Read Rajan's Seduction Online

Authors: Remmy Duchene

Tags: #Romance

Rajan's Seduction (11 page)

BOOK: Rajan's Seduction
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"Yo X, we should get going." Mack patted him on the back. "We are heading out to kinda soak in our new-found fame."

Xavier chuckled. "What fame? The movie isn't out yet."

"Don't mellow our high man." Muse pouted.

"We're gonna have a couple of beers tonight," Mack added. "Omega SWAT is going to run our beats for the next week so we can get some time off, don't forget X."

Xavier had forgotten. Taking a breath he wrapped

an arm around Rajan and nodded to Mack. "A week off sounds like heaven." He laughed.

Soon the CT were chattering happily amongst

themselves and leaving. When they were finally alone, Xavier flopped into a seat.

"So you think they liked it?" Rajan sat across Xavier's lap.

Xavier caressed Rajan's back and rubbed his tired

eyes. "I think they really liked it."

Rajan sighed and rested his head against Xavier's

shoulder. Wrapping his arms around his lover, Xavier closed his eyes. "What's the matter, Rajan?"

"I love you, you know that?"

"Yes and I love you too. That didn't answer my question."

"I'm just ready to be yours now," Rajan answered in a soft voice. "I didn't think I was ready before but now I know. I just had to tell you."

"Oh baby, don't worry about it. I'm perfectly ready to wait on you."

Rajan chuckled. "I bet you are."

"You've been hanging around with my team too

long. What do you say, I take you home now?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Rajan eased upward but stopped and kissed Xavier.

Like all the other kisses, Xavier sat there, allowing Rajan to hold his very heart in his hands. He enjoyed the kiss, savored it, loving the way Rajan sucked against his lower lip at the end of each kiss. He groaned.

"Oh, my! You just poked me." Rajan whispered.

"Good—that means you're doing it right."

Rajan laughed and climbed from his lap. Xavier

allowed the actor to pull him from the seat and Xavier clutched Rajan's hips, letting Rajan lead him from the theater and toward their car.

"Where'd Percy get off to?" Xavier questioned.

"I have no idea. He was saying something about an AA meeting—it's not going to work for long. This is like his fifteenth try or something since I've known him."

"Always falls off the wagon, eh?"

is an understatement."

* * * *

Rajan stood shirtless on the balcony. It was getting chilly again but not cold enough to warrant him to be fully dressed outside. He was thinking of his upcoming trip and the thought of leaving Xavier behind for a month to promote
Hostile Collateral.
The trip would take him to India, Japan and China. The wind ruffled his hair and he closed his eyes and lifted his head allowing the caresses of nature to travel down his neck, over his abs before sinking into his flesh.

Xavier's arms snaked around him from behind and

he rested backward into his lover's chest.

"Coming to bed?" Xavier asked, resting his chin on Rajan's shoulder.

"I don't want to leave you so early in our

relationship," Rajan admitted. "I just—I don't want to."

Xavier kissed his shoulder and a shiver flowed

through Rajan's body.

"I know you don't," Xavier answered. "But this is something you love doing. You signed a contract. I'll be here when you get back."

"I guess I'm still suffering from the whole

abandonment thing."

Xavier inhaled pressing a kiss to Rajan's neck

before speaking. "And that's all right. I won't feel like you're leaving me. This is business. Your past has nothing to do with us and it's not going to make me run away. I came from a strange family too with drive-bys and an alcoholic mother. It's just as bad as growing up without one or being left somewhere. Go on your tour. Promote, be free my love." He ended with a smile.

"A month though… Xavier that is a long gap in the beginning."

"We've been together for almost a year now—we

are past the beginning. I will miss you."

"No chance of you coming with me?"

Xavier turned Rajan around. "I can come with you but I'd have to meet you somewhere. I can't just leave the CT without planning. Besides, if you even think of running, just know I have the hook-ups with the US Marshals who in turn has the hook-ups with Interpol—I'd find you."

Rajan nodded with laugh. "Just the thought of you hunting me is a turn on." He kissed Xavier's chin. "All right, you can meet me in Shanghai and we can have a torrid affair but you have to keep it on the DL."

A smirk spanned Xavier's lush lips. Rajan tangled

his arms around Xavier's neck and inhaled deeply.

"And why is that?" Xavier questioned.

"So that my man doesn't find out, of course. He carries guns for a living."

"A gun? Sounds fun." Xavier pulled him closer and Rajan felt his lover's arousal pressing against his thighs.

Spreading his legs, he closed them around the hardness there. A growl left Xavier's body, one Rajan wasn't sure he'd heard before but loved.

"Oh, of course," Rajan replied softly. He allowed Xavier to take his lips.

Rajan's blood flowed hot through him. His racing

heart pushed it to every part of his body, making his arousal stiff and into Xavier's. When Xavier gripped his hair, tugging his neck back, Rajan sighed. He purred as Xavier's tongue travelled the length of his neck.

Rajan dragged his nails down Xavier's bare back

feeling his man arch into him. Xavier nipped at his neck, grazing his teeth against the flesh to kiss his pulse. His knees trembled. Holding on tighter, he lifted Xavier's head for his mouth again, plunging his tongue into the hot, wet heat there for him while he worked at unzipping Xavier's pants. Pushing his hands in the waist, pressing his palms flat against Xavier's delectable derriere, Rajan pushed the pants down around Xavier's ankles and pulled his mouth away.

