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Authors: Lynne Silver

Rapture (2 page)

BOOK: Rapture
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Chapter 3

Guiding me by my stiff elbow he frog-marched me halfway down the hall to a candlelit room. A massage table stood in the center and some cabinets stood along one wall with multiple lotions and oils gracing a counter. I was thankful for my seminude state as the temperature of the room bordered on tropical. The staff uniform now made more sense to me.

“Hang your robe on that hook and hop onto the table,” Hunter instructed me.

“Faceup or facedown?” I queried delaying the inevitable.

He stepped into my space, nearly nose to nose and placed his hands on my upper arms gently. His fingertips circled in little patterns.

“What would you prefer, up or down?” he whispered.

Our eyes locked, and for a wild moment I fantasized skipping the massage altogether and throwing Hunter face up on the massage table and following him up there. But, I didn't want him to get fired or anything, and maybe I was reading his cues all wrong and the attraction was not mutual. I dared not risk making a complete fool of myself.

“Facedown,” I whispered. The better to hide my incredibly hard, nearly painful nipples, difficult to explain away given the heat in the room.

He stepped back pulling the sash of my robe with him, untying it in a gentle gesture. He then reached for the shoulders of the robe and deftly pulled it off me. He turned to hang it, while I dove for the cover of the massage table. The table was heated, padded and covered in bedding made out of the same fabulous material the robes were fashioned out of.

I commented to Hunter how terrific I thought the material was.

“Oh, you like it.” Hunter lit up. “I…” He looked as though he was about to say something else, but he finished with, “I'm so glad.”

I started to comment on something else, but at that moment, He placed his hands on my shoulder blades and the rest of the world stopped. Hands like his should be insured; they create magic. The knots in my shoulders grew heated and relaxed then disappeared altogether. Hunter worked his way lower toward my butt which was often sore from sitting at my desk for long hours. Petite moans escaped from the back of my throat, but self-consciousness was forgotten in the blissful haze that surrounded me.

My haze cleared somewhat when his fingers separated the globes of my ass and firmly maneuvered each cheek in opposite circles. Surprise invaded me; my last massage had not been quite so intimate. He circled twice more, then his thumbs slid between my butt cheeks and slid lower and deeper till he separated the lips of my vagina and stroked lightly. His other fingers continued to massage the knots out of my ass. A butt now firmly clenched against the surprise invasion.

Hunter could not help but feel my sudden tensing for he paused, questioning gently, “Catherine? Catherine, are you okay?”

I licked my lips. This was too erotic, too forbidden, too shocking to allow. Wasn't it? I should say something. But what?

“My…I…my last massage was not quite so, um, intimate. You know, he stuck to my legs and shoulders and stuff,” I managed.

His hands remained on my rear as he replied, “But, Catherine, this is what we do here. At Rapture, we firmly believe that true relaxation comes from a full body release. What better way to attain that than orgasm?”

“Orgasm?” I mouthed silently to the stone floor below me. Hunter would continue the massage until I came? My body gave an involuntary shiver filled with slight fear, but some anticipation. Could I allow this? I've indulged in some casual sex before, but never with a complete stranger and never one whom I was paying. Did that make Hunter a whore? Or what did you call it? A gigolo?

“Catherine,” Hunter repeated my name sounding like a patient schoolteacher. “I know this came as a shock to you, but I think your body could use a release. I feel such tension everywhere. May I continue?”

I turned to my side and propped myself onto one elbow, pulling the sheet to cover my bare breasts. “I have some questions first,” I stated.

“Of course you do, you're a lawyer,” he replied, an amused look on his face. “Go ahead.”

Questions jumbled about my brain; there were
so many
questions I wanted to ask. Rapture was a sensual massage parlor. His revelation explained so much. Like the skimpy technician uniforms and the sheer robes. And the two women making out in the hot tub. But, it opened up a dozen more questions, like…

“How is this legal? Don't the police raid you?”

He removed his hands from my body. “Well first of all, we don't offer sex for money. Sleeping with a client is strictly forbidden. Our certified massage therapists offer massage. If it results in an orgasm, well…” He shrugged.

