Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World (59 page)

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Authors: Jane McGonigal

Tags: #General, #Technology & Engineering, #Popular Culture, #Social Science, #Computers, #Games, #Video & Electronic, #Social aspects, #Essays, #Games - Social aspects, #Telecommunications

BOOK: Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
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social network games and
in social participation tasks (SPTs)
in transitory public sociality
trash-talking and
see also
social innovation games
social network games and applications
alternate reality
asynchronous gameplay in
dance-offs and dance quests in
in forecasting genre
in global collaboratories
prosocial emotions generated by
satisfying work in
social connectivity in
social innovation
as social motivation platforms
of social participation and volunteer work
trash-talking in
user profiles in
video sharing in
social participation games
crowd mobilization efforts of
empowerment of
for energy conservation
epic wins in
heroic purpose in
social connectivity in
as taking advantage of leading-edge technology
social participation tasks (SPTs)
“social presence,”
sound tracks
stealth social innovation
Sudnow, David
Suits, Bernard
“super-empowered hopeful individuals” (SEHIs)
game platform for organizing of
Super Monkey Ball 2
sustainable engagement economy
epic wins as crucial in
Sutton-Smith, Brian
SXSW Interactive
Tapscott, Don
Tarter, Jill
Teaching Digital Natives
see also
ten-thousand-hour theory
Texas Hold ‘Em
Theory of Fun for Game Design, A
Thompson, Clive
Tomasello, Michael
Tombstone Hold ‘Em
Top Secret Dance-Off
transitory public sociality
Twenge, Jean M.
unnecessary obstacles
as fix for reality
Vian, Kathi
vicarious pride
video-sharing sites
Viggers, Peter
Virgin America
Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL)
Viva Piñata
voluntary participation, as game trait
volunteer work, game design for promoting of
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wattenberg, Martin
Weiner, Eric
Whole Earth Catalog
Whole Earth Discipline
wholehearted participation
in real world, through games
Why We Cooperate
(Tapscott and Williams)
game-like structure of
Williams, Anthony
Willison, Simon
World Bank
World Bank Institute
world-changing games
World of Warcraft
actionable next steps and guarantee of productivity in
ambient sociability in
leveling up in
positive feedback in
“resting bonuses” in
satisfying work in
unprecedented popularity of
World Without Oil
Wright, Will
Yalom, Irvin D.
Yee, Nick
Youth Venture
Yudkowsky, Eliezer

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