Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)
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“Way to change the subject. Well, I’ve done a slow oven baked minted lamb shank, with steamed vegetables and garlic and herb new potatoes. I hope you like lamb?"

"Off course, I’m a man you know."

"Well! I’ve worked hard on it, so you better eat it all, you don't want to offend me now do you?" I wink, while placing the food down and cracking open the martini. I bloody need one. We sit and get stuck right in and I have to pat myself on the back for this, it’s delicious.

"Mmm this is good Miss Shaw; I love how it just falls of the bone, just the way I like it. So, not only are you beautiful, amazing, smart and funny, but also you can cook. I have to say, you’re turning out to be the perfect woman." I just chocked on my food with a laugh, as I’m embarrassed with the compliment, I never do well with compliments.



After dessert, we head in to the lounge to watch a film. He brought the original, clash of the titans, a very old film. He says it’s his all time favourite and he’s making me watch it. It’s crap in my eyes.

"So, is this revenge for giving your guards hell?"

"Yep." This is just too weird; he’s probably thinking this is far too childish or something, wish I could read minds. "So, Danni! Instead of holding this off, shall we talk? As much as I’m enjoying relaxing with you, you did say we would talk about us?" Damn it, I’d thought he’d forget, how do I go by this?

"Oh ok, what do you want to know?" I sigh,

"You know what Danni! Is it just me, or is there something here between me and you? Because I set of all the vibes and I’d like to think you do, but then you close yourself off and hold back and push me away. I’ve been nothing but understanding and you know that, but it’s so frustrating. When I’m with you, my brain gets scrambled and all I see is you, the strongest feelings over power me and I don’t want to part from you and when I’m not with you, it drives me insane and I can’t seem to shake you off. I also feel that you have the same connection. Or is it all in my head?" He grabs my hand and is holding it like its life or death, he’s starring deep into my eyes and they don’t part. My heart is melting, I’m afraid to say out loud the truth.

"No! It’s not in your head." I sigh and put my head down in defeat. He comes closer and uses the tip of his index finger and middle finger and places them under my chin to lift my head up so I am facing him.

"Than what is it? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Of, course not! You’re great, you know you’re perfect and... and I just find it hard letting people in. Don’t forget, the last person I had strong feelings for turned out to be a monster and with you, there much stronger and it scares me. I don't want to be going through anything like that ever again." He grabs my face and forces our lips to collide, his kiss it’s intense. I try and fight it, but I’m to taking in by him. I finally give in to everything that I’ve be suppressing for him, I can't fight it anymore.

"Say it Danni.” He stops for a breather and looks in to my eyes and carries on speaking. “Don’t let it all be in my head please. I promise, I’d never hurt you, I love you.” He starts to kiss me again, but this time it’s more and more intense. Through his amazing kisses he keeps on speaking. “Just let your guard down and say it, I can feel what you’re feeling." He’ll stop, gaze into my eyes and repeat himself, then start kissing me again. I can feel tears welling up in to my eyes, one gradually lets loose and is running down my face, I let it all out.

"I do, I do love you." I take a deep breath and finally get the courage to open my eyes and look at him. He’s smiling like a happy school boy, that’s a good sign and he stopped kissing me and grabs me to be in his embrace and holds on for dear life. Where staring at each other and he’s stroking my face with his thumb, I grab the courage to ask him.

“Shall we take this upstairs?” Both our hands entwine and he starts leading us upstairs.

I hesitate at first, as we approached the bedroom. I start to clench my hands tighter on to his. He can feel the tension, so he brushes my hair behind my ear and gives me a reassuring look to say don’t worry. My knees have gone weak; I can’t stop shaking in fear, as he places me on the bed. He leans over me, an starts giving me sweet sensational kisses and rubs his nose against mine. He kisses my cheek bone, than whispers in my ear.

