Read Race to Destiny 4 Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Race to Destiny 4 (3 page)

BOOK: Race to Destiny 4
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She wrapped her arms around his middle and laid her head on his chest, sobbing.  She cried for a long time, letting out all of the pent up feelings from the last several weeks.  She cried for the abuse and degradation she suffered at the hands of Roarke, for having to flee the country and leave her friends and family behind, and she cried for the danger she had been through in the past twenty-four hours.  She let go of it all while Striker held her and never said a word.

When she ran out of tears, she began to quiet and draw in deep breaths of air.  It was then when she began to come back to herself, she was mortified with what she had done.  As she went to pull back with a gasp, Striker again tightened his arms saying, "Don't."

I...uh...just need a little space,” she whispered.

I know but later, you are scared and throwing off a lot of vibes right now, just let me comfort you.  Please,” Striker said and she nodded.

She sighed, allowed him to hold her, and laid her head more comfortably on his shoulder, still sniffling.  As she lay there, she became aware of how warm he was and how good he smelled.
  Damn it all to hell, she had been having these thoughts at the most inopportune time lately.  First with Striker and then with Eric, who had been sent by the Senate to help her get to their home.  She was more than willing to just ignore the feelings, however they just kept freaking touching her, and it drove her nuts when they did.  Mia was almost convinced herself they had put some kind of spell on her.  Never before had she had this reaction to not just one but two men.  

Mia was convinced they knew it too, she had seen both of them smile at her when she had the thoughts running through her head.  It made her wonder if they could read minds as well.  She was not sure of Eric
’s abilities, he had not really told her much.  They were just getting to know one another and packing to leave when the Clan was attacked.  She felt sick to her stomach thinking of all the trouble people were going through just for her.

She nuzzled her face into Strikers chest as he held her tight, letting his warmth soothe her. 
He held her tightly but yet tenderly.  She felt the hardness of his chest and the strength from his arms.  Closing her eyes she thought of his and Eric's bodies.  Then her thoughts changed and Mia felt herself getting wet just thinking about how it would feel to be skin to skin with both of them.  She felt and heard Striker growl a low growl, the rumbling in his chest sending little tingles between her thighs.  She rubbed them together as if she could stop what was happening to her.  She knew he had heightened senses and could tell she was aroused.  She was so embarrassed that she just wanted the floor to open and swallow her whole.  


Striker sat on the bed with Mia in his arms and he was in agony.  She smelled so good and all he wanted to do was lay her down on the bed in order to lick her from head to toe.  He felt like a heel even thinking that way with all that she had been through.  He knew from the information he had been given that she had been through hell and back with
the jackoff, Roarke, and now with the attack on his Clan.  She was human and he had to keep reminding himself of that.

Since the day he had met her plane and had taken her hand in his, he knew she was his.  He had gotten a call from Dante, an old friend, and now member of the new Senate, who had asked him to pick up a human from the airport and keep her safe.  He owed Dante several favors as they had known each other at least two lifetimes and had not hesitated to agree to help.  When Dante had explained that this human woman had been a victim of Roarke, whom Striker had heard all about,
he had been angry.  He despised anyone who thought to use humans, most especially women and children.

He had gone to meet the plane and when the tiny human woman had stepped off, he had been stunned.  She was beautiful
, all wrapped up in a small package.  She stood at around five foot five with a slender body from what he could tell with the baggy clothing she was wearing.  She had long, auburn hair that fell to her waist in waves.  Her features were petite and her green eyes told of her pain.  She had seemed so pale and withdrawn; to him her spirit seemed lost.  He had slowly held out his hand, holding it out in offer to shake hers.  When she placed her tiny, delicate hand in his larger one, he had felt the connection.  He had known then and there that she was his mate.  He'd had to control his response, focusing to remain calm, and smiled at her in welcome.

Once they had gotten back to his Clan's compound, he had tried to give her time to heal.  Cami, the Chosen female Alpha, had cautioned him that she was healing physically and mentally from the abuse she had suffered.  He had called the Alphas himself to get a detailing of what had happened to his mate at the hands of Roarke. 
Quin and Jaden had their mate speak to him as she had spent a great deal of time with Mia.  Cami refused to tell him specific details saying that Mia would say when she was ready.  She did tell him that Mia was suffering and needed time to heal.

