Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans (24 page)

Read Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Glory St. Clair#8

BOOK: Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans
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“No, Flo. I don’t want to drag any more innocent bystanders into this or tap your bank account. And I’ll go easy on the alcohol. I can’t afford to be oblivious.” Though it would be nice to be toasted during what was sure to come. As for Laurie? What in the heck could a were-tiger do against the Storm God anyway? He could make anyone into a statue with a glance.

“Storm God?” Laurie looked meaningfully at the nearby mortals. Of course she’d read my thoughts and wasn’t about to turn down a chance at a paying gig. “There somewhere we can meet privately? I might know a thing or two that could help you, Glory.”

“Give me a freakin’ break. What’s a tiger gonna know about Achelous?” Aggie had asked for a dirty martini and now gulped it down. She signaled for a refill. She obviously didn’t care that we were surrounded by strangers who’d begun to stare at us curiously.

“There’s a break room. Come on.” I grabbed Aggie’s arm. “Shut up. You really are determined to make me hurt you, aren’t you?” I hustled her toward the employee break room. Luckily the club was busy and there wasn’t anyone inside. Laurie and Flo followed us in.

“Just try it, Gloriana.” Aggie jerked her arm out of my grasp as soon as we were inside with the door closed. “We are so going to settle this as soon as Achy is through with you.”

“Yeah, I look forward to it.” I had no idea how I’d come
out in a fight with Aggie, but suddenly itched to try to take her. My scalp still screamed where she’d pulled my hair.

“Stop it! Glory, you need your energy for what’s coming. Fighting with this
doesn’t help.
” Flo waited for my reluctant nod, then touched Laurie’s arm. “Do you know about Glory’s news? That Ian discovered she used to be a Siren?”

“Yes.” Laurie shook her head. “Nasty business. Glory had to be carried out of Ian’s office after hearing the test results.”

! I wish I had been there for you.” Flo hugged me. “Of course you would be horrified to think…” She released me, her eyes awash with tears. “You know.”

“It’s okay, Flo.” I was feeling pretty watery myself.

Laurie glanced at Aggie. “Don’t blame you for taking that hard. Sirens. Bitches of the deep.
sure wouldn’t want any part of that pack of she-devils. But it’s better than being related to Alesa, I have to say.”

“Swell. You put me one step above a demon from hell.” Aggie actually worked up a tear. “What’s with you people? Sirens are not all bad. We cleared out a lot of the pirates that used to plague the ships in the Mediterranean. And our songs are beautiful. Some say Aphrodite was once one of us, you know. Men worship us. Will do anything for a Siren.”

“Men can be fools. I think we can all agree on that.” Laurie looked around the room.

Even Flo nodded. “
It is the brain in their
that does their thinking. It works to my advantage, I tell you. Has for centuries.” Flo stayed solemn, like she was imparting the wisdom of the ages. And in a way she was. “A smart woman learns early how to use a man’s desperation to get under her skirts.”

“Okay, let’s agree we can manipulate men with sex. But I doubt the Storm God is so vulnerable. After all, he has a stable of women he’s kept corralled for thousands of years.” I looked at Aggie. “You said he knows all and sees all. You think we need to worry that he might be tuned in to this conversation right now?”

“Not likely. This is his usual playtime. He’s out with a couple of the sisters having a conjugal visit.” Aggie wrinkled her nose. “At least it wasn’t my turn in the rotation. He likes us to pair up, two on one if you get my drift. Of course he gets into the mix too. I’ve got plenty of libido but it’s the same old same old, century after century. And it takes forever for him to—”

“Please.” I held up my hand. “You’ve answered the question. Now answer another one. Is there any way we can get the best of him? Make sure I come out of this alive?” I tried to read her thoughts and hit a hard impenetrable wall. She stalled just long enough to drive me crazy, feigning boredom as she studied a minute hangnail. I wanted to grab her, throw her against the wall and pound her until she answered me. Finally, she glanced up and fake smiled.

“Seriously? I figure you’re golden, Gloriana.” The way she drawled my name made it sound like an insult. “If Achy wanted you dead, honey, he’d have done the deed centuries ago.” Aggie’s face went hard again. Jealousy. That was her emotion of choice now. “But maybe he’s changed his mind. Does the Storm God have vulnerabilities? Beautiful women, of course. Charm him if he gets out his death ray. That’s your best bet.”

“Death ray?” I sank down on the sofa where I knew employees sometimes napped. “What the hell?”

