Reborn (The Cartographer Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Reborn (The Cartographer Book 2)
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“No I didn't,” Deena replied coldly. “What are you doing here anyway? Shai assured me he had no further use for Nathan and promised he wouldn't come for him until we reached Gorganna.”

Noz held out his hands innocently. “Hey I'm just checking on our patient and making sure he is going to make it. Can't a guy show a little concern around here?”

I turned toward Deena. “What's in the box?” I repeated.

Deena shook her head and drew a deep breath. “They never told me they would do this,” she exhaled slowly. “I would have never agreed to help them if I knew.” She turned slowly toward the box and picked it up. She laid it gently beside me.

Grimacing with pain I tried to roll over but I was too weak. She removed the lid and tilted the box. I blinked while my eyes adjusted to the gloom inside. Once the overhead lights penetrated the shadows I noticed the map bracelet that Satou had designed for me. Next to it was a hand.

“What the hell?” I muttered. In one violent motion I knocked the box to the floor and struggled to sit up. “What the hell did you do to me?” Noz chuckled but I ignored him. Deena tried to stop me from sitting up and I almost fell out of the bed fighting her. Finally she conceded and helped me into a sitting position. I looked down at my right hand. My wrist throbbed so bad it felt like someone was playing drums on it. When I looked down I froze. My right arm ended with bloody bandages. My hand was missing. For the first time since emerging from the bowels of unconsciousness I found inner strength.

I used it to scream.


“Is he gonna be okay?” Noz hovered over me, exhibiting a surprising amount of concern.

“Yes. His heart rate is steady. His blood pressure has been stabilized,” Deena responded with her eyes glued to the monitor.

Noz looked relieved, although it wasn't out of concern for my well-being. He needed to cover his rear. Bringing damaged goods to Corvus was okay, but bringing dead goods to Corvus would be crossing the line.

“Good. We are approaching Gorganna and should touch down within the hour.” He turned and left.

When the door closed I turned toward Deena. She fiddled with a knob on the side of the monitor. The pleasant exchange we had only a short time ago was now a distant memory. The joy I felt when we laughed was gone. I now viewed the universe through a red curtain of rage. A hole formed in my heart that would never be filled with anything except hatred. My anger had no outlet at the moment. I was angry at Shai for what he did. I was angry at Deena for letting him. I was angry at Kedge for abandoning me. I was angry at Meta for starting this war. Hell I was even angry at Embeth for allowing us to leave Xajax. My anger didn't have any reasoning behind it. My anger had no path and stumbled through my soul like a headless chicken.

“You have to help me get out of here.” I reached over and grabbed her arm with my left hand.

She looked at my hand as if it was a ghost until she saw it was my left. “There is nowhere to go.” Her face suddenly hardened and she pressed her lips together tightly. “Don't you think I've been thinking of a thousand ways to get you out of here? We have reached our destination, there is nowhere to go but down.”

“There has to be a way to get to a radio or something,” I pressed. “If I can get to a communicator I can call for help.”

She shook her head sadly. “All communications are conducted from the bridge. There are at least twenty crew members in there right now.”

I wasn't a warrior like Embeth or an infiltrator like Vayne. I wasn't a charmer like Calypso or a tactician like Wraith. There would be no way for me to get around the issue of the crew. I was no one but Nathan Chambers, one-handed failure who spent more time captured than asleep. I was nothing but an intergalactic stray dog. Her tone reinforced the impossibility of the situation.

“Why are we going to this planet?” I chose to change the topic since the conversation was leading me toward a pit of despair.

“I don't know.” She shrugged. “All I know is the Scarlet Moon chose to set up camp down there for the time being.” She turned to the door. Without looking at me she added, “He never tells me anything. I'm just a slave.” Her hands balled into fists. “They never let me off this goddamn ship. For all I know the planets we visit could be empty or they could have cities paved in gold.”

“I'm sorry.” It was a weak response but all I could think of to say.

She turned to me with a look of surprise. “Listen to me. Here you are with your hand recently cut off and I'm bitching that I don't get enough fresh air.” She wiped at the side of her face and it was only then that I realized she had been crying. “Let me replace your bandage and cauterize the wound so it won't reopen when they come get you.” When she noticed my unease had returned she offered me a smile. “Don't worry, I will be here with you this time.”

Her statement didn't offer much comfort. She had no chance against Shai if she interfered with another violent outburst toward me. I didn't tell her that, I was just glad she would be by my side. For the first time in a long time the feeling of loneliness had subsided.

She reached into a drawer underneath the monitor and retrieved a small canister that resembled a can of cooking spray. “Okay, I am going to remove the bandages and spray this on the wound. You will feel a sting at first but it shouldn't last for long. It will be followed by a cold numbness.”

I looked at the can apprehensively but nodded. I must have had anxiety written all over my face because she leaned over and kissed my forehead. Her lips were soft and unexpected. A flush crept along my neck, eventually filling my cheeks. “What was that for?”

She leaned back and smiled. “To let you know it will be alright.” She unwrapped the bandages around my wrist carefully. Despite the extreme care she took in removing them I still winced every time she brushed against a nerve. She removed the cap of the can and sprayed the bloody stump. I looked away and clenched my teeth. The sting felt more like someone slowly ripping the skin away from my wrist. Just when I thought the agony would overwhelm me, it stopped. The merciful numbness took over. It was as if the lower half of my arm fell asleep.