He had done his best to give Mia space and allow her to become comfortable in his presence.  He spent time with her each day, talking to her, getting to know her.  Little by little, she began to come out of her shell.  He had even begun to see her smile a few
times and once had even gotten a small laugh out of her.  That was when his heart had almost ceased to beat; the sound of her laugh had reached deep into his soul and ignited it.  He had wanted to wrap her up in his arms but had to stop himself, as he knew she wasn't ready for that yet.

He also knew she thought of him as a werewolf, which he was not.  Striker was a three hundred year old vampire.  He had seen that becoming aware of the existence of werewolves had completely unnerved Mia, so he had wanted to wait to tell her what he truly was until she was more comfortable.  He knew it was a big gamble, but he didn't want to scare her any more than she already was.  She had been through enough trauma.

“Eric is coming soon.  He will want to know you are okay,” Striker said, smiling on the top of her head.  She needed to get used to them together.  So far, it had been a little bit, but both men were getting restless about the lack of contact with their mate.

For one moment, time froze and Striker's heart stopped as he realized that all the work that had been wrought to bring Mia out from behind her carefully built wall had just been destroyed.  His heart twisted and he raised his hand to his chest as if he could physically feel the pain.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he felt Mia sag against him as she fell into an exhausted sleep.  She had worn herself out completely with her crying.  He knew she would feel better after letting some of her emotions go, but where would that leave them?  He stood with her in his arms and then turned to tuck her into the bed so she could have a good rest before they had to move again.  Staying in one place wasn’t safe at the moment, they would need to keep moving and get to the Senate as soon as possible.

Chapter Three



Once he determined that he hadn’t been followed, Eric went up to their suite and let himself in.  Striker was in the living area checking his laptop and looked up at Eric as he walked in.

"Any problems?
” Striker asked.

"No, you?
”  Eric answered.

Striker shrugged.  "She took a shower and then lost it in the bathroom.  She was sobbing and I couldn't help it.  I went in and picked her up."

Eric looked at Striker's haunted eyes and said, "She let you pick her up?"

"Yeah and then I held her on the bed while she cried it out.  She's asleep in there now
,” Striker said with a faint smile.

Eric was shocked.  "Wow."

"Yeah.”  Striker got up and stretched.

"That's...well...that's amazing
,” Eric told him.

Striker nodded.  "Even after she was done crying, she stayed in my arms and fell asleep."

"Lucky bastard,” Eric whispered.

Striker grinned.  "Can't help it.  I know she is in pain and terrified but it was so good just to hold her, even for a little while.  Although I must admit as well that it was just as painful."

"I think I know what you mean.  Still, you got to hold her and she let you,” Eric told him with envy.

"Should I tell you just before she fell asleep I smelled her arousal?
” Striker asked with a smirk.

,” Eric muttered.

"Anyway, what did you get?
” Striker asked with a little laugh.

"I got us all jeans and t-shirts.  I wanted us to blend in
,” Eric told him.

Striker grimaced.  "Good idea."

"I also got us sneakers and some odds and ends.  Like toothbrushes, sunglasses, hats, and I picked up a book for Mia.”  Eric colored a little as he mentioned the book to Striker, but he hoped Striker didn't notice.

He didn't get his wish.  Striker's eye narrowed.  "What kind of book?
” he asked in what seemed like a curious tone but Eric heard the tone underneath, the demand.

"I got her a romance, okay?  I thought maybe if she read a happily ever after
…" Eric shrugged.  "I don't know.  I thought it might help."

Striker seemed to think about it for a minute and then said, "Maybe it will.  Good thinking."

Eric grinned and said, "And it's a ménage."

Striker rolled his eyes.  "Now you are pushing it."

They both laughed.  "What have you been up to?” Eric asked as he began to sort the clothes out of the bags.

Striker glanced back at his laptop, one of the only things he had been able to grab from the compound before they ran.  "I was checking the email the Clan set up but no one has posted yet."

"Do you think we can send the Senate an email?  Or better yet, call them?” Eric asked.

Striker shook his head.  "Not yet.  Not from here.  We need to get further away from her
e and closer to the Senate compound.  We don't know who we can trust at this point."