"I don't know what it was about you, but since the first time we met, you had me Miss Shaw. I never believed in love at first sight, till I seen you." I glare at him, I want to say something but the words won’t come out, instead I grab his head and start massaging our lips passionately, then slightly nip is lower lip. He seemed to like that. I move to his neck, pressing my lips alongside it and start removing his shirt, his body is ribbed, which seemed to excite me more. I head from his neck, slowly to his chest. He stops me and pulls me up towards him. "You don't have to do this you know, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything and I don't expect it, you do know that?" I kiss him and tell him.

"No! I want too." I stand up over him and let my dress drop.

"Wow!" His jaw drops. He gets up, grabs me by the butt and let us both fall to the bed, he starts kissing me vigorously, then moves to my neck and slowly works down to my chest. He unclips my bra and starts caressing my breasts, he latches his mouth to my nipple and starts kissing and sucking them teasingly, its sending tingles all over my body. He slowly works down to my abdomen and hooks his fingers around my thong and pulls it down. Once he strips me of all my underwear, he starts using his index finger too play around with my clit. He is twirling it, than pushing it in, swirling it around inside of me. He stops and stands up, his fingers start unbuttoning his jeans to take them off, not once taking his eyes of mine. Throwing his jeans to the floor, he lies back on top of me, kisses the tip of my nose and says in a low voice.

"If this hurts, tell me and I’ll stop" I just nod as my head is spinning, from being in this moment with him. He pushes his penis straight in, I jerk a bit as his penetration takes hold of me, with my back arching. I grip the sheets beneath me; his thrusts are slow and gentle, as he watches me with his beautiful brown eyes. He grabs both my hands with his and places them over my head, where they stay entwined. My mouth opens and I let out a moan of pleasure, as he takes me into a euphoria that awakes every inch of my body that has been asleep for so long. I can't even think straight, I feel like I’m about to explode. Our breathing starts becoming more and more arduous. After what seems like an eternity of pleasure, we both climax together. The sweat is dripping from us and we’re both out of breath. That was amazing; he leans his head down and pecks my lips and rolls off me. He relaxes on his back, I turn on my side and rest my head on his sweated chest, his heart is racing as fast and loud as mine. He puts his arm around me and we lay there in each other’s embrace and drift off into the night.




The next morning, I don't want to wake up and get back to reality. Last night was magical; I didn't think I could be so happy.

"Good morning, beautiful!"

"Good morning."

"Do you know that you twitch your nose when you’re sleeping?"

"What! How would you know that? Were you watching me sleep? And I don't."

"Yeah! Guilty as charged, you looked so peaceful; I couldn't help it, then I fell asleep."

"What time is it? I’m supposed to be meeting Darla, around eleven."

"It’s ten, so you have an hour."

"Geez, I need to get moving." I say, but don't move, an just stretch. "Oh, I don't want to go." I say, leaning over and kissing him.

"Well, I could think of another activity we could get up to." He says, raising his eye brows, than climbing on top of me.

"Oh, what have I let myself in for?" I turn him around, so I’m cradling him, we start going at it like dogs again, but we’re getting disturbed by knocking on the door.

“Danni, Darla is here.” She says opening the door.

"Andi, no! Wait." But it’s too late, she opens the door fully and there stands Andi, Alex and Darla. I jump of Jared quickly and hide under my covers and Jared shouts,

"Erm, bad timing guys."

"Oh my god!" I hear, not sure which one said it, as I’m still under my covers in shame.

"Give me ten minutes guys and I’ll be down."

“Ok." They say, I can hear the giggles from them, oh my god the shame. My face is burning up with embarrassment. Jared lifts the covers up and joins me.

"Don't worry; it was going to happen one day.” He states that, but I can also see the embarrassment in his face too. We don’t know what to do, but both of us burst out laughing.

"Come on, we best go down! I’ve got wedding dress shopping today."

"On a Sunday?"

"Yeah! Well Darla knows the owner, so they’re opening it just for her; we also have a wedding fare to go to afterwards, at the ja roule hotel."

"Oh very nice, I’ll tell my driver to take you both in the limousine, you may as well do it in style."

