Ravaged 2: A Monster Box Set of 8 Erotic Tales (13 page)

Read Ravaged 2: A Monster Box Set of 8 Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Simone Beatrix

Tags: #Monster erotica box set, #Monster erotica bundle, #Erotica bundle, #erotica box set, #monster breeding, #alien breeding, #erotica anthology

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Rex turned the toys off and dropped them on a small metal platter. Rex stood up and then I felt the hard prick of his cock rest against my inviting pussy. I squeezed my legs together, locking my ankles behind his waist. He let out a strange noise which I took as a laugh and then readjusted himself. His cock threaded me like a perfect needle. I bucked against the table and briefly forgot about my duty to suck on Lex’s cock, releasing him from my mouth and letting out a hearty and long moan.

Rex’s speed was slow, but picked up as he attuned to my body. His hands grasped my knees and he started to pound me faster. I desperately wanted to throw Lex off so I could stare into the eyes of the beast that was screwing me, but he didn’t budge. Part of me was glad, I liked the feeling of being dominated. Lex fondled and cupped my breasts again, matching the pace of Rex so he didn’t misalign us. I couldn’t believe the kind of boiling energy that was bubbling inside of me. Just from the idea of the two aliens getting their rocks off, it made me blush redder than if I had been caught naked in public. I screamed and howled as the intense knot in my stomach tightened, like something was going to snap inside me. I knew what that feeling was, and I focused on it with all my willpower.

Rex started moaning, human-like, and it only pushed me closer to the edge I needed to reach. I screamed again as I felt Rex’s strange cock pump and throb inside me, quivering and twitching to the beat of our hearts. I sighed as the wave of pleasure passed over me, but Lex didn’t seem as amused.

“What are you doing?” he yelled. He climbed off of me and gave Rex an angry scowl. They began arguing in their native language again, but I could tell it had to do with Rex’s climax. He had done something that wasn’t planned, something forbidden. Something very, very wrong.

My euphoric afterglow was replaced with an intense rush as I thought about how illicit it might have been for him to finish inside me. I thought about how much I wanted Lex to do it too. Our time wasn’t over yet, was it?

They stopped bickering and turned to me. Rex hung his head.

Lex explained, “Rex shouldn’t have completed the copulation. We still need to run some more tests... it wasn’t part of the experiment.”

I felt my face burn and shook my head. “I liked it.”

Lex seemed confused. “Liked it? You enjoyed it?”

“Didn’t Rex?”

Lex turned and looked at his companion, and shrugged. “It wasn’t part of the experiment.”

“Fuck the experiment,” I breathed. “Just get over here and fuck me again, you freaks.”

“The experiment is to test your ability to tolerate pleasure.”

“Well, lay it on me then. Nothing is hotter than you two caving in to your desires.”

I didn’t think it would actually work, but as I finished my sentence, Lex obeyed. He moved between my legs and gripped his hard cock, giving Rex a look. I was hot and ready for the monster, raring up from the wrongness of it. ‘Experiment,’ like I cared about that.

Lex bobbed his cock against my clit and I felt a fire inside my stomach again. I lifted my arms despite my restraints and screamed as Lex buried his cock deep inside me. Vertigo gripped me as he started to groan, before he began to pound me. I rocked against the metal table uselessly, too overwhelmed to even concentrate on what was happening.

Lex pounded me like it was his only goal in life. I never experienced such a heady giddiness from someone fucking me until that day. The strange creature gripped my hips aggressively, his teeth baring as he made me raw. I screamed and yelped as his cock withdrew and grazed my clit, then screamed again when he thrust all the way into me. I was so wet I was sure I’d left a puddle on the table.

Finally, I recognized his strains of joy. I wrapped my legs around him and held him deep inside me, begging him to cum. I begged for his alien seed to fill me all the way up to the brim, and I prayed his partner’s same seed would mix and mingle together, forming something wholly different inside me. Something unique and special.

I climaxed as Lex let loose inside me, his strained pounding slowing to a standstill. A bead of sweat dripped from my forehead and landed on the table, and I sighed in heavy contentment.