"I agree
,” Eric told him.

"So we'll stay here for tonight and head out tomorrow
,” Striker said.

"Yes.  Okay, I think we should order dinner so when Mia wakes we can get her to eat
,” Eric suggested.

"Okay.  Grab the menu.  I am going to have to go out for a little while
,” Striker told him.

Eric understood, Striker needed to feed.  It was going to be dark soon and he could go out to find a donor.  Vampires were not what humans made them out to be.  They didn
’t kill for blood, most didn't take from live donors anymore.  They got their blood from blood banks that were mostly run by vampires.  However, in their situation, Striker didn't bring any bags with him.  Due to his age, he only needed to feed every few days, if that.  He could eat real food it just didn't nourish his body the way it nourished the human body.  He needed the blood to survive.

Eric nodded to Striker and said, "There is a bar just down from hotel, not even a block.
”  It seemed like it would be the easiest place to find what he needed.

"That will be perfect
,” Striker said as he closed his laptop and slid it back into its carrying case.

Eric picked out an outfit for Mia with some fresh underwear and set it aside.  Then he handed Striker a fresh set of clothes and took one for himself.  The rest he packed in the duffel bag he had bought in case they had to move in a hurry.  That was the way
of life on the run and that is just what they were doing, running.  He just hoped it wasn't for long.


Mia woke slowly, safely tucked in the king size
d bed by herself.  She laid there and listened for any noises.  She couldn't hear anyone in the room with her and she was surprised.  The two men with her had hovered around her since she had met them.  Not that she minded it, but when they suddenly weren’t there, it made her feel strange, like something was missing. She knew their smell; she could close her eyes and know which one had come to check on her just by their scent.  They were there to help her get to the Senate where she had been offered a job, which was awesome, however she wondered where the men would be then, would they completely disappear, because the thought of never seeing them again put a knot in her stomach.  Cami had been kind and helped her get established in Europe.  There was only one problem with the two men the Senate had chosen to escort.  Did they have to be so damn hot?

She knew she was
a little broken, kinda like being a little pregnant as far as she was concerned but it was the only way she could describe it.  She had been abused by Roarke mentally and then they had beaten the crap out of her several times, but she was alive.  She was a woman who had realized over the last couple of weeks that she was getting her pissed off attitude back after figuring she was going to be killed by the pricks.  Therefore, in addition to the rage inside she was also becoming attached and attracted to two men.  She was one completely fucked up woman, but hey, she could blame it on PMS until she sorted them out, right?  Her only problem, was those feelings were beginning to grow deep for her two escorts.  That had been proven today when she had gotten wet just sitting on Striker's lap.  God, it had felt so good to be held in his strong arms and to have been comforted.  She wished she could have woken up snuggled in his arms or Eric's.

Striker and Eric were both very tall and had very sexy, hard bodies.  Where Eric had long, blonde hair that he always pulled back in a ponytail, Striker was dark.  His hair was black and hung down to brush the top of his shoulders.  Both men were very handsome and seemed mysterious to her.  Striker was dark and brooding
and Eric was the opposite.

Eric seemed to have this inner light that shone out of him.  She had known from the moment she first met him that she could trust him.  That he would be kind to her.  She did
n't know how she knew that but she did.  She also didn't miss the look that Striker had when he saw that she had taken to Eric quickly.  Since then she had tried to treat them the same, she liked them both but knew she could never have them.  She was damaged goods for right now, she needed to work that out.  Maybe if she kicked someone’s ass it would make her feel better, but who?  She didn’t know, but her rage wouldn't be contained for long. 
Hmm…maybe she needed to stop at a bar that way it would be a stranger,
Mia shook her head, and laughed to herself, and this was so out of character for her.  But Cami explained to her that living in the paranormal world was vastly different.  She was seeing that now, and Mia knew she was going to have to fit in some way or another.  Channeling her inner bitch seemed to be a good thought.

She got up out of the bed and noted that her towel was still tucked around her.  She glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was early evening.  She was surprised she had slept the afternoon away.  She hurried into the bathroom to use the facilities and to try to tame her hair
, which had frizzed out everywhere.  As she began to finger comb her hair and rewet it, there was a light knock on the door.

