Real Men Last All Night (3 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Real Men Last All Night
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He looked like he hated to release her hand as much as she didn't want to let his go, but he did and pulled out her high-backed cushioned chair for her.

"And you're a gentleman, too," she said as he seated himself.

The hostess left the menus and said something about wine but neither of them paid attention to her.

Zane focused his gaze on her. "Honey, if you knew what's going through my head right now, you wouldn't think I'm anything close to being a gentleman."

Willow picked up her menu and gave him her best naughty grin. "Then you and I must be thinking the same thing."

At first Zane looked taken aback but then he had a teasing glint in his eyes. "That I have great breasts and the most gorgeous legs you've ever seen?"

She laughed. "I know what you're really imagining." She leaned close to him. "Instead of being in this restaurant you'd rather be in bed. With me."

He cleared his throat. "If I could make it that far."

Willow looked at her menu before looking over the top of it at him. "Let's see if we can make it through dinner."

Zane picked up his own menu. He cleared his throat again. "Not sure I'll live that long."

"You know what?" Willow settled her hand on his knee and slowly moved her fingers up his thigh and kept her tone low. "They have two very private, very elegant, very clean restrooms here. With locks on the doors."

Zane raised his eyes from his menu, a hungry, primal, and pained expression on his face as she inched her fingers upward to what she really wanted to touch.

"When the server comes, you order our appetizer and wine and I'll get up and go to the ladies' room." She skimmed her fingers over his long, thick erection. "You follow me as soon as you finish ordering."

Zane glanced around them before looking back at her. "Uh, Willow—"

She gave him another wicked smile. "I dare you."

Chapter 4

Not a second after Willow flashed that naughtier-than-hell grin the server came to the table. For a moment Zane forgot the server as he watched Willow get up and slowly walk toward the ladies' room.

That tiny little dress barely covered her breasts and ass. His mouth watered at the thought of those long legs wrapped around his hips as he thrust deep—

"Sir?" The waiter's voice was barely enough to bring Zane out of his fantasies. Damn.

He'd been doing that all day and it probably wasn't going to stop until he had her. "Wine?

Appetizer?" the server asked.

"Uh, yeah." A sudden rush come over Zane as images of being inside Willow kept repeating over and over again in his mind. He tried not to look in the direction Willow had disappeared as he picked the first thing his gaze landed on. "Oysters. Wine, you choose."

"Yes, sir." The server gave a slight bow. "I'll bring your wine to you shortly."

"No rush." Zane rose and strode toward the restrooms as soon as the server turned his back.

His cock was throbbing, raging with need. Half of him knew this was crazy, that he was out of his ever-lovin' mind. But his other half said "get lost" to the first half.

Zane's heart rate had jacked and his body burned like fire. Willow better not have been teasing him because he'd die if he couldn't take her soon.

It seemed forever before he reached the women's restroom and he jerked the door open.

The moment he stepped through, Willow was on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him to her for a rough, hard kiss.

He barely remembered to shut the door behind him and press the lock before he grabbed her by her ass and she wrapped her long legs around his hips.

She wasn't wearing any underwear.

A growl rose up in Zane's throat as he swung around so that her back was against the door. She moaned into his mouth before she drew away and pulled down the front of her dress, freeing her breasts.

Hungry for all of her, Zane licked and sucked her nipples. It was so easy to tell she was trying to hold in her moans and cries as she squirmed and rocked her hips against his.

"I've got to be inside you." He raised his head and kissed her before he said against her lips, "I need to fuck you. I can't wait any longer."

"Yes," she clamped her legs around his hips and gripped his shoulders. "I've been wanting you all day."

Someone tried the door handle and it jiggled, but Zane didn't give a crap about anything other than finally being where he belonged.

As Willow held on, he unfastened his jeans. It was only a slight relief to finally have his cock free because his erection only seemed to grow bigger and thicker and throb even harder. He jerked a condom out of his pocket and had that sucker on in two seconds flat.