As Lex withdrew from me, Rex grabbed my arm and jabbed a needle into it. I shrieked, and yelled at him. “What are you doing?”

“The experiment is over, it was a success,” Rex explained. He pushed the plunger down and emptied the syringe into me. As the mysterious liquid emptied into my veins, I grew groggy and I passed out.


woke up fully dressed. I was sitting in my pickup truck, as if I had never left the driver’s seat.

Daylight streamed through the windows, and I could hear a couple of birds chirping outside in the trees. I groaned and held my head. Had I dreamed it all up?

I looked down and found my phone in my lap. The blanket I was wearing out on the trail was draped around my shoulders.

A throbbing pain flared up as my grogginess cleared. My insides felt raw. That was sign enough that I hadn’t dreamed it all — I had been abducted and fucked by aliens.

But did that mean they had actually finished in me too? Would I grow pregnant with their extraterrestrial spawn? I couldn’t know.

I groaned when I realized that I was stuck in my car again. All that hiking for nothing. I’d have to go back out and try to make the phone call again.

My keys dangled in the ignition, which wasn’t where I left them. On a whim, I turned the key and the truck flared into life, more eager than ever before. I couldn’t help but laugh — the aliens must’ve fixed my car.

It was the least they could do after everything though.

I smiled and put the car into drive. I was going to be a bit late getting to Becky’s place, but I’m sure she’d never heard an excuse like mine before.

Demon’s Kiss by Simone Beatrix

t started with a voice.

After my friend Christina came over and we fiddled with a ouija board, I started hearing the voice. At first I thought it was several voices, but as the days went by, I began to recognize it as only one. A male voice with slight edge to it.

After I figured out it was a single voice, I started to recognize it more and more. It was indistinct at first, almost inaudible, like wind cascading off the roof. I started catching myself staring hard down unlit hallways and trying to figure out what was making the noise. Then, one night, it was louder. The breathy whisper following me throughout my house, unmistakably male, was starting to get to me.

And it was growing more insistent, like it was annoyed. Frustrated that I was ignoring it.

As it grew louder and more unnerving, I started to recognize the single word it kept repeating, “Stephanie. Stephanie. Stephanie.” I saw a doctor and they determined nothing was wrong with me, and I tried to leave it at that. I didn’t want to get any one else involved, so I kept it to myself. That voice echoing in my mind and throughout my house kept growing louder though, and as it grew louder, I grew more uneasy.

I started to try ignoring it more blatantly. For every time I stopped to listen, it seemed to grow worse. With each passing attempt at getting my attention, I stopped listening, and the voice stopped growing feverish. That seemed to help for a while. Until one night everything changed for good.


s I walked home from work, I noticed that my neighbor’s house lights were off, which was unusual. They were kind of shut-ins, so it was really strange to not see any one home. It was also unseasonably warm for an autumn night, which is why I figured the air felt different, off in some tiny way. I should have known something was wrong —  very wrong.

I stopped to listen for any movement in my house. The neighborhood had a string of break-ins recently, and with my neighbors gone, no one would have been around to watch my house. I hated coming home with the lights off, but I could never shake the habit of making sure everything was turned off or unplugged when I left the house.

I unlocked my front door and went inside. I was sweaty and gross, and wanted to get out of my clothes as soon as possible, get a shower in, eat and maybe read for a little bit. That was on my agenda. Nothing unusual for a Thursday night.

I hopped up my small staircase and went into the bathroom. I stripped down, throwing my filthy clothes into the laundry hamper. The voice called my name again, “Stephanie.”

My ears twitched in response, but I ignored it. I felt weird though, like the voice had more gravity to it than it normally did. Maybe I was just getting used to it, I figured. I shrugged it off and closed the bathroom door.

I turned the shower on and let the water get hot. After waiting for a couple of minutes, I tested the water and climbed in. I stood there for a while, just letting the warmth flow through me.

I sighed. I let it soak my skin for a couple of minutes, thinking about my most recent date blunder. The date had gone horribly, and the dude didn’t seem to get it. He had tried to kiss me at my door, but I managed to brush him off and race inside. Just thinking about it made my cheeks burn with embarrassment. 