"Why, that’s very nice of you Mr. Hall.”

"Well, I’m a nice guy and anything to help my girl out."

"Oh god, shut up." I hide my face in my pillow. With hearing them words, as it does not feel realistic. He pulls the pillow away from my face.

"Why hide? Don’t be embarrassed." He Pulls me towards him and brushes my hair behind my ear and with a small smile; he plants a kiss on me. Every time we kiss, I get this big breath I need to take in, as it just blows me away each time.

"Come on, let’s go." We get up and get dressed quickly to head down stairs, not looking forward to the looks we’re going to get. Walking towards the lounge, I feel as if I’m walking into my mum and dad for a good old telling off. As we walk in, Alex, Andi and Darla are just staring at us both. You should see the big grins on Darla and Andi face, Alex looks pissed off.

"So, how about next time, you wait till I answer ok." She laughs, "Right Darla, we’ve got the limousine driving us around today, courtesy of Jared.”

"Suppose, sleeping with the boss gets you perks aye?" She winks,

"Shut up will yeah, it’s not like that at all." She walks towards me, hugs me.

"Details bitch.” I nod at her, because I really can’t reply, my head is overloading on all the feelings from last night, to this morning.

“Right, see you all later, have fun.” Jared walks to me and kisses me bye.

`              "My driver will take you anywhere, alright?" I nod, kiss him back and say bye.

"So, check you out shacking up with a billionaire and not any billionaire, the top one."

"Seriously Darla, Shut up." I snap, because I’m still trying to come to grips with this being reality.

"So, come on, you’ve got to tell me how use got there, was it all romantic? You know I’m a sucker for romantic stories."

"Yes! It was so romantic." I start telling her about the night, were we said love you to each other and how amazing the sex was. "It was such a magical night." I say, drifting in to my thoughts off last night, the smell, the surroundings, every breath and every touch. "Ouch." Darla punches my arm to snap me out of it.

"Awe, that’s so sweet. You’re one lucky girl." I turn to her and nod in agreement because in this moment, I felt like I was the luckiest girl alive.

We turn up at this beautiful bridal shop, old Victorian building. Soon as we enter, I fall in love with the whole place, baby pink and white decor, pink leather sofa, fluffy white carpet and wedding dresses coming from every corner, very elegantly displayed.

"Oh Darla, you’ve got so many to pick from, how will you choose?" She doesn’t answer. She stands frozen, glaring out the shop window. "Hello, Darla, what are you looking at?” I say waving my hand in front of her face. “Darla, are you with me?"

"Oh, sorry, there was someone looking in at us, some guy. He had a cap and scarf on, I couldn't make out his face though, it gave me creepy shivers."

"There’s no one there?"

"Well they’ve disappeared, anyway! Let’s look around. What do you think of this one?" She’s holding up an ivory mermaid dress with huge flowers on the bottom and lots of sparkly gems on the top.

"Not really, too much detail, you’re too elegant, that looks cheap and nasty."

"Ok!" She puts that one back and goes to pick up a few more along the way and heads in to the dressing room, to try each of them on.

After waiting for fifteen minutes, she finally comes out. I’m in awe, she twirls around, it so princess like, strapless, sticks to her figure just perfect and the bottom just flows out, it’s quite sparkly though.

"it’s lovely hun, do you like it?"

"You know, it’s pretty and all, but I don't feel like it’s me you know?"

"Ok then, go and try the others on, then you’ll find the perfect one. They always say that the dress picks you." She tries on a couple of more, which she not really liking. I think she’s getting a bit disheartened that she not found the right one yet. So the last one she tries on has to be the one.

“Oh Danni, I’ve found the perfect one, I’ve fell in love with it.” She shouts, from the other side of the curtain. Finally she comes out for me too look. Wow, its perfect for her. It’s a mermaid type dress, full white, clings to her figure, strapless, it has a few sparkles in it, but not too much and little netting that flows over the skirt. The dress is so her.

BOOK: Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)
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