He kissed Willow to swallow her cries as he thrust deep and buried himself in heaven.

It had been an insane idea but Willow thrived on impulse and instinct.

Zane drove his erection into her and thank God he kissed her so hard because she couldn't help the scream of pleasure and pain at the unexpected thickness and length of his cock.

She could almost swear he touched her belly button with every thrust.

He didn't ease up as he moved his mouth from hers. She tried to hold back her gasps and cries as he moved his mouth to her ear. "I wanted to take it slow and easy with you our first time, honey. But now I can't have you fast enough."

"Don't even ask me to think." She kissed him and her breathing was rough, her words hard to get out. "The only thing that matters is how good you feel." She bit back another cry. "Zane. Oh, God, I'm about to lose it."

The door handle jiggled again and that sound, knowing that people were on the other side of that door as Zane fucked her, threw her over the top.

This time she dove for his mouth and let him take her cries as the most powerful, most incredible orgasm of her life tore through her. Her body shook and trembled and it felt so good as Zane didn't stop and drew out her orgasm. Her core contracted around his cock and every throb caused her body to jerk and her mind to hum.

She'd bet Zane held in a shout of his own when he came and he came hard. He threw back his head, his jaws clamped shut, his face dark as he fought for control.

He was so big that she felt every pulse and throb of his orgasm.

Willow collapsed against Zane, her arms around his neck. She felt weightless and light-headed, and she wondered how she was going to be able to walk out of there.

There was a jiggle then a knock at the door. "Hello?"

"Just a minute," Willow said. "I'm having a little problem from something I ate."

"Oh." The woman's voice sounded like she was definitely having second thoughts about using the restroom. "Okay. Hope you're all right."

Willow sniggered as she pressed her face against Zane's shirt. "Actually I haven't had a chance to swallow what else I'm hungry for."

Zane groaned and she felt him thicken and lengthen inside her. "We'd better get out of here before I fuck you again." She drew away and looked at him with a sly smile. He clamped his hand over her mouth, a dangerous glint to his eyes. "Don't you

She could barely hold back a laugh as he slid out of her and set her on her feet. She almost fell because her knees were so weak and her heels too high. When Zane steadied her, he tossed the condom and arranged himself as she tugged her dress back into place and tried to make her hair look like she hadn't just been taken up against a door.

When they'd washed up and were ready, as ready as they could be, Zane said, "There might be a whole line of women out there."

Willow reached up and kissed him. "Don't worry. I've got that covered."

Zane snorted while he stood in the bathroom as Willow left and closed the door behind her, saying things that would drive away any crowd. "Smells just awful. . . plugged up . .

. need to get management."

He shook his head then waited a few heartbeats before opening the door and thanking God that no one was in the hallway. Apparently Willow had done a good job of scaring away the mob.

His body still hummed and burned with heat as he headed to the table. The fact that he'd just taken Willow up against the door in a restaurant's restroom just about blew his mind.

He hadn't done anything as daring as that since his young, wild days. Even then what he and Willow had done made everything in his past seem tame.

Zane approached the table and watched Willow as she spoke with the server. She approved the wine before the server poured two glasses and then he left the bottle on the table as Zane sat.

Christ, Willow was beautiful. He couldn't help smiling at how her hair was a little ruffled in the back. The just-got-fucked look only added to her stunning beauty.

"You chose well." She smiled while he pulled up his seat, candlelight from the holder in the center of the table flickering over her features. She circled the rim of her wineglass with a finger. "A 2004 Vincent Girardin Chardonnay."

Yeah. The waiter probably picked the most expensive wine in the store, but Zane didn't give a shit. All that mattered was the beautiful woman he couldn't take his eyes from.

He raised his glass as did she, but she got to the toast before he did. "Here's to fabulous restroom sex in one of the finest restaurants in all of Boston."

God, this woman made him want to laugh and smile and grin—things he rarely did, especially in his line of work.