"Lean against the rail." His voice was hoarse.

Xavier didn't reply. He stepped around Rajan. Rajan made sure Xavier was holding on tight before reaching around and pushing against Xavier's abdomen to get his booty out for him. Hunching down, he palmed both the SWAT officer's cheeks, spread them and stuck his tongue in. Xavier's primal cries filled the night air mixing with the sounds of the leaves dancing in the wind. Rajan trembled, sunk is tongue deeper and moaned. Grabbing Xavier's dick, Rajan pulled it down between Xavier's leg and pulled the tip into his mouth. He teased it with his tongue, easing his tongue into the uncut flesh and was rewarded with the delicious taste of pre-cum.

"Raj!" Xavier panted.

Rajan released him, stood and was leading Xavier

back into the bedroom when Xavier ambushed him. Rajan laughed but the sounds of mirth quickly turned into heated moans as Xavier's tongue slipped into his hole, withdrew and invaded him again.

"You don't play fair." Rajan panted.

"You want fair or dirty?" Xavier stressed his point by inserting a finger.

"Oh yes baby, dirty. Dirty is definitely better!"

Rajan flew high, riding back against the skillful

tongue tormenting him sweetly. He bent his back sticking his ass out, taking it deeper. "I need you to fuck me," he gasped.

Xavier led him into the room and Rajan lay on his

back, both legs hiked in the air, stroking himself slowly and watching Xavier get himself ready. When Xavier climbed between his legs, and slipped the head of his dick to Rajan's entrance, Rajan's legs took on a mind of their own

spreading wider. He knew what was coming—he knew

Xavier would make him lose his mind and profess his love over and over. He knew Xavier was his total undoing and he willingly gave his body over to that.

At the moment of penetration Rajan's hand moved

as though it had its own mind. He pressed a palm to Xavier's chest and watched it tremble. Each time Xavier went deep, Rajan's hand shook as though Xavier was

hitting a kind of nerve. He whimpered lifting his hips higher to take Xavier deeper and was rewarded greatly.


In reply, Xavier reached down to pinch each of

Rajan's nipples leaving him a shivering, orgasmic mess on the large bed. "Your turn."

Xavier smiled, leaning down to kiss him, sucked

against his tongue before inserting a finger into his freshly used hole. "My turn," he agreed.

* * * *

Lying on his stomach, Xavier arched his butt up

slightly. Rajan climbed on him, stretching his full length with Xavier while slipping his hard cock in between Xavier's cheeks. A moan escaped Xavier just as Rajan tangled their fingers together. In that position, Rajan was sliding so deep, hitting his spot with each entry. Xavier pressed his eyes closed and gave himself over to the repeated, welcomed breach to his body. Rajan kissed his neck, and ears sending a feeling of unbridled love vibrating through every part of him.

Slowly, their bodies rolled together, tangling and

untangling with soft sounds of love filling the air. Soft caresses coupled with hard thrusts pummeled every thought of logic left inside Xavier's head. The only thing he could remember was that he adored, loved the man with him.

"Rajan," he whispered. "Rajan."

"I'm right here, baby."

The reply swirled around Xavier's head just as his

penis tensed beneath his body, crushed to the bed and exploded. Heated liquid squeezed in against his skin but that was not a big deal when compared to the fact that his orgasm was storming through him, leaving him a

whimpering fool. Biting into the sheets, Xavier tried to stifle the shout of joy that wanted to be free. Rajan twisted his hips and the fight to remain somewhat silent was over and he lost. He reared his head back. His cries echoed through the room and into the Eros night before he slumped to the bed, panting for air.

He felt it when Rajan's orgasm coursed through him

for the actor's full weight crushed him into the bed yanking his hips backward. Hot liquid streamed from the mound of his ass down the path his spine made and settled between their bodies against Xavier's back. He moaned Rajan's name. For a while, the two men simply laid in that position, breathing heavily.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

Rajan asked, softly as rain could be heard falling out the window.

"No—I want to come with you." Xavier shifted. "I just can't. But the moment I can, I'm willing to meet you anywhere."

Rajan slipped from his back and Xavier pushed to

his side and onto his elbows to meet Rajan's gaze. "I love you…"

The smile Rajan gave him made him shake his head

in disbelief.

"You are beautiful. How I managed to snag you is beyond me."

"You snagged me because you trusted me."

Xavier laughed softly, pulling his come covered

body closer. "We're going to have to shower soon." He feasted from Rajan's lips.

Rajan groaned, wrapped his arm around Xavier's

neck and smiled impishly. "Sure. But right after round two."

"You're a slut, you know that?"

Rajan reached for Xavier's dick and squeezed. "I've been told."

The End


About the Author

Remmy Duchene is a Jamaican living and working in

Canada. He loves hockey, CFL, and sitting on the banks of lake Ontario.






[email protected]

Also by Remmy Duchene:

Available at
Silver Publishing

Country Soul


Savaro's Honey Buns

Rajan's Seduction

Available at
Red Rose Publishing

Caribbean Heat

All He Wants For Christmas

Available at
Phaze Books

Saddle Up 'N' Ride

Available at
Remmy Duchene's Website

Ripped Apart
(with Lee Owens)

Available at
Dreamspinner Press

The Caldwell Effect

For Your Love

Stocking Stuffer

"Hadrian" in
Sandals and Sodomy

Available at


Available at
Loose ID


BOOK: Rajan's Seduction
12.23Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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