Read Ranger Bear (Rogue Bear Series 1) Online

Authors: Meredith Clarke,Ally Summers

Tags: #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Shifter, #Mate, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Fantasy, #Short Story, #Military, #Rogue Bear, #Ranger Teammates, #Promise Kept, #Brother, #Best Friend, #Defend Country

Ranger Bear (Rogue Bear Series 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Ranger Bear (Rogue Bear Series 1)
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is lips were
on hers and then suddenly she was looking at everything upside down. Kyle climbed the stairs, kicked open his bedroom door, and then laid her on the bed. His eyes were on fire, brimming with lust and hunger.

Whitney felt her core melting from the inside out. She had never seen blue eyes blaze like that before.

Kyle unbuckled his belt, shoving his jeans to the floor.

Her mouth dropped when she saw him. The moonlight streamed through the window, landing on his wide pulsing cock. She whimpered, wondering if she would be able to handle it. It was thick, long, and perfect.

On the walk from the house, she had convinced herself this was it. She’d throw herself on him and blame the wine. She’d tell him she had a bottle, when really she had stopped before the second glass. It was a full proof plan. But now she was naked. And he was naked. But holy shit he was huge.

He climbed on the bed, crawling toward her. His chest was broad. His shoulders like boulders bracing his frame on top of her. She reached toward his skin, desperate to trace the hard ridges on his abs where muscle met more muscle.

She had pictured him a hundred times in her dreams. How he would look in her bed. How his mouth feel against her breast. How he would sound in the dark. But nothing prepared her for this.

He kissed her neck and her throat. His hand roaming over her body, stopping to squeeze and press into her skin.

“I’ve wanted you since I saw you on that porch,” he growled into her neck.

“You have?”

She wanted to talk about it. Ask him why he hadn’t tried a single move. Why he never kissed her. But suddenly his fingers were between her legs and she couldn’t think.

“Mmmhmm. Wider, baby.” he urged, spreading her legs.

“Ohh,” she moaned, doing everything he asked. She was his to command.

She bucked forward when she felt him slip two fingers inside her. It was intense and strong the way he strummed against her.

His mouth covered her nipple, sucking until she thought she couldn’t take the sensations. She could feel the warmth between her legs, coating his fingers as he plunged in and out of her.

Her head thrashed to the side. The burning was taking over her blood again. She was going to come like this while he fucked her with his fingers. She gripped at his shoulders, needing him to ground her to the bed.

“Tell me what you want.” He nipped at her neck, before grazing his teeth over her shoulders. “Do you want me to make you come like this?”

She’d never said the words before. She’d never asked anyone to fuck her. But it was there on the tip of her lips. She didn’t know why, she only knew she needed it, she wanted it. Her body was on fire. Fueled by his tongue. By his fingers. By the weeks of dreaming of this moment.

She pushed off the mattress enough to roll on her stomach, her ass grazing his stomach.

“I need you to fuck me. Please.”

“Fuck,” Kyle groaned, gripping her hips. “Whitney…”

“I’ve wanted it every night.”

She couldn’t hear. She couldn’t think. She only knew she needed his cock buried deep inside her. So deep she wouldn’t know her name. Or his.

She wiggled her hips toward him, her tits bouncing under her, draping over the pillows. She pressed her palms against the wall, bracing herself for him.

His finger ran between her legs, massaging her with her own hot juices.

“So wet,” he groaned. “Spread your legs for me.”

She moved her knees wide, hoisting her hips for him.

“You are so fucking perfect.” His tongue licked against her, lapping at her bud until she was panting. “You taste like sugar.” He sucked the nub between his lips and she rocked her hips toward him, pressing harder against his tongue.

If he didn’t take her she would burst in flames. If his tongue felt like this she could only imagine what his shaft would feel like sliding in and out of here.

The desperation was clawing at her. For weeks this was all she could think about. She’d wake up with thoughts of him between her legs.

“I want to bury myself inside you. Hard and deep.”

She swallowed, forcing herself to keep breathing. “Yes.”

“Fuck you so hard you never remember any other man.”

“Oh, yes.” Her muscles clenched. Each word made her wetter.

“Fuck you until you beg me to stop, but scream for me to fuck you harder.”

The quivering in her core was tightening to a blistering pain. She might come just hearing him talk about fucking her.

She nodded. “Anything. Fuck me. Please.” She wanted rough and dirty. She wanted to be molded in his hands.

“This is what you’ve been thinking about?” His fingers curled deep inside her and she screamed.

“I can’t think about anything else,” she moaned.

