s chin rose as a gasp fell from her lips, music to my fucking ears.

“We will worry about them later,” I grumbled and whisked her off to bed.

The next morning


“Moretti, I think we need to move fast. No one has heard from either of them. And Roxy hasn’t heard anything from Nicole. Which is fucking uncommon- so something is up.” I rested my forearms against the large oak table.

“Where were the boys last? We need to piece together a timeline.”

“The last place was when we held church the other night. We were planning how we were going to get Nic.” I trailed off as I just realized what I said.

“Fuck.” Moretti let out a groan.

“Shit, you think he went for her by himself?” All the members around the table honed in on the conversation.

“Yeah, I think he went for her, but not alone. My son is smarter than that. Unfortunately, he’s fucking dumb enough to go without his club. If he’s alive when we get there, I’m killing him.” Moretti slammed his fist down, the vibrations made their way to my now clenched fist.

“Let’s get eyes up there. We ride out tonight, see what shit storm we are about to get in.” I ordered two of our best Prospects, Wyatt and Eli, to take the ride up to Sand Point. The boys nodded, accepting their ride out.

“We will see what the report is when the boys get up there.” The small wooden hammer slammed down on the block and Moretti dismissed church.  I kicked back my seat quickly, and hiked up my lowered jeans. It was just Moretti and I left in the room.


“Yeah, Prez?” I smoothed my hand over the short beard I was growing out.

“I know you understand how important this is to me. This is my blood. This is my family, and your family too. I know I was hard on you all those years, but you know I was doing it to protect my baby girl. I don’t need to say how much I fucking love my kids, because you already know. Chase, you’re like another son to me.  Since your father passed, I promised him I would keep you alive, and that you’d always be in our family. Not just the MC family. You do a damn good job, son. Make me fuckin’ proud and get Jeremy out alive so that he can finally make a honest man of himself.” He slapped his hand over my shoulder.

“Prez-” I tried to cut in. Fucking hearing about my Pops brought up too many fucking emotions.

“How is my daughter?”

“As good as she can be.”

“Good, now keep it that way. We will talk when we hear from the Prospects.”

“Got it.” I headed outside for my bike and rode home to see my woman. Keeping this from her will be near damn impossible.


After I had been returned to my room, I scrubbed my face raw and took a long, hot shower. I wanted to wash the shame from my body. Every time I closed my eyelids, I saw Jeremy’s face, and the look that he had. The look of pure rage when he saw what Jax had dressed me in tonight. I had been humiliated and exposed. I slanted my head downward and wrapped my arms around myself. I couldn’t tell you how long I was in there, but fucked up things came across my mind.



“Nic, if you don’t stop, I sure as fuck won’t be able to.”


“I don’t want you to stop, ever.”


Those words were music to my fucking ears. I lowered my hands from her hair and palmed her waist. My fingers felt her warm skin through her tight leggings. I couldn’t wait to get them off of her. I looked down to her heart shaped face and my eyes darted to her mouth. Her teeth worried her bottom lip.


“Then I won’t.” Nicole gripped my leather cut and pulled me back down to her. My hands immediately slid to her sexy ass and pulled her against me. Our mouths collided. She was as hungry for me as I was for her. I was eager and she was willing, so I took my moment of opportunity. That night when I found her on the bathroom floor shot through my mind. Her limp body
in a heap. I had no time to react, no time to think, just do. So, I breathed life back into her body. I kissed her frantically.


“Jer,” Nicole mumbled my name. I didn’t realize the grip I had on her had tightened. I paused. Her eyes were round and glossy. They searched mine for an answer. An answer as to why I was attacking her mouth. I rested my forehead against hers.


“I...” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. Fuckin’ pussy. Nicole didn’t speak, she just did. Taking my hands into hers, she led me down to the sandy beach by the lake. It was more like small pebbles than the smooth sand that you would find on the coasts. She paused in a clear spot and turned to look back at me. The wind left my chest. The look on her face was one I’d make sure to remember for the rest of my life.


Her hands came to the sides of my cut; she tugged it down over my arms and gently laid it on the sand.


“Babe,” I started after her, a man’s cut wasn’t meant to lay on the fuckin’ ground.


“Believe me, it will be worth it. I’m pretty sure that piece of leather hasn’t had a naked ass on it.” She giggled when stripping her top off.


“Well, when you put it like that.” I toed off my riding boots and my jeans pooled at my feet. I peered over at Nic. Her tight little ass looked hella good. She bent at the waist to take her black leggings off. The noise that left my throat had her giggling again. And
, I loved the sound of her laugh.


When we were both down to our underwear, we stood bare chest to bare chest. Nicole’s petite hard nipples pressed into my skin. I sat her down on my cut and got down on my knees in front of her. My fingers hooked behind her knees and drew her towards me. The backs of her thighs clashed against the tops of my bent legs. Nicole grasped for the waistband on my briefs as I reached for her panties.


“Slow down, Jeremy,” her small hand came to the center of my chest, “I’m not going anywhere.”


“You better not be!” I grunted as I slowed my pace. Easier said than done.


Silent, Nicole laid herself down and reached for me. Leaning over her small frame, I leaned on my right forearm as my left hand pulled down my briefs. I half expected to feel her tense underneath me when my dick hit her thigh, but her hips rose upward.


“Anxious?” I teased her as I tugged her panties off.


“Like you haven’t been dreaming about this happening for the past umpteen years! I’ve waited long enough,” she said a matter-of-factly. She put her cheek next to mine as her tongue darted out to my ear lobe. Instant gratification.


“Damn, girl. Hold on a minute.” I sat back, grabbed the pant leg of my jeans, and took my wallet out for a condom. Tearing it open, I sheathed my now impatient dick, and positioned myself between Nicole’s creamy thighs.


I settled my forearms on either side of her head as her hands trailed up my bare back, and over my shoulders to cup my biceps. The heat that radiated between us kept us warm in the cool summer night. I was ready to spit into the palm of my hand, until the head of my dick grazed her wet folds. She was practically dripping wet, for me. Only me. Perfect.


In one slow motion, I took her. I felt her tense as her muscles stretched around me. Her warmth was a feeling I’d never forget. As soon as I felt Nicole’s body relax, the tension in her thighs eased up, causing me to sink further into her wet pussy. The heels of her feet pushed on my ass to bring me all the way into her.  I greatly accepted what she gave me. It was all mine: her virginity, her cunt, and her body.


Easing my way in and out of her, I heard her small voice.






“I’m not going to break. If you’re going to take my v-card then do it right.” I pulled out and put all my weight onto her as I thrust my way deep inside her.


BOOK: Reckless Abandon
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