“That’s what the sisters call it. It’s when the big guy is so mad he shoots lightning out of his eyeballs. Scary as hell.” Aggie shivered. “You really, really don’t want him to go there.” She smirked at Laurie. “Tiger, you have anything you can pull out of your furry ass that could beat that? Got to warn you, he’ll see a bite or a scratch as foreplay.”

“You’ll just have to wait and see, now won’t you?” Laurie’s growl meant business and certainly convinced me she might have a surprise or two left to show us. I sure hoped so. “When’s this meeting?” Laurie glanced at her narrow platinum watch. Tonight everything about her was feminine. Even her earrings
were delicate dangles and I swear she’d used a curling iron on her tiger-striped hair. The Storm God would be all over her if she didn’t have a way to shut him down.

“Midnight.” I studied the large clock on the wall above the door while my stomach hopscotched up to my throat. “We have two hours.”

“Not much prep time, but I may have a thought or two. Tell me the location and I’ll meet you there.” She grabbed a pad off the employee dining table and wrote down the directions Aggie gave her.

Flo sidled up to me. “It’s no use. I don’t like this. We can charter a plane and be on our way to Paris before midnight. What do you say?”

“Tempting. But I can’t afford—”

“I afford. For my best friend. Let this god throw his lightning bolts at Aggie. She needs a shot of electricity up her butt. I don’t think she even wears panties. Slut. Trying to hurt you…”

I swallowed a giggle at the fierce look on Flo’s face. But the urge died quickly. I knew I couldn’t run, as tempting as that sounded.

“Thanks, pal. That is the most amazing offer I’ve had in my entire life. But I’ve got to do this. Just in case… Hell, maybe Jerry’s right and this is all a scam—something Aggie and Ian cooked up together.”

Flo grabbed me. “Is it possible? To torture you like this. Oh,
il mio dio
! I will kill her.”

“No, she’s mine.” I patted Flo’s narrow back as I hugged her, tears making the room blur. When I looked up, Laurie had slipped out of the room and Aggie was giving us a disgusted stare.

“Achy would get off to seeing you two in a clench like that. Try not to give in to the urge around him unless you think it will get you off his hit list.” She pulled open the door. “Great band tonight. I’m going out there and find a man to dance with. Come on, ladies. This may be Glory’s farewell fling.”
She shook her hips to the music and disappeared into a group of students headed toward the dance floor.

“Oh, but I hate that creature.” Flo sniffed and stepped away from me.

“Me too. But we might as well go out and at least finish our drinks. I’m hoping we get to this meeting and Achelous doesn’t show. Then we’ll have our answer—I was never a Siren and this was all a hoax.” I grabbed a tissue off the table and went to the mirror to repair my makeup. Except when I stared into the glass there was no Glory. Oops, forgot. I sighed as Flo came up behind me.

“Your reflection is gone!” Flo tried to look sad but failed. “Sorry, but that makes me feel better about you, Glory. Though I did notice you are heavy into the concealer tonight. Your cheeks look almost sunburned.” She used my tissue to smooth under my eyes.

“Don’t tell Jerry, but I think Ian slipped me another drug, a tranquilizer, and the red cheeks are the result. You know I can’t take something like a normal vamp could.”

“Poor Glory.” Flo gave me a hug. “Ian shouldn’t have done that. But obviously you were beside yourself. Who wouldn’t need a tranquilizer after hearing such horrible news? But at least the demons are finally finished with you. Hah!” She gestured down at the floor. “Stay in hell, burn forever,

“Uh, Flo, don’t think I’d taunt them if I were you. You never know when the demons might think we deserve one last torment.” I thought about telling her the Jenny story, but tonight was already too full of angst to add another layer. Instead, I gave one last glance at the mirror, sighed, then headed for the door.

“Ack! You are right. Out of here, quick. I guess Rafael would object if I dragged one of his customers in here for a”—Flo showed the tips of her fangs—“real drink.”

“Don’t you dare.” I held on to her arm. “He welcomes us here as long as we behave. Go finish your synthetic. Then—”

“Stop! I read your mind.” Flo gave me a stern look as she
threw open the door. “I know you think to make me stay out of this meeting but you can forget it, my friend. I am going with you. And that is that.” She flounced down the hall and toward the bar.

“What meeting is this?”

I jumped and turned. “Rafe. Where did you come from?”