“Are you alright?” She asked, and shoved aside a sweaty strand of hair that had fallen across my eyes. When I nodded she proceeded to place a new bandage over the wound. “Okay, finished.”

I looked down and noticed some swelling along the wrist but the wound looked much cleaner than the bloody roast beef it looked like before. The bandage she placed over it was black and similar to a wool cap rather than a conventional bandage. It was like I had the world's biggest sock puppet for a hand.

“What kind of bandage is that?” I asked.

She shrugged. “It's an Umbral medical device according to Shai. It keeps the wound area clear and dry as well as filter any bacteria from the air. It's usually used for limb loss or in cases of severe trauma.” She shook her head and frowned. “Listen to me I sound like a spokesman for the company that makes them. Anyway, I spoke with one of the engineers on board to try to get you some sort of prosthetic replacement for your hand.” She smiled and placed her hand on my head. “I told you I'm gonna take care of you.”

“I appreciate it.” I didn't return her smile. I tried to focus on the task of escaping the clutches of the Scarlet Moon before they or Corvus decided to cut off other parts of my anatomy. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the gurney. Before I could hop off I was stopped by another kiss. This one was on my lips. Surprised, I didn't know what to do so I just sat frozen on the bed and accepted it. It was long, warm and pleasant. Eventually her lips parted and I accepted a much deeper kiss. No longer frozen, her kiss awoke desires I never knew I had. Being my first kiss I didn't know what to expect. I just passed the “cooties” stage and entered the exploratory stage. Before I could enjoy it any further she stepped back.

“What's wrong?” I huffed, working to catch the breath she sucked from me.

She looked past me, toward the door. I turned to see Shai standing in the doorway.

“Well lookie here,” he sneered. An evil smile played at the corner of his lips. “This just tugs at the heart, doesn't it?”

Her hand fell to my knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “What do you want?” she asked.

His smile faded. “You know what I want. I hate to part you from your new
, but we have people to meet.” Two guards appeared behind him with weapons drawn. They were Drith-Nar like Shai, except more lean as opposed to muscular. They had the same ebony skin as Shai but had blue hair instead of white. They were so similar in appearance I assumed they were twins.

“I'm going with him.” She grabbed my shoulder.

He folded his arms across his chest. “This isn't a vacation,” he growled. “We aren't going on a tour. This party is by invite only.”

“I don't care,” she barked and placed her hands on her hips with defiance. “He is injured and will need someone to tend to those injuries.”

Shai and Deena stood and stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Finally he picked up a communicator and barked into it. “Varl, patch me through to the surface.”

Direct link engaged
,” Varl replied.

“This is Captain Shai of the Scarlet Moon vessel
. I have a medical situation on board. Do you have medical personnel on the planet?”

After a brief pause, a mechanical voice responded, “
We have medical droids who are well versed in the anatomy of over three million species

Shai smiled again before terminating the connection. “See sweetie, your boyfriend will be safe with us.”

“No, I have—” she started but Shai cut her off.

“You will stay here!” he barked. “Besides, I have a project and I need your help.”

Deena and I exchanged nervous glances. I really wanted her by my side when I walked into the hornet's nest of enemies I was sure waited for me on the planet.

“Let's go!” Shai ordered. The guards moved toward me.

One grabbed my arm but before he could haul me off Deena leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “One for good luck.”

The guard pulled me to the door and I followed him reluctantly. Before we left the room, however, I turned back to Deena who smiled in return. As we went toward the door I passed Shai. He was smiling as well. He looked at Deena and the smile never wavered, but hers did. The door closed behind us, leaving the two of them alone together. A sinking feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't shake the bad feeling no matter how hard I tried.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I would never see her again.


The guards led me to the open doorway. I stepped onto the boarding ramp and observed a night sky filled with three crescent moons and a million stars. Mixed among the stars was a constellation that resembled a DNA helix. It was the most beautiful sky I had ever seen.

Nathan Chambers, you have been directed to accompany us to the temple

At first I thought two monks had approached, but upon closer inspection I noticed that they were robots. Cyborgs, to be exact. Their smooth, black bodies were dotted with tiny blue lights. Their eyes were glowing red orbs that were identical to the red orbs which served as their belt buckles. Originally it appeared like they were wearing long dresses but when they got closer I noticed the “outfit” was actually designed from metal as well. They were unarmed with the exception of their silver hands. Their fingertips ended with small barrels—gun barrels.

A road led from the ramp. Approximately thirty yards away, in the middle of said road, was parked a taxi that seemed to have been pulled out of 1950s New York. The only difference was that it had no tires. It floated two feet above the ground. Standing next to the taxi was another robot holding the rear door open. My two escorts led me to the waiting vehicle and stepped aside when I reached the waiting robot.

Greetings, Nathan Chambers of Earth
,” the robot buzzed. “
This conveyance will take you straight to the Temple. Once there you will be escorted to your awaiting party

BOOK: Reborn (The Cartographer Book 2)
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