“When most people hear of erotic massage, they think of Asian girls offering happy endings to older men. Rapture changed the playing field of erotic massage to offer strictly high end sensual massage to a discerning clientele. Remember, you signed that nondisclosure agreement,” he continued. “Our clients are satisfied enough to keep us discreet, only letting good friends know. Our business is all word-of-mouth, and you would not believe some of the mouths that walk through the door. We get actresses, politicians, you name it.”

“Oh, I'd believe it.” I nodded. “So that's why…” I trailed off feeling dumb. How had I missed the clues as to Rapture's true purpose? Even the name offered a clue.

“That's why, ‘what'?” encouraged Hunter.

“That's why there were all the questions about ethnicity and showers and the like. I'm such an idiot,” I chastised myself.

“You're not an idiot. You're sweet—” he smiled “—but yes, we try to offer every client her fantasy experience without actual intercourse. Male, female, two men, manual, electronic, black, white, Asian, you name it?”


He wordlessly padded over to a cabinet door and opened it. Inside was the largest collection of vibrators and dildos I had seen outside a sex shop. Then he turned back to me and smiled.

“See anything intriguing? Knowing what you do now, is there something different you would choose? Think about it, but I'd really like to finish your massage. Your body needs it.”

I considered his proposal briefly, glancing down at my body, which ranged in color now from pink as the roses in the corner of the room to fire-engine red. Hunter brought women to orgasm every day for a profession. This experience could literally be the greatest orgasm of my life.
, I reasoned,
technically I had not paid for it
. This massage was a gift from Lauren.

“Okay.” I nodded slowly. “Let's do it. Finish the massage, but no toys, just your hands.” Before I could lose my nerve I turned back around, buried my face in the doughnut shaped cushion and waited for his hands to work their magic again.

I didn't wait long. In a flash, he stroked his strong, sure hands over my shoulders to warm me up. Briefly he caressed my backside but then skipped my vagina and moved to the backs of my thighs. I squirmed in disappointment. My body waited for its dessert, but in the meantime, I enjoyed the sensation of lotion working its way into my legs. When he made his way to my feet, a sensual haze enveloped me again.

I once saw a chart pinpointing areas of the feet and their corresponding body part. He must have seen the same chart, since each caress and pressure point he touched, affected me. Mostly in my center. I could feel the folds of my vagina becoming damp. Discreetly I pushed my pubic bone against the table hoping to relieve some pressure. Nothing escaped his attention, and his hands slid easily up the backs of my thighs to my rear. He parted my butt cheeks with one hand, and slid one finger of his other hand deeply from my clitoris to the base of my spine.

I whimpered with delight and arched my ass off the table. Hunter chuckled and began the massage in earnest. Repeating the move he had done earlier before I cottoned onto the true purpose of Rapture, he massaged the globes of my butt while his deft thumbs worked their way more deeply into my vagina.

How could one man be so talented with just his thumbs? He stroked and plucked and started a rhythm that had me biting my lip and clutching the sheet on the table. When he slid one finger deep inside me and gently plucked my clit, I tightened against the impending orgasm.

“Let it out, Cat,” he urged softly. “You deserve this. You need it.”

He allowed me no room to retreat and continued sliding his fingers in and out while massaging every pleasure point with just the right amount of pressure.

My body writhed while I called out for deities as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through me, starting at my core and working their way outward. Finally I lay limp and sated like a rag doll on the table. Hunter allowed me about two minutes of rest, just gently rubbing my lower back, before he whispered.

“Time to roll over, Cat.”

I turned my head to the side and opened one lazy eye to stare at him in disbelief. There was more? I came. The massage was over, wasn't it?

Apparently not, because he gently rolled me to my side, removed the oval headrest then pushed me onto my back. He then placed two small pillows shaped like hot dogs under each of my knees, leaving my legs propped up and open.

