Rage (Galactic Cage Fighters) (5 page)

BOOK: Rage (Galactic Cage Fighters)
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Talon shook his head again. There was no more talk as they began their practice. They were evenly matched and had
about the same amount of experience. The difference was, one of them fought as he if had everything to live for, while the other fought as if he had nothing else to lose.


Rachel smiled. The banquet was like a raucous college frat party. The male fighters tried to strut their stuff to impress the women in hopes of getting laid. Zen was one of the more obvious with his flirtations. He was a Felon, a mix of human with feline DNA. And he was hot!

The few female friends she had back home were huge fans of Zen. He was 6’8”, not as tall as Rage. He had the most beautiful hair Rachel had ever seen
, a mixture of gold and reds and blonds. His eyes were a strange green. Where Rage was ruggedly sexual, Zen was more smooth and suave. He attracted not only women, but men as well. From all the flirting he was doing with her this evening, it was clear he preferred women.

, leave the poor girl alone.” Alana slurred her words as she pushed at Zen’s shoulders, trying to get him to move back from Rachel. Rachel just shook her head at their antics and turned her attention to her roommate.

Ssstar, thisss isss my brother Esssan,” Sersan introduced her twin brother. He had the same scaly head and the same strange yellow eyes as his sister, but he was much bigger. Even with the scales, he was attractive.

“Nice to meet you
, Esan.”

“Human.” That was the only greeting he gave her before he walked away. His sister looked at him with frustration. Rachel ignored his rudeness and focused on looking
around the room at all those present, and noting all those not present.

introduced Rachel to her husband, Tipin. Tipin didn’t try to hide his sexual interest. She felt uncomfortable around both of them, even though they went out of their way to be nice to her. They even invited her up to their room for a late night drink. Rachel told them maybe next time. She quickly moved away from them and started to introduce herself to the rest of the fighters present.

She got a crick in her neck form looking up and up at Hammer. He was 7’ 2” tall, broad shouldered, shaved head, and the sweetest brown eyes she had ever seen.
Especially when he talked about his family.

Alana had to push Taurus over to be introduced. He was the sh
yest out of all the male fighters. He seemed uncomfortable being around a lot of people, especially women. His green eyes were so beautiful, it almost hurt Rachel to stare into them.

Both Rage and Talon were missing. She wondered where they were. Would they
come later?

“Looking for someone
, human?” Zara asked, coming up from behind her.

“Just wanted to see if there was anyone I hadn’t met yet. I wanted to introduce myself and hopefully break the ice.” Rachel tried to act nonchalant about it.

“You have met everyone but Rage and Talon.” Zara looked around the room, taking in the laughing group of people.

“Will they be
coming later?”

Zara took a sip of her drink. “Rage has plans of his own that will keep him occupied most of the night. Talon hasn’t been sociable
since … for a while. Too long, really. I think he needs a kick start to get back into the game.”

Zara suddenly started eyeing Rachel from top to bottom
, making Rachel suddenly self-conscious about her appearance. Sersan had assured her that she was dressed appropriately. She said that it was a casual banquet. Everyone else was wearing different styles, in a range from from casual to formal. Rachel felt that she looked good in her black tank top and leather pants. Sersan insisted on her wearing the black boots with the two-inch heels. Under Zara’s scrutiny, she had doubts that she measured up.

“Come with me
, human,” Zara didn’t wait. She walked out of the banquet room expecting Rachel to follow, which she did.

“Where are we going?” Rachel asked when they got into the elevator. Zara hit the button for the top level
, where most of the men’s suites were located.

Zara turned to Rachel, crowding in her space. “Look
, human, I have a male upstairs that is close to either going feral or into self-destruct mode. One human led him to this state. I am hoping that another human can bring him back around.”

Oh shit. Zara wanted her to
… be with Talon. “Replacing one woman for another doesn’t work.”

“We won’t know until we try. He
’s turned down all the halfsies sent his way. Maybe a pure human like the bitch that did this to him will pull him out of his slump.”

“I’m not sleeping with him just to make him feel better. I don’t even know him
,” Rachel told her, standing up for herself to the taller woman.

“Sleeping won’t be what he wants from you. But I
promise that I won’t let him force himself on you. It will have to be mutual if it happens.”

Rachel felt a little relieved to know Zara wouldn’t allow her to be forced.
Besides, she could use this to her advantage. She needed to get close to Talon for her investigation, so she should use this opportunity to its fullest.

achel followed Zara down the hallway and stopped outside of a door. Zara knocked and they heard grumbling from inside. Just as Talon’s door opened and Zara stepped inside the room, giggling from down the hallway caught Rachel’s attention. She turned to watch in stunned silence as Rage walked off the elevator escorting two scantily dressed women, one on each arm. They headed to what Rachel assumed was his suite at the opposite end of the hallway. Rage whispered something to the blond bimbo, making her giggle again as he opened the door for the women. As he turned to close his door, he looked up and caught sight of Rachel standing there watching.

Rachel quickly looked away and walked into Talon’s
suite, closing the door behind her. She tried to ignore the pain that shot through her chest at having seen Rage with the other two women. They were halfsies, not pure human like her. That must be what he preferred. She concentrated on the male in front of her instead, who was staring at her as if he was looking at a ghost.

He didn’t speak to Rachel
. Instead, he addressed Zara. “What are you doing here and why did you bring
with you?”

“It’s time
, Talon. You have to shake off that female’s clutches and start living again. I brought the newbie here hoping that facing her would give you an opportunity to confront your demons.”