“Stockroom.” He juggled a case of premium vodka like it weighed nothing. Which it did to him. “Good thing since I just heard something very interesting. What’s going on, Glory? Who are you meeting?” He pulled me back into the break room and set the case on the table.

“Forget that. We went shoe shopping. Look at my new boots.” I held out a foot.

“Give it up. Those are your old boots. You wore them yesterday.” Rafe pushed me down on the sofa. “Now spit it out. You look guilty as hell. Where are you and Flo going? And did I see Aggie with you at the bar earlier?”

“Yes. My sister Siren is a pain in the ass. I tried but I will never, positively never, bond with her. Sirens are evil, Rafe. Do you think I was like that before Achelous kicked me out of the sea? Or could it be possible Jerry’s right and Ian and Aggie cooked this up between them and it’s all a lie?”

“I suppose it’s possible. Though Ian did have all those test results.” Rafe studied me from head to toe. “Then I look at you and can’t imagine… You’re right. You’re nothing like Aggie. I used to think Blade was paranoid about MacDonald but maybe in this case he’s right. It’s easy enough to fake papers like those Ian showed you.”

“But then there’s other evidence. My reactions to Ian’s drugs. And what I saw when I was with Aggie. The statue trick I can do.” I took a shaky breath. “I feel it’s true. I know it. Here.” I rested my hand between my breasts. My snug red V-neck sweater didn’t leave much to the imagination and I saw Rafe take in the view where the knit clung to my nipples even through my industrial-strength bra. Yes, he was a man, proof positive that sex was always on the agenda no matter how serious the conversation. Well, I didn’t care what he was
staring at or why he reached for me to settle his hands on my shoulders. It was my message that was important here.

“Aggie showed me real memories of my time as a Siren. It was intense but I saw myself actually lure men onto the rocks. I made them, um, serve me and then I just cast them into the sea.” I dropped my hand. “It was all at Achelous’s bidding.”

“Real memories? You sure?” His hands were warm as he drew me closer. “I’m sure Aggie could show you
Gone with the Wind
on the wide screen of your memory if she put her mind to it. Don’t trust her, Glo. Things like that can be faked. And what’s this about Achelous? Is that who you’re meeting with? The Storm God?” Rafe’s hands bit into my shoulders.

“Yes. Aggie says he wants to see me. It’s a command performance.” I sighed. “Which blows apart the conspiracy theory, doesn’t it? If this is a MacDonald trick, then Achelous certainly wouldn’t lower himself to play along, now would he?”

“You never know what amuses these creeps. Look at what Lucifer did for Alesa.” Rafe pulled me into his arms. “You can’t go to this meeting. I remember that bastard. He’s violent, unpredictable and throws around lightning bolts for fun. Those electrical charges can kill you where you stand.”

“Don’t I know it.” I shuddered and leaned against him. “But I have to go, Rafe. If he shows up, I can ask…” I glanced up at Rafe. “Oh, God. I can’t stand the thought that I could have been one of those evil Sirens.”

He brushed my hair back from my face. “You are nothing like Aggie. Hold

“Yeah, well, you are definitely prejudiced. Which I thank you for. But no matter what, I have to
. It’s like I have amnesia. Wouldn’t you want to know what was missing if you had a hole where your memories should be?”

“What does Blade say about this meeting? Where is he?” Rafe looked around. “In the men’s room? He’d better not be drinking his dinner from one of my customers in a bathroom stall.”

“No, he’s not here. He doesn’t know about this. It just came up.” I frowned. “And I’m not telling him, Rafe. If the Storm God does show, Jerry would end up getting himself killed trying to protect me. I won’t have it.”

“That’s not your call, Glory. The man deserves to make that decision. After all the years he’s got invested in you?” Rafe grabbed my shoulders again. “Look, you know how I feel about you and Blade being together, but I respect the man and what he’s done for you. He’s proved time and again that he’ll do anything, anything to keep you safe. Under some kind of Siren’s spell or not, that earns him the right to be there if you do confront Achelous.”

“What do you think the Storm God is going to do if I drag my lover in front of him? Just smile and say hello?” I jerked away and was across the room in a flash. “I’m sorry, Rafe, but you’re wrong about this. No man needs to be anywhere near this meeting if it happens.” I took a steadying breath.

“You’re going to meet him with just Aggie and Flo as backup? I’m betting Florence didn’t tell Richard about this either.” Rafe waited for my answer, his stare making me look away.

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