I remained in a high state of relaxation throughout the whole transfer but was not out of it enough to miss the enormous erection Hunter sported. His boxer briefs hid nothing and stretched tightly over his swollen cock. I waited passively under my blanket for the next phase of the massage. Hunter said technicians could not sleep with clients, but should I offer to relieve him? It looked painful, and to be perfectly honest, I wanted to rub my hand up and down over his underwear. In fact, my palm itched with the need to squeeze his penis through his underwear then slip my hand into the waistband and stroke his silky head. Amazingly my own vagina clenched with excitement at the thought. I debated silently in my mind for a second before I made the offer.


“Hmm?” He glanced down at me from his position over my breasts where he looked to be setting up to rub concentric circles around them.

“Hunter, can I do anything for you? I mean for, you know…” I gestured to his cock with my hand grazing him slightly. His penis twitched at my touch.

He paused at my offer and sucked in a gulp of air. Then he offered a sad little smile. “Catherine, that is really tempting, but today is for you. This is
massage. I'll take care of myself later.”

“Okay.” I shrugged, a little hurt my offer had not been accepted, but erections must be an occupational hazard Hunter was used to. I closed my eyes and focused instead on the image of him “taking care” of himself later. I saw him naked in the shower, chest glistening with water droplets, one hand cupping his balls while the other stroked his shaft in a steady rhythm.

His continued massage only increased the pleasure I took in my daydream. After gently rubbing circles around my breasts while thumbing my nipples, he rubbed my abdomen. I giggled, slightly ticklish, so he moved lower to massage my inner thighs. The knots in my thighs and calves stretched then unwound as Hunter's magic hands worked their way around my legs. Then he moved back up separating my legs more, bending me at the knee and placing each foot flat on the massage table.

His hands centered right in on my still-wet vagina. I propped myself on elbows immediately.

“I thought we were done with that part of the massage,” I accused.

“Nope.” He cheerfully went to work.

I collapsed back against the table.

“This is ridiculous,” I muttered. “I've never come twice in a span of ten minutes.”

He placed a finger on my lips to shush me.

“You will today.” He moved his fingertips back down to rub the pad of his pointer finger against my clitoris. Another finger entered me while a third went even farther down to put pressure against my anus. I clenched in surprise then immediately felt the rush as he slipped a second digit into my vagina. I closed my eyes, my entire being focused on the male fingers at the center of my body. I could feel my juices sliding on my inner thighs and down to the sheet. I had never been this wet before. Hunter circled to the right side of my body and reached over my thigh to continue his amazing rhythm. I reopened my eyes to enjoy the glorious sight of his cock pushing tautly against the dark fabric of his underwear.

He was right; I would come a second time today. In fact, the orgasm flooded through me in an intense wave causing me to buck and squeeze his hand, trapping it between my thighs. Time stood still forever in that moment, and yet it was over all too soon.

“Oh, God. Oh, God,” I panted then lost coherent speech and could only purr with contentment.

He moved back down my body and began to rub my feet gently. I floated like a feather back to reality, but could not wipe the smile off my face. The world was a wonderful place. How could I have gone so long without sex? I vowed to pull out my vibrator from the back of the closet that very evening and pick up some batteries at the drugstore.

Hunter stood at the foot of the massage table for a few moments, just holding my feet. Then he smiled at me.

the massage is over,” he stated quietly, a hint of regret tinged his voice. “I'll walk you back to the changing room.” He gathered up my robe off the hook and helped me back into it. We strolled down the hallway silently, his hand a steady support on my elbow. At the door to the locker room, we paused in an awkward silence. What did one say to a stranger who had just witnessed you at your most vulnerable? I opted for a smile and a simple, “thank you.”

He smiled back and leaned in as if to kiss me passionately, but gently bussed my cheek. There was a profound silence, and then he spoke.

“Make an appointment with me for next week,” he ordered then softened it. “Please?”

“I'll think about it,” I agreed and backed into the women's locker room mentally capturing Hunter's face for future masturbation fantasies. I needed time to replay the morning events in my mind. I did not want to make a move on Hunter unless I had a guarantee it was mutual. Could anything be more humiliating than throwing myself at him only to learn his feelings were purely professional?

BOOK: Rapture
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