“Stephanie,” the voice called again. I jumped, nearly knocking my head against the shower faucet. It sounded like it was just outside the bathroom door — and it was
. I had grown kind of accustomed to the voice over the last couple weeks, but it had never been so loud before.

If it was trying to scare me, it was succeeding. I shut the water off. Shampoo was still lathered up in my hair when I wrapped the towel around me, water dripping all over the tile. I snuck up to the door and grabbed the handle. A pressure seemed to fight against my hand, as if someone was holding the other side. I froze up, staring into the wooden door and trying to listen hard for any sounds of movement. It had never been... so active before.

After a couple of minutes, I gave up and let go of the handle. My heart had stopped beating so quickly, and I was started to just be annoyed. The shampoo in my hair was starting to thin and drip down onto my shoulders, so I needed to get back into the shower.


fter finishing up in the shower, I stepped back out and started to towel off. I kept my gaze fixated on the door, as if I were trying to catch it doing anything wrong. I wrapped a towel around my head and flung the door open to go to my room.

A tall figure, shrouded in the darkness, was standing there.

My heart sank like a rock through water. My skin tensed. I gulped, backing slowly into the bathroom. I was naked and defenseless, and the last thing I needed was

I stepped into a puddle of water and slipped, slamming my ass down on the tile floor. I yelped, more surprised than hurt and instinctively grabbed my mouth in horror, staring hard at the figure in the doorway.

All of a sudden, a rush of wind blew past me, and I looked up from the ground. The creature moved closer to me, his footsteps steaming the wet floor, and his menacing red eyes were looking straight into me.

“Oh God!” I screamed. I scrambled to my feet and pushed away from him as fast as I could. My back slammed into the edge of tub and I shivered. My skin crawled at the thought of him. He must have been at least two or three feet taller than me.

He leaned far down to meet me, his face nearly touching mine. It appeared to be a man’s face, but there was something
about it, like it wasn’t quite real. His eyes met mine, and a sinister smile crept across his face. I almost could see through him, a weird smoky illusion of a face. Horns jutted up from his forehead, like a bull’s. I stared at him, wide-eyed.

“Hello,” he said, his voice making my neck hair stand on end. It was the same voice that had been calling my name, that had been following me for weeks. I shuddered and tried to talk, but it was no good. Goosebumps covered my arms and legs. I felt a hot sensation when I was near him, almost as if his aura was drying my wet skin.

“What — what do you want with me?” I asked.

“I’ve been dying to meet you, it took every ounce of my strength to make this form,” he said slowly.

“Who... what are you?”

He took a step back from me, and crossed his arms. “I’m what you could call... a demon.”

“A demon?”

“Yes,” he said. His voice was cool and collected. I envied that, since my heart was beating at a million miles per hour. I looked around the bathroom for some kind of weapon, anything to protect me. I stared up at the towel bar as he continued.

“Yes, for quite some time I’ve been trying to make this form — so I could meet you at last.” He followed my gaze to the towel bar and I gulped. He eyed me suspiciously but continued, “I need your help. I want to become full — human. But I can’t do it without you.”

“Why would I want to help you?” I gathered my knees under my arms and rocked a little against the tub. Water pooled around my naked body.

He raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you allured? Amazed? Intrigued by this body?” he touched himself and I followed his hands. He was strongly built, like an athlete, and his voice was something I had started to fantasize about. Dreamy and velvety. Just the right mount of snark and confidence. I bit my lip. But that didn’t mean I had to cave to his demands.

“I thought so,” he said. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes in contentment, and I took that chance. I leapt up from the floor and wrenched the towel rod off the wall, tearing a hole in the plaster.

My towel crumpled to the floor, I didn’t really have any way of keeping it on me. It would only hold me back.

I held up the bar like a baseball bat and braced myself. The demon took a step closer to me, and I yelled out, bringing a hard swing down on him.

It went right through him, like he wasn’t even there. Transparent tendrils of smoke curled around the bar as it passed through him. My momentum carried my arms downward and I smashed the bar into the mirror, sending a huge crack down its surface. I looked on in horror as the smoke reformed itself to his original shape.

He grinned. “You didn’t think that’d actually work, did you?”

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