They sipped and he raised his glass again. "My turn." She brought her glass close to his as he said, "Here's to meeting in the Common one of the most beautiful, genuine women in the world."

Willow flashed her dimpled smile and he knew he was getting deeper and deeper with every moment they spent together. The thing was, he couldn't imagine not seeing Willow again, not being around her whenever he could.

He set his wineglass on the table and rubbed his temples.
Shit. What happened to no
relationships, Steele?

"You're scared again, Zane." Willow spoke in her easy, direct tone. He looked at her and she had her arms folded on the table in front of her as she leaned forward, her expression clear and thoughtful. "You're worrying you'll end up caring for someone."

Chapter 5

The server appeared with their oyster appetizer and settled it on the table, saving Zane from having to respond to Willow. The woman was too observant for her own good.

He couldn't take his eyes from her as she handed the server her menu. She was so damned beautiful. But what mattered to him more was her unpretentiousness and even her directness when she asked questions he didn't want to answer.

Vaguely he heard Willow tell the server, "I'll have the salmon, with the creamed spinach and the sauteed mushrooms as sides."

Zane sucked in his breath and took a quick glance at his own menu and just chose whatever struck him first. "Surf and turf, the filet medium rare." He returned his menu to the server. "Mashed potatoes and asparagus."

When the server left, Zane continued to study the beautiful woman across the table from him. Christ, he couldn't keep staring at her. Even though his body still felt flushed with his orgasm, and his cock had hardened again, feeling strangled beneath his jeans, he had to say something.

"You know what I do for a living."
"What about you?"

"I have my Mister Ed and I'm working for my Doctor Ed." She smiled and he raised his brows. "That just means I have my masters and I'm working on my doctorate in Education."

She continued and added, "I'm fifth year ABD at NYU. All But Dissertation. I'm working on my dissertation while I'm in Boston, and then I'll go back to New York University to present it before a committee."

"Dr. Randolph." Zane offered her the plate of oysters on the half-shell. She took a couple and put them onto her plate. "Has a nice ring to it."

He took a few oysters himself as she replied, "So does Special Agent Steele."

"You said you were on your way to work when I met you at the park."
And I was about to
hook up with an informant regarding an arms deal.

Willow shrugged. "For the time being, most afternoons I work at Macy's in the cosmetics department. Once I have my doctorate, I'll start looking for a position somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard."

Zane didn't have a clue about cosmetics and wasn't sure he wanted to. "Any place in particular that you'd like to end up in?"

"I really love Boston. I always have." That dimple again. "Before Dad left, we'd travel to Boston from Buffalo so that he could visit his brother, my uncle."

For the first time since Zane met her, a troubled expression crossed Willow's features.

"Dad ... a couple of years ago he ran off with a 'cute little thing' who's younger than me."

The troubled expression disappeared like a shadow replaced by sunshine when she changed the topic. "I have two bickering sisters, considerably younger and they still live in Buffalo with Mom."

"They're in college?"

She shook her head. "Twins in their senior year in high school. Wendy and Sarah are ten years younger than me." She rested her forearms on the table and gave him that compelling, insightful look. "I'll bet you're the oldest brother, whatever your family size."

"How do you do it?" Zane met her sea-blue gaze. "Read people."

"I see it in your eyes." Willow tilted her head to the side. "You worry about them and anyone else you love and care for."

He cleared his throat. He didn't like the direction this conversation had headed. "I have a very large Irish Catholic family."

"Ha! I knew it," Willow said with a grin. "How many brothers and sisters?"

"Four brothers, two sisters." Zane couldn't help smiling in response. Her grin was so damned infectious. "Mammy and Dad have been married for almost forty years."

Two servers arrived with two large trays of their dinner and loaded the table with all of the dishes they'd chosen. Willow took a couple of sips of wine until the servers finished and left.

"Hmmm . . ." Willow spooned creamed spinach onto her plate next to her salmon. "Bet everyone in your family lives around here and you get together regularly."

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