“Don’t move,” he commanded.

She felt the bed bounce as Kyle stepped to the side. She heard him unzip his bag and in seconds he was behind her again. She heard a ripping sound, and looked over her shoulder to see him rolling a condom over the biggest cock she’d ever seen.

He pressed the tip of it against her entrance and she moaned. He felt hard and thick. She titled toward him, the heat of his shaft blazing against her. Any second he would be inside her.

“You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt you.” He kissed her back, but his tender lips turned to teeth and he nipped into her flesh.

“I want to feel it. I need it.” He was stretching against her entrance, and the pain was searing and soothing at the same time. It satisfied something inside her to know he was getting ready to thrust inside her.

He promised it would be deep and powerful. He promised he would be hard. She smiled, knowing he always kept his promises.

“I have to fuck you,” he growled.

And then she felt the slice of pain as he eased himself into her. “Ohh,” she screamed, needing something to hold on to, but Kyle grabbed her, slamming her back on to his shaft of hardness. Her hands were useless.

The white light hit her as she felt her body spiral away from her. He began pumping wildly against her. At first she wanted to fight against it, tell him it was too intense. It hurt too much, but as he thrust again and again she felt the tight coil in her belly turn to blissful pleasure.

“Oh, fuck, Kyle,” she moaned.

It was like nothing she had ever felt. She didn’t want him to stop. He pulled out of her, taking her to a new height, before sliding into her with fierce intensity.

The tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt the fever of her orgasm begin to ripple in her blood. She wanted to stop it, hold on to it, feel him pleasure her body with his cock and his tongue. Nothing had ever felt so powerful and out of control.

Weeks of wanting him had led to this. The sexual tension between them. The late night dinners. Working side by side on the house. All of it had led to this moment when she gave her body to him. He had to know he already had her heart.

Before she knew what was happening, Kyle had pulled her hips higher in the air, yanking her hair back. “I want you to be mine, Whitney.”

“Oh, yes...” She lifted her ass to him. “I already am.”

She clenched around him, gripping tighter with each thrust. He laid his body over hers and she felt the cool metal of his tags rake over her back before he reared up on his knees hiking her ass in the air with him.

He roared into her back as he throbbed deep inside her, vibrating against her inner walls. She knew his release was hitting him and she reveled in what she could give him. She whimpered and panted, desperate to hold him.

She could feel him pulse as her orgasm ripped through her, shattering her limbs into a million pieces. She screamed as he plunged into her. But she took it, needing it, wanting it, loving every breath, every thrust, every second like this.

His breath was ragged on her neck, his dog tags sliding along her skin until he pulled her against his chest, rolling on his side, his arms wrapping around her stomach.

“I-I-” She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what had come over her. Some sort of primal need had attacked her hormones from under her skin. She’d never been taken from behind. She’d never let a man lick her sweet spot. She’d never begged for sex. She’d never felt like her body was no longer hers.

“Shh.” He kissed her neck. “Sleep.”

And within minutes she heard the gentle vibrations of Kyle snoring behind her.


here was
something in his arms. He jerked forward and then remembered. Whitney. He closed his eyes. That wasn’t supposed to happen. But she showed up in that barely there T-shirt and his bear didn’t have much choice.

Fuck. She was asleep in his arms. He slid out from under her, pulling the sheet to her shoulders. His bear wasn’t gentle either. He had been rough and demanding. Pushing her farther than he’d ever asked a woman to go. He commanded her. What did he expect his bear to do?

He paced at the foot of the bed, watching her sleep under the moonlight. He knew why he had taken her the way he had. He wanted that damn condom to pop off. The harder he pumped inside her, the rougher he got. He wanted to claim her. Fill her with his seed. Fill those gorgeous hips with his cubs.

He couldn’t. He was leaving again. Maybe he had fixed everything on the property, but the minute he claimed her his promise to Sam was broken.

He couldn’t leave her alone and pregnant. He shook his head. Maybe when the next mission was over, he could come back to her. He could claim her. They could have what his bear always wanted. What his bear needed. But not now.

There was no end in sight. There was no time table that would give her what she wanted.

He watched her sleep. She had already been through so much. He knew she was doing everything she could to keep it together. She didn’t deserve any of what happened to her.

It was his job to protect her and give her everything she needed, but he had made another promise. A promise he hadn’t fulfilled yet. His knuckles were white. His jaw clenched.

She sighed and rolled over. His heart stirred.