“How should I do that
, Zara? Do I fuck her or beat the shit out of her?” Talon yelled. Rachel jumped back, but Zara didn’t move an inch.

“You wouldn’t hurt her unless she was in a match with you. We both know that. But you have some things that you need to get out of your system. You can’t do
that with the people that you know, the people who care for you. Maybe a stranger will be easier for you to talk to.” Zara squeezed his shoulder with obvious concern and affection. “I’ll come back for her in a couple of hours.” Then Zara left Rachel alone in the room with the volatile man.

He sighed before he plopped himself down in a nearby chair.
“Might as well sit, human.”

“Rachel,” she told him as she sat on the edge of the sofa.

“What?” he looked at her with confusion.

“My name is Rachel.”

“Oh, mine’s Talon.”

There was an uncomfortable silence. She had planned to introduce herself in a different way. Possibly flirt with him or something. This was not what s
he had in mind. She was pissed that Zara would just leave her here at the mercy of a man who was clearly unstable.

“So, did you want to fuck
me or beat the shit out of me?”

Chapter 6


Why did she ask him that?
She didn’t know, but she was glad. Talon burst out laughing, easing the tension in the room immediately. She joined him in laughing.

“Neither. No offense,” he told her
, smiling a sad smile.

taken. How long have you been with the GCFA?”

“Six circuits now. Have you been on other circuits?”

“No, this is my first. But I’ve been training and fighting since I was kid.”

“Bullies at school?”
He quirked his dark eyebrows at her.

Rachel laughed
. “How did you know?”

“You’d be surprised how many
fighters’ stories start out that way.”

Rachel found herself relaxing in his company.
To keep him talking, she kept the conversation light. Talon was an attractive man. He had sculpted cheekbones and light blue eyes set off by his warm brown hair. Pretty eyes, but they were filled with sadness.

“Sorry you got roped into coming up here and hanging out with my depressing ass.” He gave her a

“Zara said that a human wronged you and hoped that another human could set things right.”

“Damn Zara! She needs to mind her own business. She never liked Lindy because Lindy was human.”

Who’s Lindy?”

My ex-girlfriend.”

“Do you want to talk about what happened?”

“No. Look human, Rachel, I’m really tired and I think you should leave.”

Rachel didn’t want to end their conversation, but
she knew pushing him too soon would cause him to clam up. “Okay. I’m sorry if I made you angry. I hope we can talk again sometime.”

Instead of shutting her down, Talon n
odded his head. That was a good sign. She might not have gotten any answers tonight, but maybe building trust between them will lead her to the answers.

“Good night
, Rachel Starr.”

“Good night
, Talon.” She walked out of the room feeling more determined than ever to solve this case. Talon appeared genuinely hurt. Whatever happened between him and Lindy, Rachel didn’t think he had anything to do with Lindy’s disappearance. She knew she was letting the case start to affect her, but once she become friendly with the people involved, it was hard not to be affected. She needed to keep her perspective if she was going to find the women, including Lindy.

She made her way to the elevator. H
er eyes glanced at the closed door of Rage’s room. Were the women still in there? Was he fucking both of them senseless? She was angry with herself for obsessing over what he was doing. She didn’t even know the man. Why did it bother her so much? She turned her back on his suite and looked at the closed elevator doors, waiting for them to open.

Is Talon finished with you already, little human?”

was startled. She had not even heard the door to his room open. But here he was, just a few feet from her. His shirt was hanging loose and open, revealing his broad chest and tight abs. On his chest was a patch of hair that made Rachel want to run her fingers through it.
Where the hell did that thought come from?

Did your two friends tire you out already?” she retorted. What was taking the elevator so long?

“Actually, the other way around.
They can never keep up with my stamina.”

Rachel wanted to make another smart aleck remark but thought better of it. This man had been in the circuit over
ten years. He was best friends with Talon. He might have answers she needed. She sighed as she turned to face him.

She stuck out
her hand to shake his. “Rachel Starr.”

raised an eyebrow as he eyed her hand. He reached out and engulfed her smaller hand in his large warm one. Sparks sizzled up her arm from the point of contact, going all throughout her body. Her nipples tightened immediately in response.

“Rage,” his voice rumbled. He didn’t let go of her hand right away. He seemed to be examining how small she was compared to him.

Rachel tugged to get her hand back. “I know.” When he gave her a smug smile, she tried to cover up her slip. “I’ve seen you fight before.” Now she sounded like a deranged fan. “I mean, my Uncle Ted used to watch you fight and …” Damn it, no matter what she said, it made her seem like an idiot. She blushed for the first time in years.

, the human woman was adorable. She stuttered and blushed. Rage knew she was trying hard not to stare at his exposed chest. It was disconcerting too. He had never thought of a woman being adorable. Sexy and hot, yes. But never adorable. Somehow, this small blond human was all of those things rolled up into one, and his inner best was captivated.

Her bright blue eyes were arresting.
Her light blond hair made those blue eyes pop. She wore tight leather pants that had his tongue practically hanging out of his mouth, and those heeled boots were driving him insane. He wondered if Talon had seen what was beneath. He resented his friend for the first time ever.

He didn’t understand why he reacted to the female the way he did. The moment he saw Rachel go int
o Talon’s room, he had felt his beast rise up within him.
She belongs to us, go get her!
He was confused. His beast had never voiced an opinion about a woman before now. He was perfectly content to sit back and enjoy the ride. But not with this little human.

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