"Mia?  It's me.
”  Eric's voice came through the door.  "I…ah, got you some things.  I'm going to leave them out here on the bed and shut the bedroom door.  Come join us in the living area when you are dressed."

"Okay.  Thank you
,” Mia answered him.

When Mia heard the bedroom door close a little loudly, she smiled and carefully opened the bathroom door.  She peeked out and saw that true to his word, there were items on the bed and
the door was shut.  She clutched the towel to her as she approached the bed to see what Eric had brought her.  She saw he had gotten her a t-shirt, underwear, and a pair of cotton pajama pants.  He had also left her a pair of wooly socks, deodorant, a hairbrush, and a toothbrush with paste.

She quickly dressed in the clothes and slipped on the socks.  Then she took the rest of the items into the bathroom.  She applied the deodorant and then brushed her teeth.  She felt so much better after that.  Then she got to work on her hair.  Once she had it tamed, she
headed out to join the men in the living area.  She wiped her palms on her legs before she went to reach for the door.  She couldn't believe how nervous these two men made her.

She opened the door to the living area and saw that Eric was seated at the dining table in the corner of the room.  He was setting some covered dishes on it when she opened the door.  He looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey there.  Sleep well?” he asked as she stood there.

Mia nodded.  "Yes, thanks.  And thank you for everything.  I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem.  I got you some more clothes. I put them in the big duffle bag over there.”  He pointed to the corner by the door.  "I wanted to keep everything we aren't using together in case we have to move quickly."

He meant in case they were attacked again
, she thought.  She felt her muscles tighten up as she began to tense just thinking about the previous attack. 
Speaking of attack,
she thought.  "Where is Striker?” she asked.

"He had to go out to check on something.  He will be back soon
,” Eric explained.

"Oh, okay
,” she said, worried because they weren't all three together.

Eric walked over to her and reached out to hold her hand.  "It's okay.  He will be back soon.  I promise.
”  When he held her hand, he could feel her shaking and how tense she was.  "Hey, hey. Let's eat something, okay?  We're okay here."

Mia heard his calming voice and tried to calm herself down but couldn't seem to do it.  Eric saw her struggle and decided a little Fae magic would be helpful.  He released a little euphoria through his fingers into hers, just enough to pull her back from the panic attack he saw coming.  He also held out his arms, giving her the choice as to whether or not to let him hold her.  She walked into his arms stiffly but as soon as his arms closed around her, she began to relax a little.  The euphoria he gave her helped settle her more and he felt her sag in his arms.

He turned his head and kissed her temple, inhaling her scent.  She smelled so good, she smelled like his mate and he wanted to make her his so badly.  Obviously, that wasn't going to happen any time soon so he quickly tried to tame his libido.  She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist.  They stood there like that for a few minutes and then Eric leaned back enough to look her in the eye.

"Are you okay now?
” he asked softly.

She nodded.  "I'm so sorry
,” she whispered, not looking him in the eye.

He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look her in the eye.  Her eyes were shimmering with tears and he said, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Mia.  Nothing.  Now come, let us get something to eat.  Striker will be back soon.  He will eat all the food if we don't hurry and c
hose our plates."

That got a small smile out of her and she nodded.  He led her gently over to the table and the
y both sat down.  He uncovered the plates and then gestured to all the food.

"Please, pick what you want
,” Eric said to her.

Mia looked at each plate.  He had ordered a lot of food.  There was a steak with baked potato, spaghetti and meatballs, cheeseburger and fries, Philly cheesesteak sub, a couple of different salads
, and fish and chips.  It all smelled so good but she really loved Philly cheesesteaks and Eric knew that.  She chose the cheesesteak and Eric handed her a soda, her favorite.  She smiled her thanks and began to eat slowly.  Her stomach was still upset from before and she didn't want to overwhelm it too quickly.

Eric chose the cheeseburger and began to eat.  Neither really spoke while they ate, Eric noted that Mia kept staring at the main door.  He wondered was she waiting on Striker to come through or for someone to break in.  He figured it was both and tried to reassure her.

"He really will be back soon, but I'm here and will protect you,” Eric said.

BOOK: Race to Destiny 4
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