He didn’t know how many hours passed like that, but he watched her sleep, feeling the need to protect her. To keep her safe. To guard her heart from all the hurt in the world. The problem was he knew he was the biggest hurt of all.

ood morning
.” Whitney smiled, pulling the sheet to her breasts.

“Hey.” He grinned. He had gotten dressed and returned to the apartment with two cups of coffee.

He placed one next to her on the nightstand.

This conversation wasn’t going to be easy. He pulled his shoulders back and focused on the mission. He knew it would be the hardest fucking thing he’d ever done.

“Thanks.” She sat forward.

God, did she know how beautiful she was? He wanted to take her back under the sheets and finish what he started last night, but he couldn’t. The call had come last night when she was asleep.

Her eyes landed on his bag next to the door.

“What’s that?”

He sat on the edge of the bed. “I have to leave.”

“Leave? Now? What? No. No.”

“My team has been reassembled. I pick up my orders at thirteen hundred, which means I’ve got to get on the road.”

Her eyes shot to his. He could see the tears welling in the corners, but she looked away before they spilled off her lashes.

“I know I said I’d finish everything on your list, but…”

“You think I care about the list right now?” She looked hurt.

He shook his head. “Whit, I’ve got to go.” He rose from the bed.

“You’re just going to leave? After…after last night? After I…” Her hurt had quickly transformed to anger.

He knew it was shitty. He may not have claimed her as his mate last night, but he sure as hell took something else from her. They had given each other their bodies so deeply their souls touched. It was hungry and primal, but it was what they needed to feed each other. To share the connection they had both been fighting for weeks. No woman would give herself like that to him, and he knew it.

He hung his head. What could he say to her? He couldn’t make promises. He knew what she wanted to hear. That he’d be back. He’d call. He’d write. Something. But he couldn’t guarantee any of those things.

It would only make things worse if he gave her hope. He had to cut that off now.

Tonight he would be back in Razastan and he couldn’t guarantee tomorrow. If he made promises he couldn’t keep it would hurt her far worse then if he just walked out the door.

“Kyle?” She stood from the bed, dragging the sheet with her as she walked across the floor.

“You knew I was a Ranger, Whit.” He threw the bag over his shoulder. He couldn’t even look at her. If he did his bear might not let him leave.

The tears in her eyes cut right through him.

She clutched the sheet in her fists. “When are you coming back?”

“I don’t know. Don’t plan on it.”

“What?” Her voice squeaked. “Can you call? Can you tell me if you’re all right?”

“No.” He turned for the door.

It was killing him. It was as if someone was knifing him right in front of her. Only she didn’t know it. She couldn’t see the pain. But it was there, cutting him and slicing his heart in shreds. He’d never felt anything like it.

“I never should have slept with you.” She spoke through clenched teeth.

He shook his head. “Probably not.”

He closed the door behind him, leaving her standing in the middle of the room.


hitney wandered
to the window and watched as Kyle threw his bag in the backseat of the Jeep before starting it up and driving away.

He was gone. He was actually gone. He drove away with every possession he had. Everything he owned was tucked in the back of that Jeep. He had mentioned it more than once. She realized now what a warning sign it had been.

It hadn’t been the only one, but she ignored them all. She plowed right through them desperate to land in his bed.

After last night, she couldn’t imagine he would ever leave. She sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the coffee mug he had brought her. No one had touched her like that. Looked at her like that. Possessed her body and soul in one blinding moment of bliss like that. He was as much hers as she was his. There weren’t words for what they did last night.

He didn’t kiss her goodbye. He wouldn’t even look at her.

Her clothes were folded neatly at the end of the bed. She pulled the T-shirt over her head, and made her way back to the house.

He was gone. Not gone for a weekend. Not gone for a business trip. Gone. There was no way to reach him. She couldn’t call or write. There was no email or texting. It was as if he had vanished.

It was as if last night hadn’t happened. There was no proof. No trace of him. Nothing. The man was a ghost.

She slammed the front door behind her. For a brief minute she had let herself believe there was reason to hold on to the house. Maybe Kyle was the reason. It could be their place. The place where they could build new memories. The place where they could create a new life together.

Why did she let herself think any of it was possible? There would never be a place he called home as long as he was a Ranger. She choked back the sob that was lingering in her throat. There was one thing worse than Kyle not being a Ranger—him not existing at all.

She glared at the fresh paint in the hall. Damn him. Damn Special Forces. Damn the evil in this world that stole him from her.

She stormed upstairs to the shower where she could scrub every inch of her skin and every trace of Kyle Brake down the drain.

BOOK: Ranger Bear (Rogue Bear Series 1)
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